View Full Version : P.U.O.S.U. 3 The Saga Continues
12-16-2010, 02:08 PM
After fishing next to various numbskulls the past few weeks, anyone on board this trip would be a pleasure to fish next to.
Hey...I resemble that remark! :p
12-16-2010, 02:29 PM
Hey...I resemble that remark! :p
Polish people were NOT included in my prevoius post.:)
12-16-2010, 02:31 PM
I got a nice rig being tied up. Diamond jig without hook for sinker and then three snafu rigs tied up hi-med-lo. Whole small greenie on each hook ,6 crabs are going to be dancing around the water column. ;)
I was seriously thinking of tying up something completely foolish myself....if you bring two of those I won't waste my time.:)
12-16-2010, 03:28 PM
Gotta fish it with pink line though.:p
12-16-2010, 07:23 PM
well since works waaaaaaaaay to slow i have created my early attack plan for Saturday
1.LAB- really no need to throw him off his game as that game is nonexistent but I could just put his rod on the roof of the cabin so he cannot reach it
2.RIVER RAT Jim - the reigning champs worried about hooks no need there won’t be no repeat this year
3.COOL HAND FLUKE Al- nicest guy ever but this is war, 1 taste of da Philly mustard and he’ll put down the avet and pick up the spinning rod w/ 3 oz pyramid and metal spreader to get back to his southwest Philly rootsX
4. PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY JOHN – I have loads of pamphlets from various trips to new hope, longwood gardens,Smithville and peddlars village to catch his eye since antiquing is his new thing
5. MVP Alex- I got a few “bachelorettes” to keep him busyX
6. TAUTOG 1 Paul – “borrowed” something from a client to keep Paulie busy. It’ll be 4:20 somewhere
7.STELIOS- I love him like my big greek older brother but this is war! I got a life size love doll of DJ Pauly D that will get him starstruck and off his game that he’ll be spraying windex on hisself to calm down
8. FOUL HOOK Tony- a very good egg and a recruit for the MWO but a little homemade Irish Wine will eliminate any chance of him winning
9. MICKRAZZ Michael – muauahahahahahahahahhaha to easy!
10.FIN S Bob – just goping to bring some perogies and kielbasa and hide them on the mimi the scent will throw him off
11. SMOKEY JOE Tom- friend of shrimpman,nuff said
12. BACCALA Dave - sneak a bucktail in w/ the pretzels he eats both
13. GERRY Z – Mr.Z this site is not possible w/out him but he is the enemy! Same as Foul Hook a few homemade festive beers he’ll be kareoken Neil Diamond and not togging
14. Snaps Tony- he will be busy baiting Micks crabs all day nothing to fear
15.Tats Dave – I got a shakeweight for him he’ll be working out his gluuttes and biceps and what not all day
16. Clam Strings Sean & 23. Big Fish Tales Mike- better halves are both expecting so I will leave 5 packs of diapers in the cabin and have them fight over it thus throwing them off their game. Only worry here is Mick and Lab don’t join the fight for the diapers
That is the early attack plan for these characters don’t know enough about the others but I will dig and dig and the strategery will be ready for Saturday
Life's A Beach
12-16-2010, 07:39 PM
4:20 is OUT
He's working on a commercial boat and they have to go out Saturday to empty the pots..........LONG SOAK with all the wind.
And of course he declined sending Kimmie along without him. Something like "yeah right Labbie.............I ain't trowwing (yes no H) her to THOSE dawgs"
They're dropping like flies! The pressure of The House's Odds coupled with MWO's devious plan to take the pullers off their game have scared away a few already!!!
12-16-2010, 08:07 PM
4:20 is OUT
He's working on a commercial boat and they have to go out Saturday to empty the pots..........LONG SOAK with all the wind.
And of course he declined sending Kimmie along without him. Something like "yeah right Labbie.............I ain't trowwing (yes no H) her to THOSE dawgs"
They're dropping like flies! The pressure of The House's Odds coupled with MWO's devious plan to take the pullers off their game have scared away a few already!!!
that sux i needed a good Ric Flair story! still cannot believe ya picked a nice weather day Mikey ya musta listened to da weather beetle!
Life's A Beach
12-16-2010, 08:09 PM
that sux i needed a good Ric Flair story! still cannot believe ya picked a nice weather day Mikey ya musta listened to da weather beetle!
I picked this day/date in January. Sorta like YOU winning PUOSU 3...........would be "Blind Squirrel Finds Nut"!:p
Tautog 1
12-16-2010, 08:11 PM
now that im out (im still crying about it) the rest of u hacks might have a chance, my money is on boston pete, good luck guys ill b giving you all the finger from 50 miles out have fun:cool:
12-16-2010, 08:19 PM
now that im out (im still crying about it) the rest of u hacks might have a chance, my money is on boston pete, good luck guys ill b giving you all the finger from 50 miles out have fun:cool:
keep in touch Paulie if ya do anything WAY down south this winter i'd def be interested
@ LAB- i remember you picked the date right after last years trip crazy good luck!
