View Full Version : Sea Sicknes help?
06-24-2010, 12:21 PM
hey guys just wondering if you had any reccomendations for preventing sea sickness. Maureens going with me on sunday on the monger and last year she got sick towards the end of the trip and we do not want to take any chances. I've never gotten sick so I'm of no help. any reccomendations??
06-24-2010, 12:36 PM
Transderm patches work...but you need a prescription.
1 litter bottle of Ginger Ale uncapped in the fridge for a couple days (takes fizz out). Ginger is the only substance that has been proven to naturally calm the stomach. Chew some pretzel rods and wash 'em down with the flat soda.
Never go below deck (unless she has to of course). :rolleyes:
Good luck and bring a camera for memories.
06-24-2010, 12:42 PM
take dramamine the night before the trip, get it into the system, and follow up with another first thing in the morning. This allows it to get into the system, taking it in the morning is like pee peeing into the wind!
This should cure her for the day and she should be good to go!
or if she is really worried about getting sick, she can stay on the beach and ill fill her spot :) lol
06-24-2010, 12:51 PM
I always make my friends jump in the water after they do experience a lil Mal De Mar, neutralizes the equilibrium and generally a good refreshing spurt can clean you out a bit. If she chums though and the sharks are around I would choose otherwise. Flat ginger is the HOT SH*T always carry some on the boat, and eating a little bit here and there def helps as well (combo's, pretzel rods, nature valley granola bars)
All the otc stuff dramimine, bomine, causes drowsiness. As does the patch, to a lesser extent, though.
As earlier posted gingerale, we never needed it to be flat. Would give it a try though.
You can pick up some ginger tablets at most mega drug stores, health stores or supermarkets. These are an excellent before trip method of prevention. And, can be used after the fact as well. Also take along some gingerale, gingersnaps, pickled ginger, fresh ginger. Any form of ginger will do great as a remedy and preventer.
If all else fails, bring along the raven haired girl named Ginger, she should get everybody thinking about things, other than seasickness.
Ginger is the way to go, it has worked for the kids, and those who have tried all the other stuff.
Hope this helped.
Let us know how it worked.
06-24-2010, 01:25 PM
Skip the Pretzel Rods and bring a bag of Ginger Snaps. I usually bring them on the club Kid's Trips for the Newbies. Might just be mind over matter, but when I tell the kids it worked for me it then seems to work for them.
06-24-2010, 01:31 PM
Dramamine is good but Meclazine won't make her so tired. It is available over the counter is usually in with the Dramamine and marked non-drowsey. Just need to take two about 1-2 hours before she gets on the boat. Have seen this work for people when other remedies didn't do so well.
Ginger is the best natural remedy out there as said before. Take a bag of ginger snap cookies on the boat and have her munch on those while you're out along with the ginger ale.
Hope she does ok and have a great trip
06-24-2010, 01:34 PM
there are two kinds of seasick remedies that we carry is Quease Ease....this is an inhaler and seems to work very well ,and does not make you sleepy...the other is Motion Ease...this is a liquid that you apply to the neck area just behind the ear.....many people have tried both and seem to work well...However ,everyone is different so results may vary.....Hope this helps you out....Pete
06-24-2010, 01:38 PM
Ginger helps but please note that many ginger ale sodas don't contain any ginger at all. Believe only one brand actually does so check out the label.
Bonine usually works for those I know that take it. Take one the night before and in the morning on the way to the boat. Supposedly it's the non-drowsy version of Dramamine.
Life's A Beach
06-24-2010, 01:38 PM
Pick up some FRESH Ginger Root in your local supermarket and have her chew on it; pure ginger
Bonine works fine and won't cause drowsiness.
bunker dunker
06-24-2010, 02:04 PM
dramamine atleast 4 hours before ya step on the dock.thank god it dosen't bother me but some of my friends can't even look at water without getting
06-24-2010, 02:17 PM
I'm expert at Sea Sickness (getting it that is). I have tried numerous things some work better than others.
Note: If you are prone to getting sick, there will be sea conditions that you just cannot overcome - no matter what you try. Those 4'+ rollers will generally do it every time.
Once the 'feeling' starts coming on, you are pretty much done for.
Unless you're in a small boat and can go for a ride. Get some wind in your face. Ask to 'drive' the boat - it will take your mind off the sickness for a bit. You will feel better. This has worked every time for me and for others on my boat.
Some other key points in addition to what’s been said:
1-Stay away from any fumes - yes fuel (diesel & gas), but also cigarette smoke does it to me.
2-Do not drink alcohol the night before or while on the boat.
