View Full Version : FAVORITE FISH to catch and why

01-31-2012, 05:59 PM

coolest thing about fishing for me is how many different fish there are we can fish for and how UNIQUE they all are . each having its own distinct fight.

Whats even better is for the most part there are breaks between each fish that for me has me ready for the next species

Spring into summer there is no doubt I dont want to fish for anything other than BIG striped bass , whether it be livelining or throwing top waters, to watch those explosians on top are just plain cool .

As the fourth of July comes around I have already had the itch to be headed out looking for Tuna. guys thinking that putting tuna in the boat takes less skill than catching a blackfish have probably NEVER caught a 70+ inch fish on a jigging rod, because once you do im sure you will agree there are not many fish than can HURT you like they do .
I wish I could get the sounds of a trolling rod getting ripped out, the slam of a jig all in one because thats the only way it could be an better. fighting a BIG tuna on a rod that looks better suited for fluking is tough to beat.

Once October comes around I cant wait to bottom fish and hope to feel the Thump and bull dogging of a BIG tog. While im sure to get bashed for it I dont find the bite of a tog as mystical as alot of guys do . After fishing for them I feel you learn the different ways they feed and adjust so your catching fish . what makes me love tog fishing is that solid bulldogging in the begining and not knowing at firsst how big the tog might be beause for me most of the big tog have hit very lightly, and I LOVE the surprise of the rod tip heading towards the water on those initial runs.

Throw in fluke , sea bass, albies and bluefish and you have a great year of constantly changing fights to never get bored.

Funny thing is the fish I like to eat the most I really dont like fishing for.
I REALLY enjoy tilefish, but puling up dead weight from 600 plus feet , just isnt as much fun as all the rest.

I wish we had Grouper and amberjacks up here like in North Carolina as im sure I would be squeezing them in somewhere on this list also

One thing im sure is IM never bored here for something to fish for, only time im bored is when im not fishing



01-31-2012, 06:53 PM
Oh we do have grouper up here Danny.. you just got find em!

How's dat for a double header...

Gerry Zagorski
01-31-2012, 07:06 PM
Caught a lot of different fish over the years. I'm not into meat fishing so much anymore.... For me it's more about quality, not quantity. For that reason, I would say billfish and Tarpon for the excitement and Blackfish for the challenge/reward.

I like billfish and Tarpon because there's nothing more exciting then seeing a fish jump clear out of the water making every possible effort to part you from from your hook and line. The whole while your clicker is sceaming like and old alarm clock and for a bonus you're fishing in shorts and a t-shirt. Man, that's living!

I like Blackfishing because of the challenge. IMHO, unlike a lot of other fishing, it requires more patience and skill, which are two areas where I could use some work. Searching for and anchoring the boat over the right piece, waiting for the right bite. Guessing and 2nd guessing yourself when to swing and when not to. Legs on legs off... Shell on shell off it's all part of the game with the cunning Mr Blackfish. Only parts I don't like are the cold and having to stand at the rail all day. However, the challenge and sense of accomplishment when you get it right is what makes it addictive and keeps me coming back. It's me against them, those FARGIN BASTAGES :D

Thanks for lightening things up around here Dan. Reading this board the past couple of days was making me tense.

01-31-2012, 07:14 PM

Its hard to say wat my favorite fish to catch is.. i guess id have a few favorites to catch..

Love to jig fish for monster fluke wit light tackle!

Who doesnt enjoy going out for a bluefish slaying every once and a while!

Love to tautog fish and the other surprizes u pull in while fishing for them!

Along wit everyone else here i get striper fever!! once there around all i want to do is get a chance to hook into a monster!!

I will fish for any thing.. if there biting im in!!

01-31-2012, 07:20 PM
Hmmmmmm........I'm going to go with Blackfish.

-They're a challenge to catch
-Hard fighting fish
-Great eating

Striper is Very Very Close...Especially when it comes to livelining!

01-31-2012, 07:28 PM
Stripers from the surf,you could fish all day or night and that one fish makes it worthwhile.Then comes fall/winter trout,the solitude of fishing a stream.

Foul Hook
01-31-2012, 07:31 PM
I'm with Ray on this one. the challenge of catching big tog is very rewarding to me.

