View Full Version : looking for a marina next year

09-21-2010, 01:21 PM
I just bought my first boat and need some suggestions as far as where I am going to put it next year.
I am looking for somewhere it is easy to dock at (little current) as god knows I am going to need all the help I can get.

My wife and I either want to be in Point Pleasant or the Highlands. The boat is going to be used primarily for fishing so it would definitely be best not to be to far from the inlet.

We looked at the Manasquan River Club and my wife really liked it because of the pool. They do not have finger piers and was wondering if that makes it harder to get in or would it actually be easier?
Does anybody have any thoughts about Green Cove? They have a pool as well and I want to keep the wife happy. When she's happy I'm happy (why doesn't that work in reverse) The boat is a Wellcraft 270 Coastal and drafts about 3 feet.
Thanks for any help you can give a newbie!!

Gerry Zagorski
09-21-2010, 02:13 PM
If your boat has an outboard and you are on a fixed peer that likely means you will be forced to enter the boat from the bow. The reason is you want to keep the outboards tilted up to keep them out of the water. This usally creates a large gap between your stern and boarding ladder. That's why most people with outboards on fixed peers tie bow in and board on the bow of the boat. Having said that, it is pretty tricky and much less convienient to board a boat from the bow.

For this reason, floating docks with peers between the boats is definately the preference for outboard boats since you can board from the side. And you don't have to worry about the tide swing either.

If your boat is an inboard, fixed docks and a stern in tie up is fine although at low tide it can still be a little tricky climbing down the ladder and boarding the boat.

09-21-2010, 03:02 PM
Thank you for the reply

I do have 2 outboards and I think you have to go in stern first at the Manasquan river club. It seems most people have built a plank to get in the boat if they have outboards.
The problem I see there is what in the world do you when you get back in to get the plank back. I don't really think I want to cart around each day.

Again any suggestions on marinas I should check out would be greatly appreciated

Thanks again...Mark

Capt. Lou
09-21-2010, 03:03 PM
The channel club up the Shrewabury R. has all the goodies for your wife. Well run, nice docks. However it's a ride to the hook from there.
However in a samller OB boat further down river you can safely run outside the channel once you learn the river & save mucho time.
Belmar municipal probably has some of the nicest docks around , but no pool ,although your close to a lot of towns .
MRC is also nice ,I used to lay up there in the winter when I docked in Belmar,nice for summer I would guess although never docked here.

Gerry Zagorski
09-21-2010, 03:38 PM
Mark I don't have any marina suggestions for you but can tell you the plank is a pain in the ass.... What most people do is tie a line to it and leave it perched up on the dock. When they get back they grab the rope with a rope gaf to get the plank.

What I've seen others do is not use a plank at all and tie bow in and board on the bow. Rather then attach fixed stern lines to pillings they put them on a pulley system with heavy weights attached. The weights keep the bow of the boat off the bulkhead when it's resting in the slip. When they want to board, in addition to the 2 fixed bow lines, they have a separate line off the bow that allows them to pull the boat closer and tie that line off to keep the bow closer while boarding.

In any case, there is no great way to have an outboard boat on a fixed peer. A floating dock with peers is your best best.

09-21-2010, 03:40 PM
Thanks Captain Lou..the channel club certainly would make the wife happy and myself as well...how far of ride is it to the hook from there??

09-21-2010, 04:18 PM
Mark I don't have any marina suggestions for you but can tell you the plank is a pain in the ass.... What most people do is tie a line to it and leave it perched up on the dock. When they get back they grab the rope with a rope gaf to get the plank.

What I've seen others do is not use a plank at all and tie bow in and board on the bow. Rather then attach fixed stern lines to pillings they put them on a pulley system with heavy weights attached. The weights keep the bow of the boat off the bulkhead when it's resting in the slip. When they want to board, in addition to the 2 fixed bow lines, they have a separate line off the bow that allows them to pull the boat closer and tie that line off to keep the bow closer while boarding.

In any case, there is no great way to have an outboard boat on a fixed peer. A floating dock with peers is your best best.

Thanks Gerry, you confirmed what I thought...the plank is a pain in the ass

Thanks again

Gerry Zagorski
09-21-2010, 04:25 PM
It's got to be in excess of 8 miles, most of which is in no wake zones. There is a "clammers" channel that leads from the bridge out to sandy hook that takes you out of some of the no wake zones, but unless you know it, I would not advise trying to use it.

