View Full Version : 3rd Annual FISH A THON RFA-NJ Striper Trip

02-18-2011, 10:16 AM
Official Sign Up post!
This will be the first of multiple trips this upcoming season. The last 2 years have been a huge success thanks to fishermen like you.

When: Saturday April 30th 6:30 AM until 2:30 PM
Where: Capt Ron Santee / Fishermen Atlantic Highlands Habour Marina
Species: Striped Bass
Cost: $85.00 Adults / $40.00 Children 13 and under

YOU GET: (you cant hear it but there is a drum roll)
- Full Day Striper Fishing with the infamous, one and only Capt Ron Santee on the Fishermen with stellar crew Chis G and Robbie. NOTE: Early 6:30 AM depature beats the crowd and an extra hour of fishing.
- Food and Beverages will be supplied
- Donation included in price goes directly to RFA-NJ to continue fighting for your NJ Fishing Rights.
- Special Guest, RFA-NJ Board Member and Co-Sponser of this trip.
Capt Fran Verdi of Fish the Drop OFF
- Another great day on the water with good people.

Optional: Boat Pool, Hat Drawings, Door prizes

Sign up is simple with 2 easy methods:
1) Log onto www.RFA-NJ.org the trip is posted on the front page. Click the appropriate links and pay via credit card / paypal.
2) Make check or money order payable to Capt Ron Santee / Fishermen and Mail to DNE Consulting LLC
706 Rte 15 South
Suite 204A
Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849

Please include your name, NJ Fishing screen name and contact information with any mailing.
Contact information form is provided on web payments.

Click link below for Trip Brochure and mail in sign up sheet.

Standard trip rules: First payments received are first on boarding list.

This trip is being fully backed and promoted by RFA-NJ in multiple promotions so I wouldnt wait too long if you want to go.

Boarding List:
1) Hartattack L Hart(pd)
2) Hartattack (pd)
3) Lefty Reeler R Nobile (pd)
4) Lefty Reeler (pd)
5) Lefty Reeler (pd)
6) Capt Fran Verdi (pd)
7) Charlie Leonardi (Mopar Charlie) (pd)
8) Flukeguy George Kitzler (pd)
9) Shrimpman (pd)
10) Vinntastic (pd)
11) Mike M (pd)
12) Kurtis B (pd)
13) Chris Gadd (pd)
14) Chris Gadd (pd)
15) DockBuilder Bob G (pd)
16) Madman James Behne (pd)
17) Dr Sal (pd)
18) Sean Faulk / Dr Sal Guest #1 (pd)
19) Jeff SHIRTGUY (pd)
20) Dave Meseck (pd)
21) Gee / Dr Sal Guest # 2 (pd)
22) Gerry Zagorski (pd)
23) John Henderson (pd)
24) Leonard McGill / Dr Sal Guest # 3 (pd)
25) Quanman Mark B. (pd)
26) Arnoldo Corbett / Dr Sal Guest # 4 (pd)
27) Glenn Griffith (pd) * Greg Heiser Crew
28) Steve Douglas (pd)*
29) Marissa Douglas (under 13 Child rate) * (pd )
30) Dales (pd)
31) Dales guest (pd)
32) Major John Schwantes (pd)
33) Major John (Guest) (pd)
34) Willie W (uglystick1) (pd)
35) Jeff Criswell Sr. (pd)
36) Jeff Criswell Jr. (pd)
37) Wayne Walbum (pd)
38) Mike Tulley / Dave Meseck Guest # 1 (pd)
39) Tuna Pete / Dr Sal Guest # 5 (pd)
40) Michael Gifford (pd)
41) Terry D (pd)
42) Keith M (pd)
43) Capt Jim Sabo / Dr Sal Guest # 6 (pd)
44) Big Al / Dave Meseck Guest # 2 (pd)
45) Don S (pd)
46) Frank Burchett / Dr Sal Guest # 7 (pd)
47) Dave Nuggent / Ted's son? Dockbuilder guest (pd)
48) James Pollack (pd)
49) James Pollack Guest (pd)

02-18-2011, 10:18 AM
Im In +2


02-18-2011, 10:22 AM
In + 1. Excellent :)

02-18-2011, 10:29 AM
Dave - RFA website has a problem for Paypal remittance. I indicated that I want 2 adult tickets ($85 x 2) and the invoice amount is for $250. What do I do ??

02-18-2011, 10:31 AM
Ron (Lefty Reeler) Sweet move beating Larry (Hartattack) to the first bow spots LOL. Larry, your slippin:eek: Now I dont have to throw Ron off the boat twice for boarding order. It just get easier every year:D

Of course we still have to wait and see whose payment comes in first.

Gerry / Lab. Can I get a "Sticky" Please

02-18-2011, 10:35 AM
Dave - RFA website has a problem for Paypal remittance. I indicated that I want 2 adult tickets ($85 x 2) and the invoice amount is for $250. What do I do ??

Larry, I will alert capt Adam and get back to you. Your spot is secure though.

02-18-2011, 10:46 AM
Just got called by Captains Adam N. & Fran V. THE GLITCH IS FIXED !!

02-18-2011, 10:47 AM
Just got called by Captains Adam N. & Fran V. THE GLITCH IS FIXED !!

Yeah, they jumped right on it. Guess I spoke too soon Larry, looks like you got the first boarding rights. NICE.

02-18-2011, 11:16 AM
Im auctioning off my other two bow spots for $150/spot proceeds to benefit RFA and miller lite fund. LOL;) :D

Fish The Drop Off
02-18-2011, 11:19 AM
Thanks Guys for the call. We should be ready to go now. Sorry about the glitch is fixed.

