View Full Version : Jacking up boat off of bunk trailer to paint?

03-30-2010, 01:27 PM
Looking for ideas on best way to lift the boat off the bunk trailer to be able to paint the bottom this weekend.

Have 2 floor jacks and some railroad ties.

Anyone every done it?

River Rat
03-30-2010, 04:04 PM
Jack up the back of the boat off the trailer & put cinder blocks toped off with wood (I use a piece of 4X4) under each stern corner so it clears the back of the trailer.... remove rear jack... jack up bow and move trailer forward till you get to a cross beam.... use 2nd jack to lift bow behind cross beam and remove first jack... move trailer forward and repeat until you clear all the trailer's cross beams.... rest bow on cinder blocks/wood. Bow of boat should be higher than the stern while on the blocks for drainage.

When done painting be sure to use the bow winch as you reverse the process to put the boat back on the trailer. Keep the winch cable tight as possible while backing the trailer under the boat.

03-30-2010, 04:11 PM
Jack up the back of the boat off the trailer & put cinder blocks toped off with wood (I use a piece of 4X4) under each stern corner so it clears the back of the trailer.... remove rear jack... jack up bow and move trailer forward till you get to a cross beam.... use 2nd jack to lift bow behind cross beam and remove first jack... move trailer forward and repeat until you clear all the trailer's cross beams.... rest bow on cinder blocks/wood. Bow of boat should be higher than the stern while on the blocks for drainage.

When done painting be sure to use the bow winch as you reverse the process to put the boat back on the trailer. Keep the winch cable tight as possible while backing the trailer under the boat.

Thanks Jim.

I will trade you help in jacking boat this weekend for help with thru hull transducer install ;)