View Full Version : RFA-NJ Fall Fish A Thon Sign up
10-04-2011, 05:08 PM
RFA-NJ will be hosting a Fall "Fish A Thon" . This is the Official sign up thread.
Please visit to sign on. You can pay via CC by using Link on RFA-NJ web-site or pay by check/ money order made out to RFA-NJ and mailed to Capt Fran Verdi C/O RFA-NJ 715 Cedar Run Dock Road
Cedar Run, NJ 08092.
MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, name (if applicable), ADDRESS AND PHONE CONTACT if mailing payment.
Due to the short timeframe until the trip we would appreciate it if you use the on-line CC sign up.
Trip will be on Capt Bobby Bogans GAMBLER in Point Pleasant. You all know the effort we will get by Capt Bob and Crew. COD Fishing in NJ has been great. Lets support RFA-NJ to help insure ALL Fishing in NJ stays great.
Trip: Mixed Bag Cod/Ling /Seabass/ Jmurr type fishes and whatever else.
15 to 30 mile wreck trip.
When: Friday November 4th
Time: 6AM to 4PM
59 Inlet Drive
Point Pleasant, NJ
Price: $90.00 per angler: 10 hour trip!!. Includes Boat fare, RFA-NJ donation, Crew Tip as well as Food and Light Beverages.
Printer friendly version:
Standard Boarding order based on sign up order.
In the event weather prevents us from getting to the offshore wrecks we fish inshore for Tog/ Ling/ Porgy/ and whatever else.
Capt Bobby makes the final call.
Heaviest Fish Boat Pool
Door Prize raffle
Hope to see you onboard :D
1) Ritchie Tropics
2) Fin Reaper
3) Sam the Sinkerman
4) Steve Sirc (JAY)
5) Steve Sirc (JAY) Guest
6) Chris 1129
7) MADMAN (Jim B)
8) RNK-1
9) RNK-2
10) Kurtis B
12) ItalianFisherman
13) Italian Fisherman-2
14-17) Greg Heiser + 3
18) Mike M
19) PaulNReel (Paul Arbor)
20) Torchee (Joe O)
21) Torchee-2
22) CodBuster
23) MS Gold
24) D Onysko
25) D Onysko-2
26) R Scott
27) Stevelikes2fish
28) Stevelikes2fish -2
29) the1jonc
30) the1jonc-2
31) Hartattack
32) Frank F
33-35) Gofishchris
36) John K
37) Jim1349
38) FlukeGuy
39) Eugene F.
40) Tom M.
41) Joe Lewis
10-04-2011, 05:12 PM
I didn't see any place for my user name on the RFA site, I paid 2 spots see ya there.
The Sinker Man
10-04-2011, 05:24 PM
In for 1...Just paid.
10-04-2011, 05:33 PM
I just paid and signed up! Thanks for the heads up Jay!
Tropics is correct: no spot for NJFishing name online.
Looking forward to another RFA Trip!
Paid for two. Reserved under Steven Sirc. Anytime! Chris! Can't wait!
10-04-2011, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the quick sign ups guys! The user name I requested is ONLY for Mail -in sign ups. You will NOT find it on-line. Thxs.
10-04-2011, 05:57 PM
Thanks for the quick sign ups guys! The user name I requested is ONLY for Mail -in sign ups. You will NOT find it on-line. Thxs.
Thank you Dave and everyone else involved, also the anglers for their support.
Fin Reaper is my guest
10-04-2011, 05:58 PM
I just sighned up and payed for 1. Looking forward to the trip.
just paid for 2 spots
Russ n Kathy
10-04-2011, 06:01 PM
I'm in.
Thanks for the quick sign ups guys! The user name I requested is ONLY for Mail -in sign ups. You will NOT find it on-line. Thxs.
Steven, Chris and I had an awesome time for the Fluke and Seabass. Thanks for all the hard work putting this together for a great cause. It should sell out like hot cakes!
Fish The Drop Off
10-04-2011, 06:44 PM
This is the last fishing trip for the year for the RFA-NJ Chapter. Maybe I will get to reel in a fish this time. LOL :D
Thanks for all the support and I have had a blast on all of the trips this year.
10-04-2011, 08:12 PM
Just signed up, cant wait to go.
10-04-2011, 08:13 PM
Im In All Paid, Just Gotta Get The Hand Towel Designed, ( Got 2 More Guys Interested Just Checking Schedules Before They Confirm)
Mike M
10-04-2011, 09:45 PM
Just paid online. Thanks Dave and Capt. Fran for all your hard work.
10-05-2011, 09:54 PM
I'm in Jay!!
I'm in Jay!!
Very cool! It should be a great trip!
Fish The Drop Off
10-06-2011, 08:56 AM
Half way to a full boat. Now we need to get it filled. Should be a great time.
Thanks again for the support
10-06-2011, 01:10 PM
I hope I didn't cause any confusion. I was online yesterday but didn't pay.
I saw my name on the list.
Today I went online and payed for 2 tickets (Joe osenenko)
Ihope it doesn't look like 3 spots.
Payed for 2
Can't wait!
10-06-2011, 08:07 PM
I hope I didn't cause any confusion. I was online yesterday but didn't pay.
I saw my name on the list.
Today I went online and payed for 2 tickets (Joe osenenko)
Ihope it doesn't look like 3 spots.
Payed for 2
Can't wait!
No confusion Joe. Got you down for 2. Thanks and look forward to fishing with you again.
The Sinker Man
10-06-2011, 08:53 PM
Totally surprised that these trips don't fill up in a matter of days. Thousands of guys on this site alone and the trip fills up at the last minute..Good boats, good Capts and good crews. Always a good time...Get out and put some faces to the screen names..Let's see some new names this time..
Thanks again for putting this trip together.
Life's A Beach
10-07-2011, 05:36 AM
Totally surprised that these trips don't fill up in a matter of days. Thousands of guys on this site alone and the trip fills up at the last minute..Good boats, good Capts and good crews. Always a good time...Get out and put some faces to the screen names..Let's see some new names this time..
Thanks again for putting this trip together.
weekdays no good for me Sam
10-07-2011, 02:51 PM
Sandi and I are all signed up! Sniffle, sneeze cough, i feel a call out sick day coming on Nov 4th :)
10-07-2011, 03:24 PM
Sandi and I are all signed up! Sniffle, sneeze cough, i feel a call out sick day coming on Nov 4th :)
Debra, I guess I created fishing monsters, glad you both are coming. Great boat and crew.
MsGold, forgot to mention, great group of fishermen too. Welcome aboard Ladies! ;) :D
Fish The Drop Off
10-09-2011, 09:56 AM
WOW Only 15 spots left on this trip. It is a fun time come out a support the RFA-NJ Chapter.
Thanks again for everyone's hard work in make all the trips a success.
10-11-2011, 04:09 PM
Just signed up and paid for myself and 1 guest.
10-12-2011, 10:48 AM
Trip is shaping up very nicely:D By the time Capt Fran and myself sign up plus some guests we will be over the 30 mark so if you are on the fence I would seriously consider signing up soon.
The Cod and ling are out there, Seabass will be open and it looks very promising that they will remain in the areas we will be targeting. With Capt Bob and Gambler crew at the helm we should have a great trip.
To all those who cant make a weekday trip its completly understandable and I will try to make some weekend trips available next spring/ summer.
Thanks again for all the support of RFA-NJ Chapter.
10-12-2011, 11:30 AM
Just signed up for me plus 1.
Looks like a good cast and crew.
10-12-2011, 12:30 PM
This will be a good trip. Can't wait to get out there for something different.
10-12-2011, 12:44 PM
Hey Dave / Fran / et al - - I'm in !!
Just re-arranged my work sched to make this great event.
Looks like I'll be one of the last to board :cool:
10-12-2011, 03:09 PM
Hey Dave / Fran / et al - - I'm in !!
Just re-arranged my work sched to make this great event.
Looks like I'll be one of the last to board :cool:
You are slippin big time. Never had to board you past # 3 before :eek:
Hard to imagine you will stay quiet until #31:D Best spots this trip will be wherever I am NOT.;)
10-18-2011, 10:25 AM
Looks like another sell-out is in the works:D Just a few spots left and a couple of weeks till we sail. Usually I dont advocate bringing a ton of gear but I suggest you have the following:
1) Suitable Deepwater Cod / Pollack Set-ups
2) Seabass , Ling and Tog set-up
3) Striper / Blues and Albie Set-up with jigs ready (in case)
Dont forget Sam the Sinkerman for all your sinker needs prior to the trip.
Gambler will have plenty of sinkers and rigs on hand as well for purchase.
Lets hope we get the weather window as there has NOT been a lot of pressure on the deep water wrecks lately. Should be a banner trip.
Thanks for all the support and if you are not onboard yet please grab up those last few spots.
10-21-2011, 01:09 PM
What is meant by food and drink included????
10-21-2011, 01:17 PM
What is meant by food and drink included????
last trip they had a load of subs, water,soda.
The Sinker Man
10-21-2011, 01:24 PM
Good subs and plenty of drinks...Hope they have coffee!!!!!!!!!
Can't beat that for the price! Subs were excellent! Another two more weeks Gentlemen!
10-22-2011, 05:29 PM
Guys are right. SUBS, Turkey, Ham and Italian is the usual mix provided. Plus water, Gatorade, soda and mixed snacks (pretzels, chips etc) Plenty for all aboard. BYOB
Galley will be closed but I will check on the Kawfee Sam.
Still a couple of spots open for the weather watchers. As for the rest of we are gonna get um!
The Sinker Man
10-22-2011, 05:37 PM
Thanks Dave..You guys do a great job.
Ryan W
10-22-2011, 06:20 PM
Best of luck guys- I am very interested in fishing/working this trip- will check with bobby about it.
10-22-2011, 08:32 PM
Hope your there Ryan!! Thought for sure you would be!!
10-22-2011, 08:35 PM
Ryan Hope your there!!
Ryan W
10-22-2011, 09:24 PM
Well this whole bit about being 3 hrs away with no car makes it a little hard..... I'll see if I can make it work out though.
10-25-2011, 12:40 PM
Just signed up,you will see 2 email addresses,one for confirming and one that is linked to my pay pal
Fish The Drop Off
10-25-2011, 01:01 PM
Just signed up,you will see 2 email addresses,one for confirming and one that is linked to my pay pal
I know where you live anyway. LOL not a problem
Thanks for coming.
10-28-2011, 06:14 PM
Well we have hit the 40 mark:D Decision has been made to keep the sign up open for awhile longer. Gambler is 90 ft and we can squeeze on a few more and all still have a comfortable space to fish.
RFA-NJ thanks each and every one of you for caring and understanding what is at stake for our fisheries. Quite a turnout AGAIN.
Part of the door prize raffle will include these great items:
- Aquaskinz Jacket
- Aquaskinz Bibs
- Kevin Bogan Fish Poision MH E-glass Rod w/ RFA-NJ 2011, striped bass and American Flag Decals
- Reel and Rod (w Seat) Combo from NS Tackle shop in Brielle.
Actual specs on these to follow.
Lets hope the weather is on our side and again THANKS to all for participating and Fishing Industry Donators. IT MATTERS!
10-28-2011, 07:47 PM
Dale I sort of have an issue with adding more peeps! It was supposed to be 40 and now you want to" sqeeze" a few more in!! I don't think thats very fair for all who commited early
and where expecting to fish on a fairly uncrowded boat!! 40 is more than enough on a 10 hr. trip!
10-28-2011, 09:15 PM
Dale I sort of have an issue with adding more peeps! It was supposed to be 40 and now you want to" sqeeze" a few more in!! I don't think thats very fair for all who commited early
and where expecting to fish on a fairly uncrowded boat!! 40 is more than enough on a 10 hr. trip!
Codbuster: PM sent. Give me a call. Thanks, Dave
10-28-2011, 09:43 PM
[QUOTE=codbuster]Dale I sort of have an issue with adding more peeps! It was supposed to be 40 and now you want to" sqeeze" a few more in!! I don't think thats very fair for all who commited early
and where expecting to fish on a fairly uncrowded boat!! 40 is more than enough on a 10 hr. trip![/QUOTE Hey everyone Please disregard my last post as I just talked to Fran and he said it was just one or two RFA members that did'nt realize the trip was sold out so fast!! Hope Bob opens the bunk area to give us a little snoozing spot! Can't wait til Friday See ya all there!
Keep your fingers crossed for good weather!! Looking forward to the trip! ;) :D
10-29-2011, 12:02 PM
Just 6 days to go... I'm Stoked for this trip... Great boat, great crew, and fellow NJF'rs!!!! :eek: LOL....Dusting off the poles and making rigs :D
11-01-2011, 06:54 PM
Weather isn't looking that bad I think!!
11-01-2011, 07:33 PM
NO bananas !! :p
11-01-2011, 07:58 PM
vikings only...
11-02-2011, 12:21 PM
Sorry for the lack of communication lately. Been without power both work and home since Sat afternoon.
Updates: Trip is officially SOLD OUT with 40 Anglers. THANKS to all involved, you make our life easier running these trips and RFA-NJ appreciates the support.
As of right now this trip is totally a GO. Looks like some good seabass and general bottomfishing and looking forward to whatever Capt Bob has up his sleeve.
If anyone is in the Point Pleasant area today or tomorrow and could pick up some of the raffle Rods, reels from two local PP tackle shops please send me a PM. Fran and I have both been pretty tied up and it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and I will update further as required.
Awesome news! Looking forward to the trip. See you Friday.
11-03-2011, 03:25 PM
I hope the bottom dwellers are biting tomorrow!!! See everyone in the AM!
Ryan W
11-03-2011, 04:47 PM
good luck guys, will not be there unfortunately but catch em up!
11-03-2011, 05:11 PM
I know trip leaves at 6this and boarding is based on signup.
Can someone explain boarding / rail position choice procedure?
Thanks. See you all tomorrow.
Yes, based on the sign up and once you board you pick your spot. A little friendly advice to all, bring some dramamine. Read from another thread conditions were pretty rough, lots of casualties but fishing was good. Don't want to miss out!
The Sinker Man
11-03-2011, 05:27 PM
Jay, It better be like the last trip, 100 degrees, no wind and flat as a pancake or I'm in trouble.
Fish The Drop Off
11-03-2011, 05:52 PM
Should be a rocking trip. :D :D
Should be a rocking trip. :D :D
Good one, Capt. Fran!! LOL!! :D
Sam, just start drinking with Chris and Steven and I, you'll be fine. :D
11-03-2011, 06:15 PM
I know trip leaves at 6this and boarding is based on signup.
Can someone explain boarding / rail position choice procedure?
Thanks. See you all tomorrow.
Jay has it right but to add to it here is boarding procedure:
I hope to start the boarding call no later than 5:15 to 5:30. If everyone is there we can start earlier but please dont show up at 4AM, 5 to 5:15 is plenty of time.
Do NOT put anything and I mean anything on the boat before your name is called. that goes for coolers, clothes bags, extra rods etc.
Couple of helpful hints:
1) Dont overload with gear, inside or outside the cabin. We are providing food and soft drinks so you shouldnt need bulky food coolers. Weather may be a tad sporty so extra breathing space in the cabin is essential. Bunks will NOT be open.
2)Be patient and polite in the parking lot. It can be tight so dont drag all your stuff out to the back of the boat. Bring a rod for your deck spot and a bag for your cabin spot. You can get the rest later.
3) You know your spot in the order so dont crowd the back of the boat if you are a higher boarding #.
Once I call your name you can put one rod in the holder on deck of your choice. Please know your rough spot before hand to speed things up. Then find your spot in the cabin.
No reason it can't go smooth and quick. Once everyone has boarded we will start selling raffle and 50/50 tickets. Boat will handle the pool, boat rules.
See you in the AM. THANKS
11-03-2011, 06:30 PM
Just so picky, See ya at 4:00:)
Fish The Drop Off
11-03-2011, 06:35 PM
When I show up I will need help with two very large coolers. One will be the drinks the other will be the food.
thanks to anyone who helps.
11-03-2011, 06:39 PM
When I show up I will need help with two very large coolers. One will be the drinks the other will be the food.
thanks to anyone who helps.
Capt. Fran I will be down early with Dave, I am meeting him at the rest area on the Parkway.
Will do what I can. Thank You and Dave again for all yous are doing.
Fish The Drop Off
11-03-2011, 07:02 PM
Ok Guys How much weight will I need to get to the bottom? :confused: 3oz, 4oz, 6oz, 0r 8oz or am I going to need more.
11-03-2011, 07:06 PM
Ok Guys How much weight will I need to get to the bottom? :confused: 3oz, 4oz, 6oz, 0r 8oz or am I going to need more.
I am starting with 8 and hoping I don't work up to 20 :D
Fish The Drop Off
11-03-2011, 07:08 PM
Also If anyone has green crabs I would be glad to chip in. I forgot to get them today and the bait shop. :D
Fish The Drop Off
11-03-2011, 07:09 PM
I am starting with 8 and hoping I don't work up to 20 :D
Shit 8 is the largest I got. :)
11-03-2011, 07:10 PM
Ok Guys How much weight will I need to get to the bottom? :confused: 3oz, 4oz, 6oz, 0r 8oz or am I going to need more.
That will work fine since you were not planning on leaving the cabin anyway.:eek: If you do venture outside though you may want some 8,10 and 12's maybe even a 16. I have an order in with The one and only SINKERMAN so we can share.
Fish The Drop Off
11-03-2011, 07:19 PM
That will work fine since you were not planning on leaving the cabin anyway.:eek: If you do venture outside though you may want some 8,10 and 12's maybe even a 16. I have an order in with The one and only SINKERMAN so we can share.
Well, I have not landed a fish yet so you might be right about me being in the cabin.
I do not think my arms can lift that kind of weight.
11-03-2011, 07:31 PM
I have a few extra 16 oz sinkers if needed!!
11-03-2011, 07:35 PM
!6b ozs should be fine I hope!!
11-03-2011, 10:03 PM
come on Fran!!!! We are going wreck fishing,bring some weight.
Ready to rock and roll. Literally! LOL! :D
11-04-2011, 08:25 AM
Good luck guys give em hell... My money is on tropics :D
Dales sry I couldnt be there to serve u your breakfast beer n bagel ...good luck out there today your in good hands
11-04-2011, 05:43 PM
Just wanted to let you all know the reason I wasn't there was because at 3oclock when I woke to go my 10 year old cat could not use her back legs and was dragging herself around with the front legs! I had to take her to vet at 9 this morning and the outlook is dim at best!! Hope ya all smoked em!! Kip
The Sinker Man
11-04-2011, 08:58 PM
sorry about the cat codbuster...Lefty, you would have lost.All in all a good trip again...
I got my usual nothing, but others did alright so they better put up the fishing report...Thank Dave, Capt Fran and Capt Bobby and crew for putting this together...
Mike M
11-04-2011, 10:32 PM
Another sucessful RFA fundraiser. Thanks to Dave, Capt Fran, and Capt Bobby and crew for putting this together.
Like Sam said some did well. Others like myself did alot of catching but not much keeping. It was still a nice day even if the conditions were less than perfect. Dave should be posting some pictures of today's lucky fishermen.
Awesome trip! We laughed our butts off. Chris, Steven and I had a great time, between us three we had nine keeper Cod, 7 nice seabass and two ling. If conditions were better, I think the keeper ratio would of been higher. The Gambler crew as always did a phenomenal job! Thanks to Capt Bob, Capt Mike, Crew, Dale and Capt. Fran. Looking forward to next year's trips!
P.S. Nice fishing with Marilyn, Sandy and Debra. These women fished hard all day under the conditions. I tip my hat at all three of them. Good going Ladies. ;) :D
11-04-2011, 11:19 PM
Great time today! Weather kicked our butts a little bit, but we got a decent catch together today. Lots of great fisherman to hang out with and lots of laughs. Jay, Steve and myself had a blast. Thank you Gambler crew, Dale and Capt Fran for putting together this trip. Until next time! I winded up with 4 keeper Cod and even won a raffle! Thanks for the Bucket of S#&T?!
11-04-2011, 11:51 PM
Nice Catch Guys, I Tried Like Hell To Get Out There ( 11 On Boarding) But It Has Been A Very Busy Past Couple Weeks At The Shop, Gotta Get The Work In Before The Cold Comes And We Enter Our Slower Season, Its 10:49 Pm And Im Still At The Shop Pulled Close To 90 Hours This Week And I'll Be Here Tommorow, But Once Again Nice Catch Hope To See Everyone At The Next Fish A Thon
11-05-2011, 06:40 AM
Thanks to Dave, Fran, Capt. Bob and the crew. The trip was great getting to meet some new guys and old. My day of the dogs I think I had somewhere in the area of 35 dogs, my arms are sore.
2 Keeper Sea Bass, looking forward to next years RFA trips..
11-05-2011, 09:10 AM
Thanks to dave,fran and the gambler capt & crew, had a nice time didnt fair as well as some, but the company was great... thx again..
Thanks to dave,fran and the gambler capt & crew, had a nice time didnt fair as well as some, but the company was great... thx again..
As always a pleasure, fishing with you my friend. It was nice meeting Steve, nice kid when he was awake! :D
Kevin Bogan
11-05-2011, 10:16 AM
Great time today! Weather kicked our butts a little bit, but we got a decent catch together today. Lots of great fisherman to hang out with and lots of laughs. Jay, Steve and myself had a blast. Thank you Gambler crew, Dale and Capt Fran for putting together this trip. Until next time! I winded up with 4 keeper Cod and even won a raffle! Thanks for the Bucket of S#&T?!
Chris, feeding the fish beer disqualifies you from the pool!!!:eek: Looks like the wind was blowin' a bit there.
Fish The Drop Off
11-05-2011, 01:45 PM
I wanted to thank everyone for coming and it was a blast. I did land some fish on this trip but nothing for the box and that is fishing. Had a blast talking with everyone.
The ocean was not flat but it was fishable and some did put fish in the cooler.
Thanks Capt. Bobby and crew they did a great job and it is a great boat.
We will be back next year with some trips again and hope to see both old and new faces on the trips.
Thanks again for the support that all of you have give the RFA-NJ chapter this year.
11-05-2011, 03:19 PM
Another RFA trip in the books.
First let me say Thanks to Capt Bob and the Gambler crew for another professional day on the water. Fast stable fishing vessel which is perfect for offshore Cod or Inshore anything with the weather patterns this time of year.
Pretty much it was typical PB Bottom fishing, depending on where you were you either had a good day or a not so good day. Over all though the Gambler and RFA supporters put a decent catch together and mates were cleaning fish the whole ride in. I was fishing the stern port corner with Richie Tropics. Fishing with Richie is like fishing with Leif and having your own personal mate. Thanks Rich, always a pleasure fishing with you. We ended the day with 1 keeper Cod and a Ling for me and Richie had two nice seabass. We caught shorts on Cod and Cbass, Many dogs, bergalls, Pout etc so busy catching just not keeping. Sam Sinkerman came through as always with top quality sinkers so I could donate a few and still have plenty. THANKS SAM , (class act).
Great fishing again with old and new people. Greg H. crew, again showed a strong effort and Chris M had a couple of beauties. Larry Hartattck, Mike M, MS Gold These guys/gals are always there for these trips. It was not a day for wandering around the boat so if I failed to mention anyone trust me we appreciate your support and hope you had a good time.
Two guys away Eugene F had a great day with a couple of real nice Cod and a few ling. Jay Santiago Team fished on the other stern corner including Jay,Steve and Chris. These guys were having a blast all day and caught well.
Best sighting of the day was while steaming to spot # 2 a bird decided to take a rest on top of Hartattack Larry's HEAD. When he realized his face was priceless, wish i had the camera ready.
Some great door prizes were awarded and many thanks to Kevin Bogan for another fabulous custom rod making fish very nervous, Dave A Reel Seat for the Rod/ Reel, Dicks Sporting Goods and Scottys B&T and RFA national.
Some poetic justice for Torchee, he snapped his rod in two swinging over the "endangered" dog fish but then won The Rod/Reel combo in the raffle.
Some pics attached. Thanks again for all your support, Fran and I also have a great time on these trips. See you in the spring.
11-05-2011, 03:22 PM
some more pics
11-05-2011, 03:22 PM
couple more
11-05-2011, 04:32 PM
Great trip, awesome crowd. Thanks Dave & Fran for stepping up for RFA again (& again & again. . .). The Ling were delish - - should've downgraded my hooks & bait and targeted more of them. Gambler is a great operation - thanks Captain Bob for a fun day. Had to laff when Torchee said " I hate when the weathermen get it right "!! :rolleyes:
11-05-2011, 05:56 PM
Had a great time yesterday. Great to meet everyone! Hope to see you all real soon!
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