01-31-2012, 07:33 PM
I used to be a striper addict, Im now hooked on toggin. I like getting into a lights out chew when they smash the crab right after it hits the bottom. I think the fact I haven't figure it out yet is part of it too.

01-31-2012, 07:33 PM
bluefish where what started my love for fishing at a very young age and will always be close to my heart, but i would have to say false albacore.me not being a meat fisherman, whats not to love? they fight like hell, you dont need to go miles off shore for them, you can catch them on light tackle, even when they are blitzing everywhere they can still be a challange so they are always an accomplishment , and it is all cast and reterive fishing at high speeds so it never gets boring.

01-31-2012, 07:35 PM
Hmmmmmm........I'm going to go with Blackfish.

-They're a challenge to catch
-Hard fighting fish
-Great eating
Striper is Very Very Close...Especially when it comes to livelining!

overrated but they are my fave to catch just they taste like cardboard

01-31-2012, 07:40 PM
Blackfish on jigs and ultra light tackle and 15 lb test...early spring and fall...biggest so far on a jig was 12 lbs...nice battle.

01-31-2012, 08:05 PM
Blackfish on jigs and ultra light tackle and 15 lb test...early spring and fall...biggest so far on a jig was 12 lbs...nice battle.

That had to be an AWESOME fight

01-31-2012, 08:10 PM
That had to be an AWESOME fight

01-31-2012, 08:18 PM
MY favorite fishes....big silva eel, spiny dogfish, skatefish....other than that this year blackfish has been my addiction, especially breaking the "tenish" mark on my first serious year...but bass.. i mean who doesnt love worming for strikerbass on a july night?

Fish Stix
01-31-2012, 08:20 PM
Blackfish - big white chin thumpers
Stripers - live line run rippin drag
Fluke - bouncing bucktails

I Dont eat fish, so it doesnt matter about the meat!

01-31-2012, 08:28 PM
i would have to say false albacore.me not being a meat fisherman, whats not to love? they fight like hell, you dont need to go miles off shore for them, you can catch them on light tackle, even when they are blitzing everywhere they can still be a challange so they are always an accomplishment , and it is all cast and reterive fishing at high speeds so it never gets boring.
Have to agree. Short of going way offshore for a rare tuna blitlz, the albies get it done like no other. Plenty of factors go into my choice besides the fabulous fight they give. The variety of ways to catch them, high speed jigging, little piece of bait on a tiny hook, Tsunamis and bucktailing. The challange of landing one on a crowded party boat. The excitement of sight fishing them, watching them zoom by and take every bait but the one on your hook and the excited yells of the newbies who never saw one. "What the hell was that??" The sheer anticipation of them coming and worrying about IF they come and the shortness of the season. Hell, you could write a book about it. Love hearing guys I saw last year telling me that they watched us catch 'em last season and now they're locked and loaded.

Captain Rich K
01-31-2012, 08:37 PM
Dan all fish are fun to catch but you know I love fishing for Tuna and Bass but we have to add Blackfish,Kris i'm going to get you to add tuna to that list.

01-31-2012, 08:37 PM
TUNA TUNA TUNA !!!!!!!!! O yea and BLACKFISH

01-31-2012, 08:47 PM
ANY day I can get out to fish is a privelage and a tribute to my grandfather who taught me the appreciation of fishing in the streams, Niagara River, Creeks, Erie Canal and Lakes of upstate/Western NY. Freshwater fishing was how I grew up and what I knew. Huge LAke Trout, Brown Trout and Rainbows along with salmon, Musky, Northern Pike, Bass and Catfish were the ticket. Fast Forward to the early 80's when I moved to PA. Did my first trip on a shore vacation and took my brother out on the Cock Robin for a Blue Fish trip, did many more after that( If you ever fish with me on a trip, ask me to tell you the funny details of that virgin outing). A few years later I learn about Fluke, then Stripers and sea bass, then Sharks and the palegics. And Finally this year, blackfish. Each represents it's own challenge to me during the respective season they are targeted. Nothing like the "head shake" and anticipation of a large fluke being brought to the surface. Who doesn't enjoy the jigging or livelining a nice sized linesider to the net at the boat? Sharking, a whole form of fishing in it's own, requiring a great deal of patience but the excitement of hooking into one and seeing it breach into the air out of the water is a sight made for memories. While I'm new this year to the blackfish scene, it has been a great challenge to begin to master the "art" of catching the species, which I am certainly becoming a quick study student. I have to say that the Canyon and Offshore tuna trips rank up there as my personal favorites. The anticipation of the trip makes me sleep like a kid on XMAS eve every time. Ask any Capt on trips I've gone on, I'll cat nap on the way out to get a few zzz's and then it's pure adrenalin overdrive to go through the night or day working jigs, bait or sitting at a rod on troll waiting for the strike and fight of the tuna. I've been spooled and broken off only left to wonder just how big the beast was on the other end. I've also had the great pleasure of successfully and skillfully fighting beasts to the boat. Some becoming table fare, others spared to see the fight for another day. That fight is what makes it so exciting and rewarding. Seeing a tuna coming to the boat, "seeing color" several feet down in the blue water only to have it dive on you to fight another 1/2 hour, hour or more....Nothing like it!

