View Full Version : Manasquan River Offshore Tournament

Gerry Zagorski
07-27-2011, 11:47 PM

Manasquan River’s Only Offshore Tournament

$85,000 Estimated Cash Awards*

August 27thThrough September 4th, 2011

Entry Fee: $500.00 per boat

Tournament Entry Fee Awards

50% HeaviestTuna
30% SecondHeaviest Tuna
20% ThirdHeaviest Tuna

Calcutta Awards

Tuna - Skill Level A - $1000
-Skill Level B - $500
-Skill Level C - $200
- In eachskill level:
HeaviestTuna - 50%
SecondHeaviest Tuna - 30%
ThirdHeaviest Tuna - 20%
Bluefintuna are not eligible for awards.

Marlin -$300, 50% Blue Marlin Category, 50% White Marlin Category
Category Awards - Most Releases -70%, Second Most Releases - 30%
(a HatchetMarlin is considered as a White Marlin)

Swordfish -$100, Winner takes all.

Wahoo - $100,Winner takes all.

Mahi Mahi -$100, Winner takes all.

DailyJackpot (tuna only) - $100, Largest Tuna of the Day, Winner Takes All

Hosted By: TransientSlips Available

Captain’s Meeting:
August 26th, 6:30 PM
Crystal Point Yacht Club, 4000 River Road, Pt.Pleasant NJ 08742

Awards Party:
September 4th, 6:30-8:00 PM
Manasquan River Club, 217 Riverside Drive,Brick, NJ 08724

*ForMore Information, Visit Our Website at:www.mrmtc.com (http://www.mrmtc.com/)

Captain Rich
07-28-2011, 07:43 AM
Tuna Wahoo is in !

Reel Catch
07-28-2011, 06:20 PM
For those interested in fishing our Offshore Open, we can E-mail a copy of the Offshore Open Entry Form and Rules/Awards to you. Just send us an E-mail.

As a matter of note, Entries can be made by mail-in to MRMTC or submitted at the Captains Meeting, Friday, 08/26/11, 6:30 PM, Crystal Point Yacht Club.

We know that some of you are fishing the MA500 and may have a concern over the Offshore Open's Captains Meeting coinciding with the MA500's last fishing day. For that reason, the mail-in approach will be of benefit.

And, Offshore Open Entrants that are concerned over being able to have a representative attend the Captains Meeting are requested to call Joe Oles (551-206-1651) or Jim Carton (732-829-5567), Tournament Co-Chairmen, prior to the Captains Meeting.

Please note that Entrant's signed Entry Form/fee must be in MRMTC's posession no later than during the Captains Meeting.

So, as you can see, we will work with you to resolve these logistical matters.
We just want you to come have fun and fish our tournament!Joe Oles joles@ispcorp.com
Jim Carton IV jdcartoniv@cartonlawfirm.com
MRMTC Tournament Committee Co-Chairmen

07-28-2011, 10:16 PM
I would love to get in on this! If there is anyone that needs 1 more guy PLEASE let me know. I have all my own equipment, but I will use yours if that's what you would like. If you have any questions please give me a call at 732-890-0065. Thanks!

Captain Rich
07-28-2011, 11:29 PM
Jason- Call me-Rich

Captain Mike C
08-04-2011, 08:13 PM
Renegade is in - Anglers wanted - special pricing - call for details.

08-05-2011, 01:12 PM
Hey Rich and Mike

Glad to hear you will be participating. We have some major sponsors that are supporting this event. The captains' meeting will be a BLAST. Live band, upscale food, hors dourves, plenty of beer, bountiful captains' bags, raffles, door prizes, etc. etc. all under a tent.

Your charters will really enjoy themselves. The fish are slowing up offshore.
Hope you can cash in on the award monies.


Reel Catch
08-09-2011, 12:16 PM
I'm in for sure!

45+ sponsors this year..................should be a killer tournament!

Captain Rich
08-10-2011, 11:36 PM
I've got one spot open, call for details. Thanks--Rich

08-11-2011, 09:52 PM
We are very pleased and honored to announce the folllowing organizations who are supporting the tournament as Platinum sponsors;

Comstock Yacht Sales & Marina
Cuny & Guerber, Inc.
J F Murray Co. Inc.
Hoffman's Marina
Manasquan River Club
Manasquan Savings Bank
Prestige Yacht Sales
Professional Sportfish Services Inc.
Ray Catena
S M Electric Company Inc.
Titan Custom Yachts
Vericon Construction
Viking Yachts

Each of these sponsors will be entering a boat competing in their name.

We'll be posting the names of the gold, silver and bronze sponsors also.

Thank you all and special thanks to Crystal Point, our host marina. Transient slips are available for the tournament.

08-12-2011, 10:56 AM
Hard to Catch is in and looking forward to it.

