View Full Version : NJFishing seabass trip
Ryan W
11-09-2010, 05:32 PM
I have successfully spoken to several captains and have decided that the Gambler is the best boat to fit our needs for this trip.
The details:
The boat: Capt. Bob bogan's gambler
Date: December 19th
Times: We will depart at 1 AM sunday the 19th and return at 7-8 PM on the 19th. The trip is 18 hrs long or so- NOT an inshore seabass trip. Everyone should be at the boat no later than 12:01 AM on the 19th, when we will start boarding.
Fare: $180
Bunks: There are only 20 bunks aboard the Gambler. First 20 to sign up with the check on the way will get bunks. There is plenty of sleeping space on the cabin as well as the upper deck of the boat (but it is outside).
Bait: Fresh clams will be provided.
Limits on the trip: Trip will be limited to 35 passengers.
Tip and pool: I will be collecting a $20 tip from everyone when we get to the boat. PLEASE have the tip in cash. We will also be running a 50/50 pool for the RFA for $20- $10 per person will go to the RFA, and $5 for a seabass pool and $5 for a "biggest edible
Rentals: rental rods are available for $10 each,
If you would like to go:
1) Send me a PM saying that you would like to go
2) Send a check made out to "Gambler fishing" to the gambler at :
Gambler Inc.
104 Frede Dr
Brick, NJ 08724
Be sure to note your "real" name and "screen" name on the check so I can match them up when they come in to the Gambler's office.
Tip and pool will be taken in cash at the boat-
Bob will make the call for any inclement weather- he has the final say as to "weather" we go or not.
Feel free to PM me with any questions.
11-09-2010, 05:41 PM
Will the Eagle Giant game be on the TV/Radio?
Ryan W
11-09-2010, 05:42 PM
Yes, I think so. I'm sure that we can work something out to keep everyone updated. Next time I call bob, I'll ask him.
11-09-2010, 05:58 PM
Ryan, Check your pm box.
Ryan W
11-09-2010, 06:08 PM
Boarding list:
1) AJFISH13, Artie
2) AJFISH13+1, Artie's dad
3) MSgold, Marilyn
4) Codbuster, kip.
5) wonderfulFishing, Yasar
6)Madman9132, Jimmy
7) jim C, jim
8) MikeinNJ, mike
9) JimC +1, Gena
10) JDShots, Steve
11) Duffman, Dan
12)Ray Rod, Ray
13) Scupman, Paul
14) Farmer Andy, Andy
15) NoBaitNofish, Brandon
16) NobaitNofish +1, Brandon's dad, bruce
17)AVA67, Braden
18) CJAZ, emil.
11-09-2010, 06:38 PM
Ryan Did ya get my PM?
Ryan W
11-09-2010, 06:48 PM
Sure did, just added to the boarding list at #5.
Ryan W
11-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Just talked to Kieth and he says that the Eagles game will be on satellite radio for the whole trip, along with other tunes available on satellite radio for when there's no football on. There is also a TV in the cabin if anyone would like to bring a movie or two for us all to watch.
Let's get some more people aboard! Plenty of spots left- get your seabass while you can! Who knows if we can even begin to do this trip next year, and it should be great fishing after the offshore stock hasn't even been hit for over a year!
Pennsy Guy
11-09-2010, 09:09 PM
Sorry Ryan...can't make this NJF wife is having a nasty operation mid december...can't leave my friend and lover:) Should be a great trip, they've had a year to get'all going on a great boat with a great Capt and crew!!!
Ryan W
11-09-2010, 09:11 PM
Woulda been nice to have you aboard- hope all goes well for your wife.
11-10-2010, 07:12 PM
PM sent. Looking forward to it :-)
11-13-2010, 01:22 PM
29 Spots Left Folks. Let's Get Em.
Ryan W
11-14-2010, 01:18 PM
Actually only got 27 spots left! Still plenty of room for you and all of your guests! PM me if you've got any questions or to sign up- I'll get back to you ASAP.
Edit: 20 spots left at this point, only 5 bunks.
11-15-2010, 08:42 AM
This will be a good trip. Just need to pray for weather. Fresh bait, lots of room and a fast smooth ride to the offshore wrecks.
A few tips:
Jig master to 4/0 size reel --preferably spooled with 40 to 60lb braid
A short length of broom handle or something to break off braid if (when) it gets stuck in the wreck.
6.5 or longer 30 to 40lb class rod
If you have an extra rod and reel, bring it and stow it in our overhead holders.
12 and 16 oz sinkers
Simple 2/0 or 3/0 size sea bass rigs --2 hooks are enough (I will have rigs and sinkers on board if needed.) Best to have extras ready to go nearby.
A good pair of needle nose pliers with cutter
A rag for your hands
Personally, I don't like to wear thick gloves. A cheap pair of brown cotton gloves, even if they get damp, will keep your hands warm. They are easy to take off and you can throw them away at the end of the day.
