View Full Version : TUNA.Com. * Trip of a Lifetime
08-23-2011, 03:32 PM
Jon Devin, Eric (In Pursuit) and I made our long scheduled trip to Gloucester for Giants. We have fished with Dave Carraro for the past (2) years for cod, haddock and pollack and had limit catches.
Left the dock promptly at 4AM and headed out. Had some heavy rain and a little snotty on the way out to the grounds.
Set out a couple of lines and while Dave was giving us a lesson on what was going to happen, we hooked up. Eric fought the fish for almost an hour before the line had gill rubbed and he broke off at the boat on the surface. Approx weight 350-450.
We get back to the ball and 10 minutes later, Paul (the mate) says" get ready" boom! There it goes off again, this time peeling out all the mono and 3/4 of the backing off the spool. Dave stopped him initially and got back almost all of the backing. We took turns on the rod for the next hour and Dave finally harpooned the massive beast at 1.5 hrs. The fish is estimated at approx 900lbs. 110" long. The biggest fish on this year.
It was a true team effort, taking turns on the fish, running the boat, clearing the lines, etc. Paul took approix 45 mins to an hour to head, gut, and ice the fish down. We got him back to the dock and a crane lifted her into a box truck. We just received a note from Dave saying the fish was in transit to Japan.
We fished in a large group of boats and there was only one or two fish caught. We had the one on the surface and the one that we caught. Dave runs an extremely tight operation. Everything was stellar!
My pics to follow and I am sure Eric and Jon will post some as well. If you want to go tuna or ground fishing, here is the boat to go on. We had an excellent time.
Topeka Boy
08-23-2011, 03:43 PM
What A Beast Great Job By All.:d :d :d
08-23-2011, 03:44 PM
Awesome stuff Howie!! Gotta see these pics.
Cant imagine that fight, like trying to reel in a car!!
NJ Dave
08-23-2011, 04:06 PM
Nice fish!
Was it your choice to send it off to the market and do you guys get a cut of the fish sale?
I would imagine that fish will fetch a pretty penny hopfully which will pay for the trip.
08-23-2011, 04:29 PM
Nice job Howie & Eric way to rep NJFishing.
In Pursuit
08-23-2011, 05:06 PM
Tick another one off my bucket list, what an experience!! I went on the trip thinking hey the rods are in the rod holder and we are using 130s how hard could it be? All I can say is holy s**t these things are freaking powerful. It was a bit of a bummer to lose the "little guy" next to the boat but we were definitely rewarded with something truly special. These are some magnificent creatures and it was a honor to be part of this trip.
Thanks to Capt Dave and Paul for running an absolute spotless and professional
NJ Dave, all fish over 73" have to be sold commercially, depending what it sells for in Japan, we may get a free trip out of it.
08-23-2011, 05:20 PM
great fish! def on my bucket list, but not sure I like the idea of a fish caught on the US coast heading to Japan:( - regardless of market conditions - something to ponder I guess
08-23-2011, 05:32 PM
Damn,you Said It Fish Of A Lifetime,something From The Dicovery Channel,way To Go Guys;)
why is it that the captain only gives back the fares and keeps such a huge dollar amount all for himself. Doesn't seem right - heard they all do it that way in MA, guess that's why you have no choice.
Am I missing something? Thoughts???
Life's A Beach
08-23-2011, 06:09 PM
sounds like a fun trip Howie.
I also "wonder" about the meat. I have NO idea about the rules/regulations but it seems weird that YOU pay to charter a boat but don't get to eat what you catch?
I "NO" Joey Joe Murray aint going on one of THOSE trips. He'd wind up stealing the bait to take home!
08-23-2011, 06:13 PM
because any person without a commercial permit for bft is not allowed to sell them. just as if you caught the fish on a private boat. i know it sounds bad but its a law that is followed by all the commercial captains
08-23-2011, 06:23 PM
why is it that the captain only gives back the fares and keeps such a huge dollar amount all for himself. Doesn't seem right - heard they all do it that way in MA, guess that's why you have no choice.
Am I missing something? Thoughts???
Sure, come on my boat for a small fee, use my permit and my tackle, subtract what you payed for the trip ($1250) from what the fish paid ($12,000) and dam you made over $10,000 using my boat for a what is to be a fishing experience (much like marlin fishing) and not a fish for profit trip. If you're looking for a profit tuna a boat.
A free trip, steaks and the trip of a lifetime sounds good to me.
Am I missing something here?
Anyway...last I heard the boys were hooked up again today.