12-16-2010, 08:20 PM
Won't be the same without you Paulie...I was looking forward to measuring those arms...ahemmm...then I was gonna arm wrastle you..
UT OH JOEY...your "protection" won't be there...:eek:
Ps. Seriously...I was looking forward to having some laughs with year brother.
Life's A Beach
12-16-2010, 08:21 PM
now that im out (im still crying about it) the rest of u hacks might have a chance, my money is on boston pete, good luck guys ill b giving you all the finger from 50 miles out have fun:cool:
Paulie...............your secret's save with me. I promised you I wouldn't tell the guys about the "accident". Next time I see you, you gotta tell me the details of your "Fusilli Jerry" incident. "A million to one Doc, a million to one"
To bad Paluie and Kimmie can not make it. Last time I fished with him some big hairy bear was wearing Kimmies HOT Pink bra. Still have nightmares about that day.
shrimpman steve
12-17-2010, 07:55 AM
that hurts me:)
12-17-2010, 08:37 AM
Around this time tomorrow.....
JMurr will be talking his face off about muggin people, sea ravens, how to cook sea gulls and the best mustard known to man. Pretty much anything not dealing with tog
Scotty will be trying to figure out which side of the boat is going to be in the sun....ALL DAY
LAB will be yelling at someone for something while counting the money
MickRazz's fist will be in JMurr's face to shut him up
Snaps will be talking about how to fix an engine, a Newell or a washing machine.
Boston Pete...probably munchin on a salad or tofu
Smokey Joe..making rigs to catch pigs
ClamStrings will be quiet....too nice
BigFishTale will be hooked up with a monster tog....but we won't even be anchored up yet.
Stelios will be on his 2nd pack of the day
PB&J will be eating grapes
I'll be doing push ups and pull ups in the stern to get my morning pump on
12-17-2010, 11:24 AM
Good Stuff Right There.
12-17-2010, 12:44 PM
Darn backer-outers! Taking money out of my diaper fund:mad:
"won't be anchored up yet":confused: you have me confused with Mick. I wait for the boat to settle first, usually. On the other hand, I do like to squeak out a whistle fish while the anchors are being pulled up.;)
Just to let y'all know, been sick all week. Just a heads up as you might want to give me space at the rail. You've been warned.
12-17-2010, 01:00 PM
Around this time tomorrow.....
JMurr will be talking his face off about muggin people, sea ravens, how to cook sea gulls and the best mustard known to man. Pretty much anything not dealing with tog
Scotty will be trying to figure out which side of the boat is going to be in the sun....ALL DAY
LAB will be yelling at someone for something while counting the money
MickRazz's fist will be in JMurr's face to shut him up
Snaps will be talking about how to fix an engine, a Newell or a washing machine.
Boston Pete...probably munchin on a salad or tofu
Smokey Joe..making rigs to catch pigs
ClamStrings will be quiet....too nice
BigFishTale will be hooked up with a monster tog....but we won't even be anchored up yet.
Stelios will be on his 2nd pack of the day
PB&J will be eating grapes
I'll be doing push ups and pull ups in the stern to get my morning pump on
pretty much agreed on everything here buddy but i talk? i am quiet,shy and very humble! just for this no delicious delaware river oysters for you, did ya get everything you needed at bed,bath,and beyond? maybe you and pbjj can compare hand soaps
Life's A Beach
12-17-2010, 02:34 PM
pretty much agreed on everything here buddy but i talk? i am quiet,shy and very humble! just for this no delicious delaware river oysters for you, did ya get everything you needed at bed,bath,and beyond? maybe you and pbjj can compare hand soaps
Easy with the Hand Soaps or someone will bring Boston "Lady Playtex" Pete into the conversation.
Boston Pete
12-17-2010, 02:47 PM
They were Jess's......I swear.:p
BTW, I need a name for my new boat....a 24" worldcat...anyone have any suggestions?
River Rat
12-17-2010, 03:06 PM
Good Luck with the new ride Pete.
"Stray Cat"
12-17-2010, 03:34 PM
They were Jess's......I swear.:p
BTW, I need a name for my new boat....a 24" worldcat...anyone have any suggestions?
Dont name it pete, leave it blank, this way no one knows who the hell you are, much easier when someone gets pissed off at youi! :D
12-17-2010, 05:00 PM
New boat name= PICKLE II
Life's A Beach
12-17-2010, 05:06 PM
They were Jess's......I swear.:p
BTW, I need a name for my new boat....a 24" worldcat...anyone have any suggestions?