The galley will be open for fresh hot food and beverages or you can bring your own. There is a microwave on our counter for anyone who wants to heat up their food.
Bring a sleeping bag and a bed roll if you have it.
Dress in layers and wear boots,
This will be a good trip with good company
11-15-2010, 10:54 AM
you can add me down as well, ryan pm sent
Ryan W
11-15-2010, 06:58 PM
Thanks for the tips capt. I was going to put up something, but you beat me to it :D.
I personally don't use the broom handle for my braid. I just point the rod tip to the bottom and reel until the line gets tight and pull upwards to bust out- no stretch capabilities of the braid take the snag right out. A broom handle could work well though.
Feel free to PM me for help.
11-15-2010, 08:43 PM
Bring rigs for seabass and porgies. Offshore porgies are behemoth too. I have done several of these trips before and they are awesome. We will get em.
Ryan W
11-17-2010, 05:36 PM
We should have a great trip with a LOT of meat- feel free to bring plenty of tackle and setups- there is plenty of room aboard the gambler for all of our stuff.
There are only 20 spots left, but only 5 bunks left. Shoot me a PM if you'd like to get aboard.
Ryan W
11-18-2010, 09:56 AM
Well, after seeing CaptTB's post, I think it might be advantageous to get aboard the trips this year, as we might not even have a season next year (or 2 fish :eek:). Should be great fishing, but who knows if we'll even be able to do these trips again? PM me to sign up.
11-18-2010, 11:32 AM
I just read that post and I'm sick to my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-18-2010, 12:41 PM
Wow this could be my 1st and last sea bass off shore trip. There's no limit on bergals yet is there?
Ryan W
11-18-2010, 04:15 PM
None that I can think of, no. Who wants some size 10 hooks to target them? I'll have them on sale next year if I can find someone with hands small enough to snell them.
That post was awful. I hope that they can work something out like they did for this year to give us some days back, but we just have to keep fighting. I doubt we'll have the same bailout as we did this year, since we over fished the quota this year, and we were able to get back the days we did by using the old quota from last year, if I remember correctly. I think it's time to get out our checkbooks again :mad:
Ol Pedro
11-23-2010, 10:26 AM
Ryan , if this goes down I'll open The Fisherman Gets F#$%ked Again Store . You sell the size 10's as I know a few deckhands who will do piecework since they won't be sailing and I'll sell the KY and the crotchless slickers . We will also sell everything the Pout (Winter) and Sea Robin (Summer) fishermen need . JMMR can be our Poster Boy . MMMM Doggies Good !
12-04-2010, 02:03 PM
We need 19 more guys. Might be our last shot at offshore seabass for a LONG TIME. If you want loads of big seabass and porgies, this is the trip. Invite friends, we need people.
Ryan W
12-05-2010, 01:41 PM
The trip is shaping up nicely. There is ONE more bunk left. After that, people can sleep on the floor in the cabin of the gambler, or on the top deck. We have 16 other spots left, but they unfortunately won't have bunks, but there will be plenty of room to sleep regardless. Let me know if you want in.
12-05-2010, 06:06 PM
The trip is shaping up nicely. There is ONE more bunk left. After that, people can sleep on the floor in the cabin of the gambler, or on the top deck. We have 16 other spots left, but they unfortunately won't have bunks, but there will be plenty of room to sleep regardless. Let me know if you want in.
Myself like other guys are eyeing the weather last minute. I'm used to sleeping on the floor. Trip is 2 days before full moon. Get ready for current.
12-05-2010, 06:14 PM
Current has me worried also!!!
Ryan W
12-05-2010, 06:45 PM
Not much we can do about the current :(. We kinda had to take what we were given with the short season being what it was, so our date choices were limited. It should be fun regardless though. I can't blame the guys who are watching the weather though- it can get pretty hairy at the end of december. Keep in mind that Capt. Bob won't beat us up though- if the weather's nasty, we won't go and can try to talk about getting together for another trip. I was just gonna get some heavier sinkers for the trip- not much else we can do.
12-05-2010, 07:05 PM
to check forcasts for where we are going what do we use? there a specific website or area have a certin name where we are going.
Ryan W
12-05-2010, 07:14 PM
Bob can chime in on his favorite service, but I use windguru and NOAA. The bottom line is it's his call to go or not. I'm betting he's gonna use a forecast for like 60-80 miles E or NE of manasquan inlet, but that's just a guess. You could try the NOAA forecast for "hudson to baltimore canyon" even if it's a little bit far out for where we'll be going.
12-06-2010, 06:40 AM
Bring 16 to 24 oz. sinkers. I hope we kill em. The seabass and porgies are already here.
