View Full Version : RFA-NJ 4th Annual Striper A Thon Trip
04-04-2012, 09:06 PM
Ok here is the official sign up post for this years spring striper trip.
Trip will be hosted again this year by Capt Ron on the Fishermen so you know it will be a good trip. Trip wil be on Saturday April 28th
Boat will depart 7 AM sharp from Atlantic Highlands Municipal Harbor. Fare will be $100.00 PP / includes trip, food, beverages and tip for mates. Optional pool, raffles etc same as previous trips.
Sign up / Payment on RFA-NJ website should be available tomorrow but you can post your name here , pay as soon as possible and I will honor your boarding order position since the trip is only a few weeks away.
Full details in " link" below.
Look forward to the usual cast of characters and hopefully some new faces. Striper fishing is good already!! Trip is open to all and I have been getting a lot of phone calls so sign up quick. Boarding order sign ups will be honored both from NJ fishing/ RFA-NJ sites and phone. Looking to get 40 fares +/- a few.
Thanks for your continued support.
1) Mopar Charlie
2) Sam the Sinkerman
3-12) Greg Heiser and crew from PA
13) MRod
14) Shrimpman
15) Wonderfulfishing
16-17) Vinntastic + Big jack
18) KutisB
19-20) SBurns
21) Dave Meseck
22) Keith M
23)Terry D
24) Don S
26-27) Jeff Criswell
28-31) Matt Henry
32) Mike Tully
33-34) Ralph (Maximo) Cesse
35) Frank P
36) Steve W
04-04-2012, 09:50 PM
I'm in 1st
Paid thru RFA website and paypal.
04-04-2012, 10:12 PM
In for 2.
04-04-2012, 10:26 PM
Nice start!
The Sinker Man
04-04-2012, 10:29 PM
You got me 2 weeks ago...I.m in...
M Rod
04-04-2012, 10:42 PM
Put me down for one
shrimpman steve
04-04-2012, 10:49 PM
in for one
04-04-2012, 11:44 PM
Please count me in.
04-05-2012, 12:28 PM
100 bucks this year?? how come?? its was 85 last year
04-05-2012, 05:54 PM
Me And Big Jack Will Be There;)
04-05-2012, 05:55 PM
I'm in.
04-05-2012, 09:14 PM
Debra and I will be there!
04-05-2012, 09:29 PM
I'm sorry to say that I will be unable to make this trip. We are having a 2 year old birthday party for my son on that day.
I'm sure you guys will have a blast and Capt Ron will put you on the meat! Good luck! Hope they bite good.
04-06-2012, 12:03 AM
I'll take a spot. Definitely worth the trip down from LI to support a very worthy cause.
04-06-2012, 08:49 AM
Over half filled in 2 days!!. This site is amazing. Thanks for the continued participation. Looks like a great crew and with Capt Ron, Chris and Robbie we will be in for a great day on the water.
Registration and payment information is now available on
Thanks Adam.
04-07-2012, 03:25 AM
just paid wow a couple busy days at
the shop and I missed the top 10 and top
20 spot I'd be willing to trade up my for a nice
sweatshirt or something ( not sure if that's breaking
any rules) but if not highest spot will
be taken care of gotta get an hour sleep now
hitting capt Ron's boat for some practice
M Rod
04-07-2012, 05:04 AM
how am i the 5th person to reply yet the 15th to board.
Fish The Drop Off
04-07-2012, 08:12 AM
how am i the 5th person to reply yet the 15th to board.
M Rod,
The Hester group does not post on the site. They were informed of the trip and took the spot when we contacted them.
Thanks for the support, guys. It is great to see. While I will not be able to attend this one, I will make sure I can attend the next one. I need to get a keeper on one of the trips soon. LOL
Guys, enjoy the trip and thanks again
shrimpman steve
04-08-2012, 07:27 AM
just paid wow a couple busy days at
the shop and I missed the top 10 and top
20 spot I'd be willing to trade up my for a nice
sweatshirt or something ( not sure if that's breaking
any rules) but if not highest spot will
be taken care of gotta get an hour sleep now
hitting capt Ron's boat for some practice
I could use a shrimpman sweatshirt:D, it's gotta be xxxl
04-09-2012, 10:18 AM
Dales, I'll be back from the annual Florida trip but unfortunately my cousin is getting married in Norther Jerz Friday night 27th pretty sure we aren't making the early start on Saturday. Good luck with the first of many RFA trips this year, you will def have my support for all future trips...