CLEARLY the ONLY name you should name it:
Out On A Twig
YOU are nothing more than an off-shoot of your MENTOR.............SO
Boston Pete
12-17-2010, 05:14 PM
Mikey...I've only ben fishing with JR a little over a year.....what about PBJ John, Fin S & The Cheesman Scotty.
BTW...Love ALL the pictures.:D
Life's A Beach
12-17-2010, 05:18 PM
Mikey...I've only ben fishing with JR a little over a year.....what about PBJ John, Fin S & The Cheesman Scotty.
BTW...Love ALL the pictures.:D
Dude............I know who your longtime friends are but You and JR are sympatico. I mean're washing his boat and you weren't even on the trip!!!
Alternate name Dollar Bill, Yo
Pictures????? I got more pics of you than your Mom does LOL (and you're vogueing in almost every one). I even got a pic FROM your Mentor of you speeding THRU a no wake zone
Boston Pete
12-17-2010, 05:27 PM
I was on that trip...remember we had to come in early when someone got sea sick...
Dollar Bill, Yo will be saved for you whenever you get your own boat.
LOL.....I love that picture.
Life's A Beach
12-17-2010, 07:20 PM
We're down to 20
Baccala called out; has to finish getting his snow plows ready for Sunday.
12-17-2010, 07:30 PM
with some of those BIG boys dropping out, should be PLENTY of room at the rail......
just sayin....
Clam Strings
12-17-2010, 07:50 PM
See you boyz in the AM.......
12-17-2010, 09:01 PM
Yo you little Irish menal midget
Down to 20 maybe you shoulda pm'd the peeps that went last year. Just Sayin! FYJA See us off 2 nite @ the dock
Life's A Beach
12-17-2010, 09:04 PM
Yo you little Irish menal midget
Down to 20 maybe you shoulda pm'd the peeps that went last year. Just Sayin! FYJA See us off 2 nite @ the dock
Charter on Mimi is a set amount for 20 people. Just saying!
"little Irish menal midget" yeah, you'll get a PM soon
I've run well over a dozen charters for members on this site over the years where we've got the chance to fish and make new friends. I've only taken ONE hit, that was on PUOSU 1 when someone had car issues and didn't make the boat. That person got to dock after Mimi left so he went out on D. He posted this and said he won the pool that day on the D. And he also said he would pay me for his fare. Never got that money. Then he went and switched his username to avoid paying me a lousy $50. Please invite me on the next charter YOU put together. Just Saying! fyt
River Rat
12-17-2010, 09:19 PM
More room at the rail.... weee weeee weeeeeee!!!!!:D
12-17-2010, 09:40 PM
More room at the rail.... weee weeee weeeeeee!!!!!:D
Thanks for the ride Mrs a lol
12-17-2010, 10:31 PM
Time To Shock The World, In The Words Of My Hero Yes We Can!
12-18-2010, 12:47 AM
Jigging IS allowed..............just don't be ANYWHERE near me. And I'll bet MickRazz won't be letting someone bouncing jigs by HIS green crab either!?
Dude............this ain't offshore sea bass fishing nor line-sided carp. Do yourself (and everyone) a favor and leave the jigs at home.
You don't look mean to me Shrimp. You look like a big ol' sweet teddy bear.
thats a good hru shot with eamon and lab on the right
12-18-2010, 12:52 AM
Questions I've been pondering......
1. Rat.........last year's hat was black and white. As REIGNING champ and CHALK to repeat, what colors do you suggest for this year's CROWN??
2. Got a text from Cool Hand Fluke today......"Tomorrow starts my 4 trips in a 7 day run on Monger to get ready for the 18th. Realize I'm a longshot but coming to win!" Al, you ain't gonna have jerry telling you when to swing nor wayne putting your crabs on your hook on PUOSU LOL
3. Scooter.........BAD KARMA Bro!
4. Clam Strings..........Level playing field and the field is GREEN!
5. Fin S..........Let it go Booby! You can re-friend me on FB lmfao
6. MickRazz...........been reading a lot of "won the pool on this and that boat"; 2 questions?
a. How bad are the other guys you've been fishing with?
b. Not a word on how your "personal caddy" has been doing.......Pepe Le Pew?
7. GERRY Z.........A large pair, my friend. Bringing up last year's bet was fair. Using the construction sign was a low blow. You're going down Balboa!
8. MVP........Kudos for putting that Wanna-Be Philthy Riff Raff in his place. "I make you laugh? How do I make you funny Ha ha?"
9. I heard thru the grapevine that Smokey Joe actually caught last weekend outta Barnegat. PLEASE don't say I've got to re-think his odds??
10. WHERE'S Peanut Butter & Jelly John??? Not a single blackfish report from him ALL fall?????? Someone said they saw a guy being pulled around Monmouth County by his GF; even seen antiquing on Arnold Ave in Point Beach ????????
i love those big fishies!
