View Full Version : 73 million dollars ?

02-11-2025, 01:15 PM
Work is slated to begin in Seaside Heights and Park, said Steve Rochette, spokesman for the corps' Philadelphia District. The $73.5-million project includes dredging and placing 2.1 million cubic yards of sand onto the beaches from the Manasquan to Barnegat inlets.
Where is Elon Musk when you need him ???

02-11-2025, 03:28 PM
While I agree beach replenishment is a joke are you talking about the same Elon Musk that has taken 15.4 billion in government subsidies since 2010?
Elon only cares about Elon and I give this Trump / Musk bromance less than 6 months to dissolve over power struggles and ego either way.

Its amazing how folks still think trickle down economics work:eek:

Gerry Zagorski
02-11-2025, 08:34 PM
While I agree beach replenishment is a joke are you talking about the same Elon Musk that has taken 15.4 billion in government subsidies since 2010?
Elon only cares about Elon and I give this Trump / Musk bromance less than 6 months to dissolve over power struggles and ego either way.

Its amazing how folks still think trickle down economics work:eek:

Elan went from obscurity the number one producer of electric cars manufacturers in the world and is based here in the good old US of A..

Yeah these guys and their egos run hot to an extreme but I think we need a bit more of that around here.

02-11-2025, 09:09 PM
Beach replenishment should be investigated by the new department of government efficiency...I'm not 100% certain, but I think they'd accomplish way more installing jetties...

02-11-2025, 09:22 PM
While I agree beach replenishment is a joke are you talking about the same Elon Musk that has taken 15.4 billion in government subsidies since 2010?

Same Elon who is literally dismantling the federal oversight responsible for his many companies - talk about the fox guarding the henhouse.

bunker dunker
02-12-2025, 07:56 AM
i think the beach thing is a bit much but as far as elon finding all this loose monies,why are none of the countries complaining only the politicians????if you are asking me were i want my tax money spent it is not in some other country
so they can make a childrens show or sending 10 mill worth of condoms to another country.this clean up is long over due.

02-12-2025, 08:34 AM
i think the beach thing is a bit much but as far as elon finding all this loose monies,why are none of the countries complaining only the politicians????if you are asking me were i want my tax money spent it is not in some other country
so they can make a childrens show or sending 10 mill worth of condoms to another country.this clean up is long over due.

People cried for decades the government was wasting money.
Pretty much printing it to give away .

Yet who is crying the most.
Those serving the koolaid

If it was the other way around they would be hollering OH YEA instead of OH NO

Broad Bill
02-12-2025, 10:25 AM
i think the beach thing is a bit much but as far as elon finding all this loose monies,why are none of the countries complaining only the politicians????if you are asking me were i want my tax money spent it is not in some other country
so they can make a childrens show or sending 10 mill worth of condoms to another country.this clean up is long over due.

Bunker, Gaza received $50 million for condom bombs, not $10 million. As an aside, I thought politics wasn't allowed on the forum as I've been tar and feathered for lesser comments. But since this thread was started I'll join in.

Anyone who thinks that government, federal, state and local, aren't the worst run institutions in the world, you haven't experienced or audited their levels of incompetency. Say what you wish about Elon Musk but if you're going to complain about potential negatives you should comment about the positive contributions of maybe the most intelligent person on the planet.

His net worth is over $400 billion, he employs over 150,000 employees worldwide and I'm sure he's paid more in taxes than his government subsidies and is no different than all other major industries who receive insane subsidies annually funded by your tax dollars. Do you really want to complain about what this man has and continues to accomplish for this world and the economic impact his businesses have had on our country. Research what the average pay is for his employees, they're not complaining. He works them hard but they are at the higher echelon in pay in this country and I don't see them complaining.

As far as DOGE, it's long overdue. The government is as corrupt and inefficient as it comes. America voted and wants change and this administration is delivering on that promise. As Dan and Bunker pointed out, why are the only people complaining Democrats. USAID represents a paltry seven tenths of one percent of the overall federal budget and look at the wasted spending uncovered within a week. The numbers we're going to see coming out will be nothing short of shocking. The corruption is being exposed and politicians, I'm sure both R's and D's, are concerned when these atrocities are exposed, their personal slush fund dries up and the average American finds out how their hard earned tax dollars have been being spent. This is long overdue and a significant part of what needs to happen to get the $37 trillion debt problem under control. The Country can't survive the way it's fiscally being run, it's an impossibility.

