View Full Version : Fishermans Rally; Wash DC March 21, 2012
01-20-2012, 08:01 PM
January 20, 2012
Plans set for March national fishing rally in D.C.
By Richard Gaines
Staff Writer The Gloucester Daily Times Fri Jan 20, 2012, 03:14 PM EST
Commercial and recreational fishing interests today announced plans for a March 21 mass demonstration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., to energize the push for amending the law that directs the regulation of America's fisheries, a little more than two years after the 2010 "United We Fish" rally turned up the national heat on regulatory and enforcement issues.
The 2012 "Keep Fishermen Fishing" rally was announced this morning in a release that focuses on the organizers' foes — "a handful of mega-foundations and the anti-fishing ENGOs (environmental non-government organizations) they support to drive fishermen off the water."
To do that, demonstration organizers contend, nonprofit giants such as Environmental Defense Fund have influenced the government to misinterpret the 1976 Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries and Conservation Act, which was amended significantly in 1996 and 2006.
Since the first mass rally, which drew as many as 5,000 participants on Feb. 23, 2010, the fisheries policies of the Obama administration — embodied by NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco, who came to office from academia and a board of director's post with EDF, have produced fierce resistance on the water and in Congress to the green-government power block.
Among the changes sought is the flexibility of time frames for rebuilding stocks, rather than clamping down fishing limits organizers say unduly harm the industry and fishing communities.
The most hotly disputed policy is the administration's effort to transform fishermen's catch into tradeable commodities through an allocation of catch shares.
The epicenter of the fight has become Massachusetts and New England, which came under a catch share regimen in 2010 and has been undergoing accelerated job loss and consolidation of control. But in the Southeast, the Gulf, the West Coast and Alaska, resistance has also continued to policies perceived to be influenced by corporate foundations and ENGO clients such EDF and the Pew Environment Group.
The Walton Foundation, founded by Wal-Mart heirs, has been a lead financier of EDF's promotion of catch share commodification.
The House of Representatives voted 231-131 in February 2011 to bar the launch of any new catch share programs, and a modified version of the ban was approved by the Senate during a continuing budget resolution.
A similar ban for fiscal 2012, however, was killed in November by parliamentary maneuvering.
As with the first rally, participants are expected from all three coasts and Alaska. The Recreational Fishing Alliance, based in New Jersey. is again handing the "red tape," permits, security and the like, according to the alliance's managing director Jim Hutchinson Jr.
"The initial Washington rally was a monumental success that helped put the plight of America's coastal fisherman and those in related businesses in the public eye," the rally announcement said. More than two dozen senators and representatives spoke at the 2010 demonstration.
"However, a continuous stream of regulatory requirements are leading to unnecessary and unacceptable restrictions in demonstrably sustainable fisheries," the announcement indicated. "As a consequence, the American public is being denied access to the food and fun of this tremendous natural resource.
"Most U.S. fisheries are in better shape biologically than they've been for a generation or more. In fact, last year NOAA Fisheries scientists announced that 84n percent of U.S. fish stocks studied for fishing activity were not experiencing overfishing as of 2010.
"However, despite the heavy sacrifices on the part of coastal fishermen," the announcement continued, "the same federal agency in charge of managing the resource has been using a broken law to mete out broken promises upon these constituents to ratchet down regulations as fisheries continue to rebuild."
Final details of the 2012 Keep Fishermen Fishing rally are being put in place, organizers said, including transportation from coastal communities across the country.
Anyone seeking more information on how they can get involved in the national rally, call 888-564-6732. For more information on the rally as it becomes available — including bus sign-up information and details from the 2010 rally — visit
We will update this story here at as more information becomes available. To have a text update regarding this story or other local Breaking News coverage, just sign up for the Times' free text-alert service on the homepage.
For more on this story, look to tomorrow's print and online editions of the Gloucester Daily Times and
Richard Gaines can be reached at 978-283-7000, x3464, or at
01-21-2012, 03:47 PM
was at the last one who's going to join us this time
01-21-2012, 03:58 PM
I'll Be There...
01-21-2012, 05:39 PM
Was there last time, and will probably be there this time!
Ryan W
01-21-2012, 05:58 PM
will be there if I do not have any exams that day
Captain Rich K
01-21-2012, 06:38 PM
I will be there
01-21-2012, 08:01 PM
So another Rally were Recreational Fisherman waste there money to go to D.C. and walk hand in Hand with Commercial guys who are rapeing our waters, killing off the bunker and have there pots on the reefs that Recreational Fisherman paid for! I just read a artical in a certain weekly fishing rag there is a good article in there written by Bill Figley "responce to pots off the reefs"
instead of spending your money and time to go to D.C. you should use your time and money to protest at the front of the NJ Assembly or the office of the guy holding up the bill to get the pots off of the reefs! His name is Nelson Albano from were else !! Cape May N.J.!! Mr. Nelson is a assemblyman and chairs the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.
My pet peave is all the bunker reduction boats killing all the bunker I did some looking into all the uses of bunker when i was checking for a new dog food for my new Lab and bunker kept coming up! bunker is used in everything and it needs to stop! but it is big money and big money for our poiticaions who get large sums of money to turn there head the other way when it comes time to vote one commercial bunker regulations!
I didnt walk last time and wouldn't walk this time I give my money to people that are helping to save our recreation fishing!
I'm probably going to get some flack for this responce but think about it before you comment its time to say its "us against the commercial guys" think of all the money and jobs recreational fisherman bring to N.J.!!
01-21-2012, 08:32 PM
So another Rally were Recreational Fisherman waste there money to go to D.C. and walk hand in Hand with Commercial guys who are rapeing our waters, killing off the bunker and have there pots on the reefs that Recreational Fisherman paid for! I just read a artical in a certain weekly fishing rag there is a good article in there written by Bill Figley "responce to pots off the reefs"
instead of spending your money and time to go to D.C. you should use your time and money to protest at the front of the NJ Assembly or the office of the guy holding up the bill to get the pots off of the reefs! His name is Nelson Albano from were else !! Cape May N.J.!! Mr. Nelson is a assemblyman and chairs the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee.
My pet peave is all the bunker reduction boats killing all the bunker I did some looking into all the uses of bunker when i was checking for a new dog food for my new Lab and bunker kept coming up! bunker is used in everything and it needs to stop! but it is big money and big money for our poiticaions who get large sums of money to turn there head the other way when it comes time to vote one commercial bunker regulations!
I didnt walk last time and wouldn't walk this time I give my money to people that are helping to save our recreation fishing!
I'm probably going to get some flack for this responce but think about it before you comment its time to say its "us against the commercial guys" think of all the money and jobs recreational fisherman bring to N.J.!!
hard to give you flack when most of your points are very valid.
Main problem is there is ALOT more going on where we are going to get the short end of the stick.
If catch shares goes through you can be sure our recreational days are numbered.
Right now it is important to fight to maintain the fisheries we both are utilizing, while also continuing to fight in other areas for our recreational purposes.
If 1/10 of the recs would show up at a funtion like this we would have a bigger voice. Problem is most recs wont reach into their pockets for a buck where commercial guys throw thousands in.
At least they are trying to do something to stop the government from taking away even more of the little we have left.
sometimes you have to bend in order to help your own cause
Topeka Boy
01-22-2012, 11:36 AM
"If 1/10 of the recs would show up at a funtion like this we would have a bigger voice. Problem is most recs wont reach into their pockets for a buck where commercial guys throw thousands in."
I dont get this comment the way I figure it is the rec fisherman keeps you in business. And commercial fisherman that is their business they should chip in thousands. How about all the tackle stores bait and fishing equipment such as daiwa etc the restaurants and stores like Dicks all of these people who benefit from fishing how many of these people showed up in Washington when we marched. Too only get 5000 people shoe up in Washington from the whole east coast is pathetic. :mad:
01-22-2012, 02:28 PM
"If 1/10 of the recs would show up at a funtion like this we would have a bigger voice. Problem is most recs wont reach into their pockets for a buck where commercial guys throw thousands in."