12-18-2010, 01:32 AM
tick tock tick tock
12-18-2010, 04:20 AM
Ok boys. I'm ready for the diner. Good luck to all today...except for you Joey...Effin liberal. I told Young Salt that I was gonna punch you in the mouth as soon as I saw you this morning...
Foul Hook
12-18-2010, 05:55 PM
Life's A Beach
12-18-2010, 07:23 PM
Before I post MY report from today, Captain Kenny and Chris asked me to do them a favor.
Seems a mix-up with their charter for tomorrow has them open. They rarely have weekends OPEN for blackfishing so tomorrow looks like a good chance to fish them. Rates (available on phone or on their website under Party Boats above) are VERY reasonable and it's a great boat to fish from!
Please call ASAP as Kenny has to make a decision tonight if he's gonna sail tomorrow. If he gets enough reservations, he'll sail!!!
(732) 370-8019
Just getting home from PUOSU trip. I will Lab post his report as he was taking mental notes throughout the trip. Good time was had by all. Being a Chartermaster is alot of work and many times a thanksless job as it is impossible to cater to everyones need and keep everyone happy.
Just wanted to give LAB (Mike) a big thumbs up for putting this trip together and picking a great weather day. Report to follow.
12-18-2010, 07:48 PM
LAB, thanks for organizing the trip and entertaining us through out the day. Special thanks to Smokey Joe for supplying the awesome food. Hope you feel better dude.
Great time fishing with everyone and congrats to the new PUOSU winner...
Life's A Beach
12-18-2010, 07:54 PM
Met Bobber, Shrimpie and Loveshislab @ 3:30 for whites for their trips. NONE for our trip.
Had a text of a cancellation due to emergency @ his work; Down to 19!
Hit the OB Diner with Mickrazz, Snaps, Jigamafish Joe, Tats, JMurr, Stelios and Smokey Joe. Smokey Joe was sick as a dog and begged off. Took care of his responsibility AND gave us Mega Food for the trip; Pulled Pork, Brisket, Rolls and Coleslaw ... THANKS TOM, feel better!
18 Fares boarded and picked their spots IN ORDER. Kenny told us we were going SOUTH as he had a decent day Friday there. He's the captain and I trust his experience. Took us about an hour to get down on a wreck off IBSP. Joey Joe Murray took the Dollar Dollar Bill Yo first keeper; Good Job little man.
We picked a few keepers then Kenny tried another spot a tad further off. Again we picked a few keepers. We moved onto the reef and hit some reef balls without much luck. Moved to another wreck and picked again. Moved to some TANKS and we had some nice bottom. Stellie and I found a hole about the size of a cooler and had bites immediately (sometimes sooner) as our sinkers hit bottom. We both pulled 3 keepers each and about 8 shorts out of that hole. There was similar pieces around the boat. FinS had the same "hole" on the starboard bow. Most picked fish, keepers and shorts on these tanks.
We then went to a barge and picked some more. Sean Clam Strings found a honey hole and pulled 3 keepers and 3 shorts in 5 minutes while others picked. I was NEXT to him but didn't get a bite here OMG!
We headed home aroudn 2:30 with 50-60 keepers in the boat; all on green crabs!
Life's A Beach
12-18-2010, 08:15 PM
We heard from others fishing all day long and no one had lights out fishing so I didn't feel so bad.
EXCEPT when I had to hear a certain few saying "Just heard from ToggyTime Doug that Loveshislab got a 5# & 7# doublehead on WHITES". or "Loveshislab got an 11# on WHITES on the reject trip". "How come WE don't have WHITES"
Both Stelios and Boston Pete will remain nameless.......opps did I say that?
Dave Tats read the post where I said "$85 exact change" and handed me 85 singles; at least they were all facing the same direction. Funny Guy.
Both JMurr and I dropped our cameras so there'll be a shortage of pictures.
Fishing the stern I got a peck. Foul Hook next to me got a harder double peck but the fish didn't commit. The fish then SLAMMED Mr Bling aka Robbie Swivels, picking his sinker up and swimming away. 2 minutes later the PUOSU eventual winner hit the decks @ around 5#.
Stelios is in love. "Stellie, are you texting her again?" "NO, I'm texting Wayne". YEAH RIGHT! Besides with those massive bear paws it takes him 15 minutes to type "Hi" I'm still funny.
River Rat is very stubborn. ON the tanks there wasn't bottom in the starboard stern corner (where he fished all day) but he didn't move. The Boat was listing from so many peepz trying to mug Stelios and I but not Rat.
