View Full Version : Indian Mills Lake 10/10

10-11-2011, 08:01 AM
Hit Indian Mills Lake yesterday morning. The only other time we had fished it was this spring with pretty good results. We got on the water at 6:45 am after cleaning the green carpet off the bottom of our trailer due to all the scum in the water:eek: . We fished most of the lake but still had a problem getting all the way to the back due to ultra shallow water. The fishing was good for the first 2 hours then it slowed down a little. We got off the water at 10:45 am. We caught 18 bass, pickeral, crappie and sunfish. We actually had a pretty good topwater bite for the first 2 hours . Water was shallow so it wasn't that suprising. I got sliced twice today, first time the pickeral was kind enough to miss it and the lure floated to the top. However, a 3-4 lber. inhaled it and it was gone:(. Also, the grass carp were active this morning, might be your time to try and catch one Jmurr. Overall, a good morning on the water:) .