View Full Version : Shark River

Bottom Dweller
08-10-2010, 06:26 PM
I just moved my boat to neptune city. Can anyone tell me if it is better to use the north channel at low tide or go around the south side.

Thanks Bill

GottaGo Joe
08-10-2010, 06:30 PM
If you fit under the railroad bridge definately use the north channel. Not a lot of water in the back channel at low tide going around the south side. There are no issues on the north channel as far as depth goes.

08-10-2010, 07:33 PM
I just moved my boat to neptune city. Can anyone tell me if it is better to use the north channel at low tide or go around the south side.

Thanks Bill

if your boat will go under 9 foot def take the north channel, I need just under 9 and as long as there is 3 1/2 boards showing i just clear it,
four boards its clear sailing.
def ALOT more water there than the back channel, the corner turn three bouys fronm the gas dock is really shallow at low tide.

JUst remember the north channels is ripping most of the time, and you have to really watch your boat as your making way as you round the bridge it pushes quick.


Bottom Dweller
08-10-2010, 08:14 PM
Thanks guys. Maybe I should have found that out last week. Coming in early sunday afternoon through the back channel I thought I was gonna have a problem but did it.

Thanks again Bill

Bottom Dweller
08-10-2010, 08:26 PM
Dan, Thanks. I'm Freinds with Richie K. Went out for tuna with him back on the 23rd. We caught the over and under, 1 yellowfin and multiple releases.

08-11-2010, 02:10 PM
Were you the guys we helped at launch at brys with the trailer issue. I had the hydra sports next to you at dock. If so you will have no problem going through north channel. You only have to worry about that if you have t-top with antennas on top etc.

Bottom Dweller
08-11-2010, 03:49 PM
Yes, I went out through the north channel, but coming back @ low tide I came through the back. I was having a problem hitting bottom but what didn't help was all that water from the baitwell weighing me down also, Fixed that. And now I know I have to check the trailer and not let my buddies do it. I wasn't sure if at low tide the north side was to low or not. Thanks for all your help. If I can ever give you a hand give a yell.

Thanks again guys, Bill

08-16-2010, 03:42 PM
The north side channel is much deeper than the crappy channel connecting Belmar side to the Neptune. they really need to dredge the SR.

If you fit use it all the time, Just be careful going under small bridges at peak current times. It gets ripping. No issues just be aware.