Gerry "Rigs" Zagorski skates more than anyone I know. Gerry came to the boat with NO pre-tied rigs, no rig tying material and NO intention of tying a rig all day. Rat started him out with one and Chris the Mate made the other EIGHTEEN (18) for him. HA HA HA HA
Standing next to me when I was catching my TRIPLE LAB LIMIT, Gerry Z wasn't swinging at all. BUT every single minute he'd pull up his rig and the hook was empty. "I"m not feeling anything at all". We love you Mr Magoo. I'd see his rod tip bounce bang bang but he didn't notice.
Alex MVP and Al Cool Hand Fluke took High Hook honors with 5 keepers each. Good Job Alex and Way to show us you don't need Monger Wayne to catch fish Al!
Al Cool Hand will know be known as The Artish Formerly Known as Slim Beauty. Thursday Night is knot tying class Bro!
Stelios, busy whining about no white crabs and bullshitting with Clam Strings missed a monster bite. The ensuing jumping up and down sent shock waves for miles.
Mr Bling Rob and his partner Tony Foul Hook Swivels proved you don't need to use a "traditional mono to braid" KNOT connection to catch fish. "The swivel is like a shiny bead that attracts the fish. OK Rob, you've got the hat so I can't say shyte but Tony.................I'm seeing Mr T aka B. A. Barracus from now on when I look at you.
FinS donated his last Blackfish Longsleeve Shirt to the winner. Thank God Rob won. It was size XL. Thanks Booby!
Mickrazz was in a foul mood. At one point early in the morning he started working on reel in the cabin between drops. HELLO????? and btw it's NOT a wig, they're NOT plugs and they're NOT his grandmother's glasses.
Tony Snaps DOES have thick skin. I tried ALL day to get under it but he didn't "Snap". Now if we can just get him to swing like a MAN on a blackfish bite.
Tony Cav
12-18-2010, 08:18 PM
Put Up or.... WHAT???????????
Life's A Beach
12-18-2010, 08:25 PM
Stelios and Dave Tats had to be taught how to work a microwave. 2:30 minutes is NOT the same as one minute.
Tats IS good a math as I quizzed him the rest of the day...."yo Tats..........1:30 had long until it's hot?" "One minute LAB"
I coulda ran for 1,000 yards behind today's Offensive (no pun intended) Line.
Chris the Mate, JMurr, Stelios, MickRazz, Slow Scott/Scooter as the line with Boston Pete as my blocking tight end. If anyone want's to know "Where's the beef?" I found it!
Two full pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw and a brisket sandwich with coleslaw MUST be washed down with ONLY a Diet Pepsi. :eek:
We had three father's to be on the trip: Mike BigFishTales aka Gottog who just shrugged when I tried to instill the fear of God into him about what he's gonna hafta deal with, Sean Clam Strings who also is having his first and is just jazzed about it and David D-Rod aka The Breeder who is having his (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ????) NEXT kids soon. The Breeder just walks into his house and his bride get preggers! LOL Overheard at the Diner (opps David was there too) was "you gotta go deeper if you want a son"! Oh yes he did
I'm sure I'll remember more and will add when I do. Other's will surely have stories I forgot.
For the record.........I was as quiet as a church mouse and a total gentleman today!! I don't lie, I don't have to!
Good time with good people/friends, great food and we caught some fish. Of course it coulda been better but I heard someone caught 8 keepers on a charter further south so..............................
Will have date for PUOSU 4 soon "Earlier LAB and let us use whites".
Life's A Beach
12-18-2010, 08:27 PM
Put Up or.... WHAT???????????
Yo Tony aka Loveshislab..............guess I coulda charged you double for the whites today with the day YOU had. Congrats on your PB.
Life's A Beach
12-18-2010, 08:34 PM
Special thanks to Kenny and Chris for a fun day. You guys run a great operation. Hope to sail with you soon and look to put together a trip in EARLY January if the weather cooperates.
12-18-2010, 08:38 PM
Even though Lab thought I was in a foul mood I was having a blast. I just HATE it when a piece of my equiptment fails me. ESPECIALLY when I fix everyones reels and MY effin reel is acting up...
Joey Murr fixed me up though. He beat me in our side bet on who would catch the bigger or him.:) Good job big boy. You also got thru the day without getting your nose banged up.
It was fun fishing again with the guys I only see once a year.
Al...please....learn to tie some knots and rigs....please?? From now on when I see a picture of you after a day on the Monger, heres whats gonna go thru my mind...sheesh...and that guy can't even tie his own stuff..;) You're to nice of a guy for me to be thinking stuff like that about you.:p
A very big thanks to TOM for the food and dragging his ass out while being sick to deliver it. Feel better Tom.
Labby, thanks for setting up the trip. Its REALLY hard putting up with you all effin day.:D
Pool winner!!!
12-18-2010, 10:42 PM
30 pages of trash talk and only 18 guys on the charter???