I dont get this comment the way I figure it is the rec fisherman keeps you in business. And commercial fisherman that is their business they should chip in thousands. How about all the tackle stores bait and fishing equipment such as daiwa etc the restaurants and stores like Dicks all of these people who benefit from fishing how many of these people showed up in Washington when we marched. Too only get 5000 people shoe up in Washington from the whole east coast is pathetic. :mad:
01-23-2012, 12:31 AM
idk.. fighing a loosing battle... everyone needs to really rally together this time!!!
01-23-2012, 10:24 AM
>> I'm probably going to get some flack for this responce but think about it before you comment its time to say its "us against the commercial guys" think of all the money and jobs recreational fisherman bring to N.J.!!
Jigman, that’s precisely the direction the California sportfishing community took in the 90’s when environmental groups assured a handful of leaders that no-take, no human access, marine reserves were going to shut out the commercial guy but protect the recreational fishermen. So, these leaders support the enviro’s in their efforts to shut down the ocean, only to find later that they were excluded from using those areas as well.
Read this for more on that -,+CA+anglers+sharing+sting+of+MPA+movement:+lock ed+out,+after...-a0269433745
It’s a leap year, and for 365 days out of 2012, we can disagree with the commercial sector on allocation of fish and gear use – it makes us all more powerful in the fight against anti-fishing groups if we can use that extra day of the year to unite in opposition to the real enemy, those who would prefer to kick us all off the ocean!
The ongoing debate in New Jersey about pots on the artificial reefs has become a political football on gear, which could easily be settled by the Department of Environmental Protection and the Division of Fish and Wildlife by making a regulation to eliminate pots. The state originally invited commercial pots on at the inception of the program, they allowed the issue to grow exponentially over a couple of decades, and now they have no idea how many pots are actually even deployed in coastal waters. It’s a travesty and we need to continue to fight this restrictive gear issue. But that’s a gear issue, one small part of a much bigger issue!
In terms of reduction boats, they no longer operate in state waters. This is a destructive process taking place by Virginia boats operating in Virginia waters and outside of the 3 mile limit in federal waters, but I don’t see it (personally) as a commercial problem but instead a corporate, ethical issue. Omega Protein is a publicly traded company that is truly raping our seas, and I hope all anglers have ensured that none of their own personal money is tied up in this disgusting practice. But this is one part of a bigger allocation argument, where reduction boats from Virginia control probably 90% of the annual bunker harvest where local bait boats are fishing on the rest.
Now, let’s get beyond the gear and allocation issue for a moment, and understand that the rally in DC is about open access, under the law, to rebuilding and often times rebuilt coastal fish stocks. If you make the commercial FISHERMAN an enemy on everything, you will lessen your ability to fight a real enemy which includes (A) radical anti-fishing organizations, and (B) corporate behemoths would enjoy seeing a privatized public resource to allocate through public auction and retail sale.
On March 20 and March 22, we can go back to beating the crap out of one another over the bunker harvest, the unfair allocation of fluke and scup, and the issue of denied access at our local snags due to the proliferation of commercial fish pots (most probably unlicensed and unregulated), but on the extra day of the year and the first day of spring, I believe that uniting under the one common bond we both have as FISHERMEN is the ideal upon which we should remain focused.
In stealing the words of pastor/activist Martin Niemoller who wrote about the heavy burden of guilt felt by many Germans after the holocaust, allow me to offer this…
When they came for the commercial fishermen,
I remained silent;
I was not a commercial fisherman.
When they locked up shares of red snapper,
I remained silent;
I was not a red snapper fisherman.
When they went after the party & charter boat operators,
I did not speak out;
I was not a for-hire captain.
When they closed off Pacific waters, Stellwagen & Biscayne Bay,
I remained silent;
I didn’t fish there.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out
On 3-21-12, we're all fishermen...united we can stand, divided we fall.
01-23-2012, 11:42 AM
How is occupy wall street and occupy every single city going? absolutely no where. :rolleyes:
Sorry to say, i feel strongly for everyone in the position to take it in the rear end when the government and the crooked MSA continues to crunch down on your businesses, trust me, i have a heart and i really do give a shit about it, the problem i see, is that no matter who you talk to, no matter how much you do or donate, you seem to take 4 steps foward and then just jump 6 steps back.
I have personally read and looked over all newsletters, all the associations we are asked to throw money into ,the sad thing i continue to not see is any results.
Everything is based on science and the amount of harvest, until we can get flawless science (which we will probably never see) we are not going to see any change.
I also get a crap load of nasty pms and remarks for my outlook on things, but from my perspective (and my opinion) making this march is not going to accomplish very much, if it does i give mad props to everyone who does it, but just like last year nothing has changed. People continue to dump tons of money in different associations (not throwing names because i dont want to hear the bitchy crying), but it has also seen no results.
maybe i just turn my head and look the other way for my own reasons, but until someone can show me something that has actually been accomplished, then i will keep my quarters in my pocket, if you can show me a few steps in the right direction, prove to me that some of this donating and walking, and giving money to all different places is making a difference, then i will become a big contributor, but until then i just can not justify it by any means.
01-23-2012, 11:59 AM
Hutch, thanks for taking the time to point out the facts and the logic that is completely missing from jigman's comments.
I respect his right to both have and express his opinions, as I respect everyone's right to have and express an opinion. That does not, however, make his comments any less ignorant of the facts and the real situation.
Having dealt with fisheries issues all of my adult life (and part of my youth) and knowing that his excuses for not getting more involved are just that, EXCUSES, makes me say to him what I say to others that post equally nonsensical comments.
Whatever let's you sleep at night knowing you did nothing to fix the problem.
No more pleasantries, the time for ignorance has passed my friends (and non-friends as well)
Some will say "you catch more flies with sugar..." "don't alienate people from the cause...." Yadda yadda yadda. I cannot alienate someone that is NOT interested in getting involved and is NOT going to help me solve the problem we ALL are facing. One need only read the comments about "pots off the reefs" and "cape may nj" to realize that HE JUST DOES NOT GET IT!
What is the point in arguing over who kills what and who catches what and where we can fish and what our size limit is and "recreational only" nonsense IF WE CANNOT FISH AT ALL???
No fishing allowed means NO FISHING ALLOWED.
We all know (or should) that not every commercial fisherman "rapes" the ocean or "catches all the fish"or any other such nonsense. If someone truly believes that then they should not bother being at the rally for sure.
However, the reality of the situation is that NO ONE will be able to fish for the species they love, be it stripers or fluke or sea bass or porgies or whatever, if something is not done about the system that is currently in place to manage our fisheries.
Plain and simple.
Jigman, and any others who believe as he does, we need your help. You need your help. You need our help. Only together will we ALL be able to keep fishing.
You want to improve the fisheries? So do I. However, what will be the point in improving our fisheries if we cannot fish for them?
Don't believe that "once the stocks are recovered my grandkids will be able to fish.
BULLSHIT! The gov't already concedes that Fluke, Sea Bass and Porgies are rebuilt. Guess how many of those fisheries are currently open.......NONE!!!
Cure the disease, don't just treat the symptoms.
No point in arguing over how you like your eggs cooked if the government is going to take away all the eggs.
01-23-2012, 12:09 PM
SportfishingUSA........ I beg to differ.
SSFFF proved that the gov'ts science was WRONG on Fluke. The ONLY reason FLuke is rebuilt NOW according to the gov't is because OUR SCIENCE PROVED IT WAS CLOSER TO REBUILT THAN THEY THOUGHT IT WAS.
Otherwise, FLuke would be over 20 percent further from the rebuilding target than it is right now.