Topeka Boy
01-31-2012, 08:48 PM
My favorite fish to catch and eat are the same Black Cbass.:D :D :D

01-31-2012, 09:17 PM
Dan all fish are fun to catch but you know I love fishing for Tuna and Bass but we have to add Blackfish,Kris i'm going to get you to add tuna to that list.

Rich, I'm hoping I can help you with that quest on gettin Kris out there for the tuna to add to his list!!!:D :D

01-31-2012, 09:27 PM
My "dream fish" is a BIG mahi, jump and fight like a sailfish, but great on the grill!!! I LOVE catching tuna, after several, I would be spent!! The thought of going offshore several days to hunt big golden tilefish and grouper ........... well I can't think of a woman who could keep me at home and miss that trip!!! The thrill of jigging up 30# to 45# amberjack you can see circling the boat gets me wired up, ready to go South.

01-31-2012, 09:29 PM
#1 - Tog. Hands down. Frustratng as all hell, and when ya think ya figured it out, you havent! Its a thinking mans game. Best group of fishermen out there as well. Sidewinders, narrow spool reels, thick mono, coffee grinder reels....and they are all teddy bears at heart...ok....most are....:D

#2 - Musky. Hate these MotherF$&#ers!!! In a good way. Still looking for that NJ trophy...trapping mice now and raising them for springtime bait...:D

#3 - Tuna. If not on your list, you havent caught one, period

#4- Roosterfish - nothing like a hard fighting, great looking fish 20 yds off the beach with tequila in hand!

Fish Stix
01-31-2012, 09:42 PM
Rich, I'm hoping I can help you with that quest on gettin Kris out there for the tuna to add to his list!!!:D :D

Im ready!!!

01-31-2012, 09:46 PM
Im ready!!!

you better start working out LOL

01-31-2012, 09:52 PM
For me offshore the biggest reason Freddy gamboa any fish I want to catch out there hes made it happen use to love fish nj fresh water the state took that away from me

01-31-2012, 10:34 PM
Big C- bass and pollock

01-31-2012, 10:35 PM
yellow and bluefin tuna hands down going to hatteras in 3 weeks for big bluefin cant wait. next favorite is tog

Fish Stix
01-31-2012, 10:43 PM
you better start working out LOL

Workin on it! Lol

Pennsy Guy
01-31-2012, 11:05 PM
For me, it's TUNA...especially on light tackle.... I can't wait for the next season and remembering the season just past helps get me through each long winter.
Then come stripers, blues and fluke....

01-31-2012, 11:27 PM
1.) Plugging the beach for striped bass. Outside of a blitz it is by far the most challenging type of fishing in the northeast. You actually have to know how to cast and find your own fish:eek:

2.) Mako Shark..I will let this video speak for me. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoHXPvc5y3Y

3.) White Sea Bass out here in So-Cal. Think 40 lb weakfish.

4.) Steelhead/Browns. Two handed trout are fun....the rest no bueno.

bottom fishing is fun, but I would never take it serious. Usually I would just drink beer and hang out when fluking or blackfishing. :p

02-01-2012, 01:06 AM
These are in no particular order...

Buck tailing Fluke: whether it's bouncing light jigs in the bay or fishing the rough stuff, I love jigging fluke all summer long...

Togging: challenging with epic trash talking...catching a big fish is so rewarding...I love it

Linging: I donno what it is about fishing for mud marlin but it's possibly my favorite way to spend a few hours on the water...