12-19-2010, 12:11 AM
a great day on the Mimi. as Stated i got da dolla dolla bill yo and won my sidebet with Mickrazz. Mick now has to canvas door to door w/ me for Obama's reelection :p i had 4 keepers and a load of shorts prolly 15-20 but when i say short i mean fudging tiny! big thanks to LAB for putting this together and as far as bait white, green, blue, sand eels i don't care its just fun to be out there with you savages. also the food was great tyvm Tom really nice gesture & apparently there was some pretzels & this great mustard. heres some pics again camera got jacked up today but oh well:
1. boston pete
2. mate to the stars
3.Tats saying hi
4. mikey on santios lap
5.mvp & gerry rigs
12-19-2010, 12:15 AM
1.scotty trolling tog
2. stel, lab,mick cuddling
3.Stelly showing us his workout?
4.Strings, fin s, tats
great time again guys fishing wasn't lights out but it culda been 1,000,000 times worse. thank you capt. ken and chris for a great day. Mike i am in for next year and what about puosu fluke in August?????
cool hand fluke
12-19-2010, 06:28 AM
That was a LOT of fun, thanks Capt Kenny + Chris
Thanks to Tom for some great BBQ - wish ya coulda joined us, hope you feel better soon
Thanks to Lab for putting this together + making us laugh ALL day
Thanks to JMURR for the great PHILLY pretzels and mustard
Thanks to Snaps for taking me under his wing + teaching me some blackfishing knots. Mick, you are right, I am spoiled fishing with Wayne.But, ya gotta remember this is really only my 2nd full season of togging, I have the fluke knots down + am self sufficient there - I promise for PUOSU 4 I'll be tying my own tog stuff knots.
Thanks to the rest of the guys on the Charter - it was a lot of fun catching up with everyone + spending a few hours together.
Lastly, congrats to Rob - way to go, champ!
Can't wait til #4
River Rat
12-19-2010, 09:13 AM
Big thanks to Mike for setting this up and dealing with all the $hite that goes along with it... very cool.... we all appreciate the effort.
Kudos to Tom for supplying the BBQ... outstanding!
Jo Murr.. pretzels were great & the mustard was even better. ;)
Congrats to Rob! He prevailed to take the crown... great job!
What did I learn today? Avoid Philadelphia Lobster at all costs! :eek:
12-19-2010, 09:39 AM
Joey, I forgot to thank you for bringing the pretzels and the mustard.
Rob B
12-19-2010, 09:45 AM
Thanks LAB for a great time. Lots of ball busting and lots of fun. I cant wait for next year. I also got one request that i was asked to honor since i am champ for the year and that is we bring clams next year so jmurr can ad more undesirables to his cooler.:D Thanks again for everything.
Gerry Zagorski
12-19-2010, 09:45 AM
Thanks for setting it up Mike and for the constant laughs.
Some of the lines:
- Lab - Takes him 15 minutes to type "hi". Love you Stelly but that's some funny stuff right there.
- Lab - I want confirmation on the swivel....Who is using the swivel?? It was like OK who put the tird in the punch bowl.
- FINS B - Holdin up his phone.... Guess who's ass this is?
- J Murr - Throw that in my bucket it's a Philly Lobster.
Thanks to Kenny and Chris for hosting us and Chris for tying up me up endless rigs. Guess I shouda been more prepared but you have to give LAB something to write about..
Tom - The brisket was to die for. Good stuff. I get home and the wife says you hungry.... Um no, I ate on the boat. I musta ate 2 packages of the brisket myself.
JMurr - Thanks for the laughs and the pretzels. Oh yeah and the worlds best mustard too.
Great time for sure and another PUOSU in the books.
Life's A Beach
12-19-2010, 09:55 AM
30 pages of trash talk and only 18 guys on the charter???
???? :confused:
the list has been up since the first post. some last minute cancellations but 23 or 18 isn't that big of a deal. last year we fished on a bigger boat and had 40+.
don't quite understand your question but sign ME up for the next charter you put together for the site.:p
Life's A Beach
12-19-2010, 09:57 AM
My fav line of the day. After catching a keeper (barely of course), Joe Murray goes into his announcer voice and says "YOU'VE just won an all expenses paid trip to Philadelphia" as he throws it into his cooler!
Foul Hook
12-19-2010, 10:17 AM
Yo Charter Master great trip! really had a good time! It seems like we did better than most in the fishing dept. and definitely did better than most in the food dept. Thanks Smokey joe great pulled pork and Joey for the pretzels. I had 3 keeps with numerous shorts.Funny how lines were tryin to get in that hole to yank a fish out of, at one time there was six rod tips ova an area the size of a bucket:eek: Me thinks the CHAMP(going off at 200 to 1) tangled me because he was feelin the heat! great to see everyone and meet a few,again Pete good luck with the bride and the boat:D and drod and big fish tale good luck with the new kids!