But guess what? Fluke is still CLOSED, or closed early, with assinine size limits and ridiculously short seasons because THE SYSTEM THAT MANAGES THE FISHERY IS FLAWED AS MUCH AS THE SCIENCE!!
Science is vital, no question. But, we have reached a stage where all the science in the world cannot override the LAW.
The system has reached a stage where it STIFLES THE TRUTH. It makes the facts IRRELEVANT. One need look no further than fluke, sea bass and porgies. Fisheries rebuilt ABOVE the target, but all closed.
Why? Because the SYSTEM says that is what is needed.
Cure the disease, don't just treat the symptoms. Science has not become less important than it was when SSFFF started what it started, it is still just as important today as it was yesterday.
The difference now is that fixing the system has become as or more important than fixing the science if we wish to continue fishing! The failure of the fisheries management system is now nearly complete in that we can have all the fish in the world but not be able to catch any of them. We were allowed to catch MILLIONS more fish (yes, MILLIONS) when the stocks were considered to be rebuilding, and still allow the stock to rebuild, than we can now that they are rebuilt!
Until the system is fixed all the science in the world will not stop us from being shut out of the very fisheries we helped rebuild, commercial and recreational fishermen alike.
Ol Pedro
01-23-2012, 12:25 PM
[QUOTE=sportfishingusa]How is occupy wall street and occupy every single city going? absolutely no where. :rolleyes:
Sportie , we disagreed on the last March . That is how we met . The occupy folks don't have an agenda . We do . If we don't try we have already failed . I can't blame you for holding out but if you wait too long then there is nothing left . One day of your time hanging out with Fellow Fishermen/Women . Is that too much to ask ? If you have no BFT trip this year why not show up ? Ask Kill and the rest of the boys to show up too . You are a Big Boy and can make your own decisions . I'm just saying that if you don't lock it up soon he'll spit it .
bunker dunker
01-23-2012, 12:44 PM
i don't understand wht we have to fight for what is already ours.i give a big thanks to all who are working and seems to me that this war has to many fronts.1st its fluke,then sea bass now haddock were dose it end
01-23-2012, 01:25 PM
i don't understand wht we have to fight for what is already ours.i give a big thanks to all who are working and seems to me that this war has to many fronts.1st its fluke,then sea bass now haddock were dose it end
That's why Capt TB and Hutch are telling you this isn't about a lot of different little fronts. Look past them. Some of you guys aren't seeing the forest for the trees. This is about giving fishermen a voice in our nation's capital. Our collective best interests (ALL FISHING) are being marginalized and beaten down by idiots in charge of making the regs and rules, introductions of catch shares, etc. All fishermen, rec. and comm., have a dog in this fight. I'm gonna go this year, too.
I'll say this: It shouldn't have to come to this, but perhaps if party and charter boat captains/owners did something like handed out a coupon or offered some sort of small one-time discount (or any kind of deal) to those who march with them, we might get a few more guys on board with this. Some guys really can't go for one reason or another, others can easily go, some probably can but are stubborn/mislead/ignorant, and still others (like myself) are willing to sacrifice one day off from work to show support the hobby that's been a major part of my life for all of my 27 years on this planet. I personally don't feel I'm owed anything for this, but I think it'd be a fairly easy way to get some support from guys who are "on the fence" by showing the ones who do sacrifice their day for the cause some appreciation for their efforts. A major complaint from guys who marched last time has been "nothing's been done! I got nothing out of it!"
I absolutely understand captains maybe not being able to do this, and the idea that this SHOULDN'T be necessary, but it's just an idea, and I'm just trying to help.
01-23-2012, 02:09 PM
SportfishingUSA........ I beg to differ.
SSFFF proved that the gov'ts science was WRONG on Fluke. The ONLY reason FLuke is rebuilt NOW according to the gov't is because OUR SCIENCE PROVED IT WAS CLOSER TO REBUILT THAN THEY THOUGHT IT WAS.
Otherwise, FLuke would be over 20 percent further from the rebuilding target than it is right now.
But guess what? Fluke is still CLOSED, or closed early, with assinine size limits and ridiculously short seasons because THE SYSTEM THAT MANAGES THE FISHERY IS FLAWED AS MUCH AS THE SCIENCE!!
Science is vital, no question. But, we have reached a stage where all the science in the world cannot override the LAW.
The system has reached a stage where it STIFLES THE TRUTH. It makes the facts IRRELEVANT. One need look no further than fluke, sea bass and porgies. Fisheries rebuilt ABOVE the target, but all closed.
Why? Because the SYSTEM says that is what is needed.
Cure the disease, don't just treat the symptoms. Science has not become less important than it was when SSFFF started what it started, it is still just as important today as it was yesterday.
The difference now is that fixing the system has become as or more important than fixing the science if we wish to continue fishing! The failure of the fisheries management system is now nearly complete in that we can have all the fish in the world but not be able to catch any of them. We were allowed to catch MILLIONS more fish (yes, MILLIONS) when the stocks were considered to be rebuilding, and still allow the stock to rebuild, than we can now that they are rebuilt!
Until the system is fixed all the science in the world will not stop us from being shut out of the very fisheries we helped rebuild, commercial and recreational fishermen alike.
iI am with you and realize this, everything you say is 100% correct, but is going to washington and walking in circles with signs and speaking in front of the house really going to do anything other then put a bunch of people in one spot?
If you can give me 10 high powered elected officials that could promise results, i would be willing to provide my money to that sector.
SSFFF has been good, i cant disagree with that, they did make noise and they did get something good and some results, but thats the only real results i have seen.
01-23-2012, 02:12 PM
[QUOTE=sportfishingusa]How is occupy wall street and occupy every single city going? absolutely no where. :rolleyes:
Sportie , we disagreed on the last March . That is how we met . The occupy folks don't have an agenda . We do . If we don't try we have already failed . I can't blame you for holding out but if you wait too long then there is nothing left . One day of your time hanging out with Fellow Fishermen/Women . Is that too much to ask ? If you have no BFT trip this year why not show up ? Ask Kill and the rest of the boys to show up too . You are a Big Boy and can make your own decisions . I'm just saying that if you don't lock it up soon he'll spit it .
You right pedro, but i think there are bigger and better things that someone could figure out to do other then spend the day marching. I dont have the ability to take the day and go down there, to many other things on my plate right now, i commend the guys that take that time and fight for their rights, but i just think that it is a losing battle and if the battle is to be fought or won, there is much for realistic routes to be taken and some are already in action, but there has to be someone with some better ideas ( i know i dont have any because i am not very saavy when it comes to politics and the other nonsense) but guys like tony bogan, adam (karen ann) and people like this, they need a good plan and the support in the right areas, but i dont know how it would get done or when it would get done.
bunker dunker
01-23-2012, 02:46 PM
don't we elect congressman and senators to protect our rights and freedoms.
to march in front of someone{s} to protest what they are suppose to be doing already seems allot f-ed up
01-23-2012, 04:27 PM
>> A major complaint from guys who marched last time has been "nothing's been done! I got nothing out of it!"
On February 24, 2010, a three-hour rally was held in Washington DC with 5,000 fishermen, commercial and recreational united in solidarity to keep fishermen fishing. On stage during this event were two dozen legislators who promised to take the torch and carry into Congress for reform of our federal fisheries law. Meanwhile, non-governmental environmental organizations with coffers in the billions took out ads in national newspapers and lobbied extensively to stop our efforts (while many folks in the sportfishing community, including national manufacturers, stood on the sideline not knowing whether or not it was ‘proper’ to get involved with such an effort.)
In 2011, EIGHT pieces of reform legislation designed to amend the Magnuson Stevens Act were finally heard in the House Natural Resources Committee, despite objection from the billion dollar environmental industry. The House is set to deal with legislation to fix Magnuson now, and the Senate will need to follow suit.