Ryan W
12-06-2010, 10:02 AM
I am more than willing to save sam some $ by picking up the sinkers for anyone going on the offshore seabass trip. Shoot sam and myself a PM and then sam can drop off the sinkers with me along with my personal order and I'll bring them to the trip and you can pay me there. Should make it easier for everyone involved and save sam a couple bucks.
12-06-2010, 11:14 AM
Weather watching already and the trip is 2 weeks off? Jeez...
I know a couple of old timers who are watching the weather because thier old bones cant take a beating :rolleyes:
12-06-2010, 01:40 PM
I am more than willing to save sam some $ by picking up the sinkers for anyone going on the offshore seabass trip. Shoot sam and myself a PM and then sam can drop off the sinkers with me along with my personal order and I'll bring them to the trip and you can pay me there. Should make it easier for everyone involved and save sam a couple bucks.
i already ordered some lol but if i have to get the 20 oz when is the latest i can order them from sam to get to you?
12-06-2010, 05:39 PM
hey Ryan, how many spots are left for this trip?
12-06-2010, 06:04 PM
Current has me worried also!!!
I'm wondering why we have to have a full boat anywhy? Bob sails with less than 20 all
the time?
12-06-2010, 06:12 PM
We don't need 35 to sail apparently. It should be good.
Ryan W
12-06-2010, 06:48 PM
Don't worry- WE WILL GET ENOUGH TO GO! Everyone stop worrying, pick up some stuff, and get ready to have a blast catching some great tasting seabass! We've got a great crew, and hopefully will have some great weather and fishing to boot!
Mike, I would check with sam, but I'll probably meet with him on friday or sat to pick up the sinkers, and take them to the boat with me for the trip. I would guess like wedensday or so, but sam can chime in.
Edit: We've got 16 spots, but book soon to ensure you get the best possible boarding number or the last bunk. Shoot me a PM to get aboard or if you've got any questions.
12-06-2010, 07:02 PM
If you guys need sinkers just ask! I can make a bunch up to a certain point! 16 0zers I'll make a couple dozen then your on your own!! Kip
The Sinker Man
12-06-2010, 09:00 PM
Ryan, check your PM's
12-06-2010, 09:38 PM
anyone have thoughts on the amount of weights ill need? already have 12,14,&16,s. how many 20's you guys recomend?
12-06-2010, 09:47 PM
Start with 24, go heavier if needed.
Bring the 12's , you can always tape 2 of them together. I usually fish tilefish weights, 1 and 2 lb.
Clam Strings
12-06-2010, 09:51 PM
anyone need a great seabass stick with a sick reel for a insaine low price check out the classifields section under RAYMAN1
its a trevla xxh with a tourium 50 loaded with 65 lb braid.......$250$....used only few times and great condition...
12-07-2010, 02:02 AM
anyone have thoughts on the amount of weights ill need? already have 12,14,&16,s. how many 20's you guys recomend?
if fishing braid i have never used more then 16 around here(even on a full moon) often get away w/ 12-14 but always am prepared w/ some 20-24's wish i could join yas on here dates just no good as i got to kill some tog
12-07-2010, 06:10 AM
anyone have thoughts on the amount of weights ill need? already have 12,14,&16,s. how many 20's you guys recomend?
With that combination of lead, just pick up some egg sinkers slide one over the leader your set.
Good Luck wish I could make it.
12-07-2010, 07:31 AM
16 to 24 oz. I use a minumum of 16 usually and I fish braid. Don't want to tangle those around you. Looking forward to our trip on the 19 th. Bring plenty of rigs and maybe an extra rod and reel. See ya then.
12-07-2010, 04:02 PM
thanx tropics never thought of using the slide sinkers with the banks, sinker man ill be ordering a few more , mike.
with possible 20 oz dont think my avet and other rod are going to wanna mess with that weight. whats the avg jig for pollock in those possible conditions would it be under 16oz?
12-07-2010, 04:15 PM
you got to be prepared, myself, i would not bring a freaking thing other then myself. trust me, bob will have everything you need and you can buy it on the boat, give him some business on tackle, every bit helps on these trips and all trips. unless you make your own rigs, i would also just buy rigs on the boat, they have the right stuff and they will be fully stocked with more in their stock them probably more then 50 guys combined.
Dont over stock yourself, bring 2 rods, 2 reels, bring clothes, sleeping bag, and your food and yourself.. Thats it! buy the rest on the boat!!! So much easier the lugging around 100lbs of crap that gets used 2 times a year if that!
The Sinker Man
12-07-2010, 04:40 PM
What Sport said...No sense buying stuff that you may never use again just to let it lay around collecting dust...Most if not all the PB carry what you need for that type of trip...
Ryan W
12-07-2010, 06:53 PM
Just a gentle reminder to all that have not paid up yet to send in your checks ASAP. I will be contacting those who have not paid shortly, but it would be very much appreciated if you could get your checks in to make my job a little easier. Thanks for your understanding. I'd hate to have someone not make it because of a missing check and we couldn't contact you.