Livelining and Jigging bass: watching a bass smash a livie on top of the water or watching one follow my lure back to the boat before slamming it is simply what fishings all about...

Garone Custom Rods
02-01-2012, 05:56 AM
As long as its not a dogfish I enjoy catching it.

I would have to say my favorites in no particular order are tuna, tiles, blackfish, cod and fluke.

Tuna because they pull so damn hard. Tiles because you never know when you are going to hook into a monster from the abyss. Blackfish because of the challenge and fight. Swinging the jig for cod is also a blast. Fluke because I love bouncing a jig and thinking you are stuck until that first monster headshake.

Ol Pedro
02-01-2012, 09:46 AM
Saltwater it's the Pacific Yellowtail . They are very smart and often times line shy . They will try and wrap you , rock , or kelp you . As table fare they are right up there . A close second are Yellowfin Tuna . You will never be disappointed with their fight or the way they taste . I'll give an Honorable Mention to the Striped Bass . MY favorite jig fish . Freshwater it's the Largemouth Bass on plastic worms . There's nothing like that Tap Tap before you set the hook . For eating it's the Crappie .

Tony Cav
02-01-2012, 09:52 AM
Cant really prioritize.......As the seasons pass and the year progresses the time comes for the different species.

For nostalgia, fly fishing rivers and streams for trout and steelhead. Salmon up to 30 pounds on a fly rod are hard to beat. Have not done this type of fishing for years.

Surf fishing for stripers, casting plugs, is also a thing I have pursued obsessively in the past.

These days it's flounder, stripers, tog, fluke, sea bass, cod, crabs, blowfish, tuna, whenever time and money allow, I'm there.......snappers, shad......whatever!

02-01-2012, 10:13 AM
I’m not sure if I have a favorite, but I could make an argument for:

Hybrid Stripers. Why? Because they fight 200% harder than their saltwater cousins.

Pre/Post-spawn Smallmouth Bass. Why? Because they attack and fight like a bluefish.

Spring/Fall Striped Bass run. Why? Chance to get a #40 and I only remember good days.

Bluefish. Why? Cause sometimes I like to come home early and exhausted.

Fly Fishing for Brown Trout. Why? It’s a relaxing culmination of skill and patience in some of the most scenic and enjoyable places on the planet.

Not on my list: Fluke, Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Cod, Ling, Tog, Sharks, Weakfish, Drum, Porgy and Lake Trout.

Dollar Bill
02-01-2012, 10:52 AM
1. Blackfish - Just not knowing what might slam your crab keeps you at the rail all day

2. Jigging stripers - The fall run is always something to look forward to. I haven't had the opportunity to get in on any great spring live lining trips...yet.

3. Canyon tuna/mahi - It is just such an experience out there.

And I love to eat all three. Sushi, grilled, baked or broiled. YUM!:)

02-01-2012, 11:14 AM
TUNA by far is my favorite,I love the thrill of victory when one is boated and the Agony of defeat when you lose it at the boat.
Then stripers,Blues,and fluke

02-01-2012, 12:03 PM
1. Blackfish love the challenge and fight.
2. Fluke - Jigging or Dragging it doesnt matter to me. Love getting that nice head shake to get the heart pumping.
3. Porgy - On light tackle they are a blast. Especially when you get 2) 16"-17" jumbos on the line.

02-01-2012, 12:37 PM
I like to catch fish in the ocean useing a pole. Why? Because that where the fish are.

02-01-2012, 12:41 PM
For me, it's an albie on 10# test, ultralight rod/reel in the kayak.

Ryan W
02-01-2012, 12:41 PM

Ol Pedro
02-01-2012, 01:09 PM
Who would have guessed Young Woodchuck .

02-01-2012, 01:24 PM
Tuna, swordfish, and marlin. Kite fishing is my favorite method...imho there isn't a more exciting way to fish.

Ryan W
02-01-2012, 01:30 PM
Who would have guessed Young Woodchuck .

I went tuna fishing once. It was really boring.

Ol Pedro
02-01-2012, 01:35 PM
I went tuna fishing once. It was really boring.
Went Ling Winching a bunch of times . I like Sea Carping better .

bunker dunker
02-01-2012, 01:38 PM

02-01-2012, 01:42 PM

02-01-2012, 01:55 PM
Anything that's on the line. Gotta love the surprise bites, like the random cownose ray that takes you for a run while you're fluking.