Yes, it's a slow process, but I belive that significant work has been done since 2010.
You guys realize it’s these billion dollar organizations against the will of the people here at work right now, correct? There’s strength in numbers – and November elections are coming, significant elections which can help chart a new course for our coastal fishing communities.
>> walking in circles with signs and speaking in front of the house really going to do anything other then put a bunch of people in one spot? If you can give me 10 high powered elected officials that could promise results, i would be willing to provide my money to that sector
You perhaps are unaware of what actually occurred in 2010…I’d suggest you take a look at the video releases from 2010 to understand what this event is all about ( .1l2l0), and how 2012 is expected to be bigger and better than before!
Folks, please understand if this issue was as easy as Congress seeing one side of an issue and voting to protect the people as well as the fish then we'd have no reason for rallies, and no need for political action. There are many well-heeled forces acting against our local fishermen and our coastal fishing communities...some of us refuse to accept defeat without a fight!
01-23-2012, 04:35 PM
don't we elect congressman and senators to protect our rights and freedoms.
to march in front of someone{s} to protest what they are suppose to be doing already seems allot f-ed up
Who is left to vote for Eddie? No Man with a real conscience wants to get involved because of all the mud we are left with the shit that has crawled out from under the rocks looking to make what they can and get their free ride!!
No way do they give a crap about me,you or any other human on this planet!
Politics has just about destroyed this great country.....Blue collar guys who just want to make a living, own a small house and raise a family can't, businessmen can't run a business because of all the BS taxes and rules made out to make their business better.
Nobody waves the flag harder than me and yet I am livid over what we have become. The select few with the power telling us (the sheep) what is right.
The Egyptian civilation lasted over 3,000 years, yet after less than 300 years for us, we are screwed. We had the world by the balls with our technology, industry and good old fashion family values. Where is that now?
All the guys who gave thier lives so we could be free would turn in thier graves if they could hear, "Why waste my time marching" what the hell was the point!!
If they didn't march, we'd all be speaking German!!
I FISH, I VOTE, I FIGHT, I MARCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
01-23-2012, 04:42 PM
>> A major complaint from guys who marched last time has been "nothing's been done! I got nothing out of it!"
On February 24, 2010, a three-hour rally was held in Washington DC with 5,000 fishermen, commercial and recreational united in solidarity to keep fishermen fishing. On stage during this event were two dozen legislators who promised to take the torch and carry into Congress for reform of our federal fisheries law. Meanwhile, non-governmental environmental organizations with coffers in the billions took out ads in national newspapers and lobbied extensively to stop our efforts (while many folks in the sportfishing community, including national manufacturers, stood on the sideline not knowing whether or not it was ‘proper’ to get involved with such an effort.)
In 2011, EIGHT pieces of reform legislation designed to amend the Magnuson Stevens Act were finally heard in the House Natural Resources Committee, despite objection from the billion dollar environmental industry. The House is set to deal with legislation to fix Magnuson now, and the Senate will need to follow suit.
Yes, it's a slow process, but I belive that significant work has been done since 2010.
You guys realize it’s these billion dollar organizations against the will of the people here at work right now, correct? There’s strength in numbers – and November elections are coming, significant elections which can help chart a new course for our coastal fishing communities.
>> walking in circles with signs and speaking in front of the house really going to do anything other then put a bunch of people in one spot? If you can give me 10 high powered elected officials that could promise results, i would be willing to provide my money to that sector
You perhaps are unaware of what actually occurred in 2010…I’d suggest you take a look at the video releases from 2010 to understand what this event is all about ( .1l2l0), and how 2012 is expected to be bigger and better than before!
Folks, please understand if this issue was as easy as Congress seeing one side of an issue and voting to protect the people as well as the fish then we'd have no reason for rallies, and no need for political action. There are many well-heeled forces acting against our local fishermen and our coastal fishing communities...some of us refuse to accept defeat without a fight!
Thank you for clarifying.
Guys saying we're fighting a losing battle....that attitude, and doing NOTHING about it, is what's going to GUARANTEE that we lose and fishing as we know it becomes a thing of the past.
Screw that, I'm going again. Putting in for the day off now. See you in DC.
bunker dunker
01-23-2012, 05:10 PM
no one made me sign up for the marines but i did to do my part.i understand
what is at stake,we have both be doing this a long time.if what you say is true and all we have left is the bottom of the pile then we need allot more than a march.
01-23-2012, 05:22 PM
Eddie, Agreed 100% ...
01-23-2012, 05:28 PM
[quote=bunker dunker]ron,............
if what you say is true and all we have left is the bottom of the pile then we need allot more than a march.[/quote
And it starts with just a tea party. Or it starts with just an idea. Or it starts with just a hunger strike. Or it starts with just a march.
In addition to that march (or the second one as the case may be) is the people working to get those 8 pieces of legislation written, sponsored and (hopefully) voted on. The march on DC was but the tip of the iceberg, but it is the only thing that is PUBLIC and HIGHLY VISIBLE.
But since you have not commented on any of the points made by Hutch i will ask you this: How will the "more than a march" get done if no one will even take the first step?
01-23-2012, 05:41 PM
I went last time - Nice gettng this thread going early - Hopefully I can go again this year
I am already on the nut list with the Gov
Ol Pedro
01-23-2012, 05:44 PM
I'm tired of my Friends and Coworkers suffering . I'll be there .
bunker dunker
01-23-2012, 05:57 PM
i have an answer tony but not one that is filled with more political bs.its not just or rights about fishing but all our right as free men in a free country.
01-23-2012, 06:58 PM
>> its not just or rights about fishing but all our right as free men in a free country
And that's why I'm going Dunker - this is not just about my right to fish, but my right as an American to be free!!!
I Fish, I Vote - I MARCH!!!
01-23-2012, 08:02 PM
i have an answer tony but not one that is filled with more political bs.its not just or rights about fishing but all our right as free men in a free country.
I agree, as I believe most others would. However, you did not even attempt to answer the question.
How can we do the "much more" that is needed, better yet, how can ANYONE do the "much more that is needed if people will not even take the first step.
I know, you have served this country (thank you for that, honestly) but the fact remains that we must all do whatever we can as often as we can and forever if necessary.
I am taking this step. Many others are as well. Do not take this step if you feel that way, I do not begrudge anyone doing what they think is right, even if that means doing nothing.
However, please do not belittle my efforts because you (mistakenly IMO) do not believe they are worthwhile or will be fruitful.
Easy to talk about what "else" needs to be done when doing nothing is the course you choose.
(PS.... this has NOTHING to do with your service to this country, I am talking about THIS SPECIFIC ISSUE)
01-24-2012, 02:36 AM
>> its not just or rights about fishing but all our right as free men in a free country
And that's why I'm going Dunker - this is not just about my right to fish, but my right as an American to be free!!!
I Fish, I Vote - I MARCH!!!
Nothing is free.. in one way or another.. we pay!!!
bunker dunker
01-24-2012, 08:31 AM
like i said "i thank all that have marched and are doing what they can".i'm simply saying imo that its not enough.i agree tony that no one wants to be the person to throw the first stone.we can't beat them with money and we can't trust them to do the right thing,even after they build a platform around can sit there and say i haven't answerd the question or maybe the answer that i'm giving isn't what anyone wants to here but math dosen't lie so add up all the things they have taken or changed in the last ten years.i
respect all opinions and i respect all the hard working peeps on this site.when
over half of the population of this country dosen't think the president is doing his job maybe it time for a big change.
01-24-2012, 09:40 AM
Once again we are called to March to save what little we have left. I am a 3rd generation fishermen, I love what I do, I've respected and appreciated all that has been tossed my way so that the future could enjoy. Yet, here we are once again fighting just to survive.
I haven't made a pimple on a ducks ass taking fish from the bio-mass of the species I've targeted for 34 years, but I feel I'm being made to be a criminal and labeled as a non-important.