Read the attached article, COVID alone had over $400 billion in fraudulent claims processed or wasted or misspent funds! $400 BILLION wasted in much needed COVID relief!


FEMA paid $59 million to illegal immigrants to stay in luxury hotels while our own citizens impacted by the fires in LA and Hurricane Helene go homeless. Is this how you want the country run? It's not how I want my tax dollars being spent. We've all asked for accountability and transparency and now that it's happening why are people complaining?

And the latest news today is Trump's productive discussions with Zelenskyy requesting $500 BILLION in collateral in the form of mineral rights to collateralize past and future aid to Ukraine for the war. In other words, if this happens, Trump just converted all the funds the USA gave to Ukraine from aid to a collateralized loan to be repaid and in doing so saved the American taxpayer $500 billion of their hard earned tax dollars being spent abroad. Does anyone view this as anything but positive?

As far as dredging is concerned, same problem as always. Our esteemed government is addressing the results and not the cause. We'll be spending another $100 million ten years from now when the sand they're about to pump in gets washed out again no different than the Manasquan inlet. Absolute stupidity. Fix the cause and you fix the problem, Management 101.

02-12-2025, 11:29 AM
I'm having arguments about the "current administration" and losing funding for freshwater dam removal. I said yes, all Murphy cares about is concrete, asphalt and giving stuff away to inner city people. 2 seats go vacant on the F&G Council. I have seen Murphy talk very little about sportsmen, where as Christie Todd Whitman used to come to Efingers and buy sporting goods. I used the search icon on Murphy's FB page and typed in Raritan river and the only thing that came up was the NJ Transit bridge.

02-12-2025, 12:07 PM
Nothing wrong with discussion and some good points made. I can only speak for myself and never questioned Elon's intelligence or his success or contributions to the better good. Not sure his very successful business model works for a society as a whole.

I give him credit for using taxpayer dollars as available to add to his business, any good businessman / women would. Not convinced on his tax structure / payments back, his workers yes pay taxes , him ??

Bring your Kid to work day in the oval office and make Trump smaller than him. As stated this bromance will be over soon. Trump going to side with him on wind and electric cars / energy? yeah sure.

Having said that tired of the hypocrisy / Kool aid references as the wasted spending in our Government is across both aisles for years on end yet the minions complain about each other rather than the failed governments from both parties for the last 50 years minimum.

While the intention of DOGE has some merit and is long overdue but what you are really seeing is potential cuts to the core services that a society with government overreach needs to survive as a whole for all the people. We are behind in education, the arts and sciences and health care but these are the targets LOL. Get out of NATO, WHO, control what the CDC can report, cut the Kennedy Center and take control of what it is, cut infrastucture in the USA.

Why not start with exposing the waste in congressional perks (both sides), salaries, unlimited health care, lobbying and campaign finance rules and congress manipulation of stocks in regular citizens 401K and investments that they control through policy based on their own investments. Its supposed to be a free service and honor to represent your country per the founding fathers not a billionaire club.

Yes add in cuts for non essential foreign aid ( not sure the condom thing is even real or Fema luxury hotel bs as neither has evidence) and cut the insane defense contracts waste / price gouging. But instead cut FEMA for disasters in states of the USA because they aren't aligned or didn't vote for you.

Let your son in law rebuild Gaza into a luxury resort / Put in the same tariffs that failed miserably the last term etc.

Guess we have different definitions of " drain the swamp"

02-12-2025, 12:10 PM
I'm just going to leave this here

https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/full-text?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADJbFsB_RwTSWgAAxbv4FONgrmh0n&gclid=CjwKCAiAqrG9BhAVEiwAaPu5zsN7u2o44rfBBlSxsAA1 Uql8S80E_FY1Mw9iaCwduXj1G0d-W8CFVBoCi6cQAvD_BwE

It seems some of you need a refresher course on the Constitution.