We're all out of bunks at this point, but still have 14 spots left on the trip. It's gonna be a great cast of characters, and the offshore reports so far are looking great to catch some tasty seabass. PM me if you'd like to get aboard. I will be at the party on thursday, and feel free to come up to me and say hi.
Ryan W
12-12-2010, 12:45 PM
The trip is shaping up rather nicely. Thank you to all of the people who sent in their $ and checks. I am still missing money from a few people. I'd rather not post up their names, but you guys know who you are. If the money is not in by next wednesday, I will unfortunately have to bump you guys from the trip, and I don't want to do that to anyone, but we need checks from people in order to go. Thanks for your understanding.
Due to a cancellation, one bunk has opened up. Let me know if you want it. First person to PM with check on the way gets it.
Great reports have been coming in, both from Capt. Howard on the Jamaica, Capt. Jeff on the voyager, Freddy on the Andrea's Toy, and from some peeps on the NS out of BL. We should get 'em good this trip, and the long range weather looks great!
12-12-2010, 10:05 PM
I'm going to start making rigs for the trip the, any recomendations on style of rigs, hi-lo, single hook, etc...? thnx ahead of time for answers
Mike, I was out this past weekend and I used hi and lo rigs. Started with 5/0 and ended up using 3/0. Good luck!
12-13-2010, 09:57 AM
Thx jay
12-13-2010, 04:59 PM
Weather looks good for Sat into Sun. so far!!
Ryan W
12-13-2010, 05:32 PM
Looks great right now for sat into sunday, but I don't wanna jinx anything at this point :p. I will take people in order of PM- not playing favorites here or anything. I have no bunks left at this point, we board in order of reservation number- trying to be as fair as possible here. We should have a great time! There are currently 14 spots left.
Edit: For guys that signed up earlier, If I haven't heard from you regarding payment by wednesday at 10 pm, I will give your spots away. I don't want to bump anyone, but there has been PLENTY of time to send in a check here. You guys know who you are- I've PM'd you multiple times.
12-13-2010, 06:11 PM
lets get out there and kick some sea #ass cant wait i am foaming at the mouth
12-13-2010, 07:05 PM
has the gambler been out for sea bass yet? or is this his 1st trip
12-14-2010, 09:04 AM
Just saw something about a coastal storm on Sunday! crap
There is a 30% chance of rain on Sunday. There not even sure, it will most likely blow over. Keep your fingers crossed and go catch them up.
12-14-2010, 04:46 PM
Speaking of cold hands can't remember if the Gambler has heated rails?
12-14-2010, 06:15 PM
Speaking of cold hands can't remember if the Gambler has heated rails?
12-14-2010, 06:40 PM
don't forget your gloves people:D
12-14-2010, 06:50 PM
12-14-2010, 09:17 PM
If You had Raynauds syndrome you won't say that Duffie!!
12-14-2010, 09:34 PM
lord mercy! Now we have to deal with ball busting on a medical level?
Damn this trip should be one demented ride!!!!
12-14-2010, 09:35 PM
someones still upset about those cowboys lol :p
12-15-2010, 08:17 AM
Sun. the forecast is for 25 to 35 from the north with 6 to 11 ft' seas! Not looking good imo!!
Ryan W
12-15-2010, 09:50 AM
I agree, not looking great at this point, but there's not much we can do. Keep in mind, a HUGE portion of the time these people are WAY off anyway. It's still 4 days away, plenty of time for them to change the forecast on us again. Bob will make the final call, and I will post something here, Pm everyone, and will call everyone who PM's me their phone number and asks for a phone call with the decision if it's "no go." I will let people know as soon as I do. Hopefully it gets nicer and we can get the trip in.
12-15-2010, 05:21 PM
Ask Bobby to leave Fri nite and fish Sat.
12-15-2010, 05:44 PM
good idea1111
Ryan W
12-15-2010, 05:45 PM
I myself like the idea- I have a call out to bob to see what he thinks. I will post up details as soon as I have them.
Reminder: Everyone that I have not heard from or who has not mailed in a check will be bumped at 10 PM tonight. I have sent you one last PM reminder.
12-15-2010, 06:56 PM
i could most likely switch my plans for a sat trip if that came up
12-15-2010, 08:09 PM
Saturday is just fine for me and my dad
Ryan W
12-16-2010, 04:47 PM
The trip has been MOVED to saturday. We will leave at 1 AM, starting boarding at 12:01 AM SATURDAY, and will return 18 hrs later, at about 7-8 PM saturday, before the nasty weather arrives. Anyone on the original list will get first crack at the spots. If you can still go, give me a call on my cell 732-977-5944 and I will save your spot for you. Otherwise, you will be bumped at 7 PM friday night. We need 25 guys by 7 PM friday to pull this off. If we can't get 25, we won't be able to go (we have like 12 who can go right now). If you would like to go, call me on my cell or shoot me a PM and I will add you to the boarding list.