08-12-2011, 02:17 PM
If you are a fisherman or fisherwoman come join us under the tent at Crystal Point Yacht Club to kick off this tournament. We'll have

Live music

Plenty of Beer

Plenty of hot food and appetizers

Thousands of dollars worth of fishing tackle- Torso 20, Fin Nor Santiago 50W and much, much more

So even if you can't fish the tournament you're welcome to help us celebrate our club's 75th anniversary

08-12-2011, 03:05 PM
dont think i got anything going on that night, i shall be there will bells on! hahah

Reel Catch
08-17-2011, 09:33 AM
The Manasquan River Marlin & Tuna Club will be holding its 31st Annual Offshore Open, starting on Aug. 27th and ending on Sept. 4th, 2011. This year’s tournament will celebrate MRMTC’s 75th Anniversary and promises to be a truly outstanding event. We are very pleased to have more than forty five national and local businesses supporting the tournament. Fourteen sponsors have signed-on at the highest (Platinum) level and include the following:

Comstock Yacht Sales & Marina
Cuny & Guerber, Inc.
J F Murray Co. Inc.
Hoffman's Marina
Manasquan River Club
Manasquan Savings Bank
Prestige Yacht Sales
Professional Sportfish Services Inc.
Ray Catena
Rella’s Italian Tavern
S M Electric Company Inc.
Titan Custom Yachts
Vericon Construction
Viking Yachts

Each Platinum Sponsor will be entering a boat to fish in the tournament. Total sponsor merchandise exceeds $10,000 in value and will yield terrific Captains Bags and raffle items.

The 2011 Offshore Open commences with a Captains Meeting at Crystal Point Yacht Club on Friday, Aug. 26th, 6:30 PM. Attendance is expected to reach several hundred crew members and guests all of whom will be catered to with fine food and beverages. The tournament format provides a nine day window during which Entrants may fish any two separate days or a two day overnighter. The tournament ends with an Awards Dinner at the Manasquan River Club on Sunday, Sept. 4th, 6:30 PM. Last year, the Offshore Open paid out over $63,000 in cash awards. This year’s cash awards are expected to exceed $85,000. The tournament is hosted by Crystal Point Yacht Club in Point Pleasant, NJ. Transient slips are available.

The MRMTC prides itself in the fact that proceeds from the Offshore Open will be donated to MRMTC charities and fisheries support organizations. Last year’s recipients were The RFA, SSFFF and George Burlew Scholarship Fund. Additional tournament information is available on the MRMTC’s website, www.mrmtc.com.

08-18-2011, 10:06 PM
lets hope for some calm seas and some big fish! can't wait:D

08-21-2011, 01:39 PM
Good luck out there guys be well-be safe- catchum-up and represent

Almost forgot stay hydrated

GDubya - :cool:

08-23-2011, 09:13 PM
The Offshore Open captains' meeting is ON this Friday.

Rain or shine under the tent

6:30 PM at Crystal Point Yacht Club


Hors' douvres

Great food

Live music

Quality fishing tackle auctions and many raffle items thanks to the tremendous support of our sponsors

This will be a first class event.


Reel Catch
08-25-2011, 01:09 PM
The tent is up and preparations are complete.

The Captains Meeting and Tournament are on.........as planned.

Tuesday/Wednesday and beyond are looking good.

Reel Catch is in..............and ready!

08-25-2011, 11:11 PM
Hope to see everyone tomorrow!!!

08-27-2011, 08:13 PM
The captain's meeting party was a blast! We're very, very pleased with the venue at Crystal Point Yacht Club. The atmosphere was festive and electric with everyone getting psyched with tournament fever. So far, thirty seven boats have entered. A number of captains are waiting for Irene to pass.

The entry deadline has been extended to Monday 8/29

Give us a call and sign up by Monday night. The more boats the merrier.

Would love to see you at the awards dinner


Reel Catch
08-28-2011, 03:15 PM
MRMTC extends a tremendous thanks to all who attended our Captains Meeting on Friday evening, particularly those that looked beyond the storm and joined the tournament. We hope you had a wonderful time, enjoyed the food and music, and brought home some raffle and aution items.

As announced during the Captains Meeting, tournament sign-up has been extended to Monday, 08/29, 6 PM, for Registration and Calcuttas. To do so, please contact Joe Oles at 551-206-1651, ljdoles@verizon.net; or Jim Carton at 732-829-5567, JDCARTONIV@cartonlawfirm.com

So now, the storm has passed and Tuesday and beyond are looking good!

We hope that you, your family and friends, and home and craft have successfully endured the storm.

Safe travels and good luck fishing. We look forward to seeing you at the Weigh Scale starting Tuesday evening.

09-03-2011, 02:01 PM
A 101# bigeye is in the lead so far. Canyon Runner weighed a 58# wahoo yesterday and also took heaviest tuna of the day with a 50.80# YF.

There are 17 boats returning tonight so there should be lots of activity at the weigh scale.

Stop by Crystal Point Yacht Club between 5 and 8 PM to check out the catches. Refreshments will be on hand compliments of Ray Catena.

Go to the web site for full details.


09-06-2011, 11:30 AM
IT'S OVER. The tournament was a huge success in spite of Irene. The fishing really turned on Saturday. A 276# bigeye and a 93# wahoo were weighed along with many other tuna. Check out the photos by going to the home page mrmtc.com. Click on "Galleries" and then "2011 Galleries" to view them. The final results have also been posted.

The tournament ended with the awards dinner held at the Manasquan River Club. Everyone had a great time. The food was especially good thanks to Shore Fresh caterers.

Many thanks to all our sponsors and special thanks to our host marina, Crystal Point.

Looking forward to seeing you all next year.