NJ Dave
02-12-2025, 01:15 PM
Work is slated to begin in Seaside Heights and Park, said Steve Rochette, spokesman for the corps' Philadelphia District. The $73.5-million project includes dredging and placing 2.1 million cubic yards of sand onto the beaches from the Manasquan to Barnegat inlets.
Where is Elon Musk when you need him ???

Nothing like doing the same thing that didn't work the last god knows how many times again and hoping for a different result. Mother nature always wins, she takes back what does not belong there.

02-12-2025, 01:25 PM
Bunker, Gaza received $50 million for condom bombs, not $10 million. As an aside, I thought politics wasn't allowed on the forum as I've been tar and feathered for lesser comments. But since this thread was started I'll join in.

Anyone who thinks that government, federal, state and local, aren't the worst run institutions in the world, you haven't experienced or audited their levels of incompetency. Say what you wish about Elon Musk but if you're going to complain about potential negatives you should comment about the positive contributions of maybe the most intelligent person on the planet.

His net worth is over $400 billion, he employs over 150,000 employees worldwide and I'm sure he's paid more in taxes than his government subsidies and is no different than all other major industries who receive insane subsidies annually funded by your tax dollars. Do you really want to complain about what this man has and continues to accomplish for this world and the economic impact his businesses have had on our country. Research what the average pay is for his employees, they're not complaining. He works them hard but they are at the higher echelon in pay in this country and I don't see them complaining.

As far as DOGE, it's long overdue. The government is as corrupt and inefficient as it comes. America voted and wants change and this administration is delivering on that promise. As Dan and Bunker pointed out, why are the only people complaining Democrats. USAID represents a paltry seven tenths of one percent of the overall federal budget and look at the wasted spending uncovered within a week. The numbers we're going to see coming out will be nothing short of shocking. The corruption is being exposed and politicians, I'm sure both R's and D's, are concerned when these atrocities are exposed, their personal slush fund dries up and the average American finds out how their hard earned tax dollars have been being spent. This is long overdue and a significant part of what needs to happen to get the $37 trillion debt problem under control. The Country can't survive the way it's fiscally being run, it's an impossibility.

Read the attached article, COVID alone had over $400 billion in fraudulent claims processed or wasted or misspent funds! $400 BILLION wasted in much needed COVID relief!


FEMA paid $59 million to illegal immigrants to stay in luxury hotels while our own citizens impacted by the fires in LA and Hurricane Helene go homeless. Is this how you want the country run? It's not how I want my tax dollars being spent. We've all asked for accountability and transparency and now that it's happening why are people complaining?

As far as dredging is concerned, same problem as always. Our esteemed government is addressing the results and not the cause. We'll be spending another $100 million ten years from now when the sand they're about to pump in gets washed out again no different than the Manasquan inlet. Absolute stupidity. Fix the cause and you fix the problem, Management 101.

Well stated and spot on! Our govt. has been weaponized against us for decades now and it is time to drain the swamp. There is going to be a ton of misinformation that gets reported as the politicians and govt. bureaucrats fight tooth and nail to keep their corrupt gravy train going. Get your popcorn out for this year!

Broad Bill
02-12-2025, 01:57 PM
Dave well thought out reply and valid points and concerns but we have two choices. Status quo do nothing which as you mentioned both parties are culpable of for 50 or more years or change the way this Country is being run. There's no easy or simple answer and I agree the good some of these agencies are doing shouldn't be thrown out with the bad. But we have to start somewhere and the political partisan bullshit needs to end. I don't want to address your individual points, we agree on some and disagree on others. That's how a democracy is supposed to work. I think we'd all agree if we continue on the path we're on, this Country will go bankrupt and we need to put government spending under the largest microscope this planet has, make some hard decisions, eliminate the corruption and graft that permeates our government today and introduce systems with improved efficiencies and checks and balances to bring us into the 21st century.

We have the intelligence, we have the resources, politicians simply can't get out of their own way and continue to make decisions along party lines and for what's best for them and not what's best for the Country or the needs of the American people who voted them into office.

bunker dunker
02-12-2025, 02:22 PM
very good points and agreed its on both sides but we all must agree that this
worthless spending has to stop.as stated before 59 million going for illegals
so they can stay at 5 stars hotels while they kick the veterans to the street.America first should always be our first choice.we need more common sense in our government.