My phone will be off tomorrow during the day. Either PM me or call me and let me know:
1) How many people
2) Name
Trip rules will remain the same. People will board in order of contact position to me, preference given to those who have contacted earlier (originally booked for the sunday date). Bunks go to first 20.
It will be CASH AT THE BOAT (please have exact change). Make SURE you can go before calling. If you say you're coming and don't, something horribly bad will happen to you (use your imagination to figure out what :p- just kidding).
If you want OUT and were in for sunday, just PM me and I'll work something out to get everyone their money back, but it will have to wait until after the trip.
Forecast is:
Who wants to try for a double bagout?
12-16-2010, 05:01 PM
........................ In .......................
Im Getting On The Phone Now To Round Up The Troops !!!!!
12-16-2010, 05:22 PM
Won't be able to make it now because of work. :mad:
Good luck guys, hope you kill'em!
12-16-2010, 05:45 PM
........................ In .......................
Im Getting On The Phone Now To Round Up The Troops !!!!!
round em up lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan W
12-16-2010, 05:45 PM
Kieth, are you in for saturday? You're not on the boarding list :p
12-16-2010, 05:49 PM
........................ In .......................
Im Getting On The Phone Now To Round Up The Troops !!!!!
See ya there.
12-16-2010, 06:10 PM
Who is getting bushells of fresh clam ??
I'll get a bunch of squid.................LETS GO !!!
Ryan W
12-16-2010, 06:12 PM
Bob has fresh clams for us- I will call him to confirm that. I'll let you know later tonight if he doesn't have them. If not, I will try to get some for us if I'm not innundated with other things to do.
12-16-2010, 06:15 PM
Who is getting bushells of fresh clam ??
I'll get a bunch of squid.................LETS GO !!!
What time you gonna be there. I'll be there 10:30 to 11:00 pm. Looking forward to my first offshore seabass trip in almost 2 years.
12-16-2010, 06:53 PM
I'm picking up squid in about 30 min
Ryan W
12-16-2010, 07:13 PM
Thanks mike and andy- we should have a great trip! Hopefully the pollock and the cod are hitting in addition to the seabass and porkchops!
Gimme a call to get aboard- we almost have the 25 we need to go.
12-16-2010, 07:25 PM
a few mackrel would be nice!! Unfortunatly I'm in Newtown Pa not near any B
and T 's!!
12-16-2010, 07:31 PM
I'll be there around 11 or so and I think I'll walk over to the Broadway for a couple beers before boarding!! If any one wants to join me???
Ryan W
12-16-2010, 07:38 PM
I will check for some macks when I am down that way tomorrow. We will have a blast!
12-16-2010, 08:19 PM
Andy convinced me. I'm in.
12-16-2010, 08:54 PM
Andy convinced me. I'm in.
nice glad to have you really looking forward to this
12-16-2010, 09:46 PM
Good luck guys.
Ryan W
12-16-2010, 10:43 PM
Thanks kirk- we should get 'em good and be in before the blow!
We need 7 more guys to be able to go. Call me at 732-977-5944 to reserve a spot. We will take cash at the boat. We will have every bait under the sun, and should have a blast! Just gimme a call and leave a message if I don't pick up or shoot me a PM and I'll get back to you.
12-16-2010, 10:52 PM
so when will we officially know? i'll be at work till 9pm fri, so i wont be able to check on here very much and basically after 4 i wont be able to check on here at all, thanks
Ryan W
12-16-2010, 10:54 PM
I will call everyone at 7 pm tomorrow if we are not going. Right now, default is that we go.
12-17-2010, 07:31 AM
The weather looks nice. Very little wind, mild temps and one of the last days to get GIANT Jersey sea bass.
Come on.......what would you rather do? Go shopping? :eek:
Rumor has it that Andy's 7 1/2lb sea bass............. was loaded with sinkers.
12-17-2010, 09:12 AM
No sinkers in that fish !!!
Weather looks great, get on the phone and get a few more people !!
12-17-2010, 09:19 AM
Hope we get enough I need a break from work and reality:eek:
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 09:33 AM
The weather looks nice. Very little wind, mild temps and one of the last days to get GIANT Jersey sea bass.
Come on.......what would you rather do? Go shopping? :eek:
Rumor has it that Andy's 7 1/2lb sea bass............. was loaded with sinkers.
Don't worry, I'm going shopping tonight. On the list are some jigs, hooks, and sinkers :D. Let's get our seabass while we can folks! Call me on my phone and leave me a message on my voicemail and I'll get back to you ASAP. Get your christmas seabass while we still can!
732-977-5944- leave me a phone number and I'll call you back ASAP.