08-23-2011, 06:28 PM
Howie, Eric and Jon,
It was a pleasure having you all on board as always and you all did a great job!!! Looking forward to cod fishing in the spring and tuna later in the summer.
We will save a few for you.
In Pursuit
08-23-2011, 06:46 PM
Guys don't turn this into another drama fest. Capt Dave could just go out there with his crew, catch the fish and keep all of the money for himself. Instead he opens his boat up at the risk of losing a $12,000 fish to our inexperience. Believe me Howie Jon and I are all experienced fisherman who totally had no clue what to do when these fish were hooked up.
We did get some steaks, what the hell would we do with 650# of Tuna????
Again, Dave thank you for having us aboard. It was a trip I will never forget, I would pay double for that experience again, but don't get any ideas. See you next spring for cod and July for tuna!
08-23-2011, 06:54 PM
Nice trip guys!
I also dont get the whole the thing with the selling of the fish, but im sure they knew it going into the trip. In any event, way to go!
I would have given a couple elbow drops and leg drops on that massive head!
In Pursuit
08-23-2011, 07:07 PM
As far as the selling of the fish, fishing for giants is only allowed in the general category. Recreational charter or head boats can't keep them. So if you have a commercial permit you can keep three but they MUST BE SOLD. Yes we knew this going in because we were aware of the regulations.
08-23-2011, 07:20 PM
I think no issue as long as everyone knows the deal going in which everyone did.
08-23-2011, 08:14 PM
Holy bat bolognie - great jobs guy and that is one helluva fishie - congrats on the fish of a lifetime and is worth every penny - you got to take home steaks n your fair back - knowing this going in it is a win win in my book - you don't like the rules just don't go fishing for them.: - I wish my back could take that reeling in - I would do it in a heart beat - Johhny D must have been da mustache ?
Great catching n no drama from me mad props to Captain n Crew
Gdubya - :cool:
Reel Class
08-23-2011, 08:23 PM
Nice job guys, and congrats on a great trip and A FISH OF A LIFETIME...
I'm not sure why individuals on these boards wanna stir up the pot - I just don't get it (???)
Again congrats on that beast!!!
08-23-2011, 08:36 PM
Where's the harpoon video?! That fish did not like that very much.
08-23-2011, 08:38 PM
i'm guessing Jon Devin is more upset that Capt Dave didnt let him deploy his kayak to catch the next one....
as for the hoopla over the regs...all you need to do is visit the website and all is explained rather would think that if you plunk down your cash for the trip, you'd have at least read the BIG PRINT on the contract.
and yes, i am envious of the do i get my resume to the top of the list?!
08-23-2011, 08:43 PM
i'm guessing Jon Devin is more upset that Capt Dave didnt let him deploy his kayak to catch the next one....
as for the hoopla over the regs...all you need to do is visit the website and all is explained rather would think that if you plunk down your cash for the trip, you'd have at least read the BIG PRINT on the contract.
and yes, i am envious of the do i get my resume to the top of the list?!
Thanks for the endorsement! Great trip! I'm just really happy to be a part of it. It was the shortest 1 1/2 hours of my life. Things happen in a split second and anything could have come undone at anytime. Hats off to Dave and Paul.
In Pursuit
08-23-2011, 08:45 PM
Yeah Jon, where's the harpoon video??????
08-23-2011, 08:53 PM
Just had a chance to check back in and see the pics.....SICK!
Congrats boys, that is officially on my list of shit I gotta do!!!
Just wish the mudhole fishery still existed.....
08-23-2011, 09:05 PM
way to go boys! although i must say it be heartbreaking not being able to tie that thing to the roof of the stratus and drive it through Philly ::p lol
AGAIN WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-23-2011, 09:15 PM
The boys caught 2 smaller ones today.
08-23-2011, 09:31 PM
The boys caught 2 smaller ones today.
way to spoil em on the first day captain dave!!!! LOL!
08-23-2011, 10:22 PM
Nauti, don't think we didn't think about a yak, but even I have my limits.
The final 2 minutes
The dressing
The haul
Clam Strings
08-24-2011, 12:39 AM
Congrats Boyz..Great trip!!!!
08-24-2011, 02:15 AM
Nice job guys, and congrats on a great trip and A FISH OF A LIFETIME...
I'm not sure why individuals on these boards wanna stir up the pot - I just don't get it (???)
Again congrats on that beast!!!
