09-25-2011, 12:29 AM
Chris_JC and I did a little musky fishing today. Got on the water at about 3:30pm in his canoe. About an hour into the trip, I had a huge wake barrel up to my 7-inch Drifter-Mania Doc but not hit it. About 10 mins. later and 20 yards away, a much larger fish thrashed at the same lure twice about 10 feet from the canoe and missed it both times. 20 minutes after that, I had a blow-up on the same lure and this time it connected. Had him on for about 15 or 20 seconds and the lure came free. Between the way he bit and the fact that I was sitting in a canoe, I don't think I got a solid hookset. Mangled the paint job on the Doc and the teeth marks were about 6 inches across. Definitely a solid fish. I'll get him next time.