Weather forecast says:
You can't do too much better than this at the end of december, folks! Let's Get 'em!
First double bagout on seabass and porgies gets a free bag of chips, courtesy of me. We will most likely have the galley open.
12-17-2010, 12:51 PM
any news on how many we have at this point?
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 04:04 PM
We have 21 confirmed- I think we will have enough to go. Everyone may have to kick in an extra 20 or so if they are able, but we should be going. I will go talk to bob about it right now.
Call me to get a spot! Great weather, great reports- We're gonna get 'em!
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 04:04 PM
Reminder- if you were signed up for sunday and can make it saturday, give me a call to confirm your spot!
12-17-2010, 04:14 PM
To kick another 20 will not be a prob for me
12-17-2010, 04:36 PM
anyone leaving from the toms river area wanna bring a rod up for someone?
Topeka Boy
12-17-2010, 05:12 PM
Ryan I know how hard you worked on this trip I hope you and the rest of the guys going really hit em hard. Good luck to all.:cool: :cool: :cool:
You guys are going to have excellent conditions. Fill up those coolers!!! Be safe! Go get them!!!! :D
12-17-2010, 05:25 PM
No problem for me either!! Was going to suggest that anyhow!!!
12-17-2010, 06:03 PM
Ryan I know how hard you worked on this trip I hope you and the rest of the guys going really hit em hard. Good luck to all.:cool: :cool: :cool:
I hope we do Topeka Boy. Ryan defintely went through a lot of crap putting this trip together. Hope we kill em. Looking forward to meeting some new people, including AndyS. See yall there.
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 06:41 PM
WE ARE GONNA GO!!!!!!!!!! Got off the phone with bob, we're gonna get 'em! Call me if you still want a spot- we got plenty! Give me a call at 732-977-5944 if you want to go, but we are out of bunks at this point.
All that crap will be worth it if we kill 'em tonight! I will update everyone on the money situation when we get to the boat- I don't want to have to ask people for extra $$.
I will be there at 10 PM tonight- there is no need to get there earlier than 11 or so- all we will do is stare at each other until 12 anyways.
Thanks again for everyone who helped me put this trip together.
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 06:45 PM
One more thing:
NOTE: Broadway is closed @ RR crossing. Take rte 35 S over bridge to 3rd light/Arnold Ave. Go Left on Arnold. Cross rte 35 N, RR tracks and make left @ blinking light/Chicago. Take Chicago to end and make left on Channel Drive
Thanks to LAB for posting this- I was down this afternoon and it is not a difficult detour. Call my cell if you get lost or are running late.
12-17-2010, 06:56 PM
my vote would be give ryan a free trip for all of his time that he has spent.the boat will be getting over four thousand dollars. ryan deserves a reward.?!
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 07:05 PM
Galley will be open! We have every bait under the sun- FRESH clams, Squid, bergall strips, mackerel. We are gonna get 'em!
12-17-2010, 07:20 PM
I Second That!!!!!!
12-17-2010, 07:25 PM
Ryans Free Trip That Is!!!!!
12-17-2010, 07:28 PM
Have a GREAT trip boyz (even YOU artie!!)
12-17-2010, 07:53 PM
See you guys in 4 hrs:D
Tin Squid
12-17-2010, 08:12 PM
Good luck tonite guys-n-gals! You have a great captain, crew and vessel all working towards putting up some big numbers. I hope you all limit out and may some pollock and baccala crash the party to spice things up a bit.
I wish that I could be there but my best wishes for a good catch is the best I can do.
Good luck and have a great time!
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 09:56 PM
Thanks again everyone for the well wishes. See everyone soon!
If you would still like to go, be down by 11:30 PM tonight. Call me at 732-977-5944 with any problems.
Ryan W
12-17-2010, 10:24 PM
I will not be back on my computer before the trip. Give me a call with any questions or problems.
Ryan W
12-18-2010, 11:50 PM
Here is my report. Apologies to anyone I forgot to mention, there were a lot of guys out there and I was pretty tired!
Got down to the boat at 10 PM, met up with a few guys, got on board at 12:30 and we were pulling out of the slip at 1:05. After a nice sandwich cooked by Tom (kieth's dad), it was off to sleep and tie rigs for the 4 hr ride to the grounds.
We dropped in to the first wreck at about 5:30 AM. Fishing was OUTSTANDING! From the moment you hit the bottom, fish were attacking the bait! I pulled up several double header seabass and porkchops, and it stayed this way for about 2 hours. Fishing was nothing short of AWESOME! After a shift the action died, and we moved on to another wreck. This wreck had a few more doggies than the last one, but we still managed to put a catch together and I topped off my limit of seabass here. With a lot of filleting to do, we headed for home at 3:00 or so with a crowd of happy anglers and full coolers!