Ryan W
09-21-2010, 04:37 PM
Back when my family owned a boat, we kept it way up the shrewsbury, and I'm betting that the ride would be like 30-40 mins (was like a hour for us- surefire way to ensure that we sold the boat- 1 hr ride to find the fish). Trust me, you're much better off ensuring that you have a short ride to the fish. I think that the marina near the bank off of 35 in PP had slips open (near the RR bridge, but I'm not sure). Your best bet is to go down there and stop by every marina, see how you like it, and ask if they have slips. I'm betting that they've got quite a few openings with the economy the way it is.

Capt. Lou
09-21-2010, 07:10 PM
Thanks Captain Lou..the channel club certainly would make the wife happy and myself as well...how far of ride is it to the hook from there??

You can run outside the cans from the Oceanic bridge for short distance to Sea Bright, once thru that 36 bridge past Bahrs you can run outside the channel all the way to mouth of the bay. A word of caution , this section of river is heavily polsiced on WE so pay attn.
My boat drew a little over three ft. so stayinf in tight to the cans you'll be OK.
I'm in no way telling you to run this route w/o first familarizing youerself w/ the river. If you go go to the Channel Club it's as stated about 8 to tip of SH.
A good chart & DF plus gaining local exppierance in making this run should be first & foremost on your list. I did not do it in late fall on NW blowout days, I took the channel under those conditions. Fog or nite always used channel that goes w/o saying !!
Anyway you cut it it's can be 30 mins in the river to the mouth of the bay. Like was stated earlier it's tough to plaese your wifre at a dock that offers nothing but rock N roll seating via passing wakes. Look around that's the best advice.
Some great fishing docks this can be an issue due to their location.

09-21-2010, 08:37 PM
You can run outside the cans from the Oceanic bridge for short distance to Sea Bright, once thru that 36 bridge past Bahrs you can run outside the channel all the way to mouth of the bay. A word of caution , this section of river is heavily polsiced on WE so pay attn.
My boat drew a little over three ft. so stayinf in tight to the cans you'll be OK.
I'm in no way telling you to run this route w/o first familarizing youerself w/ the river. If you go go to the Channel Club it's as stated about 8 to tip of SH.
A good chart & DF plus gaining local exppierance in making this run should be first & foremost on your list. I did not do it in late fall on NW blowout days, I took the channel under those conditions. Fog or nite always used channel that goes w/o saying !!
Anyway you cut it it's can be 30 mins in the river to the mouth of the bay. Like was stated earlier it's tough to plaese your wifre at a dock that offers nothing but rock N roll seating via passing wakes. Look around that's the best advice.
Some great fishing docks this can be an issue due to their location.

With my boating experience that sounds like I would be one second from being a news story :D

Does anybody have any thoughts on someone new to the game running the canal?? Going to look at Comstock and Baywood...how much longer will this add to my time to get thru the inlet

A pool is not mandatory would just be a luxury that we could do without..hell the boat is surrounded by a really big pool :rolleyes:

Ryan W
09-21-2010, 09:28 PM
Comstock is an hour run to the inlet- we also kept our boat down there for a while. Not sure where baywood is, I'm betting about the same. If you want the boat to fish, get a marina close to where you'll be fishing. If you don't, it will soon become a chore because it will take you 2 hrs to get fishing between getting ready and getting there (gotta get to the spot after you break the inlet). I found it wasn't worth the time, imo. I can go on a PB, get bait given to me, someone else finds the fish and anchors, and I don't have to clean the boat, and it's cheaper. I kinda miss being able to fish whenever I wanted, but I like this way better. Just pointing that out so that you think about it before you make the commitment and end up not liking it like my family did.

09-21-2010, 09:56 PM
Thanks Ryan, that is about what I thought, looks like I am going to have to start donating blood regularly, pony up and stay at Crystal Point

regulator 29
09-22-2010, 06:36 PM
if it took you an hour to get to the inlet from comstock you must have done 5 mph the whole way. im further back than you and it takes me 40 min.

Ryan W
09-22-2010, 08:25 PM
My memory may not be the greatest in the world. It could have been less, but it was without a doubt over a 1/2 hr. The hr may have included stuff like train bridge waits or whatnot, but I remember it being too long to actually get anything done. I may have also not been at comstock- It was a while ago. I think I may have been at Wherlen Bros. instead, but I know one thing about the ride- It was too long! :D

09-23-2010, 01:30 AM
Try Twin Lights Marina in Highlands. Rack storage, 20 minute to the hook, showers and great places to eat nearby (keep the wife happy). Also great people. Call Wayne at 732-872-7200 tell him Jim sent you.