Catch Shares, Closed Area's!! Why, as the little guy in this picture should I and future generations have to suffer for an adjenda?
To loose a way of life because someone says they can do it to me is a slap in the face to every hard working American on the sea.
Who knows better than us what we need to survive and keep the industry growing? Not the politicians, not the Scientiest....the guys who live it and see it every day, US.
When the habitat is constantly being destroyed by dumping of mud for miles over beautifull rock bottom..were do the fish go? Salmon for centuries have gone back to the same streams to spawn only to find a Dam, Bridge or slough for them to manuever....Do you think OCEAN fish do the same?
Never got any PHD'S or documents on biology, but I was raised in an area and taught by a local clammer and fishermen who knew all about habitat, food chain and every thing else that made this work....yet, because I don't have THOSE documents, I don't matter.
The folks that do have these documents have been corrupted and forced to choose a side, unfortunatly they have gone for the money and lost everything that they beleaved in, in the first place. They have lost thier passion for saving the Habitat, keeping an equal balance on mother nature and have sold out at the cost of my livelyhood.
Sad to think my son will never see and enjoy what has been a beautifull way to live life..........Capt.Ron
"I Fish, I Vote, I Marched"
01-24-2012, 02:15 PM
RFA Helps Organize Efforts To "Keep Fishermen Fishing"
In another historic show of solidarity, U.S. recreational and commercial fishermen will gather near the U.S. Capitol on March 21, 2012 in an organized demonstration supporting sensible reform of the Magnuson Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson Stevens Act). According to the Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA) which is helping organize this year's event, permitting efforts have been underway for weeks and official details about the organized protest will be made public in the coming days.
A rally on February 24, 2010, under a United We Fish™ banner, brought some 5,000 recreational, commercial and party/charter vessel owners and folks in associated businesses from all over the country to Washington. More than two dozen members of the Senate and the House of Representatives took time out from their busy schedules to address the crowd. The March 21 rally is being billed as Keep Fishermen Fishing, and once again will unite the commercial and recreational sectors under one common message, "reform Magnuson now."
"Those who didn't attend or perhaps chose not to support the original rally are mostly unaware of the great things which were accomplished in between those two winter storms of 2010," said RFA executive director Jim Donofrio. "Of the two dozen members of Congress who addressed our troops at the rally, several top legislators pushed to have Magnuson reform initiatives prioritized in Congress which is why the House Natural Resources Committee is now reviewing eight different pieces of fisheries reform legislation."
"Our coastal fisheries have been getting national headlines in the past two years, and our Keep Fishermen Fishing organizers are hoping to keep that momentum going forward in order to reform Magnuson now," Donofrio said.
Signed into law in 1976, NOAA Fisheries describes the 36-year-old federal fisheries law this way, "most notably, the Magnuson-Stevens Act aided in the development of the domestic fishing industry by phasing out foreign fishing." In recent years however, rally organizers claim the Magnuson Stevens Act has been transformed from its original intent into a weapon employed by a handful of mega-foundations and the anti-fishing ENGOs they support to drive fishermen off the water.
"Real-time biological overfishing is not occurring in most U.S. fisheries today, as fishermen know it," Donofrio said. "We're being held to a statutory overfishing definition which has nothing to do with science, and that needs to be changed in the law."
Citing a continuous stream of regulatory requirements which have led to unnecessary and unacceptable restrictions in demonstrably sustainable fisheries, organizers say the American public is being denied access to the food and fun of this tremendous natural resource. "We've watched access to vital coastal fisheries like cod, summer flounder, black sea bass, red snapper, amberjack, gag grouper and others virtually destroyed during the past 5 years, this is clearly a huge jobs issue which has already been recognized by House Speaker John Boehner," he said referencing the speaker's blog site at
"We are seeking bipartisan congressional support to fix our law, to put folks to work and specifically to keep our fishermen fishing," Donofrio said.
Most U.S. fisheries are in better shape biologically than they've been for a generation or more. In fact, last year NOAA Fisheries scientists announced that 84% of U.S. fish stocks studied for fishing activity were not experiencing overfishing as of 2010. However, despite the heavy sacrifices on the part of coastal fishermen, the same federal agency in charge of managing the resource has been using a broken law to mete out broken promises upon these constituents to ratchet down regulations as fisheries continue to rebuild.
As was the case in 2010, organizers are anticipating foundation-funded ENGO lobbying disguised as a grassroots fishermen's effort aimed at marginalizing the Keep Fishermen Fishing rally. The message that anti-fishing groups will be relaying to Congress is that truly conservation-minded recreational, commercial and party/charter fishermen fully support the Magnuson Stevens Act as it is today and oppose any efforts to amendment it.
Keep Fishermen Fishing organizers however say that the truly conservation-minded fishermen won't be those walking the halls of Congress trying to sell their anti-fishing message because of foundation/ENGO funding, they'll be the people who are there on their own dime and who are committed to returning to a federal fisheries management system that recognizes that they and the fishing communities they support are as important as the fish are.
While final details of the 2012 Keep Fishermen Fishing rally are still being put in place, state organizers from the New England, Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic and Gulf regions have already begun coordinated efforts to schedule buses into Washington DC on March 20th and 21st. Those interesting in organizing a bus effort or getting travel information for joining the rally in DC should bookmark
You can also call the RFA headquarters at 888-564-6732 for additional information or to learn how to lend your support for the 3-21-12 rally for fishermen's rights. Follow the rally efforts by typing Keep Fishermen Fishing or Recreational Fishing Alliance into the search bar at (the RFA Facebook group page currently stands at more than 2,300 members and growing!)
Click here to donate exclusively towards national rally efforts on March 21, 2012.
About Recreational Fishing Alliance
The Recreational Fishing Alliance is a national, grassroots political action organization representing recreational fishermen and the recreational fishing industry on marine fisheries issues. The RFA Mission is to safeguard the rights of saltwater anglers, protect marine, boat and tackle industry jobs, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our Nation's saltwater fisheries. For more information, call 888-JOIN-RFA or visit
01-24-2012, 05:14 PM
For all of you naysayers, what would it take or what would have to happen for all of you to join in on March 21st.
Why not take this opportunity, to come be seen and heard, and hear from the HORSES MOUTH, as to what the problems are, how they are being addressed, and what are the short and long term prospects. Learn how each and everyone of us can make a difference. See who in Congress is with us, and who is against us. ( I learned my representative is being funded by PEW) Not what I wanted to hear, but at least I now know how to vote.
This is not just for us, but for generations too come,
01-24-2012, 05:44 PM
I will never forget that day as long as I live!!!
Tony Bogan still firing questions as we were being shoved out the door:mad:
As much disdain I have for politicians, on this one I gave in and said "Maybe this guy will make a difference" Christ was I wrong. He didn't want to hear any truths but gave us 15 minutes of his valuable time because he had too.
Thank you Rush Holt, you may be a genius and all that other crap I read about but you are no more than another "SELL OUT" to your constituents.
Capt. Lou
01-24-2012, 06:53 PM
I was a participant in the first march , and I'll go to this one as well.
I sincerely hope we have a huge showing , at this point that's all we can hope for to get somerequired attention of politicians that are indifferent to our cause!
If we fail to show in numbers then we can only blame ourselves for fisheries
policies that will surely not go our way!!
Mark that day & attend !!!
01-25-2012, 12:29 PM
For all of you naysayers, what would it take or what would have to happen for all of you to join in on March 21st.
Why not take this opportunity, to come be seen and heard, and hear from the HORSES MOUTH, as to what the problems are, how they are being addressed, and what are the short and long term prospects. Learn how each and everyone of us can make a difference. See who in Congress is with us, and who is against us. ( I learned my representative is being funded by PEW) Not what I wanted to hear, but at least I now know how to vote.
