View Full Version : NJ shark fishing closure????
Fish Head
01-31-2010, 07:32 PM
OUCH!!! I hope this gets fixed!!! See link below
01-31-2010, 07:50 PM
first link doesnt work. this one does
01-31-2010, 07:59 PM
this one works
Those tournaments are big money escpecially South Jersey. I will almost gaurantee something gets fixed.
When I say big money I don't mean prize money I mean all the money that is brought into area for the tournaments
01-31-2010, 08:57 PM
Yet another thing to add to the list of reasons why EVERYONE should be going to the march on DC
If ya cant make it to DC you can still sign the petition.
01-31-2010, 09:26 PM
Done, I would hope if anyone can't go they would sign this ASAP !!
The long lining and destructive comercial fishing has ruined the recreational shark fishing.
We (recreational angler) have to pay again and again for the mis-management of the pelagic species by our own government and the unrestricted international devastation that occurs with regards to the species.
It makes me sick.
01-31-2010, 11:13 PM
Yep and now another Corzine screw up:mad:which may cause this closure
02-01-2010, 12:24 AM
lief u really think that longlining and commercial fishing has done that to the shark fishery. come on dude. the reason why sharks are disappearing is foreign flagged vessels that catch sharks and fin em and throw the carcass back into the ocean bro. it not the american or canadian longliners doing it. the japaneses the koreans the chinese they r the ones. go to a asian market and see if they got shark fins? ask where they came from
02-01-2010, 02:23 AM
I'm going to D.C. myself and 100% support that effort, but this is on the state. Had they just passed the proper measure in the state legislature the feds wouldn't shut it down.
Sounds to me like this is a rubber-stamp piece of legislation, even if it's just extending the previous provisions. I think they'll be able to get this through. Only thing is that if ASMFC finds us out of compliance and votes our fishery closed, then the state acts to comply, it would take a second vote from ASMFC to reopen us. When's the next ASMFC meeting after Feb.?
Just another instance of the Shore area being forgotten about. If shark fishing was big in Bergen, Essex or Hudson counties, this would have been taken care of long ago. :rolleyes: :mad:
lief u really think that longlining and commercial fishing has done that to the shark fishery. come on dude. the reason why sharks are disappearing is foreign flagged vessels that catch sharks and fin em and throw the carcass back into the ocean bro. it not the american or canadian longliners doing it. the japaneses the koreans the chinese they r the ones. go to a asian market and see if they got shark fins? ask where they came from
That is what I meant. The foreign vessels finning is the biggest problem.
That is what I meant. The foreign vessels finning is the biggest problem.
This process is barbaric. I watched a special on this and i made me so angry. If it was my choice any of these vessels found within our federal waters would be sunk on contact with no warning shots. In addition we have to make agreements with other countries and have them protrol for this too.
Capt. Jerry P
02-01-2010, 01:27 PM
Taking it from every angle!!! Sad sad day
Soon we wont anything to fish or enjoy from our oceans
02-01-2010, 01:42 PM
Dragging and longlining has ruind it for every body but the people still think it is us.
Capt. Lou
02-01-2010, 01:46 PM
I do not shark fish at all anymore, however I'll fight to the end to protect the rights of our anglers to do so!!
Those foreign ships do in fact slaughter these fish and many other species wholesale, lets keep supporting their efforts through us purchasing their products carte blanche!
You can't have it both ways either you draw a line or your done!! We fish to the letter of the law, while they take what they want and couldn't care less about limits, treatys etc. Thanks to our Gov't they are really looking out for us fisherman, & I mean all american fisherman, what a joke,it's hard to believe we pay their salaries to screw us over time & time again!! How dumb can we be? Anyone?? :mad:
[QUOTE=Capt. Lou]I do not shark fish at all anymore, however I'll fight to the end to protect the rights of our anglers to do so!!
Those foreign ships do in fact slaughter these fish and many other species wholesale, lets keep supporting their efforts through us purchasing their products carte blanche!
