View Full Version : Prospects for 2012:

01-01-2012, 06:27 PM
Hoping the New Year finds you happy and healthy.

Let’s hear it, what do you have going on for 2012. I have a float trip booked for mid April already on the upper Delaware river. I think we should keep tradition and have an opening day NJF Meet and Greet, maybe the same location ? I know it wasn’t us last year, the State had to post a statement saying yes, we did stock the streams, cold water was to blame. Any suggestions for a new location, let me know.
I know I’ll be looking for striped bass and shad right here in South Bound Brook in the spring, last year was a lot of fun catching big stripers in a freshwater river. I’ll also be in touch with those working the fish ladder and I’ll try to post up the numbers from 2011 when I get them from the biologists.
Maybe a trip out to Penns Creek in the spring, all of my fishing has been in the fall out there, this year I would like to try a spring run. Lake Hopatcong hybrids in the spring, last years reports were great, between that and the walleye it is a must for the new year. I might break tradition and do less Round Valley night rainbows and instead head over to Spruce Run for night hybrids. Yes, I plan to do a lot of Merrill Creek and Split Rock Res. NJF Catfish night out was good last year and I think we should try it again this year. I was also thinking about Newark watershed and spending more time on Swartswood. Keep the e mails going to NJFG&W, if there is an open forum I think we should all attend. Weather permitting I’ll be on the Delaware river through the winter, I know a lot of guys are chomping at the bit for some hard water fishing, only time will tell. Lets hope we don’t see anymore devastating flooding like we saw last year.
Thanx for making NJF a great place last year with all the reports and photos, I’m still meeting new people and learning about new spots, let’s keep the ball rolling into 2012

01-01-2012, 07:42 PM
My personal goals for 2012 are:

1)Catch a 35+ inch northern pike from New Jersey waters.
2)Catch a flathead catfish from the Delaware River or Schuykill River
3)Catch my first REAL tuna

I'm taking my honeymoon in Belize in September, so I'm also hoping for a tarpon, snook or cuda, or better yet, a bunch of them.

And I'll hopefully be doing LOTS of musky fishing.

01-03-2012, 09:34 AM
Do I think you'll catch a 'cuda? You better Belize it.

Anyway, here's what I'd like to do:

Become proficient in fly fishing to the point where I can catch fish consistently.
8+lb Fluke
Increase my striper/year average to more than 1.
Try at least 10 new bodies of water. Each time I did this in 2011 I caught fish and I know there are better lakes/rivers out there.

Best of luck in 2012 this year everyone. Looking forward to more amazing pictures and reports!

01-03-2012, 07:23 PM
Well I "VOTED" for fishing new spots.


I got a boat

Always try and fish more than I work; however, the opposite is sometimes in play

Road trips already planned

And plan to catch my personal best on any one of the above!


bunker dunker
01-04-2012, 08:49 AM
catch a 10lb walleye in lake hopatcong.
fish the big d for shad more
night fish the lake allot more