This is not just for us, but for generations too come,
It would take some change, who the heck is going to see you marching around? you think obamalama is going to come outside and be like, "shit, look at all those people, we need to change this and change it right now"... no, it is nothing more then a educational seminar to let people know that fishermen are done, they are fed up, they want change, but unfortunately, other then the local bum sitting on pennsylvania ave drinking and 40 of mad dog and stealing half smoked cigs, no one is really getting anything from it, who is listening? it is televised? spending all this time and efforts and money, why not pay someone to televise the entire thing and broadcast it all over the 7 oclock news!?!...
I think we should all go and throw money to the gay rights activists, they seem to be getting the job done on a higher level, every state is starting to let them marry, im sure they could find the right people and raise enough money to get someone to actually do something.
bunker dunker
01-25-2012, 12:50 PM
RIGHT ON SPORTS!!!!they are kicking 94 year old ladies out of the houses they were born think they give flying sh*t about some peeps fishing.
Gerry Zagorski
01-25-2012, 02:16 PM
Sport and Dunker.... Everyone on this board is certainly entitled to their opinions, but why discourage people who support the march and are attempting to make a difference??
I just don't get where the 2 of you are coming from... If you don't want to go or can't that's fine, but why seemingly go out of your way discourage others?
What are your motives here??
Ol Pedro
01-25-2012, 02:34 PM
BD and Sportie , I guess that this means that you guys are not going to make it . I know that you both have stepped up on other issues in the past why not give us some suggestions ? I agree that we should vote out the people that are not doing their jobs . From the top down (Nobama) . When we vote as a block they will either listen or be packing their bags . I talked to that guy with the 40 at the last March . He was wearing a baseball cap with an American Flag on it and his OD Forest Camo Heavy Jacket . He said that he was a Vietman Vet and could we spare some change or a smoke . Just think that could be some of Us or our Friends if we don't do something soon .
bunker dunker
01-25-2012, 02:35 PM
thanks jerry,so because we share a differant point of view we are pointed out.we never said not to go only that we don't agree.good luck to all,i'm out
Gerry Zagorski
01-25-2012, 06:34 PM
Was not my intention to single the 2 of you out Bunker. Judging by your comments here I think you are both passionate about this issue and as a result are frustrated and don't think the March can make a difference.
It may not, but it certainly can't hurt and is better than doing nothing.
I respect your opinion and not wanting to attend, but I think we are all on the same team here in regards to protecting our rights to fish and think the people that choose to March deserve our support and encouragement.
Art Berkman
01-25-2012, 06:50 PM
I will be there !
Ryan W
01-25-2012, 09:08 PM
I can totally understand why you think the way you do Ed. Every year the noose gets tighter around our necks. It seems we run into a damned if we do-damned if we don't scenario at every turn.
But as much as it seems we've got a mountain to climb, we have to start walking somewhere. Gay marriage wasn't granted overnight, a lot of people had to work very hard to make it happen. A lot of marches, a lot of lobbying, a lot of letter writing, just to get it in a couple states, not national change like we're looking for. We've marched once, gonna take a lot more than that to cause any change. I agree with pete that making clear that we have the ability to vote as a block and will vote for the candidates that make advocating for fishermen in washington a priority is a big step. I agree that this battle is one we shouldn't have to fight, but the fact of the matter is that we have to fight it, and I very much doubt that any politician of any party has a "magic wand" that they can wave that will fix this (or for that matter, any) issue, and we should heavily beware any politican who seems that they are promising us such (AKA gov. blubberbutt promising fisheries related change then selling us out to out-of-state omega protein in order to fuel his personal aims of running for POTUS in 2016).
We started walking in 2010, we gotta keep our issue in the fronts of the minds of these politicians. 2012 is a big election year and both parties recognize that every vote in every race will count. We need to make it clear that every last one of us that can make it to the polls will make it and that we will vote as a block in supporting candidates that support our right to fish, Democrat or Republican.
All of this is my own opinion, and I certainly respect the opinions of others on this matter and hope to see you all there in March at the march.
bunker dunker
01-26-2012, 08:09 AM
1ST,i have earned my rights.
2nd, who the hell is anyone here to judge anyone else.
if i might quote someone from this site"its an opinion,if ya don't like it don't read it."
Ol Pedro
01-26-2012, 09:30 AM
1ST,i have earned my rights.
2nd, who the hell is anyone here to judge anyone else.
if i might quote someone from this site"its an opinion,if ya don't like it don't read it."
BD , 1 ; this is about someone else taking away the rights that You Earned . 2; Disagreeing is not judging . Nothing good comes without some form of turmoil . 3;this is a Forum and you are encouraged to speak whats on your mind . 4; why take the time to type something that won't be read .
bunker dunker
01-26-2012, 09:43 AM
as long as i don't disagree with who????? look go march, have fun and do what"you" think is right.i see that like our own goverment if you disagree with
something"your being negitive".thank you for explaining this as i would have never understood this site funded by acorn??
01-26-2012, 05:53 PM
In stealing the words of pastor/activist Martin Niemoller who wrote about the heavy burden of guilt felt by many Germans after the holocaust, allow me to offer this…
When they came for the commercial fishermen,
I remained silent;
I was not a commercial fisherman.
When they locked up shares of red snapper,
I remained silent;
I was not a red snapper fisherman.
When they went after the party & charter boat operators,
I did not speak out;
I was not a for-hire captain.
When they closed off Pacific waters, Stellwagen & Biscayne Bay,
I remained silent;
I didn’t fish there.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out
On 3-21-12, we're all fishermen...united we can stand, divided we fall.[/QUOTE]
Perfect quote. I remember this quote and I thought of it just before I read your response.
And I can't tell you how many times someone said it doesn't matter. It does matter! You have to get involved. These anti-fishermmen HATE us. They cannot stand that someone is fishing on their Ocean. Or walking in their woods or climbing their mountain or canoeing on their river.
Did you read the part about the ENGO lobbists pretending to be fishermen? Telling congress that they oppose measures that would allow us more fishing oppertunities? That's not made up --I've seen it.
Do your best to get to this march however you can.
01-26-2012, 08:17 PM
Sorry to say I don't really care who's going or not going, or why or why not. I just want to know how much the busses are and where they are leaving from so I can sign up. I went to the last one and I'm going to this one.
Fish The Drop Off
01-27-2012, 09:22 AM
Thought for the Day
“You just can’t beat the person
who never gives up.”
~ Babe Ruth
01-27-2012, 08:31 PM
Unless 100,000 show up its not worth it! But if 100,000 show up.... it will will help get the message across! People = votes.... votes = being heard!
01-28-2012, 02:00 AM
Unless 100,000 show up its not worth it! But if 100,000 show up.... it will will help get the message across! People = votes.... votes = being heard!
yea and once tAT happenes they will concider it a riot and shut tat shit down faster then anything... its impossiable to get ur voice or idea heard by anyone who matters.... tats why everyone breaks the law in one way or another..;)
01-28-2012, 09:13 AM
Sorry to say I don't really care who's going or not going, or why or why not. I just want to know how much the busses are and where they are leaving from so I can sign up. I went to the last one and I'm going to this one. Amen! I am currently working on getting buses funded so the ride will be FREE. I am working with the owner of Academy buses whom we used last time (I have known Marc and Francis since I was a kid and their father owned the company) to get the best price possible and then get funding to cover as many buses as possible.
My parking lot will be used in Brielle again and NONE of my boats will be sailing that day. The Jamaica, Paramount, Jamaica Star and Riverboats will all be tied to the dock that day (riverboats would be tied up anyway in March!) so we will have ample parking available for however many buses I can get funding for.
Will be talking to the SSFFF board when Dave gets back next week from his fishing trip about using that site for booking the buses like I did last time. SSFFF is one of the organizers of this event again like they were the first time, thank you all for making it possible for us to fight for YOU, whether you think it is "worth it" or not!!