Hope to see and meet everyone since this will be my first every Party boat Trip.:)

02-18-2011, 11:22 AM
I'm in !!!

Gerry Zagorski
02-18-2011, 11:32 AM
Me too!!

I'll see if I can line up Micro brewed beer from JJ's and will bring some NJF shirts.

One question.... Do you think this trip is appropriate for kids around 8?

Thanks for putting this together Dales. I know a lot of work goes into it.

02-18-2011, 12:03 PM
Me too!!

I'll see if I can line up Micro brewed beer from JJ's and will bring some NJF shirts.

One question.... Do you think this trip is appropriate for kids around 8?

Thanks for putting this together Dales. I know a lot of work goes into it.

probably only if that 8yr old is a truck driver and has thick skin.. lol

Fish The Drop Off
02-18-2011, 02:28 PM
Please add George Kitzler to the paid list. He dropped off his check today 2/18/11

Capt. Fran

02-18-2011, 06:39 PM
Me too!!

One question.... Do you think this trip is appropriate for kids around 8?

As you are well aware this depends on the 8 year old and more importantly the supervisor of that 8 year old. I dont see it generally as a problem as we will be close to shore but of course wheather, sea conditions etc come into play. I dont think I would recommend any one under 8.

To ALL: Bringing your children is fine , Only YOU know the child, NOT US so as long as common sense prevails and ONLY YOU watch said child then bring them along.

Glad you are coming Gerry, talk soon

shrimpman steve
02-18-2011, 07:45 PM
I am in, check on the way!

02-18-2011, 08:05 PM
Gerry, Here is Leif at 8 on an offshore trip. Like Dales said, depends on the supervision.


02-18-2011, 08:27 PM
I Am In Check Is In The Mail;)

Mike M
02-18-2011, 09:55 PM
I'm in. Just paid on the RFA-NJ site.

02-18-2011, 10:17 PM
I'm in. PayPal

02-20-2011, 06:01 PM
Big BOB Dockbuilder in thru PP

02-20-2011, 08:50 PM
I tried to pay on the site and it kept telling me to fill in all fields, which i did. So I'll mail my check out tomarrow.. Looking forward to the trip. I'm in for 1 :-)

Fish The Drop Off
02-20-2011, 08:56 PM
I tried to pay on the site and it kept telling me to fill in all fields, which i did. So I'll mail my check out tomarrow.. Looking forward to the trip. I'm in for 1 :-)

Make sure you put a "0" in if you do not have and kids going. If you leave it blank it will not take you to the page.

02-20-2011, 10:36 PM
Thanks Capt. It went threw :-) Via pay-pal..... See you guys on the trip.

02-22-2011, 07:58 PM
Paypaled My Money This Afternoon

Chris G
02-22-2011, 07:59 PM
Wife is due on the 27th of April... this is going to be a close one for me! LOL.


02-22-2011, 08:12 PM
The 30th Is My Wifes 35th, And I Am Still Losing This Debate, She Does Not Know I Payed So We Will See If (yes In This Case ) Lets Me Go

Ryan W
02-22-2011, 08:26 PM
I will probably be blackfishing that day, sorry guys :(. If the tog don't feel like biting, I will try to make it down.


02-23-2011, 10:26 AM
Given the most recent success by the RFA on the FREE Salt water registry I believe this is ANOTHER reason to back RFA as one of the groups of choice when putting our hard earned dollars towards a cause. Whether you agree with everything they do or not the RFA has shown time and time again where they put their muscle and its for Angler rights.

In case I havent stated it clearly this Fundraiser trip's benefits are going directly to the RFA- NJ Chapter and all proceeds will go towards fishing issues in our state where WE live and Fish.

Previous trips helped the SSFFF and they certainly were a success now its time to help RFA-NJ

Thanks to all who signed up already and lets get this thing booked out!

Just saying

02-23-2011, 03:44 PM
[QUOTE=dales529]Official Sign Up post!
This will be the first of multiple trips this upcoming season. The last 2 years have been a huge success thanks to fishermen like you.

When: Saturday April 30th 6:30 AM until 2:30 PM
Where: Capt Ron Santee / Fishermen Atlantic Highlands Habour Marina
Species: Striped Bass
Cost: $85.00 Adults / $40.00 Children 13 and under

Dave, any idea when the next trip out will be or at least tentative dates? I'll be in Key West during this one hunting for some big ones...


Fish The Drop Off
02-25-2011, 08:10 PM
[QUOTE=dales529]Official Sign Up post!
This will be the first of multiple trips this upcoming season. The last 2 years have been a huge success thanks to fishermen like you.

When: Saturday April 30th 6:30 AM until 2:30 PM
Where: Capt Ron Santee / Fishermen Atlantic Highlands Habour Marina
Species: Striped Bass
Cost: $85.00 Adults / $40.00 Children 13 and under

Dave, any idea when the next trip out will be or at least tentative dates? I'll be in Key West during this one hunting for some big ones...


Need to get this one filled before we can plan the next one. Looking at a Sea Bass Trip when the season opens.

Thanks to all that signed up early for the trip.:)

03-02-2011, 10:46 AM
Sent check to Capt Fran,did not add my screen name,check was sent under George Kitzler

03-02-2011, 07:43 PM
List updated. Flukeguy screen name added
Nice showing so far / many NJ Fishing members.