Things I learned today:
1 Lab is the fastest man on earth when there is a bite somewhere else!with the fastest mouth
2 Joe murr will in fact eat anything and call in Lobster(phone call from the monger to come pick-up something they did not lknow what it was. Joe those guys did not know what it was-that should tell you something!
3 A swivel is the difference between catchn and watchn:D
Nice Job to my boy Rob B!
12-19-2010, 10:44 AM
Lots of fun today, interesting what using the same bait means - look like a longshot has an even chance - and despite all the discussion abuot not using whites, it made things a little bit more even
and some thanks going out for the great time
River Rat - nice smokes :D :D
Smokey Joe :cool: - wish you could have made it so that we could have our once a year Point Pleasant - do you know who ??? discussion
Gerry Z for this great website
Lab - most fun charter master known to man
Gottog - for the 4/0s
Boston Pete - for letting me be his right hand man all day - love mugging that guy:eek:
every else - thanks for the great day. couldn't ask for a better crew
12-19-2010, 11:02 AM
'Ey Joe...thanks for the pretzels.
Ryan W
12-19-2010, 12:44 PM
don't quite understand your question but sign ME up for the next charter you put together for the site.:p
Gerry, can we get a "like" button like Facebook has? :D :) :p
12-19-2010, 02:06 PM
Gerry, can we get a "like" button like Facebook has? :D :) :p
Gerry, you can!
Life's A Beach
12-19-2010, 02:56 PM
Went over to a Brielle tackle shop and made another donation this year from PUOSU trip to the SSFFF Fund!
$150 this year; donated by those that fished on The Mimi yesterday as part of their fare!
12-19-2010, 03:39 PM
WOW, nice job with the donation LAB. I have been entertained by this thread for a while. Looks like you run a good trip, maybe someday I can weasle my way onto one.
12-19-2010, 04:49 PM
Lets not forget about Stelios' big word of the day.
/ˈtutlɪd, ˈtyut-/ Show Spelled[toot-l-ij, tyoot-]
1. the act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship.
2. instruction; teaching; guidance: His knowledge of spanish increased under private tutelage.
3. the state of being under a guardian or a tutor.
Life's A Beach
12-19-2010, 04:53 PM
Lets not forget about Stelios' big word of the day.
/ˈtutlɪd, ˈtyut-/ Show Spelled[toot-l-ij, tyoot-]
1. the act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship.
2. instruction; teaching; guidance: His knowledge of spanish increased under private tutelage.
3. the state of being under a guardian or a tutor.
LMFAO Was gonna ask him to spell it but that woulda went over most heads.
12-19-2010, 05:02 PM
Lab Thanks for arranging this trip takes a lot of work. Dont get to fish w/ you guys all that often hopefully that'll change. Lab your lucky I did not dive in to that chicken marsala too. Nice donation, kudos. Yes I have a thick skin I hope you do to, Justin.:D :D :D
Tom thanks for dragging yourself out at 3:30 am to bring the the food. I made pig of myself, I usually dont eat like that but that was delicious. Hope you get well real soon and have a happy holiday. Hope to see ya soon.
Joe thanks for the pretzels, 30 second in the microwave and they were frekin great.
Cool hand fluke was a pleasure to show you the knots.
Great to see everyone, don't happen enuff, any impromptu trips on the mimi please post so we can join in.
Boston pete dont forget bucktailing.
Kenny and chris thanks for going the extra miles , love fishing w/ you guys.
12-19-2010, 11:45 PM
the little tog who single handedly puched mickrazz right in da nose!!!!!!!!!
how could i forget professor stelly! Stelly meets a reel nice dame and starts using dem college words hahaaaa
12-20-2010, 08:27 AM
Bite could have been better, but I ended with 4 so cant complain too much. :p
As always a pleasure to fish with the MiMi, and it was good to see everyone right around the holidays.
BIG ups to Smokey Joe for providing the food. That pulled pork is the shite!'s a thankless job putting it together, so I'm not going to give you one either. Haha...still funny. What crab bag? :rolleyes:
12-20-2010, 09:10 AM
how could i forget professor stelly! Stelly meets a reel nice dame and starts using dem college words hahaaaa
One of the best lines of the day stelly says "under my tutelidge" :D
Life's A Beach
12-20-2010, 10:31 AM
Bite could have been better, but I ended with 4 so cant complain too much. :p
As always a pleasure to fish with the MiMi, and it was good to see everyone right around the holidays.
BIG ups to Smokey Joe for providing the food. That pulled pork is the shite!'s a thankless job putting it together, so I'm not going to give you one either. Haha...still funny. What crab bag? :rolleyes:
Do I have to text you my address like I did to Mr NOT-SO-CAMERA-SHY???
12-20-2010, 11:11 AM
Do I have to text you my address like I did to Mr NOT-SO-CAMERA-SHY???
