View Full Version : Party Boat Stipers Last Night & "Inexperienced Fisherman"

Short Cast
05-08-2011, 12:04 PM
Went out on the Prowler 5 last night and fishing was tough a lot of wind & after the change of tide wind against tide. the Capt. managed to put a catch together even in these conditions, I was lucky and caught 2 keepers and a short, we also had a lot of inexperienced fisherman out last night as is the norm on a party boat. For them I have a few observations.
Leave the freshwater rods & reels with 20# braid at home. A noodle rod with a spinning reel that you have to grab hold of the spool to stop the fish from taking line all the time is too light for this kind of fishing, it might be ok for fluking but it's too light for party boat bass.
If you are going to use braid learn how to untangle lines or to cut your own line to free the people you picked up on the way in. Usually once your out the rest will just fall apart. Yes I know it's a pain to retie but most times it's the fastest way to get everyone back fishing.
Watch which way the lines are going. If they are all going to the left you shouldn't be casting straight out or to the right. If you keep everything going in the same direction there will be less tangles.
If you hook up don't holler "net or gaff" right then, the mates arms aren't that long to reach out 100' yell "fish on" that will alert him to you having a fish, if he's not there when the fish is about 20' out then yell " net" to tell him that you need the net. After all you may not be the only one fighting a fish at the time, sometines there are two or three fish on at the same time, they will get to you as soon as they can, just keep the fish in the water at the side of the boat.
If you get picked up by someone either with a fish or just a tangel move towards that tangle/fish, it may help keeping other people from getting picked up & improve your chances of getting untangled faster.
There are other things you can do but if you watch what is going on around you you will pick them up with time. No one was born a good fisherman
we all had to learn & we are all still learning every day because every day is a little diffrent. If your not catching whatch what the guys that are are doing & try to do the same thing, cause if they'er catching they must be doing someting right.;)

05-08-2011, 12:16 PM
Well said...:D

bunker dunker
05-10-2011, 01:03 PM
we all have to start somewhere.when you see this going on you should help

12-14-2011, 07:47 AM
There are other things you can do but if you watch what is going on around you you will pick them up with time. No one was born a good fisherman
we all had to learn & we are all still learning every day because every day is a little diffrent. If your not catching whatch what the guys that are are doing & try to do the same thing, cause if they'er catching they must be doing someting right.;)

Right on, Short Cast, good advice...

08-28-2012, 06:46 PM
I think I see this post once a year. :D