View Full Version : Apshawa Preserve / Butler Reservoir - 9/21/11

09-22-2011, 03:34 PM
The Apshawa Preserve is part of Passaic County's Park system (http://www.passaiccountynj.org/county-parks-apshawa-preserve.html). It is a nice section of highlands mountain terrain. Inside it is the old Butler Reservoir which is open to fishing.

The county's website is outdated, there is in fact a parking lot now, here (http://maps.google.com/maps?q=41.025214,+-74.373937+&hl=en&sll=41.025418,-74.373425&sspn=0.000987,0.001876&vpsrc=0&t=h&z=17). The hike to the reservoir is about a mile from the parking area. Sturdy boots are required, as it is real hiking, up and down mountains. The white trail leads from the lot to reservoir most directly. The effort is rewarded by the views.

The reservoir just peeking out from the trees, as viewed from atop a mountain.

Down on the water

Fishing was pretty good in the reservoir. I put in about an hour and caught 2 gills, 2 pumpkinseeds, a 18" chain pickerel and a 11" crappie, all on my trusty 1/8 oz gold panther martin.

Continuing up past the reservoir, there is another swamp/pond.
Very scenic, but did not hold any fish. It appears that the man made dam containing this water was breached during Irene. Approximately a 10' section of the dam and trail are washed away. However the beavers quickly repaired it and the water level is now actually about a foot higher than it was previously, resulting in the trails around the perimeter being partially underwater. I am guessing that any fish were probably washed down to the reservoir.

Nice to try new places.

09-22-2011, 08:34 PM
Can I put my canoe in there ?

09-22-2011, 08:53 PM
beautiful shots

09-22-2011, 10:16 PM
Can I put my canoe in there ?
Well, I didn't see any signs that say you CAN'T, but the question is more, can you get the canoe there? I think it is a little over a mile from the parking area to the reservoir, and I hiked about 3.5 miles total. It is no joke hiking either... appalacian trail style, lots of up and down steep rock inclines. There are some other trails and roads that are closer to the reservoir, but not public parking. I was really wishing for a boat too, because there is very thick brush around most of the shore, and a lot of it is too steep to wade.

beautiful shots
Thanks! Cell phone camera doesn't do it enough justice. Probably will look twice as nice in a couple weeks when the leaves are in full color.