03-07-2011, 01:59 PM
Just signed up and paid thru PayPal

03-08-2011, 11:35 PM
Getting hitched on the 30th Dales.... (Can't see myself successfully negotiating this one with the future Mrs. :D :D ) Hope to make the next trip!



03-10-2011, 06:27 AM
Mazel Tov Bill !! I spoke to your Dad and he had the same excuse :eek:

03-10-2011, 08:05 AM
Getting hitched on the 30th Dales.... (Can't see myself successfully negotiating this one with the future Mrs. :D :D ) Hope to make the next trip!



First comes the engagement ring, then comes the wedding ring and finally comes the suffering.

03-10-2011, 10:22 AM
Dales - what is the boat limit? Do we need a # to breakeven or is it just whomever signs up regardless of headcount we go? I can start my recruiting process in a week or so if no other NJ Members are willing to get involved.

Just let me know...

Fish The Drop Off
03-10-2011, 12:17 PM
Dales - what is the boat limit? Do we need a # to breakeven or is it just whomever signs up regardless of headcount we go? I can start my recruiting process in a week or so if no other NJ Members are willing to get involved.

Just let me know...

I know Dave has been working alot. We are looking to get 40 people. If you have other guys that want to go please pass the word around.

Thanks for you help.

Gerry Zagorski
03-10-2011, 02:10 PM
Just made my online payment.... Looking forward to seeing all you NJFer's.

03-10-2011, 03:48 PM
NJFer's. :D :D :eek: :eek:

03-13-2011, 11:55 AM
Been busy lately so sorry for not getting back to you guys sooner:

1) Bill-Fish: Congrats on the upcoming nuptials, an acceptable excuse. Unfortunately I nabbed the best of the lot 26 years ago.
2) Mark, Quanman, great to have you on board. Do you make Homemade Prosciutto for 40?
3) Gerry: Back to defend the drawing title.
4) John henderson back to defend the POOL.

5) Lefty Ron: As Capt Fran stated the goal is 40. Have to talk to Capt Ron about any fuel cost impact. I am hoping for between 40 and 50. Still a ways to go and trip promos are coming at the Somerset Show, Fishermen Magazine and RFA news bulletins. By all means though, all the help we can get is appreciated. You certainly helped make last year a success. Seems running these trips is like groundhog day. Each year You get the first 25 in 2 weeks and then its scratch and claw for the balance. Doesn't matter if its price, weekend , weekday or what the current regulation battle is. Different year but typically the same crowd providing the support. Either way it always works out in the end and we always have a great day.

Again: This trip is for RFA-NJ Chapter (where we live and fish). You get Capt Ron / Fishermen Striper expertise, extra hour/ early departure fishing (or more if necessary knowing Capt Ron), Food and Drink, Drawing giveaways, and get to be involved helping RFA-NJ help you. Not a bad deal if you ask me.

Please stop by the RFA-NJ Booth at the Somerset Show. The following NJ Fishing Members will be there as well as Capt Fran Verdi and other RFA -NJ board members.
Friday March 18: Henry (Jakesdad) and Ron T
Sat March 19: Myself (hopefully, work is crazy) and Leif with Leif Jr (possibly)
Sun March 20 The one and ONLY LAB

Get some more insight on the current issues and regulations the RFA-NJ is working on for YOU and while there sign up for the trip.

Thanks to all that have signed up and looking forward to another banner trip. IT MATTERS

03-17-2011, 03:56 PM
List updated.
Trip should fill up soon especially after the show this weekend and the other promo's going on so if you are on the fence or a weather watcher I wouldnt wait too long.

Sure hope its a little snotty that day. Bass love that.

Fish The Drop Off
03-25-2011, 08:35 AM
Nine Spots to go. Lets get them fill. We would like to work on the next on for the guys that are unable to make this one.

Dave and the Guys From NJfishing.com Thanks for your help with everything.

03-25-2011, 06:16 PM
Got 2 to 3 more verbal sign ups today. Waiting for actual registration and will update.

Goal is 40 but will take 50 if we can get them.

If anyone is worried about boat being "railed" see pics from last years trip with 44 on board. PLENTY of room all around.

Hey Willie AKA Reelerin where you at? you always sign up for these!!!

Thanks Fran for all the help as well. We will reach the magic number eventually.

Take a kid fishing
03-28-2011, 04:24 PM
Sorry Capt, can't get down this weekend. Good Luck Opening Day and again with the group on Saturday... A veritable "Who's Who" on the Fisherman. NO MORE DONUTS!

03-29-2011, 06:55 PM
List updated. :D

Chris G
03-29-2011, 07:03 PM
Surprised to see that there's a few big RFA supporters on here, that aren't on the trip Dave. :rolleyes:

Hoping my wife is on time so I can make it. :)

03-29-2011, 07:25 PM
Got 2 to 3 more verbal sign ups today. Waiting for actual registration and will update.

Goal is 40 but will take 50 if we can get them.

If anyone is worried about boat being "railed" see pics from last years trip with 44 on board. PLENTY of room all around.

Hey Willie AKA Reelerin where you at? you always sign up for these!!!

Thanks Fran for all the help as well. We will reach the magic number eventually.

Dales I thought you were trying to get peeps for a striper trip. Why have pics of a fluke trip up?

03-29-2011, 07:40 PM
Surprised to see that there's a few big RFA supporters on here, that aren't on the trip Dave. :rolleyes:

Hoping my wife is on time so I can make it. :)
I'll bring the crib :)

03-30-2011, 10:37 AM
Surprised to see that there's a few big RFA supporters on here, that aren't on the trip Dave. :rolleyes:

Hoping my wife is on time so I can make it. :)

I have heard directly from most of the go to guys / RFA supporters and one group has a previously arranged Haddock trip up north that day which is an acceptable excuse in my book. Some others have donated in other ways such as helping at the shows, making shirts etc so they have been heard from stongly. Also it is encouraging that there are many new faces and new RFA-NJ members signed up for this trip, should bode well for future trips.

