View Full Version : Cigar Bob Togging Video

04-07-2010, 09:08 AM
Got this video of Cigar Bob on Friday's fishing trip. Note the fine form in easy lifting of the fish over the side, that he doesn't let the sinker bang around on the deck, how efficient he is de-hooking fish, and how clean the boat is where he's been fishing! What a guy, and he catches fish, too!

Cigar Bob Togging Video (http://www.karenannii.com/movies/20100402b.wmv)

Also got this video the same day of Jr. angler Kyle with his dad, Keith. Kyle is still working on his humility (thinks he can outfish dad any day of the week and let's him know), but he's got this togging thing down pretty good!

Kyle Togging Video (http://www.karenannii.com/movies/20100402.wmv)

04-07-2010, 10:04 AM
Nice video's and nice to see the fish biting! Someone should show Kyle how to turn the clicker off, must sound great on the down release...:D

04-07-2010, 11:20 PM
I'm suprised he didn't get the third degree for letting the sinker touch the deck.:eek:

duranautic al
04-08-2010, 05:19 PM
he's come a long way ...guess were gonna hafta get rid of the phrase"all bob'd up"...