09-23-2010, 11:16 AM
Try Twin Lights Marina in Highlands. Rack storage, 20 minute to the hook, showers and great places to eat nearby (keep the wife happy). Also great people. Call Wayne at 732-872-7200 tell him Jim sent you.

How much per foot for rack storage?

09-23-2010, 11:23 AM
Try Twin Lights Marina in Highlands. Rack storage, 20 minute to the hook, showers and great places to eat nearby (keep the wife happy). Also great people. Call Wayne at 732-872-7200 tell him Jim sent you.

Hi Jim,

That is definitely one of the places I am going to check out.
We are going to do overnights on the boat on weekends so we aren't going to do rack storage but at any rate do you know if there is a lot of current there? I need my first marina to be somewhat easy to get into.

Thanks for your help,


regulator 29
09-23-2010, 05:32 PM
twin lights does have a fair amount of current. if your looking for an easy spot to get in and out of without a lot current your going to have to go through the cannel. try dales yacht basin or shrader.

09-24-2010, 07:47 AM
Thanks Captain Lou..the channel club certainly would make the wife happy and myself as well...how far of ride is it to the hook from there??
tha channel club is nice but exspensive, my marinan is right next to the channel club,The warfside marina. if you look at the channel club from the water my marina is to the left, the brown condos. People rent out there slips and you get a shower/bathrooms, a picnic area, and a biult in pool. This year we had hardly any boats there. I think it's aroun 95 or 100 dollars a foot. The docks all have locking gates, electric hook up, and water. you also are able to put a cleaning station and dock box. very clean and nice docks check it out. The warfside marina/condos.ps you also get 2 parking spots

09-24-2010, 12:07 PM
tha channel club is nice but exspensive, my marinan is right next to the channel club,The warfside marina. if you look at the channel club from the water my marina is to the left, the brown condos. People rent out there slips and you get a shower/bathrooms, a picnic area, and a biult in pool. This year we had hardly any boats there. I think it's aroun 95 or 100 dollars a foot. The docks all have locking gates, electric hook up, and water. you also are able to put a cleaning station and dock box. very clean and nice docks check it out. The warfside marina/condos.ps you also get 2 parking spots

Thank you, I will check it out

09-29-2010, 03:57 PM
You might want to look at Sea Venture Marina in Highlands. Small 24 boat Marina, all great people and solid fisherman. Floating Docks with water and bathroom..........basically a no frills Marina, just your basic's........about 20 min to tip of the hook

can call Skip at Cell 732768-0740 office 732-872-0022

10-01-2010, 07:49 PM
Mark check your pm

10-01-2010, 11:24 PM
i keep my 27 contender on trailer, its a pain and certainly not as cool as being in water, but lot cheaper and does not beat up boat, so spring and winter i stay at skipper shop in atlantic highlands, for summer bring it down to mantaloking cove in brick, run up canal is about 20 minutes about 30 thru inlet ... to me its the best of all worlds... but nothing to keep boss lady happy! buy her flowers and diner every weekend!

10-05-2010, 05:03 PM
Thanks Ryan, that is about what I thought, looks like I am going to have to start donating blood regularly, pony up and stay at Crystal Point

My friends boat it is at crystal dock and i am there frequently and i can say, other then some of the southern high end marinas, crystal point is nice, just does not have a restaurant which sucks.

The pool is great, the docks are in top shape and the motel/hotel being there is a great bonus if you dont wanna sleep on the boat or have friends coming in from out of town. not to mention all the free ice we get from the weddings and ice carvings they save out back for us every night they have a wedding, and thats a couple hundred pounds!!

There is also clarks which has a restaurant and no pool, but has pretty nice bathrooms for the public, and nice ones for the tennants. There is no no wake there, but i dont see anyone having any serious problems, the canyon runner has both boats there, megan beth i believe is there, reel class is there, mike on the renegade, you can check with them they have all been there for a while and should have more insight but i think the docks there need a serious replacement.

Everyone marina will have its highs and lows for you and the family. Pick wherever you are most comfortable when you are on dry land, being on the water or a 45 minute ride to the inlet should not sway your decision for the luxury and enjoyment of your family. I am fortunate enough to park behind my fathers home, so i got all the amenities i could want or need, but i still like to go to friends boat a ton more in the marina at crystal point and also hang by the fish monger in brielle, just something about being at a marina on weekends with a pool, grill, fish, beer, and dock mates, kinda makes it feel tropical and a lot more relaxed then behind the house to me!

Good luck in whatever you choose, but i can honestly say with you being a private boater, the ride out is not your real worry, make sure your comfortable at the dock like i stated before!!!