10-03-2011, 05:18 PM
The Council proposes to add South Vineland Park Pond (Cumberland County) and Brookaloo Swamp (Warren County) to the Division’s trout stocking program. In addition, four waterbodies are also proposed to be removed from the Division’s trout stocking program Clarks Pond (Essex), Mullica Hill Pond (Gloucester), Riverview Beach Pond (Salem), and Trout Brook-Hope (Warren). The proposal also includes adjustments to boundaries of the trout stocked sections of Honey Run and Lopatcong Creek to assure appropriate protection of stocked fish in these waterbodies. The Council proposes to increase the creel limit on lake trout in Round Valley Reservoir to six fish, 15 inches to less than 24 inches in length, and one additional fish, 24 inches or greater, for a daily creel total of seven lake trout to reduce a current stockpile of fish less than 24 inches. A 15 inch minimum size limit and a daily creel and possession limit of three for largemouth bass is proposed for Alloway Lake (Salem County). For consistency with Pennsylvania, the Council proposes to increase the current rod limit from two to three for the Delaware River. To further improve consistency with Pennsylvania, the taking of eels, herring, and bullheads while bow fishing on the Delaware River is proposed to be prohibited while allowing the taking of catfish. The Council proposes to clarify bow fishing regulations by identifying ten species of fish which may be taken by bow anglers. Currently, the Code identifies thirteen species which may not be taken.