I will say that once again it has been NJFishing.com members who have stepped up to the plate. I think all but 6 sign ups came from this site. THANKS Gerry.

Hope all goes well with your upcoming addition to the family. It wouldnt be the same without you there! I think Bob (dockbuilder) has it covered now I just need a fare rate for children 13 DAYS and younger. FREE.

See you soon

03-30-2011, 11:01 AM
Dales I thought you were trying to get peeps for a striper trip. Why have pics of a fluke trip up?

Not sure what you mean, are you talking about the picture with John H holding up Vinntastics BAIT? :rolleyes:

Any publicity is GOOD publicity! I am sure Capt Ron will flood the site with striper pics and videos in short order once he gets rolling.

Chris G
03-30-2011, 07:13 PM
I have heard directly from most of the go to guys / RFA supporters and one group has a previously arranged Haddock trip up north that day which is an acceptable excuse in my book.

That being said... I think those members should meet us @ the dock with Haddock filets for all!! LOL...

Mmmm.... haaaaaaadock.

03-30-2011, 07:48 PM
Not sure what you mean, are you talking about the picture with John H holding up Vinntastics BAIT? :rolleyes:

Any publicity is GOOD publicity! I am sure Capt Ron will flood the site with striper pics and videos in short order once he gets rolling.

Post #45 middle pic looks like Fluke to me.

03-31-2011, 08:46 AM
Those picks were from last years SSFFF Fluke Charter, we didn't do a Striper trip....Dave's reference was to how much room there was even with 40 plus people on board.......
Don't worry, I promise to post your pic with the beauty your going to catch, maybe even make you a video star!!! See you soon.

03-31-2011, 06:33 PM
Those picks were from last years SSFFF Fluke Charter, we didn't do a Striper trip....Dave's reference was to how much room there was even with 40 plus people on board.......
Don't worry, I promise to post your pic with the beauty your going to catch, maybe even make you a video star!!! See you soon.

Ron I was on that, just wondering why not Striper Pics. Guess I should have just sent a PM.
Thought about doing this one but, Grandsons Communion
Will be on the Fluke Fish A Thon

Hope to see everyone soon.


03-31-2011, 06:41 PM
Ron I was on that, just wondering why not Striper Pics. Guess I should have just sent a PM.

Will be on the Fluke Fish A Thon

Hope to see everyone soon.


Sorry, I thought you were just bustin on me thus the "bait" comment. Didnt have any fundraiser striper trip pics since this is the first one. Promise I will post em up after the trip. Fluke A Thon details will be out after the april 7 meeting, trip most likely in mid-July. Didnt seem to matter too much as we hit the 40 signup goal and still have a month to go to add to it.
Great people out there:D

03-31-2011, 07:08 PM
Sorry, I thought you were just bustin on me thus the "bait" comment. Didnt have any fundraiser striper trip pics since this is the first one. Promise I will post em up after the trip. Fluke A Thon details will be out after the april 7 meeting, trip most likely in mid-July. Didnt seem to matter too much as we hit the 40 signup goal and still have a month to go to add to it.
Great people out there:D

As all of the other trips I am sure this will be a Great Fund Raiser for an even Greater Cause.
Thank all of you for the support of our Grand Children's future in Fishing.

04-05-2011, 07:11 PM
List Updated. We hit the 40 mark and climbing. THANKS to all. Appears to be a great crew. Even some Striper reports starting to dribble in :D Time to start the pool trash talk.

04-05-2011, 10:49 PM
Those picks were from last years SSFFF Fluke Charter, we didn't do a Striper trip....Dave's reference was to how much room there was even with 40 plus people on board.......
Don't worry, I promise to post your pic with the beauty your going to catch, maybe even make you a video star!!! See you soon.
Hey Capt hope you got a wide angle len's for BIG BOB

04-08-2011, 04:36 PM
Got 2 more today and 3 verbal commitments so we are at 44 and could be at 47 confirmed by tonight. That means 3 to 6 spots left. Got on before its too late.

Nice donation Rod for auction from Garone Rod. See other 3rd Annual RFA- NJ -Striper post on the main board. Nice gesture for sure

Bass are around and there should be some reports from this weekend to feed your mental frenzy. 3 weeks to go:D

Good luck this weekend Capt Ron!

04-15-2011, 02:19 PM
List updated: 2 weeks to go / 5 spots left.

Please try to be at boat by 5:45 AM. Would love to start boarding at 6AM so we can take advantage of the early start time and pull out by 6:30.