Not sure what there is to stir? Most people dont know about this fishery or the reasons behind the sale of the fish. Inquiring minds want to know
08-24-2011, 02:31 AM
Nauti, don't think we didn't think about a yak, but even I have my limits.
Here's the final 2 minutes where Dave is on the rod. (
Doesn't seem like the link works. Guess you copied it on your phone and posted it?
Badass fish and even more badass fishermen. :eek:
Life's A Beach
08-24-2011, 05:20 AM
Nice job guys, and congrats on a great trip and A FISH OF A LIFETIME...
I'm not sure why individuals on these boards wanna stir up the pot - I just don't get it (???)
Again congrats on that beast!!!
It's called ASKING A QUESTION Allen. I'm sure you allow your students to ask YOU a question when teaching them, NO??????????
Life's A Beach
08-24-2011, 05:29 AM
Sure, come on my boat for a small fee, use my permit and my tackle, subtract what you payed for the trip ($1250) from what the fish paid ($12,000) and dam you made over $10,000 using my boat for a what is to be a fishing experience (much like marlin fishing) and not a fish for profit trip. If you're looking for a profit tuna a boat.
A free trip, steaks and the trip of a lifetime sounds good to me.
Am I missing something here?
Anyway...last I heard the boys were hooked up again today.
I don't think ANYONE is questioning your practices. WE just don't KNOW what the deal is. Speaking for myself, I ASSUMED the guys chartered the boat (or paid equal fares running open) just like they would charter a boat HERE for a normal tuna trip, for example:
Bluefin - Jig/Troll/Chunk - Up to 60 Miles...................... $4,195
Canyon: Overnighter .................................................. . $4,695 ***(July - October & Tutorials - $4,995)
(24 Hours - Troll & Chunk)
After talking to your friend Roger yesterday, I got the "low down" on how it's done. No harm, no foul.
Reel Class
08-24-2011, 06:09 AM
No, I don't let anyone ask me questions :D ;)
Again nice job guys.
Life's A Beach
08-24-2011, 06:20 AM
No, I don't let anyone ask me questions :D ;)
Again nice job guys.
THAT'S MY BOY!!!:eek:
Boy are you gonna be in for a wide awakening when your baby starts talking!!!!
Great report and pics. Congrats to Capt and crew!
08-24-2011, 07:44 AM
Great job Howie, Jon, and Eric. I know that you all were excited and looking forward to this trip. I am glad that it exceeded the expectations. Congrats to all and to Dave and Paul for providing a trip of a lifetime.
Gerry Zagorski
08-24-2011, 08:23 AM
Wow:eek: A trip and a fish of a lifetime for sure. Amazing that a fish like that can be caught on a rod and reel. Great job by you guys and thanks for sharing it here.
If you wouldn't mind, can you tell us the drill here?. I for one would love to know what sort of bait is used, anchor or drift, weight or no weight etc. Not that I would ever attempt this on my own, but it sure would make for some plauseable details when fabrcating Pop Pop fishing story for the kids.
08-24-2011, 08:59 AM
Just curious how you can take paying customers on a commercial fishing trip?
08-24-2011, 09:05 AM
Doesn't seem like the link works. Guess you copied it on your phone and posted it?
Badass fish and even more badass fishermen. :eek:
Links fixed!
08-24-2011, 10:50 AM
Links fixed!
Great vid! I didn't see that when it was happening.
Congratulations guys. I know how much you were looking forward to this trip. Glad it was a good one.
That is one impressive fish, that's for sure.
Looking forward to fishing with you guys soon.
08-24-2011, 02:02 PM
Just curious how you can take paying customers on a commercial fishing trip?
It was a rec trip until a commercial fish was decked, then it became a free trip.
It is a big risk allowing an inexperienced crew fight a giant. I never took money to have a guest crew on board when giant fishing. There has been much talk for years about this type of trip, but, it never gets anywhere. :)
Beautiful fish guys, I hope she does well in Tokyo for ya. Save a couple tons of the quota for us southern giant guys. ;)
08-24-2011, 02:51 PM
Truth be told, I no longer do tuna charters after the first week of August. Yes there are some exceptions. I give anyone that inquires about a giant trip to other boats up here. I only do tuna charters from Jume 1st through the frist week of August once again.
I average 1 giant every 2 days and our success rate with just my crew is very high, while with a charter we lose almost every fish.
So as a boat owner and doing the right thing for my customers that have been fishing with us for years, it's only fair I take them because they deserve the experience. Without them I would not be in business. I can afford to lose fish early in the year when the quality is very poor, however august and on it's not worth the risk for me. If anything, anyone of my regulars are welcome anytime free of charge to fish with us at this time of the year. No, not 6 persons, but 2 max. And yes they do come.