02-01-2012, 02:18 PM
I went tuna fishing once. It was really boring.
Hey Pete anyone can catch a ling....but it takes a real man/Fishermen to catch a real fish right?

02-01-2012, 02:40 PM
White Marlin


Gerry says: Great minds think alike Rich ;)

Ol Pedro
02-01-2012, 02:51 PM
Hey Pete anyone can catch a ling....but it takes a real man/Fishermen to catch a real fish right?
You have to catch a Tuna before you can compare . Live Ling are good Tuna bait . I hear that Young Woodchuck was Chumming pretty good offshore one trip .

02-01-2012, 03:14 PM
False albacore.

02-01-2012, 03:18 PM
Jigging tuna. I love when they hit the jig and take off like a bullet and the drag is screaming. There is no quit in these fish until there in the boat.Catch a couple on a trip and your gonna be sore the next day :D

02-01-2012, 03:54 PM
First, I have only caught one yellowfin and that was maybe 8 years ago now so its hard fo me to recall, it was also chunking not jigging. had a few trips get weathered out over the years but i think this year i need to find out what its like to jig for tuna and to hear that drag scream with a fish that size.

That being said, its easy for me. Tog and Albies.

Tog require a certain skill and decision making with when to swing and what the bite feels like that very much intrigues me. but when that thump comes, on a white or green, legs or no legs, half or whole, big or small, crushed or just the claw, there is no telling what the fish is going to be, 12 inches or 12 pounds. But you find out very quick, and when that beast starts bulldoggin ya man thats just the best. something cool just not knowing how big the fish at the other end is going to be, and having lost a PIGGG that stripped a locked down drag like a 38lb striper that i caught, that pull is INSANE. Throw in the way they cook up and BAM, #1.

I love to use light tackle, not unreasonably light tackle but light none the less. I absolutely love to drop down that tsunami split tail on 12lb test and a 2500 size freshwater spinning reel, start whippin that thing back up, feel the tick, set the hook, and listen to that spool zingggggggg at light speed and try to reel fast enough to keep up with the fish while running up and down the rail of a party boat with everyone hooked up. and yes i even do keep one or two to eat. having done this is WHY i need to catch a tuna 10x the size on 3x the tackle.

Throw in some live lining fo trophy stripers and im set. I'll drop crabs as long as i can and mix in the others the rest of the time.

a few fantasies for good measure:
gulf coast rig jiggin
secluded canada for walleye n pike *again* (not too much to catching the fish but love being 3 hours down a dirt road from the closest town)

02-01-2012, 04:20 PM
Pretty much whatever fish is bending my rod during the trip. I just like to catch fish I'm not prejudice if they fight well I'll hook it.

If I had to make a list pelagic species are in totally different category to inshore species on fight and wow factor, but there are less days to target them and sometimes you might not have a bite look at yft the last few years up to this past year it was spotty at best.

Had one trip this year where we raised 22 Whites hooked up 15 of the fish that came up hard to compare that to inshore fishing.

Basically what I am saying I will enjoy catching whatever is at the end of my line. Some are more exciting then others, but some are more accessible on a daily basis, and don't need a group to make it feasible with today's fuel cost. some can be done on a day after work while others have to be planned out.

Ryan W
02-01-2012, 04:49 PM
I hear that Young Woodchuck was Chumming pretty good offshore one trip .

When I went to the hospital I asked the doctor to save me a sample of the virus that I had. Remind me to put it in your diet soda next time I see you :eek:

Ol Pedro
02-01-2012, 05:17 PM
When I went to the hospital I asked the doctor to save me a sample of the virus that I had. Remind me to put it in your diet soda next time I see you :eek:
Woodchuck , You need to get a thicker skin . I would never poison you . I used the old drunk sick one once when I was your age . Wait a minute I was Drunk . The Pacific Greenback Mackerel fishing was Wide Open when I finished . Then the Yellowtail started to chew on the Macs and we limited using the Macs for bait . Like you I didn't leave the rail till the decks ran red and I was Sober .

Sea Bear
02-01-2012, 06:32 PM
Catching tuna on topwater lures.

