View Full Version : Trout so far

04-12-2011, 10:43 AM
Well a better start this year than last. I managed 2 on opening day, and 3 more Monday afternoon. Opening days were from the Assunpink Creek in Lawrenceville and the D&R main Canal also in Lawrenceville. Monday I hit the D&R canal in West Trenton. All were caught on Rooster tails and a no name spinner. All will be smoked as soon as I get enough to fire up the smoker!


04-12-2011, 03:55 PM
Trout are great in the smoker, the meat peels right off the bones.

Wilson turned me on to Apllewood, I never looked back, it's smooth and not too strong.

Sounds like your season is off to a good start. !

04-12-2011, 06:10 PM
I was first turned onto this applewood smoked bacon stuff by this delicious restaurant and chef. She makes these awesome burgers that are so juicy and delicious... she actually just came out with some new fries too... might want to check out her restaurant... she has a couple around... I think her name was Wendy

mm... applewood smoked bacon... i could only imagine how good the trout would be! hahaha

(what a fat kid comment - lol)