Please stay tuned to ( or ( (same site) for details as they become available. I own the site and will update it as often as possible. (currently having issues with my host so some images may not show up at the moment but the content is still there)
Stay tuned, give me the next 7 days to iron out details but rest assured from at least Brielle there will be a bus or buses sailing if I have to pay for the frigging thing myself.
My children will not be attending school that day so they can attend the march, hope to see all of you there.
01-29-2012, 07:03 AM
Thank you Captain Tony for your relentless pursuit of justice. It will be a privilege to march with you again !!
Art Berkman
01-29-2012, 09:11 AM
Capt Tony a Big Thanks !
See you on 3/21 !!!
01-29-2012, 04:34 PM
Hard for me to understand why it is so hard for our recreational anglers to see how important a good showing in Washington is for us.
Sure you have to take a day off work and in this economy its a little tougher but IF you value the fishing we have today and want to KEEP IT at the same level or better the Government needs to know enough people showing up speaks a little louder at voting time.
A showing of 5000 at the last one had fisherman from all over the United states who payed alot more in transportation fees, hotel rooms etc to show they CARED.
If just 10 percent of the recreational fisherman just from NJ alone showed up they probably would have to shut the the march down and how great would that be. I think couldnt get any better than that, as the media would go nuts.
pretty sad that the Gay groups can get more support for thier functions trying to gain something, that we as fisherman can for something thats being TAKEN AWAY.
come out and lets say it a little louder
Capt. Lou
02-01-2012, 06:09 AM
Hopefully this protest will draw real numbers, the kind that really garner the politicians attention.
I f we don't show up in respectable numbers then this fight will not go well! It's time to stand up & be counted , it's time to bring the fight to their doorstep.
Support the handful that fight for our right to fish on a daily basis , it's one day to support their efforts .
It could be now or never , so make it a point to attend!
02-01-2012, 11:48 PM
I will be going.
If nothing else I can tie rigs on the bus ride up and back.
Thanks to the Bogans for arranging the buses.
Any idea at what time the buses will get back to NJ?
02-02-2012, 11:47 AM
Any idea at what time the buses will get back to NJ?
Last time we got back around 5-530 pm
02-02-2012, 03:15 PM
The final word on the time and place for the Keep Fishermen Fishing rally - It will start at noon and run until about 3:00 pm on March 21 in Upper Senate Park adjacent to the US Capitol...
Will Post Bus Info/signup when it comes out!
02-02-2012, 07:48 PM
only 3 hours long?? :confused:
Rich Pfish
02-02-2012, 10:09 PM
3 hours is more than enough time.
I will be there to stand with my fellow anglers but I am afraid our voices will fall on deaf ears.
Both the senate and house, whoever is in town and not out campaigning, will most likely be focused on the debt issue, extension of the payroll tax and unemployment. Most likely these issues will be the hot topic that week.
Hopefully we will get enough press coverage to raise awareness.
Ryan W
02-02-2012, 10:15 PM
3 hours is more than enough time.
I will be there to stand with my fellow anglers but I am afraid our voices will fall on deaf ears.
Both the senate and house, whoever is in town and not out campaigning, will most likely be focused on the debt issue, extension of the payroll tax and unemployment. Most likely these issues will be the hot topic that week.
Hopefully we will get enough press coverage to raise awareness.
Only thing we can do is get as many people there as possible. Everything else is out of our control.
02-06-2012, 12:00 AM
3 hours isnt gonna do shit.. plain and simple.. sry to say..
Ryan W
02-06-2012, 03:13 AM
3 hours isnt gonna do shit.. plain and simple.. sry to say..
Number of hours doesn't matter nearly as much as the number of people who show up, we're not tryin to be the next "#occupy" movement here. We get a ton of people there, we will be heard, no matter if we're there for an hour or we're there for a week.
Ol Pedro
02-06-2012, 10:01 AM
3 hours isnt gonna do shit.. plain and simple.. sry to say..
Three Hours will be enough . All it takes is a spark to set this thing off . The more sparks the bigger the flame . I was raised to stand up for what I believe in and to help my Friends when they are in need . To see a way of life die and just watch is a travesty . Vdub , what do you propose to do since you feel that our effort won't do shit ?
02-06-2012, 12:38 PM
Three Hours will be enough . All it takes is a spark to set this thing off . The more sparks the bigger the flame . I was raised to stand up for what I believe in and to help my Friends when they are in need . To see a way of life die and just watch is a travesty . Vdub , what do you propose to do since you feel that our effort won't do shit ?
Way more important issues going on in our county, then being able to fish.................... think about it..
Ol Pedro
02-06-2012, 02:08 PM
Way more important issues going on in our county, then being able to fish.................... think about it..
I have thought about it and Working to support our Family's is Priority One . Unemplyment is one of the issues .If the Boats don't run then more Good Men and Women are unemployed . The whole Coastal Community suffers From the Hotels to the 7-11's meaning even more unemployment . I guess that you are not for Traditions or Family Business's . Are you willing to let the whole Fishing Industry go under ? Genersations of Fishermen have left our Ports to harvest the Oceans Bounty Both Sports and Commercial . Family Operated Business's passed on from Father to Son . I'm not ready to see the last of the Watermen .
I have thought about it and Working to support our Family's is Priority One . Unemplyment is one of the issues .If the Boats don't run then more Good Men and Women are unemployed . The whole Coastal Community suffers From the Hotels to the 7-11's meaning even more unemployment . I guess that you are not for Traditions or Family Business's . Are you willing to let the whole Fishing Industry go under ? Genersations of Fishermen have left our Ports to harvest the Oceans Bounty Both Sports and Commercial . Family Operated Business's passed on from Father to Son . I'm not ready to see the last of the Watermen .
Well said my friend.
Rich Pfish
02-06-2012, 08:58 PM
If it is a quiet day on the hill then you may see Frank, Schumer and Pallone come out and appease us. They will promise us the world but deliver nothing.
If both branches are debating changes to spending limits, the national debt, payroll tax or unemployment payments then we will be left outside to discuss the upcoming flounder season, lol.
I will be there but I am not expecting anything positive to come out of it. Maybe I am burnt out.
Ol Pedro
02-07-2012, 10:05 AM
Rich Pfish , You are willing to try . It will be an Honor to stand with you . We may be tired , We may be old ,but We Sure As Hell Are Not Laying Down ! Don't forget if they succeed they will be coming after you Freshwater Fishermen , Hunters , and Gun Owners . They will Devide and Conquer .
02-13-2012, 09:21 PM
if only 10% of the salt water fisherman would take the day and show up for this , The buzz that it would create in Washington would be one remembered for years, but just as bad is if guys are not willing to stand up for the lifestyle they enjoy, it will just allow those in power to due as they see fit without a care about what you want
Rich Pfish
02-14-2012, 10:33 PM
Dan, as I said before, I will be there but I do not expect that one million of us would make a difference. It is an election year with many issues standing before congress. The rights of fishermen or the economic impact will mean little to the powers that be.
Hopefully I am wrong and that is why I will stand with my fellow anglers on the 21st. I refuse to give up the fight.
I worked in the industry and have been unemployed for 2 years so that is why I am so negative on the whole issue.
02-15-2012, 08:10 AM
Any word on a bus out of Atlantic Highlands?
02-15-2012, 12:56 PM
Any word on a bus out of Atlantic Highlands?
Working on it. Have a meeting tonight and once I know how many buses we can sponsor (make FREE) I will know what locations they will depart from. After that we can set up "for-hire" buses like last rally.
My meeting is tonight so details will be out by tomorrow evening or Friday morning at the latest.
Fish The Drop Off
02-16-2012, 08:56 AM
Thought for the Day
“All that’s necessary
for the forces of evil to win in the world
is for enough good men to do nothing.”