04-20-2011, 02:05 PM
OK Fish are showing up and Capt Ron is puttin nice catches in da boat. Time for POOL trash talk and odds: No one does this better than LAB but I am highjacking his schtick cause it adds some fun to the trip.
For all new guys , This is just Kidding around so no getting upset :eek:

- Hartattack: Larry's mission in life is to be first to sign up which is credible and appreciated. After that he is too busy protecting his pulpit to notice the ocean is in the other direction. However is a Capt Ron regular and if he brings his son we may have to re evaluate:50: 1
- Lefty Reeler Gang: Always a huge help on these trips. Ahh, a tough one as they are an avid group of fishermen with all the latest toys and deserve consideration. Speaking of "toys" Capt Freddie wont be there to bait your hooks and this aint wreck fishing! 20:1
- Capt Fran Verdi. WTF he is a professional Striper Capt and sponser. Have to keep him busy selling raffles and handing out lunch. He wont be allowed in the wheelhouse and will be patted down for handheld devices. But he is a Striper Guy: 3 :1
- Mopar Charlie: Not enough info but heard some good things: 30:1
- Flukeguy: Name says it all, but hear he can fish: 50:1
- Shrimpman: Anyone who fishes as much as he does is bound to have a decent day once in awhile. IF its soft bait he has a shot, if jigging NOT, while jigging he has a shot to get the “pots off the reefs” all by himself 30:1
- Vinntastic: Has to be considered a major threat, home turf on Ron's boat and big seasonal pool winner. Get him talking about that though and he will forget he's fishing : 5:1
- Mike M: One of the nicest guys on the trip and we all know what happens to them 100:1
- Chris Gadd Crew: No info so 100:1
- Dockbuilder: If we fish the bay close to "DOCKS" he may have shot. In the Ocean there are NO DOCKS. 45:1
- Madman: Fished offshore wrecks with him and could be a player. 20:1
- Dr Sal and crew of 5. Not sure what to make of this crowd, They got a Doctor a "Tuna guy" and a “Capt”. Just names until they produce. 50:1
- SHIRTGUY: ALL CAPS IN HIS HONOR. Actually fishing without permission on wife’s birthday ! Will be checking cell phone and watch from sunup to return while wiping the sweat from his brow with a SHIRTGUY hand towel. 75:1
- Dave Meseck Crew: Threatened to fish with me half a dozen times last year. At this point still an imaginary fishermen and crew until there is proof he exists. 100:1
- Gerry Z: Will be worried about site crashes, No LAB to compete with and more important no River Rat to tie his rigs and tell him when to lift the rod tip! However he is a previous winner on the hat drawings, knowledgeable fishermen and beverage manager so we will go easy. 30:1
- John Henderson: Defending last year POOL winner but that was a “Fluke” (seriously). Usually deceptively quiet, has some nice fish on record (all species) and somehow ends up in the end of day photo shoot. Has to be considered a threat. 5:1
- Quanman: Been Blackfishing with Mark Monger style and he makes a hell of a Proscuitto. Can hold his own and time will tell. 30:1
Glenn Griffith, Steve and Marissa Douglas: Well lets start with the fact they are from PA. Nuff said! Marissa could be a puller though and the young lady at 13 or less is brave enough to go on this trip. You all know how the pool could turn out: Adults 75:1 Marissa 20:1
Major John Schwantes: No info but we go easy on anyone who puts Major in front of their name: 50:1
Willie W (Uglystick1) No info so 100:1
Jeff Criswell JR and SR: Sounds like a Chevy Chase movie (almost) No info so I am reaching here. 100:1
Wayne Walbum: No info 100:1
Mike Gifford: Again no info 100:1
Terry D / Keith M and Don S: These are the hometown boys I grew up with and have been fishing with since we could walk. All avid fishermen but better known for other things usually found on Post office walls. Not a chance 100:1


04-20-2011, 04:00 PM
Your generous at 20:1 I'm just hoping to make it through the first tide switch before the Miller Lite's get the best of me.... (insert said photo of one Sportfishingusa floundering recently)

should be a great trip 45 on the turn out is a Job well done, the two hitters I'm bringing with me are from Staten Island so lookout Mob Wives here come the "real fisherman of NY's finest"

04-20-2011, 04:16 PM
Nice effort with ODDs Dale/Dave/LABwannabe :p

If this was a fluke trip I'd claim the pulpit, but if wind & tide are together you can count on the Harts claiming the STERN corners :eek:

Looking forward to this trip !!

Fish The Drop Off
04-20-2011, 04:33 PM
I got Great Odds..... I just hope to get a line in the water. I most likely will be the guy behind the counter. LOL

Chris G
04-20-2011, 05:04 PM
If it doesn't happen before hand, what are the odds my wife will give birth on that day? :confused: :eek:

04-20-2011, 05:22 PM
Nice effort with ODDs Dale/Dave/LABwannabe :p

If this was a fluke trip I'd claim the pulpit, but if wind & tide are together you can count on the Harts claiming the STERN corners :eek:

Looking forward to this trip !!

Larry think you made a spelling mistake ... sb CONER. Singular!
Otherwise your son will be witness to way too much adult material.

04-20-2011, 05:25 PM
Good luck Guys. I would be going but had previously scheduled a Gloucester trip with my son. We will be driving up on Sat.

Thanks Dales for all the effort you put into the scheduling and organizing of this RFA trip.

Thanks also to all those are participating and donating prizes for the benefit of the RFA.


04-22-2011, 05:03 PM
Just to get you guys pumped up for the trip.... I was out on the Fisherman today with Capt.Ron.. And it was an all out slaughter on jigs... From the first drop till the last horn :-) Looking forward to fishing with you guys on the striperthon... IT'S ON!!!!!!!!

04-25-2011, 09:29 AM
Dale any more spots open I have a buddy who want's to.I pm-ed you so let me try here

04-25-2011, 09:58 AM
Dale any more spots open I have a buddy who want's to.I pm-ed you so let me try here

Yes we have a few spots so no problem. Sorry for the late reply, I PM'd you as well. However, please have him sign up via CC Online at www.rfanj.org. NOTE: (To all potential last minute sign-ups) We are no longer accepting checks so its Online registration or cash only at this point.

We have 4 spots left. Everything shaping up for possibly the best trip to date.

