View Full Version : Ocean Explorer 5/20/10 Striped Bass

Topeka Boy
05-20-2010, 06:29 PM

BUNKER ALL OVER BEING CHASED BY BIG BASS 25#-40# THANKS TO CAPT BOBBY QUINN MATES SYD AND JEFF FOR A GREAT JOB. I HAD MY LIMIT OF 2 25# AND 30 # MY BUDDY BLACK FISH DOUG HAD 7 KEEPERS BIGGEST TO 37# 45 INCHES. IT JUST KEEPS ON GETTING BETTER. HERE IS THE CAPTAINS REPORT ON THE DAYS ACTION.5-20-10 Hard to describe what we had today,not only beautiful ocean conditions but probably the best striped bass fishing I have seen.All big fish over 25lbs,up to 40lbs.All on bunker we snagged,both live and dead.We had the whole boat limited out with a decent size crowd onboard.I will try to get some pics up but its hard with so many big fish onboard.Tomorrow looks awesome,we left em biting.:D :D :D

Blackfish Doug
05-20-2010, 07:32 PM
No other way to describe this as incredible sick fishing. My buddy Bill AKA Topeka Boy was looking for a banner day & boy did he get one. All the fish caught today were big. A very nice day in all my 50 years plus of fishing I have never seen fishing like this how much better can it get.

Blackfish Doug
05-20-2010, 07:36 PM
More pictures of fish that were caught. Some of the other customers coolers full of fish most of the fish in the above coolers were for more than one person & no body went home over their limit & went by the rules.

05-21-2010, 09:08 AM
Way to go guys!!!!! Bill finally busted the 30 lb cherry!!!:eek:

Topeka Boy
05-21-2010, 09:57 AM
My best Striper 33# and 43 inches long took me from the front of the boat all the way to the back . The weather was great also. Wish you were there. Did you go to the pp canal ,if so how did you do?:) :)

05-21-2010, 10:26 AM
My best Striper 33# and 43 inches long took me from the front of the boat all the way to the back . The weather was great also. Wish you were there. Did you go to the pp canal ,if so how did you do?:) :)

Did you put a work out to that new spinning reel you got? :D

Topeka Boy
05-21-2010, 11:40 AM
Vinny I did use the slammer I got from you I had a diamond jig on it but they didnt want jigs only wanted live bunker. But I wanted to thank you for they slammer it was just what I needed and was in perfect condition I really love it. Thanks;) ;) .

05-21-2010, 11:59 AM
Vinny I did use the slammer I got from you I had a diamond jig on it but they didnt want jigs only wanted live bunker. But I wanted to thank you for they slammer it was just what I needed and was in perfect condition I really love it. Thanks;) ;) .

SWEET!! glad your happy with it, hope it catches you a fish of a lifetime! i will see you soon i am sure!

Topeka Boy
05-21-2010, 01:50 PM
Cant wait to go on a trip with you. let me know.:D :D

05-21-2010, 02:56 PM
Nice trip & pix Doug. I see one of your unique sticks at the rail - - if it conquers Blackfish, then Stripers have NO chance !!

BTW - - loving my Barney reel, when I can pry it from my son's hands !! . . . . Regards, Larry

Blackfish Doug
05-21-2010, 06:11 PM
Nice trip & pix Doug. I see one of your unique sticks at the rail - - if it conquers Blackfish, then Stripers have NO chance !!

BTW - - loving my Barney reel, when I can pry it from my son's hands !! . . . . Regards, Larry
LARRY I'm glad you love that reel wait until you see how much your going to love that rod to go along with it that rod is an awesome Fluke & inshore Sea Bass rod. My rod is so universal I caught Cod,Pollock,Blackfish & big Striped Bass as well with it. It's the perfect match for everything I fish for.

05-21-2010, 09:54 PM
No other way to describe this as incredible sick fishing. My buddy Bill AKA Topeka Boy was looking for a banner day & boy did he get one. All the fish caught today were big. A very nice day in all my 50 years plus of fishing I have never seen fishing like this how much better can it get.

Atta Boy Doug Fish Cakes yum !!