View Full Version : 12/20 Califon

12-21-2011, 09:33 AM
Went lookin for bubba and only found his buddies,fished the ballpark area and picked up a few fish up to 18" and 1 huge sucker.Water was way to low and clear I had to sneak up to spots and cast from behind trees and boulders.Heading back out thursday:D 44249




12-21-2011, 10:56 AM
Two very nice fish, especially the brown. The sucker...Well...

12-21-2011, 03:00 PM
Nice fish and pictures. Has anyone had any luck catching trout out of the lake section in the center of town? Is it stocked? I prefer moving water, so I always passed it by, but just thought the other day that it may have some large holdovers.

12-21-2011, 03:12 PM
Nice fish and pictures. Has anyone had any luck catching trout out of the lake section in the center of town? Is it stocked? I prefer moving water, so I always passed it by, but just thought the other day that it may have some large holdovers.
Me too.

Only when the state stocks in the fall or spring.. It's mostly just goose shit and mud bottom, and I will pass it by.
Fishing right by the dam (far side) can be hit or miss.

12-21-2011, 05:01 PM
Atsa big sucker shucker ! Hope this rain don't go and ruin it all, may try to sneak out over the holidays.

12-21-2011, 08:52 PM
Atsa big sucker shucker ! Hope this rain don't go and ruin it all, may try to sneak out over the holidays.

Hey Andy...I thought you had a fork stuck in ya? gotta be a weak plastic one as you can never say NO!

Shucker-Way to man up and post the sucker catch!:cool: Have managed to hook a few of these guys myself while fishing the Little Leigh in PA...SSHHHHH, if unhooked quickly the others think ya got a trout:p

NICE CATCH on the trout