Looking forward to the fishing!! More details to follow this week.

04-26-2011, 02:16 PM
If i had a dollar for every time someone called me Griswald from National Lampoons Vacation movies I could have retired a long time ago. LOL Looking forward to this trip. We started going out on the Fisherman with Cap Ron last year. Best boat around. :) 100 to 1? LOL Just kidding!!!

Garone Custom Rods
04-26-2011, 02:54 PM
The rod for the trip is almost done. Just have to put on the last coat of finish and it will be on its way to Dave to be auctioned off.

04-26-2011, 06:24 PM
Official Sign Up post!

When: Saturday April 30th 6:30 AM until 2:30 PM
Where: Capt Ron Santee / Fishermen Atlantic Highlands Habour Marina
www.captronsfishermen.com (http://www.captronsfishermen.com)
Species: Striped Bass
Cost: $85.00 Adults / $40.00 Children 13 and under

YOU GET: (you cant hear it but there is a drum roll)
- Full Day Striper Fishing with the infamous, one and only Capt Ron Santee on the Fishermen with stellar crew Chis G and Robbie. NOTE: Early 6:30 AM depature beats the crowd and an extra hour of fishing.
- Food and Beverages will be supplied
- Donation included in price goes directly to RFA-NJ to continue fighting for your NJ Fishing Rights.
- Special Guest, RFA-NJ Board Member and Co-Sponser of this trip.
Capt Fran Verdi of Fish the Drop OFF
- Another great day on the water with good people.

Can you elaborate on this a bit? Im sure you must know by now that I like to sip cold beverages while I huck christmas tree rigs with multiple teasers at boiling bass in the back bay so I want to make sure I'm covered in terms of my eternal supply of both beer n drink.. I mean food :rolleyes:

04-27-2011, 09:39 AM
JJ Bittings ? Gerry ? Bueller ?

Fish The Drop Off
04-27-2011, 09:50 AM
JJ Bittings ? Gerry ? Bueller ?

Soda, Sprite, water.........

Gerry Zagorski
04-27-2011, 10:41 AM
Got you guys covered. Headed over to JJ Bittings www.njbrewpubs.com (http://www.njbrewpubs.com) to pick up the hand crafted beer on Friday. Having that stuff around the house on a Friday night could be trouble... It's like Kryptonite :D

04-27-2011, 05:19 PM
List updated:
3 Spots left. Please note: Last minute sign ups and Walk-ons will be accepted with the following rules:
1) No more Checks,
2)Online registration at www.rfa-nj.org until 12 midnight Thursday 04/28. Fare $85.00
3) Walk-ons MUST call me/ PM me or Email me no later than Friday 3PM Payment will be CASH ONLY at boat and Fare will be $100.00 (includes $15.00 procrastination fee).

Few other things:
- LUNCH is provided and will consist of Sub / Hoagie sandwiches, Italian / Turkey and Roast Beef. Individual snack bags of pretzels, chips, doritos etc.
Soda and Water.
- Door Prize List so far includes:
- Garone Custom Rod. Fantastic Set-up. Thanks Mike
- Rod / Reel Combo (from Pete @ Atlantic Highland Bait and Tackle) Second year Pete has stepped up with a donation! Very nice gesture. Make sure you stop in there in the morning for all your trip needs.
- Flambeau Tackle Bag.
- $25.00 Gift certificate from Chum Box
- $25.00 Gift Certificate from Oceanside Bait and tackle
- Local Artist rendering of (you guessed it) A STRIPER
- (12) 17" De-hookers (1) One per winner
- (1) 6 foot De-hooker
- misc RFA-NJ T Shirts. There will also be RFA-NJ Tee's for sale as well.
Thanks to Capt Fran, RFA-NJ and all Donators!!!

Bonus Tags: Boat does NOT provide bonus tags. If you must than bring your own. Personally to me you may as well pack Bananas while your at it.

Boarding Order. Hope to start at 6AM sharp. Boarding is strictly in order of payment as per the list on the front page. A few of you have multiple guests that are not next to you in the order. I dont care, the boarding list is what it is. After you are set-up you may be able to re-arrange with other people to fish next to your guests but I dont want to know or hear about it.
You will be allowed (1) One Pole at the rail for your (1) One spot. Boat has storage for your extra poles. Please try to limit it to (1) Bait and (1) Jigging set-up. (yeah sure)

Looking forward to fishing with everyone and meeting some new faces. Thanks again for the support of RFA-NJ. Its pretty obvious what they bring to the table.

04-27-2011, 06:16 PM
Jumped the gun on Door prizes:
Here are some more:

- Old Harbor Outfitters bag
- Barnegat Bay Fisheries book
- RFA Hat
- Mustad Hat
- Mustad hooks 6/0, 8/0, 9/0, 12/0
- RFA Buccaneer cup shirts (2)
- Water Proof Case
- (3) More dehookers
- One more 6 foot dehooker
- (25) Catch And release Tag kits

shrimpman steve
04-28-2011, 09:01 AM
how do you stick a tag into a carcass

04-28-2011, 09:08 AM
wow thats a mouthfull...watch Shrimpy I'm sure he is bringing at least 4 set ups and a trout rod. :D

Dales really looking forward to saturday, despite horrible conditions forecasted :rolleyes: , Capt Ron can hopefully deliver us some lilnesiders.

If there is anything you need a hand with the night before or morning of please feel free to give a call or txt me. Thanks again to you and Capt Fran and also kudo's to the RFA organization with their overly generous
nature and support in making this come to fruit.

