View Full Version : December 3rd....no fishing !

10-06-2011, 10:07 PM
Better to attend than go fishing, let your voice be heard.

2nd Forum:
Dec. 3, 2011; 10 a.m.
Hackettstown Hatchery, Warren County
Come and share your views and
recommendations for the future of
freshwater fisheries in New Jersey and
learn about current research, management
and fish culture activities!
The forum at Hackettstown will include a
tour of the fish production facilities.
For more information or to pre-register
(helpful, but not required) please call
(908) 236-2118 or send an e-mail to
njfwfish@earthlink.net. E-mails should
include name, address, phone number and
number of people attending.

10-06-2011, 10:33 PM
MORE pike...LESS trout. Makos in the Rockaway, tilefish in Round Valley. The possibilities are endless..............

10-07-2011, 06:03 PM
I pre registered, and will see you there Andy

10-08-2011, 11:41 AM
MORE pike...LESS trout. Makos in the Rockaway, tilefish in Round Valley. The possibilities are endless..............

On a serious note, I think stocking stripers in 1 of the big lakes would not be a bad idea. It would have to be the worst one with no big predators because once they were introduced they would eat everything. Union Lake in South Jersey would would probaly be the best bet. It has fair fishing at best, is has a fish ladder so the fish could go into the river to spawn, and it 898 acres. There is actually a very small population of stripers in the lake that have come up the fish ladder. Biggest one ever caugth out of there was 28 lbs. That proves they would have enough food. Only problem is that it's max depth is only 25 ft.. Also, there is a chance that any bass that went over the dam to spawn would not return. However, it seems like a good idea.
I will probaly be able to make this meeting too.