04-09-2012, 08:10 PM
just paid wow a couple busy days at
the shop and I missed the top 10 and top
20 spot I'd be willing to trade up my for a nice
sweatshirt or something ( not sure if that's breaking
any rules) but if not highest spot will
be taken care of gotta get an hour sleep now
hitting capt Ron's boat for some practice
04-10-2012, 01:12 PM
Due to a work related issue, I will not be able to make the trip-please remove my name and 2 spots from the list.
04-13-2012, 08:30 AM
2 Weeks to go and we seem to have stalled at 26 sign ups. Ususally goes that way until the last week but I am sure people will step up again as usual. Excellent crew already and some pullers to say the least
Fishing has been excellent with just a few "off" days here and there. Some real quality fish being taken. There is no doubt Capt Ron , Chris and Robbie will do their part.
Some door prizes are drifting in and there will be the usual great tackle to win. We have Handmade Diamond Jig packs from our own Sam The Sinkerman as well the infamous Jesrey Jays Krocs and Spoon packs. These are made by sponsers and just put a hurtin on the bass. Plenty more to come.
Hope you will look at the big picture, come out for a great day on the water and fish, eat and drink with your friends, sponsers as well as meet some new faces.
04-13-2012, 10:29 PM
I hate to say this but I have to back out of this trip due to a schedule change to my son's soccer schedule. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you are doing raffles I'd still like to send a check for a few in order to support a good cause. Send me a PM if that is possible.
04-14-2012, 06:57 PM
I hate to say this but I have to back out of this trip due to a schedule change to my son's soccer schedule. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you are doing raffles I'd still like to send a check for a few in order to support a good cause. Send me a PM if that is possible.
Crabcake. No problem, Family comes first, I am sure your son appreciates you attending his games. great time to spend together and they dont forget it. PM sent
Skolmann, same deal work gets in the way sometimes. Catch with you next time.
Anyone on the fence for whatever reason be advised that as important it is to support the groups that fight for our fishing rights and for me the RFA-NJ Chapter we understand that not everyone can make it for whatever reason. For those that can these trips have really turned into a fun time on the water with great people, super captains and sometimes even a fish or two. The fundraiser, raffles etc add an extra mantra to the day and we certainly appreciate everyone who makes the attempt.
shrimpman steve
04-15-2012, 09:36 AM
come on guys! a good cause, a great boat, and fantastic people. It would be a shame to cancel due to lack of activity!
let's get some new faces on this trip! get off the couch and go fishin:D
The Sinker Man
04-15-2012, 02:26 PM
Dave and Fran and a few others go through alot of time and effort putting these trips together...Captains and crews give up their boats and time for 40 of us when they perhaps could be railed at this time of year...Food, soda, water and a donation is included and yet everytime it's just about the same faces that sign up..With the hundreds, if not thousands of guys on this site, these trips should fill up in days, but with only 2 weeks to go it's only half filled...
How about some of you super stars signing up and showing us normal people how good you really are...
For you new guys to the site...Sign up, meet the faces behind the names , fish with one of the best Capts in NJ, and maybe just go home with some fish...
04-16-2012, 05:06 PM
I'm newbie on this site and signed up for this trip....may I suggest to wear name tags with Username (and real name if ok). This will help tremendously new commers like me. It seems most of the folks already know each other. At least I will be reading name tags..;-)
By the way, I'm hopeful this trip will get the 40 or more fishermen. I am really excited and looking forward to this trip...
04-16-2012, 06:10 PM
Mite be more people going if the price was rite..:rolleyes:
What makes you say the price is wrong? This is NOT a standard open PB trip but a charter and based on the amount of people we are taking its more than fair. Where do you get that fishing time, reputable captain, lunch, drinks , crew tip and a small donation included for less than the asking price. Please let me know your calculations so maybe I can learn something new.