Two more rules you forgot to mention, NO BANANA's and NO DONUTS.

I'll see if I can grab some bagels and coffee in the am so no one has to wait in line on 1st ave while we are supposed to be boarding!!

Edited*** 3 doz bagels on order for pick up 5:30 sat am.. cream cheese and butter will be supplied
Dunkin Donuts by me doesn't open till 6am by me so sry fella's your on your own with the JOE!

Fish The Drop Off
04-28-2011, 09:14 AM
I am boarding 6th if anyone wanted to move up in the draft it is going to cost. LOL Will be open to trade for the right price.

04-28-2011, 11:08 AM
how do you stick a tag into a carcass

You put the Tag in the head. Carcasses usually migrate south to Philly. You then get a return Tag from Joey Murray.

Maybe you will actually win something this year:eek:

04-28-2011, 11:13 AM
wow thats a mouthfull...watch Shrimpy I'm sure he is bringing at least 4 set ups and a trout rod. :D

Dales really looking forward to saturday, despite horrible conditions forecasted :rolleyes: , Capt Ron can hopefully deliver us some lilnesiders.

If there is anything you need a hand with the night before or morning of please feel free to give a call or txt me. Thanks again to you and Capt Fran and also kudo's to the RFA organization with their overly generous
nature and support in making this come to fruit.

Two more rules you forgot to mention, NO BANANA's and NO DONUTS.

I'll see if I can grab some bagels and coffee in the am so no one has to wait in line on 1st ave while we are supposed to be boarding!!

Edited*** 3 doz bagels on order for pick up 5:30 sat am.. cream cheese and butter will be supplied
Dunkin Donuts by me doesn't open till 6am by me so sry fella's your on your own with the JOE!

Thanks Ron, good so far. May need help pushing the Raffle Donation Tickets.
NICE with da bagels!! Yeah conditions a little too nice right now;)

Pete @ AH Bait and Tackle is offering some Ice to top off your coolers along with his Rod and Reel Combo donation. Stop in and ask, while you are there buy a little something.

04-28-2011, 12:30 PM
Two more days!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!! :D

04-28-2011, 12:39 PM
You put the Tag in the head. Carcasses usually migrate south to Philly. You then get a return Tag from Joey Murray.

Maybe you will actually win something this year:eek:

Steve won a metal sand spike last year if memory serves me correct, but he donated it to Leif Jr, cause his wife wouldn't believe him if he told her he was going night fishing on the beach with an aluminum spike 4ft in length!

04-28-2011, 04:21 PM
Sat.Apr30th sunny and 66 degrees

04-28-2011, 04:58 PM
Anybody else gonna warm up tomorrow (Friday) ?
sunny and 67 west winds both days.

04-28-2011, 06:08 PM
Nothing like a little pressure on me guys..Fishing has been very good the past week, the pics and vids show what's going on,(HOWEVER)....it's a Saturday, a Great weather report, 1,000 boats have been gearing up for this weekend and reading my reports.....I'm lighting candles and saying prayers for it to last through the weekend!!

shrimpman steve
04-29-2011, 12:24 AM
I am taking bids to get me to stay home so I don't kill the bite:eek:

and Lefty, you were WRONG about the sandspike story, that was two years ago:D

I am #9, I know there are 9 spots in the stern, ONE of those spots is mine!!!!!!!!!:p

04-29-2011, 12:41 AM
I would just like to say good luck to all who are going and contributing to the RFA. The bite is steller and you all will have a good trip. Don't mean to get of topic ,but by chance can kids like me join the alliance? Might as well get involved while your young 'eh?


Garone Custom Rods
04-29-2011, 01:01 AM
Here are a few pictures of the decorative feather inlay for the rod being donated for this trip. Rod is 7'6", rated 20-40# line, moderate action with custom shaped eva grips. This baby will work great for jigging bass, bouncing big bucktails in the ocean for doormat fluke and pulling up big blackfish.

Top view

Side view

Bottom view

04-29-2011, 03:09 AM
shrimpman was there last year, everywhere u looked there he was....
starring at us peeing was a Lil wires though

Life's A Beach
04-29-2011, 05:43 AM
do you have to be ON this trip to buy a raffle ticket?

04-29-2011, 08:47 AM
Garone, That pole looks AWESOME!!!!!!!! If I dont get it on the raffle, I might have to order one brotha :-) See you Guys in the morning...

04-29-2011, 09:07 AM
shrimpman was there last year, everywhere u looked there he was....
starring at us peeing was a Lil wierd though

Umm yeah it was

04-29-2011, 10:48 AM
List updated: 1 spot left. Online registration is CLOSED. Trip signup for walk-ons open until 3 PM today / Fare now $100.00. You must call me 973-479-7768, PM or email. 1st one in gets the last spot. I may take a couple more if you plead your case.

Other updates:
Capt Fran Verdi was gracious enough to add (2) Two Open Boat Trips on Fish the Drop OFF to the prize List. Pretty Cool :D

04-29-2011, 11:31 AM
RFA-NJ Donation Raffle: here is the deal.
All items below including the Garone Custom Rod will be included in the general give -away Raffle. There is also a 50/50 Donation raffle. Donation Tickets for each raffle are 3 for $10.00 and an arm length (approx: 12+) for $20.00. Donations will be accepted at the boat prior to and during departure but I would like it to be done before we start Fishing. (1) One Prize per winning ticket but same person depending on # of tickets purchased can win multiple prizes.

The Garone Custom Rod will go the 1st winning ticket, after that it will be your choice from the list:

50/50 is One (1) winner:

Raffles will be held on the ride IN after Fishing and/or at the dock on return. All Depends on the length of the ride.