02-12-2025, 02:38 PM
How about identifying waste/fraud, providing evidence for it, and then passing a budget to cut it out - GOP controls both houses of Congress as well as the executive after all.

But no, let's stop funding across the board first, and reverse items piecemeal as shit hits the fan. That's how things work in America now under Musk/Trump.

And people who don't understand the purpose of USAID - it's called soft power, and I promise you the Chinese understand what that is and how to use it. We're giving up entire spheres of influence for chump change. Americans should care about that even if they don't care about helping people and saving lives.

bunker dunker
02-12-2025, 03:04 PM
the saving lives part i don't understand as hundreds of thousands of American troops died so other countries could live better?? you can just give billions to
illegals and not a penny to the thousands of Marines who were drinking,eating and bathing in poison for 30 years.i know we are all entitled to out opinions but
enough is enough.we need to take care of America first.we need to keep America's needs 1st on the list.we need to stop flipping the bill for all other countries and start helping our own.

02-12-2025, 04:22 PM
To me its great that our fishing community can come together to have a reasonable discussion even if we don't agree on everything.
Don't care who you voted for but last i checked Musk wasn't on the ballot nor was confirmed by congress and the senate for a position he obviously has already. But again I doubt for long as DJT will turn on him soon. But then again the cabinet is full of ring kissers with no experience.

Have to call out the Hypocrisy since Kool AID is a meme.

Yup our Vets get screwed in this country and the VA is a mess both funding and care. Why wasn't this fixed by either party. However only one person (you know who) called vets suckers and losers and doesn't like POW's as they got caught. John McCain rolling in his grave and deserved better
So as a Vet (I am not) how do you support a man who says that over and over?

Lets ban abortion in most states and pretend the cost of care for these unwanted kids is less than a condom or birth control and then cry about welfare. How many of these hypocrites adopt a kid the laws they want saved?

Where is the talk about the tax revenue "illegals" that work on payroll in the USA contribute to the treasury as they cant file and can't get refunds so their payroll deductions go into the " general fund" . Last I looked it was in the billions. No they dont get paid under the table, that was the 80's.

Where is all the Lottery money going???? Why is no one talking about that?

Why are religious of all religions tax exempt and build mansions ?

Waste there is plenty of it and you dont need to build a rocket or EV to point it out. DJT says best part is Elon gets nothing for doing this? Who's drinking the Kool Aid now LOL

Fix your house / meaning the 3 branches of government first and then point fingers elsewhere but they would be surprised that its comes right back on them

02-12-2025, 04:28 PM
You guys need to start posting links to the facts and figures you throw around, it's useless opinion unless you back it up with credible sources.

02-12-2025, 04:49 PM
You guys need to start posting links to the facts and figures you throw around, it's useless opinion unless you back it up with credible sources.

Not so easy as with the partisan nature one link source would be debated from another. Should not be that way but is so hard and the reluctance to post links.
Open to your ideas or a source you think would work?
I hope its not one side vs the other as their is a common goal

02-12-2025, 04:59 PM
here is one from a non partisan entity on Illegals tax payments to the general treasury fund no one wants to admit.


Broad Bill
02-12-2025, 05:12 PM
How about identifying waste/fraud, providing evidence for it, and then passing a budget to cut it out - GOP controls both houses of Congress as well as the executive after all.

That's exactly what DOGE is doing, identifying waste, fraud and senseless spending. Washington hasn't balanced the Federal budget since 1969. The House passed the 2025 budget on 9/25/24, just days before the end of FY 2024 on 9/30/24 and the beginning of FY 2025 on October 1. Are you suggesting Trump sit on his hands until the 2026 budget is passed this upcoming September before looking into the massive amount of fraud and corruption which resides in Washington? The budget we're operating under was signed off on by a Congress where the Dems controlled the Senate and had the White House, let's not forget that. And while we're on the subject, why have countless requests by the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Oversight Committee about how taxpayer funds were being spent by USAID been completely ignored by management if there's nothing to hide.