04-16-2012, 06:20 PM
Dave and Fran and a few others go through alot of time and effort putting these trips together...Captains and crews give up their boats and time for 40 of us when they perhaps could be railed at this time of year...Food, soda, water and a donation is included and yet everytime it's just about the same faces that sign up..With the hundreds, if not thousands of guys on this site, these trips should fill up in days, but with only 2 weeks to go it's only half filled...
How about some of you super stars signing up and showing us normal people how good you really are...
For you new guys to the site...Sign up, meet the faces behind the names , fish with one of the best Capts in NJ, and maybe just go home with some fish...
Been on several of these trips now and the price of admission is more than worth the company kept and the donation to fight the right cause.
Dales, as you know I'm unable to make this one, but you can count me if for at least a solid 6-8 spots when that fluke day rolls around.
04-16-2012, 06:38 PM
Been on several of these trips now and the price of admission is more than worth the company kept and the donation to fight the right cause.
Dales, as you know I'm unable to make this one, but you can count me if for at least a solid 6-8 spots when that fluke day rolls around.
Ron, sent you a PM last week. NO problem. You and your dad as well as others in your circle have been on every trip the last 3 years.:D Fluke trip will most likely be the Friday before the PP Elks tourney. That worked out well last year except for the 110 degrees and slow fishing part:eek:
Ron, Sam and Shrimpy: Thanks for the backup and support, you guys all know the value and great time on these trips because you have been there time and again.
I am sure we will get enough to sail, for some reason it always comes down to the last week. This is the 4th year so you get used to the pattern.:confused:
Chris, Steve and I will definitely be on the next trips We always have a great time with good people!!! :D
04-16-2012, 11:47 PM
Chris, Steve and I will definitely be on the next trips We always have a great time with good people!!! :D
I am upset I can not attend......I've met a lot of people on these trips in the last few can't beat the company and not having to worry about lunch is clutch! Its like all you can eat subs, snacks and drinks (if you don't drink beer). Lastly, the raffles at the end are fun and exciting.....Oh yea,,,,and you may catch some fish! :D :D :D
04-16-2012, 11:57 PM
Fluke trip will most likely be the Friday before the PP Elks tourney. That worked out well last year except for the 110 degrees and slow fishing part:eek:
DAM I have a wedding that night!:( :( :(
04-18-2012, 01:58 AM
has any one seen capt Ron's reports or videos?
that should be enough to get you on the trip,
already got the event hand towels ordered
and maybe a couple other goodies, I can't
get upset at anyone for backing out, last year
due to running my own business I had to back
out last minute, but it felt good knowing that my
fair was paid and went to a good cause, as I
wouldn't take any refund, as far as the cost I can
assure you that capt ron will give you your moneys
worth in his non stop effort to get us on the fish, and
we will have 2 of the best mates in the industry
for the guys that have your own boats, hang
the keys up for one day and join this trip you
won't regret it and you may learn something
from this capt and crews knowledge and dedication
04-18-2012, 07:32 PM
has any one seen capt Ron's reports or videos?
that should be enough to get you on the trip,
already got the event hand towels ordered
and maybe a couple other goodies, I can't
get upset at anyone for backing out, last year
due to running my own business I had to back
out last minute, but it felt good knowing that my
fair was paid and went to a good cause, as I
wouldn't take any refund, as far as the cost I can
assure you that capt ron will give you your moneys
worth in his non stop effort to get us on the fish, and
we will have 2 of the best mates in the industry
for the guys that have your own boats, hang
the keys up for one day and join this trip you
won't regret it and you may learn something
from this capt and crews knowledge and dedication
04-19-2012, 08:58 AM
First off the good news is that there are still 14 spots available for the late decision makers. Fishing is great, Capt Ron is producing as usual and all around this will be a great trip.
Better News: At our RFA-NJ Board meeting last night it was unamiously deceided that this trip is a GO. Although participation is not quite what we had hoped for with just a little over a week to go we will NOT let down the anglers that have signed up, committed their time and support. Not unlike a Sponser Capt who sails with a light crew. Say what you want about the politics but Capt Adam and all of us at RFA-NJ are comitted to fishing first and foremost. The Gov may shut you out but we wont!.