You need NOT be ON the trip but MUST be at the dock prior to departure to purchase Tickets. Tickets must be then placed with someone you trust that is ON the trip to identify during the raffle on board. We are not responsible for identifying your tickets if you are NOT on the trip and your "buddy" stiffs you. I will try to come up with another solution before the end of the day but thats the best I can do right now.

Current Prize List: (Over 60 Prizes)

- Garone Custom Rod. Fantastic Set-up. Thanks Mike
- Rod / Reel Combo (from Pete @ Atlantic Highland Bait and Tackle) Second year Pete has stepped up with a donation! Very nice gesture. Make sure you stop in there in the morning for all your trip needs.
- Flambeau Tackle Bag.
- $25.00 Gift certificate from Chum Box
- $25.00 Gift Certificate from Oceanside Bait and tackle
- Local Artist rendering of (you guessed it) A STRIPER
- (15) 17" De-hookers (1) One per winner
- (2) 6 foot De-hooker
- misc RFA-NJ T Shirts. There will also be RFA-NJ Tee's for sale as well.
- Old Harbor Outfitters bag
- Barnegat Bay Fisheries book
- RFA Hat
- Mustad Hat
- Mustad hooks 6/0, 8/0, 9/0, 12/0
- RFA Buccaneer cup shirts (2)
- Water Proof Case
- (25) Catch And release Tag kits
- (2) Open Boat Trips on Capt Fran Verdi Fish the Drop OFF

There is ALSO the heaviest Fish Pool which will be run by the BOAT.
Boat Rules apply and winner keeps the pool. I may do a $1.00 First Keeper Pool as well but that will be Game time decision.

Thanks again to all that signed up, our donators and those who couldnt make it but still supported the trip. IT MATTERS.

Great turn out and will be a great day on the water. Thanks also to Gerry Z for the gracious donation and this site for all its support.

04-29-2011, 12:32 PM
can i paypal you funds for some tickets today? and you can hold them?

04-29-2011, 03:32 PM
can i paypal you funds for some tickets today? and you can hold them?

Sent u a PM

04-29-2011, 09:05 PM
Picked up the Garone Rod. its a beauty. See you all in the AM

04-29-2011, 10:11 PM

Enjoy the day, enjoy the friendship that fishing brings, and catch a ton of fish.

Hopefully I will make the next trip.


P.S. Ron and crew I hope you survive!

04-30-2011, 12:14 AM
just blended a 2009 Cabernet/Carmeniere with a 2009 Sangiovese mix, for later. Hope it goes well with the sangwitches. Sorry Prosciutto won't be ready until X-mas.

04-30-2011, 12:23 AM
Hot Off The Press ( Literally, Still Working)

Its The Official - Unofficial 3rd Annual Fish-a-thon Limited Edition Hand Towel And Banner.

See Ya In A Few

04-30-2011, 12:58 AM
It's midnight and i'm still up. See everyone in a couple hours

04-30-2011, 07:35 PM
A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! Dave, Capt. Fran, Capt. Ron, Henry for shirts, everyone else that pitched in whatever way you did, GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Thank you!

05-10-2011, 12:48 PM
Sorry for the very late response. Had a little home issue as in a HOUSE FIRE Sunday night to deal with after the trip. Everyone and pets are fine and most of the house was saved but lost all my fishing gear including the 3 day old new custom set-up from Leif:eek: and golf clubs. Major house cleaning and remodeling going on now. Wife is a gem and handling it better than I could ask for.

Anyway great day on the water, Capt Ron did his best as usual and Robbie / Chris were just fantastic. CONGRATS on the new family addition Chris (beautiful Baby).

Some nice fish caught for some and none for others like myself. All in all this was a great Fish A Thon and the most succe$$ful to date raising over $2200.00 for the RFA-NJ which will put the funds to great use for US NJ fishermen. Shrimpman caught and won the Garone Rod as well as an open boat trip with Capt Fran so you know something was wrong.

I want to second Capt Adam and Thank ALL who participated and some notables:
Mike Garone: Custom Rod Donation!!!. Very special set-up and generous gesture Mike. You do very nice work.
Pete Atlantic Highlands Bait and Tackle: Steps up every single time I run a trip out of AH. Very nice Rod / reel combo donation.
Ron (Lefty Reeler): Always chips in a ton of help on these trips and the Bagels in the morning added a little extra.
Larry (Hartattack): Very generous extra donations both on the trip fare and the 50/50 kickback. Much appreciated Larry.
Capt Fran Verdi: Thanks for all your help. Too much to list. Great fishing with you and look froward to doing the Fluke A Thon with you.
Gerry Z: Unprecedented Site support and beverage donations make these trips so much easier. Always a pleasure fishing with you.
Jeff (Shirtguy): Makes up the awesome banners, hand towels etc and a real pleasure to have on these trips.

Again thanks to ALL, the partcipation was just fantastic and I will be posting details on The Fluke A Thon as soon as things settle out with the House repairs.

Pics of Leif Rod, Clubs and garage:mad: Pictures hardly tell the story as inside is a mess. Could have been much worse so we feel lucky.

05-10-2011, 01:02 PM
OMG Dave, thank goodness everyone's OK. The material stuff - that's why you have homeowner's insurance.

I'd be privileged to lend you some fishing gear, assuming you get the opportunty to see the ocean again soon.

Awesome job, as ususal, with the RFA donation. Can't wait for the next excursion (will try to get dibs on the pulpit) :p