3-Do not eat anything heavy the night before OR that morning. Rolls, bagels ok, but no butter, cream cheese, etc.
4-Acidick drinks (OJ, Coffee, etc.) are bad news. Drink Gatorade or Ginger ale.
5-Eat pretzels or ginger snap cookies while on the boat. The plain dry composition of these will soak up any acid in your stomach.
6-Pack 'dry' sandwiches - No Mayo or oil/vinegar. Basically pick things that are nice to your tummy.
Medication & 'gizmos':
1- ScoPace. (need a prescription). This pill that you take 1 the night before & 1 in the morning has proven to be flawless so far. It has also worked for a buddy of mine that gets sea sick standing on the dock. HIGHLY recommended !!! :)
2-The Patch (Scopolamine Transderm - need a prescription) - it does work sometimes, but will make you drowsy/woozy (sp?)
3-Bonine works ok - but MUST be in your system for a while to be effective. 1-2 hours min, PLUS take it again every 3-4 hours or until you think you ok for the day.
4- MotionEase - liquid you place behind your ear (same place as the patch). This stuff is showing some process on all but the worst days.
This is also something that you can put on once you start feeling sick and might hold you off a little longer. I'm still experimenting some more with it.
5-Bands - have them - useless
6-Wrist watch type - tried it once, but needs more experimenting.
Best of luck - I know your pain
06-24-2010, 02:19 PM
Dramamine is good but Meclazine won't make her so tired. It is available over the counter is usually in with the Dramamine and marked non-drowsey. Just need to take two about 1-2 hours before she gets on the boat. Used Meclazine for a trip on an aircraft carrier in 18 - 24 foot seas and never got sick. Those who know me, would not believe it. If you can find it, have her use it!
Other tips are fresh air, no booz the night before and stay away from smokers. Real ginger is good too if she starts feeling woozy.
06-24-2010, 02:38 PM
OK, as someone who works as a mate on a couple charter boats the water is not always my friend. So, after reading all the posts here and what everyone reccomends, this is my take and what works for me. Dramamine, bonine, the wrist bands, forget it. They cause way to much drowsiness and some dry mouth. I have customers who come aboard the boats I work take them and still get sick. I too have gotten sick using them.
The trans derm scop, is by far the only thing that works for me but is only with a prescription. It is not hard to get at all. just a call to the doctor and tell him you want a script for a transderm scop patch for motion sickness and he should not have a concern with it. Have her put it on the night before and it actually lasts 3 days. Make sure she has plenty of water and food to eat. If not she will get some dry mouth from it, but a small price to pay instead of getting sick. Also, there is a pill form of the patch. The active ingredient in the patch is scopolamine. The pill for is cheaper and only lasts 8 hours. With the patch you can remove it once the trip is done. The pill acts faster as well. You will need a script for scopace 4mg and take 2 the morning of the trip about an hour before. Also, if she drinks coffee, a prilosec, zegrid, or store brand omeprazole before she leaves home and she will be fantastic all day.
06-24-2010, 02:39 PM
I've only been moderately seasick once and have never thrown up on a boat. i was on a 16 hour off shore trip and started feeling really crappy. Dizzy, stomach was turning, I actually went inside and layed down for an hour and felt much better. I know that goes against all the advice but it's what has worked for me.
A solid nights sleep the night before the trip is really important also. I find I start to not feel well in the afternoon if I don't sleep. Last sunday on the Angler I had to go inside for a bit in dead calm waters just because the Sun got to be too much. I had only slept 4 hours as well. I think less tired would have equaled less not feeling well.
06-24-2010, 02:39 PM
I usually have 2 porkroll-egg and cheese sammiches with ketchup and mayo, one order of fries and a jelly doughnut. Joey...if you punch her in the nose hard enough she won't complain about getting sick:p
06-24-2010, 02:46 PM
I usually have 2 porkroll-egg and cheese sammiches with ketchup and mayo, one order of fries and a jelly doughnut. Joey...if you punch her in the nose hard enough she won't complain about getting sick:p
i will have to say, i normally dont get sick unless i drink to much on the boat, and when im fishing, its like a vacation, so i do party it up (unless im driving!!)
06-24-2010, 02:49 PM
Ginger candy does it for my son. One every half hour beginning a hour before getting on the water.
Bass Specialist
06-24-2010, 03:02 PM
I highly recommend the Transderm scop match. It's only by prescription but you should have no issues calling your doctor and getting them. I usually put the patch behing my ear the night before. It sticks on pretty well and have never gotten seasick when wearing it. Hope that helps.
06-24-2010, 03:03 PM
Bonine works fine and won't cause drowsiness.