In the past 3 years and 6 trips I have never had to venture far from NJFishing to sell out these trips and I suspect that the same will happen again this trip. Lets fill out these last spots but for the 26 that have signed on rest assured that you ARE fishing on the 28th.
Thanks Capt Adam and to all that have signed up, sent verbal support, other donations etc.
Also, I am recieving 40 Jersey Jays infamous Krocs and spoons. Everyone on board that gets in on the raffle for an arms length of tickets will get one to fish with.
04-19-2012, 08:42 PM
I was on the fence with going because of my nephew's comunion. but since the last time we talked my dad had a heart attack and emergency surgery.. so we've been back and forth to the hospitol.. So needless to say I can't make this one :-( You know how i love these trips.. You can count me in on the next one for sure.. Catch'em up boys!!!!!
04-20-2012, 09:40 AM
Dales, Sorry it took me so long to signup. I needed to clear my calander first. I just completed my registration for myself and son. We had a great time last year and the Fisherman is a great boat. See you Saturday. Jeff:D :D :D :D
04-20-2012, 09:50 AM
I also got a friend from work to sign up as well. We need to keep this good cause going. :) :) :)
04-20-2012, 10:05 PM
Crabcake. No problem, Family comes first, I am sure your son appreciates you attending his games. great time to spend together and they dont forget it. PM sent
Skolmann, same deal work gets in the way sometimes. Catch with you next time.
Anyone on the fence for whatever reason be advised that as important it is to support the groups that fight for our fishing rights and for me the RFA-NJ Chapter we understand that not everyone can make it for whatever reason. For those that can these trips have really turned into a fun time on the water with great people, super captains and sometimes even a fish or two. The fundraiser, raffles etc add an extra mantra to the day and we certainly appreciate everyone who makes the attempt.
Donation made a few days ago! Have a great trip guys!!
04-20-2012, 10:35 PM
I was on the fence with going because of my nephew's comunion. but since the last time we talked my dad had a heart attack and emergency surgery.. so we've been back and forth to the hospitol.. So needless to say I can't make this one :-( You know how i love these trips.. You can count me in on the next one for sure.. Catch'em up boys!!!!!
Jimmy, Sorry the hear about your Dad. I sure hope everything will be OK and our thoughts are with you. Best of Luck and keep me posted. You will be missed and catch you on the next one.
04-20-2012, 10:53 PM
DAM I have a wedding that night!:( :( :(
Hey Chris, we get back in around 3PM. Just Sayin:D
Thanks for all your support, always great fishing with you, Jay and Steve.
It will happen again.
04-20-2012, 10:55 PM
I also got a friend from work to sign up as well. We need to keep this good cause going. :) :) :)
Got your registration today. Great to have you guys onboard again and thanks for the jumpstart on sign ups
List Updated. Thanks to all
04-21-2012, 06:24 PM
Mite be more people going if the price was rite..:rolleyes:
This isn't a $500 a plate political fundraiser, it is a $100 fishing trip that has been very successful in the past. GREAT PEOPLE, GREAT TIME.
Everyone who participates does so of their own free will.
You fish every week for $65, if that is your budget Great, but please don't piss in the cheerios if you think it's too much....
I gotta tell you I'm a little surprised at this, especially coming from you who has been kicking ass lately...I would think you'd be more supportive?:confused:
IT"S A FUNDRAISER, TOO MAKE MONEY FOR A VERY GOOD CAUSE, The RFA. That's were all the money goes. Thank God for guys like Dave who have the passion to continue things like this, without these men we are doomed.
Capt. Ron Santee/FISHERMEN/ RFA Member and proud of it.:)
04-23-2012, 02:59 PM
With 5 days to go lets get this boat filled to 40. The weather for Saturday looks great 64 and sunny. :) :) :). Perfect weather to be on the water with a great boat and a good group of guys. :D :D And it's all for a good cause to keep us fishing...
04-23-2012, 03:03 PM
Saturday Looks like its going to be a great day to fish!
04-26-2012, 06:37 PM
Getting down to the wire. Weather looks great for Bass.