I myself had a limit of seabass and 30 chops along with a ling and a couple nice bergalls. Others had comparable amounts, with varying amounts of bluefish for each angler.
Pool fish was a 7 lb 7 oz seabass had by Paul Arber, on his first ever offshore trip.
High hook honors go to Samsky, Sam, on his first EVER offshore seabass trip. After being cajoled into going and doubting that it would be that much better than inshore, Sam saw the light after OVER 40 JUMBO seabass and 20 porkchops (only retained limit). Great job on your first trip sam- let us all know how those arms feel in the morning!
Special thanks go out to Capt. Bob of the gambler for allowing us to move the trip on such short notice, and to AndyS for helping me run the trip. I would also like to thank the crew of Capt. Mike and Keith, who were great at keeping everyone in the water and taking out tangles as well as cutting fish on the way in. Thanks again for your hard work guys!
My camera was not working, bobby will have some pictures for us later, I think. I took plenty with his camera for him. We had over 7 totes filled with racks at the end of the day, and I know a good amount of those fish left whole.
Ryan W.
12-19-2010, 01:08 AM
way to go guys!
12-19-2010, 09:36 AM
I new the fishing was gonna be nothing short of OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!! Just wish i could've made it. Im still dealing with the burial of my brotherinlaw :-( Hope i can get out soon.. im gonna call the boat today to see if i can use my payment for another trip. I hope to see some pics :-)
Tight lines,
Jim C
12-19-2010, 01:34 PM
I just want to say Thank you to Capt Bob, and Capt Mike and Mate Keith who where working the deck and who later where up to there nicks in fish working very hard to get everyone's fish cut. A SPECIAL thank you to Ryan W who put this trip together. This is one trip I am sure we are ALL going to remember :D As for me and my buddy we need take some pain killing pills are arms are sore, But it sure is a nice way to get a sore arm:D
Happy Holidays to all..
Jim Custer
Jim C
12-19-2010, 01:43 PM
Pictures from the RFA Seabass trip Sat Dec 18 2010
12-19-2010, 04:59 PM
I just want to say Thank you to Capt Bob, and Capt Mike and Mate Keith who where working the deck and who later where up to there nicks in fish working very hard to get everyone's fish cut. A SPECIAL thank you to Ryan W who put this trip together. This is one trip I am sure we are ALL going to remember :D As for me and my buddy we need take some pain killing pills are arms are sore, But it sure is a nice way to get a sore arm:D
Happy Holidays to all..
Jim Custer
I think I talked to you on Saturday. I was the kid in the red/black Guy Cotten and the yellow bibs. Glad you had a great time, I think we all did!
Ryan W
12-19-2010, 06:10 PM
thanks for putting up those pictures jim- my camera wasn't working properly. Bob should have some pictures for us as well when he gets around to it.
By the way, over 300 dollars was donated to the RFA from the 50/50 pool. Thank you to everyone for participating in the pool- I am sure the money will go to good use in the fight to let us do these trips next year.
Thanks again to everyone who helped make this trip happen.
12-19-2010, 06:11 PM
See ya on the 28th.
i am trying to go sooooooooooo badly. hope to know by next weekend hopefully Bobby has room for my big rearend
Ryan W
12-19-2010, 06:12 PM
I will be going on the 28th as well if I'm not skiing that weekend- hopefully I can make it. If not, it's the big J on new year's eve for me :D
12-19-2010, 06:34 PM
Since the 21st looks not so good, I will try to fish the 28th. I had an excellent day on a trip with my friend's on a smaller yesterday but my knees are a bit sore today. Bigger boats are better for bigger people.
12-19-2010, 06:42 PM
Glad to see some opting for the 28th. I will be there with the Leifs and billfish16. Hope we kill no SLAUGTER 'em!
12-19-2010, 10:21 PM
High hook honors go to Samsky, Sam, on his first EVER offshore seabass trip. After being cajoled into going and doubting that it would be that much better than inshore, Sam saw the light after OVER 40 JUMBO seabass and 20 porkchops (only retained limit). Great job on your first trip sam- let us all know how those arms feel in the morning!
Hmmm samsky? me? lol!!!
Ryan, thanks for picking me up the last minute. No regret for the trip at all. The best trip i ever had, with great capt, and mate and NJ fishing crew. We should definetly do this next year. What you say?
Believe it or not, i actually was look for me chops and end up with more!! I even traded the sea bass after my limit.
My arm was just a little sore not serious at all, BUT that's because i used a medicated balm. It's really good, you don't feel much sore. Will try to get some pictures up too.
12-19-2010, 10:28 PM
I knew you would enjoy this trip. Don't expect this kind of fishing inshore ever.
This was great even by offshore standards. Looks like we might get a shot at this next year again. Hope to fish with you again.
12-19-2010, 10:42 PM
Here's some picture from my phone, hope it's not too bad.