I second Bonine, Chewable formula, long lasting for those Monger trips, OTC available at the chain drugtores,
06-24-2010, 03:16 PM
take dramamine the night before the trip, get it into the system, and follow up with another first thing in the morning. This allows it to get into the system, taking it in the morning is like pee peeing into the wind!
This should cure her for the day and she should be good to go!
or if she is really worried about getting sick, she can stay on the beach and ill fill her spot :) lol
Agree with both cures
Also, try telling her a little nookie the night before prevents seasickness. :D
06-24-2010, 03:22 PM
Powdered ginger drink, hot or cold. Available in Asian food stores.
06-24-2010, 03:34 PM
I usually have 2 porkroll-egg and cheese sammiches with ketchup and mayo, one order of fries and a jelly doughnut. Joey...if you punch her in the nose hard enough she won't complain about getting sick:p
Holy smokes Mick.. I thought I was pretty tough.. but that breakfast makes my guts do trick shots off my adam's apple just sitting here at my desk :eek:
06-24-2010, 03:49 PM
A good nights sleep usually helps. But for dinner the night before eat something heavy. meats and carbs usually works. If you do get the dizzys, just let it fly. but save the last mouth full and swallow it back down. there some sort of madness thats involved but it worked for me.
06-24-2010, 03:49 PM
My wife gets sea sick just looking at the water. The best remedy I found is to leave her home and take my son. Works out great!
06-24-2010, 04:00 PM
I usually have 2 porkroll-egg and cheese sammiches with ketchup and mayo, one order of fries and a jelly doughnut. Joey...if you punch her in the nose hard enough she won't complain about getting sick:p
Exactly. Maybe some drinking the night before, two hours of sleep if I'm lucky, porkroll egg and cheese sammich, plenty of coffee, smokes, and breathe in the fresh diesel and green crab scent in the fall. That's what makes up part of a fun fishing day for me.:D
Sometimes a nice cigar to share with those that look a lil green really makes my day.:p
06-24-2010, 04:15 PM
Walmart. 100 Equate motion sickness pills for $4.27. 2 pills when you get up everytime you go on a boat no matter how flat the seas are supposed to be. Maybe take another in the middle of the day if the seas are rough.Taking them the night before is a waste. Insurance that your fishing trip won't be ruined for under 10 cents. I've never gotten sleepy from them.
Tuna Tales
06-24-2010, 09:30 PM
Does not make you tired.
The best over the counter out there.
Joe T.
shrimpman steve
06-24-2010, 09:46 PM
take dramamine the night before the trip, get it into the system, and follow up with another first thing in the morning. This allows it to get into the system, taking it in the morning is like pee peeing into the wind!
This should cure her for the day and she should be good to go!
or if she is really worried about getting sick, she can stay on the beach and ill fill her spot :) lol
this is the way to go without a doubt!
Fin Reaper
06-24-2010, 09:51 PM
When in doubt I take a "less drowsey" Dramamine but I keep hearing about Meclazine...anybody know where I could find some? BTW Ive been a fan of Ginger for years and have used it on days when the Dramamine is falling short...If you want to try something a little different try Crystallized Ginger from King Arthur Flour company...The Bomb!
06-24-2010, 09:51 PM
I recommend you go to a health food store and ginger root capsules. My kids had problems when they were young and it worked great. Just take them with some food cause they can give a real case of heartburn on an empty stomach. Very natural and inexpesive way to help with the sea sickness. Hope this helps
06-24-2010, 10:45 PM
Meclizine is the key ingredient in less drowzy dramamine as well as bonine. It is the generic form of antivert, which is a medicine primarily for vertigo. Higher doses of meclizine require a prescription, however you can buy it otc if you buy less drowsy dramamine or bonine.
06-24-2010, 11:27 PM
i boat fish about 75 to 100 times a year since early 90s and hate boats but love fishing. one thing i can tell u is make sure she stays away from that transderm scop crap it made me sicker than being seasick.
I would recomend she sleeps in another room the night before your trip. This will alleviate the nightmares that she has during the night of having a Grizzly bear in her bed chasing her. It will also eliminate the nautious feeling she gets in her belly when you try to spoon her in the am.
Hope that helps:D
06-25-2010, 02:32 AM
thanks for all the reply's
06-25-2010, 08:45 AM
Used Meclazine for a trip on an aircraft carrier in 18 - 24 foot seas and never got sick. Those who know me, would not believe it. If you can find it, have her use it!
Other tips are fresh air, no booz the night before and stay away from smokers. Real ginger is good too if she starts feeling woozy.
Scott is that why you dropped your setup ?;)
Who's gonna tear down the newell for ya ??
