View Full Version : Blues on the Jamaica - YouTube Video

09-02-2010, 09:52 PM
Check out the video on YouTube from yesterday's trip.


Bluefishing was excellent again Wednesday night and Thursday. The weather was good and except for a long period swell that you barely noticed offshore the ocean was calm.

Night fishing produced limit catches of 7 to 15LB bluefish caught on bait.
Thursday we were anchored and chumming and caught the blues on either jigs or bait. Both were very effective and most passengers were releasing blues by 11AM.

There were also numerous albacore and skipjacks shooting through the chum slick that provided some great action.
Most of the skippies and albacore were caught on a small tuna hook baited with a chunk of bait or a spearing.

Pool winners were:
Jim Nuns from Trenton NJ with a 15Lb bluefish,
Garth Reeve from Mechanicsburg, PA with a 16LB bluefish.

It looks like the storm should blow through quickly so I do not expect it to have much effect on the bluefishing. There is a very good chance we will be sailing Saturday. Call the office to see when we will be sailing.

The Jamaica is scheduled to sail every day and night at 7:30AM & 7:30PM. Including Labor Day and every day and night this coming week.

We will not sail on the PM trip on Labor Day but will sail at 7:30AM and the weather looks good.

We have not been crowded and the fishing is great.

Ryan W
09-02-2010, 10:10 PM
That shot of the of the blue circling around the line and biting him off reminds me of my first night blue trip (on the J, of course :D). The guy next to me hooks up, and then like a minute later I do. We're fighting at the same time, and I go to him "we better not let these guys cross." They get to the boat, chris gaffs the blue, and then he goes to take the hooks out and pulls one out of the mouth and goes to put the blue in my bag and then discoveres it's still hooked. The fish was the other guys- he had gut hooked it, and then the fish ate my chunk while he was already hooked. I let the other guy keep it because it was his first.

09-02-2010, 10:18 PM
Nice video - I can't believe how calm the ocean was.

Tuna Tales
09-02-2010, 10:34 PM

Nice video...very cool.


Joe T.

09-03-2010, 12:14 PM
Cool! Thanks Howard.