And the pool fish
Sweet_Raspberry (
Gerry Zagorski
12-20-2010, 09:02 AM
Great job organizing this Ryan. You ran it like a pro.
Ryan W
12-20-2010, 09:41 AM
Thanks for putting up the pictures sam- hopefully bob will have some others for us soon! That pool fish was a complete slob- congrats to paul for catching that pig!
Thanks gerry- I can't even imagine what it must be like to run a site like this one. Thanks for letting us run the trip off of the site this year! Hopefully we will be doing more of these trips next year- looks like we might get the regs to make it possible- I didn't have any fish between 12 and a half and 13, so it might be alright for offshore next year.
Thanks again for everyone for coming out. I will be speaking to those who couldn't make the new date at some point this week to get them their money back.
12-20-2010, 03:46 PM
Thanks for putting up the pictures sam- hopefully bob will have some others for us soon! That pool fish was a complete slob- congrats to paul for catching that pig!
Thanks gerry- I can't even imagine what it must be like to run a site like this one. Thanks for letting us run the trip off of the site this year! Hopefully we will be doing more of these trips next year- looks like we might get the regs to make it possible- I didn't have any fish between 12 and a half and 13, so it might be alright for offshore next year.
Thanks again for everyone for coming out. I will be speaking to those who couldn't make the new date at some point this week to get them their money back.
Ryan, have an idea for next big trip. PM me and I'll give you the general idea for it, still 1 3/4 to 2 months away. Again, great job organizing the trip, and I had a blast. See ya soon.
Life's A Beach
12-20-2010, 03:53 PM
Great Job Ryan (with a tip of the hat to Andy for the assist) putting the trip together. As I told you at the's not just posting the date and fishing but you worked VERY HARD and the trip was a TOTAL success!
Nice to see all the action, especially Samsky taking the pool!
there we go.........THUMBS UP
Topeka Boy
12-20-2010, 04:25 PM
Ryan W
12-20-2010, 05:24 PM
I used 16's all day, some used less. Weather was great- almost too good (I get queasy when it gets too nice- I was feeling it in the dark on that first drop. A few nice knot heads cured that though :D)
Mike, thanks for your help as well- I would have been unabke to do it without people like you, andy, and howie who gave me help putting my first big charter together.
Bill, I will be on the big J new years eve as well as maybe the gambler on the 28th. Wanna meet up and fish?
P.S. Sam didn't have the pool, but had the high hook, and most importantly, had a BLAST! If you haven't been offshore, NOW is the time to go!
12-20-2010, 06:34 PM
Thank you, Ryan, for putting the trip together.
That's some good fishing. If I don't get the picts up tonight, I'll post them tomorrow.
Congrats to you for organizing a trip like this. Hopefully everyone appreciates all the effort that goes into putting large trip like this together.
It is a great feeling when everything come together and you have successful trip like this.
Big thumbs up to you.
12-21-2010, 07:42 AM
Congrats to you for organizing a trip like this. Hopefully everyone appreciates all the effort that goes into putting large trip like this together.
It is a great feeling when everything come together and you have successful trip like this.
Big thumbs up to you.
agreed not easy putting anything together! but i need to know as i am trying to go next week was their any Jmurr bycatch?????????
Ryan W
12-21-2010, 09:21 AM
A few doggies, one pout, and a load of blues. I may try to swing next week's trip as well.
12-21-2010, 11:03 AM
A few doggies, one pout, and a load of blues. I may try to swing next week's trip as well.
Great Job Ryan!!!
It was nice meeting you AJ and Mike. Hope to fish with you guys again.
And Ryan, thanks for everything, the advice, the stuff i need....thanks!!! Hope to fish with you soon! And have a happy holiday and happy catching!!!!
Joey, i was hoping to get some of your bycatch too, so disappointed that i didn't get any, but i got enough sea bass, blue, ling and porgy to feed several families. lol!!!!
Zoloft Settlements (
12-22-2010, 03:44 PM
I thought Capt. Bob was supposed to put up pictures:confused: .
Ryan W
12-22-2010, 04:07 PM
He'll get to it, don't worry. Bob is a busy person, and I am sure he will get to it when he gets a chance.
12-23-2010, 11:08 AM
I was able to get on the trip on the 28th. Is anyone from the site going????
I think most of everyone here is going to be on that trip. You have nice group going! Good luck!
Ryan W
12-23-2010, 02:24 PM
I might go if we get the weather and skiing sucks- hopefully bob has room for me.
12-23-2010, 05:45 PM
I was able to get on the trip on the 28th. Is anyone from the site going????
i just called left a message i am hoping for the best.....
12-23-2010, 05:48 PM
Good luck to all as I will be out for this one. Besides, I really don't need anymore fish:D . Maybe we can do a NJFISHING.COM Block Island cod trip in Febuary.
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