I think that's a very fair deal.
Life's A Beach
08-24-2011, 03:13 PM
THAT answers my question.
R.G. told me that "customers" wouldn't be handling the rod during a giant fight.......too much risk.
08-24-2011, 03:36 PM
Tell that Roger to get his boat up here and that I just may let him stay at my house again if he promises not to snore too loud.
Life's A Beach
08-24-2011, 03:38 PM
Tell that Roger to get his boat up here and that I just may let him stay at my house again if he promises not to snore too loud.
He said you let him stay at his house while up there. He's going up soon; I'll send up some steaks for you when he goes. His son had the boat out yesterday for YFT but haven't heard from roger how he did; looks like I had better plan manwich for dinner.
08-24-2011, 03:52 PM
He said you let him stay at his house while up there. He's going up soon; I'll send up some steaks for you when he goes. His son had the boat out yesterday for YFT but haven't heard from roger how he did; looks like I had better plan manwich for dinner.
No steaks for me thanks! Don't eat seafood...never have and never will. Chicken and veggies will suffice. Roger can bring me up some Jersey corn perhaps? I know that sounds crazy as everyone tells me. Any small tuna I catch feeds my entire neigborhood and none of it goes in my freezer.
Life's A Beach
08-24-2011, 04:02 PM
No steaks for me thanks! Don't eat seafood...never have and never will. Chicken and veggies will suffice. Roger can bring me up some Jersey corn perhaps? I know that sounds crazy as everyone tells me. Any small tuna I catch feeds my entire neigborhood and none of it goes in my freezer.
ha ha ha NOT those kind of steaks...........BEEF!
I can send him up with chicken too. What's your preference? Boneless breast or bone in? or are you a legs & thighs guy.
Will also tell him to bring you some of the BEST corn and tomatos when he come up.
08-25-2011, 05:59 PM
just make sure you have enough bananas on the boat lol
08-25-2011, 06:44 PM
No steaks for me thanks! Don't eat seafood...never have and never will. Chicken and veggies will suffice. Roger can bring me up some Jersey corn perhaps? I know that sounds crazy as everyone tells me. Any small tuna I catch feeds my entire neigborhood and none of it goes in my freezer.
make sure you get the corn from samahas farm you will never have better. its the best there is.
08-25-2011, 07:12 PM
make sure you get the corn from samahas farm you will never have better. its the best there is.
Aint that the truth!!!!!
Jan G
08-25-2011, 07:13 PM
What an experience!
Tuna Tales
08-25-2011, 09:17 PM
Nice beast guys!
Joe T.
shrimpman steve
08-26-2011, 09:58 AM
very nice trip guys. just watched the vids, looked great! Capt., nice job putting them on the fish and nicer job taking regulars out to expirience this fishing! I may have to become a regular (right now I am a xxxl:D).
08-26-2011, 12:26 PM
Just wrapped up another one hanging off the side.
08-26-2011, 02:14 PM
Pics ? ?
08-26-2011, 02:16 PM
They all look the same!
Life's A Beach
08-26-2011, 03:16 PM
They all look the same!
Silver side
Blue fins
All Dave is seeing is $$$ in his eyes.
"SOMEONE" said 'it must be the kite'
08-26-2011, 03:36 PM
Silver side
Blue fins
All Dave is seeing is $$$ in his eyes.
"SOMEONE" said 'it must be the kite'
Passion 1st, $$$ 2nd otherwise it's just a job.
In Pursuit
08-26-2011, 10:10 PM
Silver side
Blue fins
All Dave is seeing is $$$ in his eyes.
"SOMEONE" said 'it must be the kite'
If it was just the kite everybody up there would be catching like Dave.............but they're not. :D
08-27-2011, 09:36 AM
They all look the same!
Dave I couldn't agree more! It's obvious your old and go back to the newspaper report days when there were no pics.
Kevin Bogan
08-27-2011, 10:24 AM
Passion 1st, $$$ 2nd otherwise it's just a job.
I believe you. Keep it up. Let the guys know I have 4 pc of Caltar 7' blanks.
08-30-2011, 10:57 PM
I believe you. Keep it up. Let the guys know I have 4 pc of Caltar 7' blanks.
Those blanks are the best...5 more fish in the last few days. Two 650's or so today (we never actually weigh them) and heading right back out.
Where are you Howie? Hands are blistered!
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