Just secured lunch arrangements with the infamous Slaters Deli
Received some of the generous Tackle Donations from our sponsers which include for this trip:
Sam the Sinkerman
Jersey Jays Tackle
Bucktail Boys
SharkBite Teasers
Pride Fishing Tackle
Atlantic Bait and Tackle
Tagged Fish Charters
Capt Jack's BINGO
K-KAT Sportfishing
There is some real quality hand made workmanship here, a combo, an open boat trip , Gift certificates for tackle etc.
Look froward to seeing everyone on Sat and i am sure Capt Ron will be ready.
No pressure Ron:D
Just an FYI: Still a couple of spots left.
Mike M
04-26-2012, 09:18 PM
Sorry I can't make this one. Made my donation to RFA this week. Good luck everyone. Catch em up.
04-27-2012, 01:21 PM
36 people!:D Almost filled up!
Tomorrow looks great.. Light West wind and almost 60 degrees!
Should be great!
04-27-2012, 08:00 PM
Looks like we are all set. See everyone in the AM.
Still a few spots left. Post your name here and You can see me at the dock to settle up.
04-28-2012, 02:10 AM
Going to be a great day fishing! Weather looks great!
See everyone there!
04-28-2012, 08:51 PM
Great day everyone! Had fun fishing with you guys!
04-28-2012, 08:59 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!congradulations!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jeff you big pool winner, way to go, good for you:D
04-29-2012, 12:25 AM
Hope u guys had fun! I was thinking of your guys today. Heard from Sandi...... said it was a tough bite! Any time out on an RFA trip is a good time:) :) :) .
shrimpman steve
04-29-2012, 08:44 AM
sorry I was a no show! Something came up last minute with my son (he is fine) and i could not make it:(.
I hear the bite was tough, bit I hope all had a good time. See you on the fluke RFA trip!
The Sinker Man
04-29-2012, 09:04 AM
Bite was tough. Bluefish were a pain, but a few stripers were caught. Capt. Ron and crew were great as always. Thanks to all those who set this trip up and can't wait till the next one.
Nice Going Jeff!!! RFA Trips are always great event and great people! :D
04-29-2012, 07:33 PM
Another fun RFA trip. Caught some fish, met some new people, had a good time. Can't wait for the fluke trip.
04-29-2012, 11:02 PM
A GIANT THANK YOU to all whom attended, to Capt. Ron and crew, to all the supporters whom donated to the trip, to Dave for putting so much of his time into the trip. THANK YOU!!
04-30-2012, 09:58 AM
As Capt Adam said a huge THANKS to all that attended. Cant say enough about the effort given by Capt Ron, Chris, Robbie and mike on a day where fishing was tough to say the least. We traveled the bay, NY side, NJ side and inbetween trying to get a bait bite going but it wasnt meant to be. A long ride Ocean side to the"rocks" found some bird life and scattered schools of blues with some bass. As soon as Ron got us in place we got a few hook-ups but then the "Armada" of boats followed and put the fish down. Every boat from MI North to the Hook were there so you knew it was the only game in town.
Congratulations to the prize winners and Jeff (Saltlife) on the pool and high hook honors. Guy was on fire at the pulpit when we did get on the fish!
The Hatfield's I mean Greg Heiser clan made their usual strong showing of support and took the 50/50 along with some bucktails. Well deserved. Vinntastic took the Rod/ reel combo (this guy just is lucky no matter what) and the Criswells won their share as well. Some great open trips were awarded and everyone on board got a Jersey Jay Croc.
I really want to thank our sponsers who donated prizes. Jersey Jay, Bucktail Boys, Mike @Sharkbites, Max @ PrideFishing, Pete@ Atlantic Bait and Tackle, Chad from Tagged Fish Charters, Chris from K-Kat Sportfishing, Jack from the BINGO. This really took the edge off from the tough fishing and everyone had a great time.
Also Jeff Shirtguy who once again provided the RFA-Nj Boat Banner and printed Hand towels for all.
Thanks again, I will find a better way to pick a date that the fish recognize next time. hope you all had a great time.
Next up Fluke! Keep you posted
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