Just do it and you'll see why. :)

Gerry Zagorski
02-01-2012, 07:13 PM
Never did that before Sea Bear. I love topwater fishing and it must be a rush to see a 50 lb tuna come after your popper. Talk about pucker factor :eek:

Something I definately want to experince but with someone else on the pole... Same thing with Giants. I'll hook the fish and gladly hand it off to someone.

A man (old out of shape man) has to know his limitations :D

Ryan W
02-01-2012, 07:23 PM
Woodchuck , You need to get a thicker skin . I would never poison you . I used the old drunk sick one once when I was your age . Wait a minute I was Drunk . The Pacific Greenback Mackerel fishing was Wide Open when I finished . Then the Yellowtail started to chew on the Macs and we limited using the Macs for bait . Like you I didn't leave the rail till the decks ran red and I was Sober .

hahaha just busting you pete... I waited till we were 20 miles out and heading home so I could feed the ling some flu-vomit lol

02-01-2012, 07:29 PM
Never did that before Sea Bear. I love topwater fishing and it must be a rush to see a 50 lb tuna come after your popper. Talk about pucker factor :eek:

Something I definately want to experince but with someone else on the pole... Same thing with Giants. I'll hook the fish and gladly hand it off to someone.

A man (old out of shape man) has to know his limitations :D
I could not have said it better.:)

02-01-2012, 08:01 PM
I fancy the relentless pressure from Amberjack.

There is a lot of "don't quit" in those fish.

but they are a more southern fish.

Up here, I really like Bluefish for the pure chaos they create.

Both of these species will hit a jig like it's the only thing they've seen to eat in a week. AJ are just a lot bigger.

Sea Bear
02-02-2012, 01:07 AM
Never did that before Sea Bear. I love topwater fishing and it must be a rush to see a 50 lb tuna come after your popper. Talk about pucker factor :eek:

Something I definately want to experince but with someone else on the pole... Same thing with Giants. I'll hook the fish and gladly hand it off to someone.

A man (old out of shape man) has to know his limitations :D

Haha ;)

As far as I'm concerned, 50-125lb tuna are perfect size for catching on "popping tackle". After that, you're either a beastly fisherman (not most people and not myself), a little bit crazy (myself), or you get yourself a "spin strap" so you can get set up in a harness/belt, but I'm usually too stupid/stubborn for that.

Last spring some of the tuna chasing our poppers were 300-400 pounds :eek:
I hooked up twice and both times the fish spit the hook on the initial run.
It was strange how happy I was to lose those fish, but I knew I would have been in big trouble, lol

Maybe this fall you can join me for an inshore BFT casting trip, if for nothing less than experiencing the "thrill of the hunt", and then you can say you've tried it before. :cool:

02-02-2012, 02:04 AM
hahaha just busting you pete... I waited till we were 20 miles out and heading home so I could feed the ling some flu-vomit lol
Hey Ryan don't mind Pete you know when we first meant the first thing he said to me was a insult :eek: :( ;)

Ryan W
02-02-2012, 10:37 AM
Hey Ryan don't mind Pete you know when we first meant the first thing he said to me was a insult :eek: :( ;)

If I had known better I would have done the same

Gerry Zagorski
02-02-2012, 10:50 AM
I'm all in. Definately something I'd like to experience first hand Seabear.

Haha ;)

As far as I'm concerned, 50-125lb tuna are perfect size for catching on "popping tackle". After that, you're either a beastly fisherman (not most people and not myself), a little bit crazy (myself), or you get yourself a "spin strap" so you can get set up in a harness/belt, but I'm usually too stupid/stubborn for that.

Last spring some of the tuna chasing our poppers were 300-400 pounds :eek:
I hooked up twice and both times the fish spit the hook on the initial run.
It was strange how happy I was to lose those fish, but I knew I would have been in big trouble, lol

Maybe this fall you can join me for an inshore BFT casting trip, if for nothing less than experiencing the "thrill of the hunt", and then you can say you've tried it before. :cool:

Sea Bear
02-02-2012, 05:17 PM
I'm all in. Definately something I'd like to experience first hand Seabear.

I will absolutely keep this in mind Gerry. Keep your weekends free come November. ;)

02-02-2012, 05:38 PM
My favorites are offshore seabass, flounder and weakfish :mad: