View Full Version : Gas levels for winter storage.

11-02-2011, 07:43 AM
Probably going to rack my ride up for the winter this weekend and have about a half tank of gas (60 gallons). Was wondering what the consensus is for fuel levels during winter storage.

I'm planning on a new water separator and the appropriate (to a little over) stabilizer additive...but wondered if it's better to top the tank now, or fill up in the spring with 50% new gas and blow out the remaining old.


11-02-2011, 12:17 PM
I always filled the tanks and added stabalizer. Then I ran them long enough to get the stabalizer through the engine. I see no need to dump 50% of your fuel. I never had a problem with fuel following this procedure with any engine following a long layover.

11-02-2011, 12:56 PM
I keep mine about 3/4 full.... the less air space you have in there the less condensation you will have but you don't want to fill it all the way as the gas will expand when it gets warmer out in the spring. I found that out the first year I had my CC.... I filled it up all the way and in the spring when I cut the shrink wrap off it was like a bomb in there. My fuel tank vent was thru the fill cap which was inside the shrink wrap......(I added a vent for the fuel tank to the hull to make sure that never happened again) if I had know what I know now I would have thrown a match in there when I had the chance :D

11-02-2011, 01:15 PM
I keep mine about 3/4 full.... the less air space you have in there the less condensation you will have but you don't want to fill it all the way as the gas will expand when it gets warmer out in the spring. I found that out the first year I had my CC.... I filled it up all the way and in the spring when I cut the shrink wrap off it was like a bomb in there. My fuel tank vent was thru the fill cap which was inside the shrink wrap......(I added a vent for the fuel tank to the hull to make sure that never happened again) if I had know what I know now I would have thrown a match in there when I had the chance :D

Now that's funny!

I currently run the stabilizer all year at light doses, but will amp it up a bit for the winter with 80% in the tank. Maybe top off with some high test in the spring to up the octane a bit. My fuel vent is on the outer hull and I'll keep an eye on the cover sealing it off. Good call Ted!

River Rat
11-02-2011, 02:17 PM
Fuel Stabelizer and tank at about 90% full works for me year after year.

11-02-2011, 09:05 PM
Ok, so condensation IS an issue, but how much water do you think you accumulate over the course of a layover?

Gallons? Quarts? Pints? Its less than you think.

To each his own, and everyone has their own method they are comfortable with.

Pull it, add stabilzer, run it, fog it, done.

Top off in the spring with fresh and run it. Never an issue.

This is a good read:http://www.yachtsurvey.com/myth_of_condensation_in_fuel_tanks.htm

11-03-2011, 06:54 AM
Ok, so condensation IS an issue, but how much water do you think you accumulate over the course of a layover?

Gallons? Quarts? Pints? Its less than you think.

To each his own, and everyone has their own method they are comfortable with.

Pull it, add stabilzer, run it, fog it, done.

Top off in the spring with fresh and run it. Never an issue.

This is a good read:http://www.yachtsurvey.com/myth_of_condensation_in_fuel_tanks.htm

You're right Duffman, it's not much. I've seen a tank pulled and drained after sitting foor a long time. AND, Fin S, with the water seperater, you'll trap what's in there through you're lines and Stabilizer will help minimize it( I usually add just a bit more than called for too)....my boat sat two seasons ago in storeage and started and ran perfect the following year when I moved it to Belmar.

Boston Pete
11-03-2011, 04:49 PM
Firsy off I know shite about maintaing boats....but my mechanic, same guy who runs an engine class, says it's better to run as dry as you can and add stableizer. He said he used to tell everyone to fill their tank for the winter but now because of ethanol he thinks it's better to go empty.

When I got my WC last fall it sat for a few years, when I had the tanks pumped dry they said 1/2 the tank was water.

my 2 pennies