You can't have it both ways either you draw a line or your done!! We fish to the letter of the law, while they take what they want and couldn't care less about limits, treatys etc. Thanks to our Gov't they are really looking out for us fisherman, & I mean all american fisherman, what a joke,it's hard to believe we pay their salaries to screw us over time & time again!! How dumb can we be? Anyone?? :mad
Dumb very dumb. People are not willing to stand up and fight or kick and scream because of being afraid of what people will think of them.
What if our founding fathers of this great nation were the same as we are today. i would think we would still be under control by the british.
These foreign fishing vessels coming in and taking fish from our waters has to be stopped. Send out a broadcast to every nation giving them the warning and letting them know there vessel will be sunk. I would be human and go pick up any survivors after the boat goes down, but they would be they woudl be sent back to thier country as soon as we docked. one way plane ticket to international airport close to port of call. From there they would have to figure it out. LOL
Sharks numbers are not at all a decline due to recreational fishing pressure. Anyone who states that is either in government or part of PETA LOL.
I personally will not even think about killing a mako before it gets approximately 200lbs. I know the average breeding weight is about 250-300lbs, but i look at it that it is a lot better than killing 54 inchers.
02-01-2010, 02:06 PM
After seeing all the weigh ins and the size of the sharks we saw last season.. hm... something is going on.. something has to happen..
After seeing all the weigh ins and the size of the sharks we saw last season.. hm... something is going on.. something has to happen..
That is the fault of the tournament rules. Put minimums on the size either length or weight. I prefer the length myself even though no tournaments currently do that in NJ. At least the SJ has a 200lb minimum weight. I think there has to be penalities too. Negative points for taking shark that is 10% below target weight. That should cover misjudging on length weight charts.
Keeping sharks for the "table" that never made it to the weigh station is the biggest crime during these tournaments. Last year at the SJ. I saw at least 7-8 makos that looked like they would not have even made the 100lb mark, but it is legal to keep a 54 inch fish so what can be said to these people.
They are closing our seabass fishery, where the species changes from female to male at or about our size limit, but they allow baby makos and other species to be killed. Shark fishing to me is more about the challenge of getting a big fish. I have and had no problem releasing every mako brought to the boat this year, because i did not get one at that two hundred pound mark. It was especially hard on last overnighter of year when sword rod went off and ended up being a mako in the 125-130 class. with the tuna season a bust once again I was thinking how good those mako steaks would taste in the middle of the winter, but instead practiced with ARC dehooker to retrieve the hook and tagged and let it go.
I do not think that these tournaments have caused the issue, just making a point of how they could modify rules.
Only thing that people will argue is at times this might result in no makos being caught over 200lbs like it did in the SJ two years ago, but that should show people that something needs to be done to stop the finning and other BS.
02-01-2010, 03:46 PM
That is the fault of the tournament rules. Put minimums on the size either length or weight. I prefer the length myself even though no tournaments currently do that in NJ. At least the SJ has a 200lb minimum weight. I think there has to be penalities too. Negative points for taking shark that is 10% below target weight. That should cover misjudging on length weight charts.
Keeping sharks for the "table" that never made it to the weigh station is the biggest crime during these tournaments. Last year at the SJ. I saw at least 7-8 makos that looked like they would not have even made the 100lb mark, but it is legal to keep a 54 inch fish so what can be said to these people.
They are closing our seabass fishery, where the species changes from female to male at or about our size limit, but they allow baby makos and other species to be killed. Shark fishing to me is more about the challenge of getting a big fish. I have and had no problem releasing every mako brought to the boat this year, because i did not get one at that two hundred pound mark. It was especially hard on last overnighter of year when sword rod went off and ended up being a mako in the 125-130 class. with the tuna season a bust once again I was thinking how good those mako steaks would taste in the middle of the winter, but instead practiced with ARC dehooker to retrieve the hook and tagged and let it go.
