02-26-2011, 05:11 PM
Hey everyone. Figured it is about time for me to get on NJfishing. We took our 33 Contender "Tunamite" down to Key Largo for the winter. It was the first winter bringing the boat down there, but I am very happy we did. Sailfishing was pretty good. We also were catching wahoo, blackfin tuna, king mackeral, yellow tail snapper, and amberjacks. Last week down black fin tuna were very thick ranging from 5-25#s. We were jigging them, they were being caught on live bait and trolling to. We also stopped on the way in from the humps and were able to get 2 nice sails. Will be bringing the boat back first week of May and look forward to sharing reports and info. with everyone. Tried attaching a video of some footage from the last month, but not sure if I did it correct.