View Full Version : Boycott BP

Tin Squid
05-28-2010, 07:51 PM
I am not going to buy any more BP gas! Is anybody with me? Those buck-passing, ignorant slimeballs are going to foul the gulf for generations. :rolleyes: We don't need to support them by buying their products. Talk about a negative impact on fishing, this is a catastrophe of monstrous proportions!

Somebody please move this to Non-fishing-my bad!

05-29-2010, 09:07 AM
So we should boycott a major corporation of our biggest allie in the world for an accident that occured while employing our citizens and producing the oil for our own refineries and instead support who, Chavez? The middle east?

Lets wait ans she how it plays out before we damn them. Seems our own goverment is letting us down worse than BP

05-29-2010, 10:02 AM

05-29-2010, 12:42 PM
So we should boycott a major corporation of our biggest allie in the world for an accident that occured while employing our citizens and producing the oil for our own refineries and instead support who, Chavez? The middle east?

Lets wait ans she how it plays out before we damn them. Seems our own goverment is letting us down worse than BP
You forgot to mention killing 11 of our citizens,riuning the lives of millions who depend of the gulf,to earn a living.And destroying an ecosystem that will not recover for generations,all the while lieing to our goverment and the citizens of thier biggest allie also.

06-18-2010, 10:43 AM
Huh, what is the opinion at this point? Day what 60 and no relief from the flowing oil in sight. Only estimates getting LARGER on the amount of crude pouring into the Gulf.

What does boycotting a company have to do with our biggest ally? Corporations are separate and autonomous from government in our style of government, well supposed to be anyhow.

I will say anyone buying fuel from BP continue to prove the absolute ignorance of our populace. This oil may be in the gulf, but make no mistakes our fishing will be detrimentally affected in the coming years. Remember the banner Blue fin season? Oh yeah they spawn in the gulf, in the middle of that giant blob of oil you keep seeing images of surrounding the leaking well.

I mean come on do not speak such ridiculous drivel if you do not know the factual issues here. BP ignored tell tale warnings on that rig the days leading up to and the day of the explosion and continued to drill. They had the fail safe device only partially connected, because it was easier to run safety checks on. This is not to let our government off the hook, they are responsible in a heavy way as it is their role to ensure this BS can not happen, but BP clearly put profits ahead of all else, including 11 crewmen who lost there lives.

If you are going to speak in defense of BP be sure you have some actual facts on your side....

shrimpman steve
06-18-2010, 06:43 PM
BP gas stations are franchises. you will do nothing but hurt a local businessman trying to make a living.

I am not happy about what is happening, but it was an accident. I won't buy lukoil (owned by the russians) and I won't buy citgo (Chavez). I am running out of places to buy gas:eek:

06-18-2010, 08:30 PM
Noodlerod, excellent avatar.:cool:
And for the record, I have not consciously (may of bought one under a different name) bought an Exxon product since the Valdez DWI incident!
Sunoco for me.

06-19-2010, 01:12 PM
So we should boycott a major corporation of our biggest allie in the world for an accident that occured while employing our citizens and producing the oil for our own refineries and instead support who, Chavez? The middle east?

Lets wait ans she how it plays out before we damn them. Seems our own goverment is letting us down worse than BP

its our terrible president...He is an idiot

06-21-2010, 12:03 PM
its our terrible president...He is an idiot

AMEN!!! - Finally, someone else that realizes who he is! Penn

Topeka Boy
07-22-2010, 01:33 PM
its our terrible president...He is an idiot
He might be a liar like all other politicians but I dont think he is an idil:cool: :cool: t.