I do not think that these tournaments have caused the issue, just making a point of how they could modify rules.
Only thing that people will argue is at times this might result in no makos being caught over 200lbs like it did in the SJ two years ago, but that should show people that something needs to be done to stop the finning and other BS.
you 100 percent right mac... I dont think you should take anything small... I cut one off last year at about 150lb or so thinking it would never have been in the money.. boy was i wrong :mad:
But i would think just because they only have to be 54" doesnt mean that the tournament can not make the regs for their tournament 60-65 inches or so!! I would like to see it..
I dont think they cuase a lot of mortality either.. But i know that we are to far of a run to catch some big guns during the one day tourneys!
you 100 percent right mac... I dont think you should take anything small... I cut one off last year at about 150lb or so thinking it would never have been in the money.. boy was i wrong :mad:
But i would think just because they only have to be 54" doesnt mean that the tournament can not make the regs for their tournament 60-65 inches or so!! I would like to see it..
I dont think they cuase a lot of mortality either.. But i know that we are to far of a run to catch some big guns during the one day tourneys!
65 inches is too small. that 150 pound fish you cut off was probably closer to 72 inches. I think minimum for tournaments should be 78 inches or 6 1/2 foot. that puts them close to 200lbs depending on how fat they are.
I hear you thing that makes me sick is listening to all the hooked up right before lines out. have some respect for yourself. Better yet all the fish boated right at end of day that they have had laying on their deck trying to fish to find better one.
High low
02-02-2010, 03:06 PM
...thing that makes me sick is listening to all the hooked up right before lines out. have some respect for yourself. Better yet all the fish boated right at end of day that they have had laying on their deck trying to fish to find better one.
I didn't fish the mania last year, but was out at the fingers on an overnight chunk bite when the fleet showed up after the start. We heard bang sticks going off all day, but hardly heard any calls of fish on till end of day.
I didn't fish the mania last year, but was out at the fingers on an overnight chunk bite when the fleet showed up after the start. We heard bang sticks going off all day, but hardly heard any calls of fish on till end of day.
That is because people will kill a smaller fish hoping to find a bigger one as the day goes on. It not only is against tournament rules, but what a waste if they do get bigger one and dump the smaller fish. hence why I would say have a6-61/2 foot size limit for makos or 200lbs for all sharks. hand out weight to length tables at captains meeting and take away tag and release points for those missing weight by over 10% or 20lbs. The whole tag and release is BS too. Some people are definately calling in fish they never caught to keep up. No class. Should have to have photo evidence with time in shot. At least it would help even though they would figure out way to fudge that too.
Capt Sal
02-04-2010, 07:52 PM
i watched people unload barely legal makos last year .they were in tournaments.they didn't show them off.i asked why they would kill a ''baby'' mako like that.answer was we spent a lot of what!i would be ashamed to kill a fish that small.glad most shark fisherman are real sportsman!
i watched people unload barely legal makos last year .they were in tournaments.they didn't show them off.i asked why they would kill a ''baby'' mako like that.answer was we spent a lot of what!i would be ashamed to kill a fish that small.glad most shark fisherman are real sportsman!
I saw the same thing last year at the south jersey. their response was they wanted something for the table. I said.... must have a pretty small table, and they got pissed go figure. LMAO. the baby mako wasn't even close to a 100lbs. It fit in a dock cart for crying out loud.
This is not the problem with the shark population, because people have always be keeping baby makos recreationally it is the finning mostly and then long lines.
Capt Sal
02-05-2010, 10:42 AM
I saw the same thing last year at the south jersey. their response was they wanted something for the table. I said.... must have a pretty small table, and they got pissed go figure. LMAO. the baby mako wasn't even close to a 100lbs. It fit in a dock cart for crying out loud.
This is not the problem with the shark population, because people have always be keeping baby makos recreationally it is the finning mostly and then long lines.
i agree.
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