View Full Version : 150 Etec Power Loss

08-16-2011, 05:27 PM
I have a 2009 evinrude 150. This past weekend after idling thru the no wake zone I opened throttle and the engine just stopped dead, not stalled, but lost power almost like someone slammed on the brakes. I idled some more, then pushed the throttle and again the engine lost power. I idled some more and then gradually increased the throttle. A few minor quirks until I planed off, but then it ran fine the rest of the day.

Any thoughts?

08-16-2011, 08:51 PM
possibly the oil safety, maybe it had a clog and the safety makes the engine only idle? who knows just a guess

08-29-2011, 04:01 PM
possible ethenal break down . clogged more water into the injectors thus killing your spark .

Gerry Zagorski
09-13-2011, 09:25 AM
Did you hear any alarms when you tried to get on plane?

If so then your engine might have gone into alarm and into safe mode. Safe mode will usually allow you to idle but not run up the RPM to protect the engine from harm if something is wrong.

If that is the case you can take it into the shop and have a techician put it on the computer. Your engine would have stored the code and the code will tell what went wrong.

The newer 2 strokes are very fine tuned so I would definately have it looked into or you could risk causing a bigger and more costly issue down the road if you continue to run it as is.

Good luck and let us know what you find out.

09-13-2011, 10:11 AM
Sounds like you may have had a slug of water.

09-19-2011, 01:42 PM
It must have been water. It's been running fine since.

09-19-2011, 07:23 PM
Change the screw on fuel filter canister. Even if it is brand new if it was water, which it sounds like it was, you will have water in the filter. If I had been on a long trip and ran the tank down when I refilled it would cuase any water in the tank to clog the filter. Damn Ethenol!