~ Edmund Burke
Capt. Lou
02-16-2012, 07:47 PM
Rich Pfish , You are willing to try . It will be an Honor to stand with you . We may be tired , We may be old ,but We Sure As Hell Are Not Laying Down ! Don't forget if they succeed they will be coming after you Freshwater Fishermen , Hunters , and Gun Owners . They will Devide and Conquer .
I'm standing tall in that photo, right up ftont & I plan on standing there again!!' if half of us Showed
they would take note, as a group to be reckoned with, we will not take us for granite & make fish laws that hurt all of us!
I wish the manufacturers would show up on our behalf, where the "H" are they?
Dave A
02-17-2012, 06:55 AM
I'm standing tall in that photo, right up ftont & I plan on standing there again!!' if half of us Showed
they would take note, as a group to be reckoned with, we will not take us for granite & make fish laws that hurt all of us!
I wish the manufacturers would show up on our behalf, where the "H" are they?
Lou, unfortunately you and I know where the manufacturers are...they are too busy drinking the ASA and CCA kool aid! None the less, I know you will be there and you know I will be there because we know there's a chance something positive will come from this. To all of you that won't sacrifice a day to support your fishing habit...take up golf instead!
Ol Pedro
02-17-2012, 10:33 AM
[QUOTE=Capt. Lou]I'm standing tall in that photo, right up ftont & I plan on standing there again!!' Not sure if I'm riding with Gambler Keith or the bus but we will be there . A lot of us were Standing Tall last time .
02-19-2012, 03:35 PM
OK ladies and gents. SSFFF is going to be sponsoring FOUR buses to the rally in Washington D.C. on March 21st, 2012.
SSFFF will cover the cost of the bus. Tickets will cost $10.00 per person to cover a beverage, snack and the bus driver's gratuity and fees.
Currently there will be two buses leaving from Bogan's Deep Sea Fishing Center in Brielle and a bus leaving from the Wildwood Fishing Center in Wildwood, NJ. The fourth bus will likely be leaving from the Atlantic Highlands but I need to work out a few details before I can start selling tickets for that bus so stay tuned those of you up north. In the meantime....
CLICK THIS LINK TO PURCHASE TICKETS ( from the Brielle and Wildwood locations.
02-20-2012, 07:18 PM
I'm new to the board and relatively new to saltwater fishing; hunting has been my passion for the 30 years, we hunters have been fighting some good fights for a very long time, our victories have only been possible because we've stuck together and we're not timid about flexing our collective political muscle. When they don't listen kick the bast*rds out (remember the antis grumbling last year about the bear hunt in NJ being political payback from Christie?).
Count me in amongst those who will be marching.
Captain Mike C
02-21-2012, 08:08 PM
Renegade will be there. Thanks TB, this is one hell of an effort!
Ol Pedro
02-23-2012, 02:57 PM
Thank You TB and everyone else for your efforts . I just got my ticket for one of the Bogans Basin buses . Couldn't wait to see if Sportsmens was going to have one . Had a great time on the last one . Looking forward to this one .
Topeka Boy
02-23-2012, 08:51 PM
Just got 3 tickets for the BOGANS BUS Krueger me and a buddy of Krueger.Hope to see you guys march 21st.:D
02-24-2012, 11:10 AM
Just purchased my ticket, will be at Bogan's.
on the rock
02-24-2012, 04:25 PM
any progress on a bus from atlantic highlands?
Capt. Lou
02-24-2012, 05:40 PM
Ditto on AH bus?
02-26-2012, 03:21 PM
Just bought my ticket.
Topeka Boy
03-05-2012, 08:50 PM
Is it just me it seems there is no interest in this march, Last time we went there seemed to be much more chatter and enthusiasm on the board. we need more than 5000 people to show up. this is the best way to fight all these rules and regs we are as a group so unhappy about. Com on guys there is no excuses you call in sick to fish, call in sick and take a bus ride , we need everyone to go.;) ;) ;)
Art Berkman
03-15-2012, 09:03 AM
What time are the Buses leaving NJ :confused:
Ol Pedro
03-15-2012, 10:04 AM
What time are the Buses leaving NJ :confused:
Bogans Basin leaves at 6:15 am sharp .
Art Berkman
03-15-2012, 10:34 AM
Bogans Basin leaves at 6:15 am sharp .
Atlantic Highlands ?
Ol Pedro
03-15-2012, 10:42 AM
Atlantic Highlands ?
6:00 am Sharp .
Art Berkman
03-15-2012, 10:44 AM
6:00 am Sharp .
Thanks so much !
03-15-2012, 04:13 PM
What time are the Buses leaving NJ :confused:If you GO TO THIS LINK ( it will give you all the info for NJ buses.
You will need to go to that link if you wish to get on a bus since there is no guarantee that space will be available the morning of departure (unless someone else bought a ticket for you of course)
03-15-2012, 04:16 PM
The Paramount & Jamaica will NOT be sailing on Wednesday, March 21st.
The crew will be in Washington, DC fighting for fishermen's rights!
Click This Link ( for details.
Join us in Washington as we rally outside our nation's capitol on 3/21/12
Art Berkman
03-15-2012, 06:48 PM
Thank you Capt TB :)
03-15-2012, 07:14 PM
A BIG THANK YOU to the Bogan Family. I will be there with you!
03-19-2012, 07:50 AM
Over 7,000 hits and 4 busses are still not full?????????:(
03-19-2012, 11:57 PM
I commend all those RFA and recreational guys going down to D.C. on Wednesday. Thank you for helping us be able to protect our rights to fish. As for all the commercial fisheries people...
03-20-2012, 11:20 AM
Good Luck tomorrow guys - I cant make it this time due to a new job and cant get time off yet. I went last time. Thank you all for going and making our voice heard. Good Luck and represent
03-20-2012, 04:44 PM
I don't know if this is posted elseware but I thought I should pass this on. I stopped in at Slater's and spoke to Ralph Sr & Jr a little while ago. They said they will def. be open early if any of the people going on the bus out of Atl Highlands want to pick up a slider & coffe for the ride. If you want to call ahead, the number is 732-291-3466
Both are very appreciative of what the March stands for. They mentioned the trickle down effect. Less Fishermen = less business for them. They depend on the summer trade to get them thru the year.
! They just wanted me to passs on their thanks.
03-20-2012, 07:53 PM
I don't know if this is posted elseware but I thought I should pass this on. I stopped in at Slater's and spoke to Ralph Sr & Jr a little while ago. They said they will def. be open early if any of the people going on the bus out of Atl Highlands want to pick up a slider & coffe for the ride. If you want to call ahead, the number is 732-291-3466
Both are very appreciative of what the March stands for. They mentioned the trickle down effect. Less Fishermen = less business for them. They depend on the summer trade to get them thru the year.
! They just wanted me to passs on their thanks.
Like I always say "Support those that support you"!! Great job Ralph Sr. and Ralph Jr. you guys are the Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
I don't know if this is posted elseware but I thought I should pass this on. I stopped in at Slater's and spoke to Ralph Sr & Jr a little while ago. They said they will def. be open early if any of the people going on the bus out of Atl Highlands want to pick up a slider & coffe for the ride. If you want to call ahead, the number is 732-291-3466
Both are very appreciative of what the March stands for. They mentioned the trickle down effect. Less Fishermen = less business for them. They depend on the summer trade to get them thru the year.
! They just wanted me to passs on their thanks.
Uncle Ralph makes the biggest and best subs on the east coast. And his breakfast sandwiches are so big you can't get your mouth around them. Maryanne is our favorite girl!
03-21-2012, 01:32 AM
Family emergency just came up. I bought a ticket for the Brielle bus. If anyone wants it they can have it. PM me.
To those that are going-- Thanks and I am sorry I cannot join you.
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