06-25-2010, 08:47 AM
Exactly. Maybe some drinking the night before, two hours of sleep if I'm lucky, porkroll egg and cheese sammich, plenty of coffee, smokes, and breathe in the fresh diesel and green crab scent in the fall. That's what makes up part of a fun fishing day for me.:D
Sometimes a nice cigar to share with those that look a lil green really makes my day.:p
Yeaaaaaaaa babby !! the smell of diesel fumes and bait in the morning, make you feel alive !!!!
anchor joe
06-25-2010, 09:41 AM
Benedryl, not sure of spelling. My grandson always would get sick, tried everything to no avail. This works by drying the fluid and leaving less to move around and make you sick. Took one the night before and then every four hours. No after effects and the kid was under 10.:)
Bob T.
06-25-2010, 11:47 AM
I use the Scopace, pill form of the scopalamine patch. Take 2 even though 1 will work in 2-4's. I have tried everything, this stuff was developed by NASA. It only failed once in 12 trips, and that was my fault cause I only took 1 that day and predicted 2-3's built into 3-5's with an occasional 7 footer.
ps. Don't have dairy as a precaution, and bring plenty of cheetoes and chips, this stuff gives me the munchies, seems to affect others the same way.
06-25-2010, 12:49 PM
thanks again everyone. she ordered the patch from her doctor. she's never had a problm on bigger boats but anything under 60' we are not taking any risks. she got sick last year after that damn southeast came up and it quickly went 2-3 into a solid 3-5 chop with a few 6' tossed in so now its safe than sorry. thanks again
06-25-2010, 01:04 PM
benedryl might work for kids with no drowsiness, but it will cause pretty strong drowsiness to occur in adults. The way children and adult metabolize that particular drug produces opposite effects.
The patch works for many, but for a select few, it can intensify the effects of nausea/vertigo. Unfortunately the only thing you can really do, is try everything, and see what works best :( We all have different responses to different drugs.
However, I vote for meclizine. Always worked for me, with only minor drowsiness. Higher dosage forms are used to treat vertigo and such, so if she ever decides to try it, maybe up the dose a little bit beyond the recommended.
To whoever said it's a waste to take it the night before, that is not true. Maintaining blood concentration is an extremely important aspect of pharmacology. Reason as to why a lot of antibiotics require a loading dose of 200% Another little unintended benefit of taking it the night before is giving you a better night's sleep due to the little bit of extra drowsiness.
Hope you figure out what works best for her. Sea sickness can be a b****. I know it's ruined a few good trips for me.
good luck.
06-25-2010, 01:04 PM
thanks again everyone. she ordered the patch from her doctor. she's never had a problm on bigger boats but anything under 60' we are not taking any risks. she got sick last year after that damn southeast came up and it quickly went 2-3 into a solid 3-5 chop with a few 6' tossed in so now its safe than sorry. thanks again
She may want to try one of the patches prior to the trip. Different people experience varying side effects with the patch.
bunker dunker
06-25-2010, 01:14 PM
take a cayon trip in early november.don't leave the dock until she is blowing
atleast 15 out of the east,with a promise it turn nw at 3-5.halfway there
decide that to keep going even though its no blowing 20 steady.get to the
hudson and try to anchor up,it only take 3000' of line in 465 ft of
she is blowing 34 still out of the east.waves are now between 20 and 22 ft.
out of the 18 peeps only three fish all night.33 yellowfins between 3 of us.
have never felt quizzy again.
06-25-2010, 02:04 PM
I use the patch. Works pretty well.
Didn't know there was a pill form, will get that next probably.
I believe Capt Bogan said at the Somerset show people really like that rub on stuff, but not 100% which he was talking about.
Is it possible something else was giving you the munchies Bob? LOL.
Its a curse to enjoy fishing, but get seasick. I feel her pain.
Good luck
I will mention to my wife that my seasickness might be avoided with some good lovin the night before.
06-25-2010, 02:18 PM
I was fine on the calm seas but whatever we had on Fathers Day did me in. RUined the rest of my trip. But what helped me was to lay down and go to sleep. :) Hope she is able to enjoy the trip without getting sick.
My manager's son also goes out on the water as much as he is on land and said occasionally even he gets the sickness and ginger is the cure of choice for him as well.
06-25-2010, 06:46 PM
100% natural ginger candy (bonbon au gingembre) u find it at asin stores, they work very well.... good luck...
06-25-2010, 07:05 PM
Stay away from damamine , one of it's side effects believe it or not is nausea. Bonine works the best.
06-25-2010, 08:33 PM
Have a Bloody Mary in the morning....or is that to cure a hangover :p
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