I just drive the truck. Bags are not my scene. I should have left it in the back had I known I'd be driving right back down again today. DOH!:mad:
Life's A Beach
12-20-2010, 12:27 PM
I just drive the truck. Bags are not my scene. I should have left it in the back had I known I'd be driving right back down again today. DOH!:mad:
I've heard that's your job. And if you don't..........HE won't come! :confused:
12-20-2010, 12:49 PM
Good job LAB. :cool:
Thanks to Snaps and Tats for making me the sammiches. :D
Mick's smoked tog was excellent too. Thanks for the bearing as well. Got the old one out, now can't get the new one in.:eek: Always a pleasure.
Got to fish with D-rod(thanks for the beer!) MVP and Fin-s for awhile. They caught, I hacked away at some shorts and one keeper.
Good to see Stelli happy. Strange he was the first one ready to get off the boat when we got back. Guess a hot date will do that to ya.
12-20-2010, 02:29 PM
Charter on Mimi is a set amount for 20 people. Just saying!
"little Irish menal midget" yeah, you'll get a PM soon
I've run well over a dozen charters for members on this site over the years where we've got the chance to fish and make new friends. I've only taken ONE hit, that was on PUOSU 1 when someone had car issues and didn't make the boat. That person got to dock after Mimi left so he went out on D. He posted this and said he won the pool that day on the D. And he also said he would pay me for his fare. Never got that money. Then he went and switched his username to avoid paying me a lousy $50. Please invite me on the next charter YOU put together. Just Saying! fyt
Wow struck a nerve! I don't know who your referring to but my screen name has been the same since I got here.
So lets re-cap, I signed on for PUOSU 1 the trip gets put off a day because of foul weather but I have to back out because of work, I sign on for PUOSU 2 had a better day with peeps than fishing, Don't even get a chance at PUOSO 3 because it's filled. All I was saying was you could have PM'd the peeps that went last year, so they could have first crack at it.
I thought you had thicker skin but if you were offended by my breaking your chops MY bad and I apologize.
As far as you coming on one of my charters, be honest you know you wouldn't.
Looking to get Smokey Joe's phone #. Sent him a PM but have not heard back from him. I sometimes get PM's on this site and do not notice them till weeks later.
The only thing better than the pulled pork and brisket combo sandwich that I made myself was his gesture of to providing food for our trip and not ask for a penny in return. No good deed goes unoticed in my book. For those of you who know Smokey Joe please have him contact me as my brother has an event in the summer that he would like to talk to Smokey Joe about catering.
shrimpman steve
12-21-2010, 08:30 AM
Looking to get Smokey Joe's phone #. Sent him a PM but have not heard back from him. I sometimes get PM's on this site and do not notice them till weeks later.
The only thing better than the pulled pork and brisket combo sandwich that I made myself was his gesture of to providing food for our trip and not ask for a penny in return. No good deed goes unoticed in my book. For those of you who know Smokey Joe please have him contact me as my brother has an event in the summer that he would like to talk to Smokey Joe about catering.
I will call smokey for you, and relay the message!
Life's A Beach
12-23-2010, 05:00 PM
Pics from D-Rod's camera.
Gotta love Booby in the group shot. A man who hasn't forgotten where he's from!
Life's A Beach
12-23-2010, 06:04 PM
Who's the little guy behind Boston Pete in the group shot????
Heard peepz calling him Sully all day long!
(now if we stayed out late and he was late for his date it woulda been SULKY).
thanks for the pics David/D-Rod. whatchagoturcamerasetfor??? Billboard? lol Good luck on your offshore trip
12-23-2010, 06:12 PM
Pics from D-Rod's camera.
Gotta love Booby in the group shot. A man who hasn't forgotten where he's from!
dude i just noticed that ahhahaha da polish pulla representing! we got a date yet for next year it is my favorite trip of the year!
12-23-2010, 08:53 PM
That's unless she prefers 2 in the sti.....nevermind. :eek: :D
20 is the magic number on that boat. Enough room to skate a bit, and enough room to find a seat when it's time to eat.
Count me in for next year. Always good to see peeps right before the Holidays.
Life's A Beach
12-23-2010, 09:09 PM
That's unless she prefers 2 in the sti.....nevermind. :eek: :D
THAT was one of the funniest lines this year. Fluking on The Gambler with all those babes....."take my pic with your big fish" "OK BUT YOU GOTTA DO THE SHOCKER" "Ok" "UHHHHH IT"S 2 in yada yada yada" "Yeah but I like >>>>>"
Count me in for next years fluke trip with the babes on the Gambler
12-23-2010, 10:01 PM
Count me in for next years fluke trip with the babes on the Gambler
we need puosu fluke! imagine the amount of robins i'd get.......................
12-23-2010, 10:08 PM
Count me in for next years fluke trip with the babes on the Gambler
What he said! :D :D :D
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