But no, let's stop funding across the board first, and reverse items piecemeal as shit hits the fan. That's how things work in America now under Musk/Trump. Trump has been in office for three weeks, he's doing exactly what he told the people who voted him in he'd do. I don't think anyone can or should be judged based on their actions of three weeks but it seems based on the latest CNN ultra liberal poll, 70% of Americans agree with his actions out of the gates which is one reason why, and let's be honest here, the Democratic Party is losing their minds.

And people who don't understand the purpose of USAID - it's called soft power, and I promise you the Chinese understand what that is and how to use it. We're giving up entire spheres of influence for chump change. Americans should care about that even if they don't care about helping people and saving lives. There's a difference between soft power and influence peddling and outright wasteful ridiculous spending. Or we can ask the Biden family that question who seems to have influence peddling down to a science. How about we give the current administration time to institute the changes 77 million American voters voted them into office to make. If you believe the Chinese are that far ahead of the US in International Governance, I'm sure there's plenty of places in Wuhan for rent.

02-12-2025, 05:34 PM
Not so easy as with the partisan nature one link source would be debated from another. Should not be that way but is so hard and the reluctance to post links.
Open to your ideas or a source you think would work?
I hope its not one side vs the other as their is a common goal

CREDIBLE sources. So, with a big grain of salt, mainstream media. Who, unfortunately and in an ever increasing way, have their own implicit bias. Fox "News" being one of the worst offenders but I would categorize all mainstream media in that way. (CNBC is bizarro Fox)
There are independent news outlets if you look for them, just fact check them as best you can. The good ones provide links to back up their reporting. The bad ones don't and the batshit crazy ones provide little if any information to substantiate their claims.

02-12-2025, 05:51 PM
That's exactly what DOGE is doing, identifying waste, fraud and senseless spending. Washington hasn't balanced the Federal budget since 1969. The House passed the 2025 budget on 9/25/24, just days before the end of FY 2024 on 9/30/24 and the beginning of FY 2025 on October 1. Are you suggesting Trump sit on his hands until the 2026 budget is passed this upcoming September before looking into the massive amount of fraud and corruption which resides in Washington? The budget we're operating under was signed off on by a Congress where the Dems controlled the Senate and had the White House, let's not forget that. And while we're on the subject, why have countless requests by the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Oversight Committee about how taxpayer funds were being spent by USAID completely ignored by management if there's nothing to hide.

Trump has been in office for three weeks, he's doing exactly what he told the people who voted him in he'd do. I don't think anyone can or should be judged based on their actions of three weeks but it seems based on the latest CNN ultra conservative poll, 70% of Americans agree with his actions out of the gates which is one reason why, and let's be honest here, the Democratic Party is losing their minds.

There's a difference between soft power and influence peddling and outright wasteful ridiculous spending. Or we can ask the Biden family that question who seems to have influence peddling down pat. How about we give the current administration time to institute the changes 77 million American voters voted them into office to make. If you believe the Chinese are that far ahead of the US in International Governance, I'm sure there's plenty of places in Wuhan for rent.

Actually not true:
Bill Cilnton in 1998 had the federal budget balanced and a surplus of approx 70 billion.

57% of Americans agree with trump 1st 3 weeks but to your point it was 70% but 13% got deported so some buyers remorse there! Just kidding its 57% not bad

Think the democrats are certainly regretting some failed strategy but no one is losing their minds. Maybe they shouldn't have forced some senators to resign like AL Franken over a picture while republicans vote in an actual felon who screams law and order and then pardons insurrectionists that the founding fathers would have executed day 1.

Why bring up Wuhan rentals? makes no sense to his point?

Again why cant people be people and not labeled. I had some great years in business GWB, Obama (sweet years) Trump 1st term but my best was last year under Biden. As a business owner neither of them had anything to do with it mainly but the economy has been thriving since 2012, you just have to ingore politics and place your money where the economy dictates

02-12-2025, 05:53 PM
CREDIBLE sources. So, with a big grain of salt, mainstream media. Who, unfortunately and in an ever increasing way, have their own implicit bias. Fox "News" being one of the worst offenders but I would categorize all mainstream media in that way. (CNBC is bizarro Fox)
There are independent news outlets if you look for them, just fact check them as best you can. The good ones provide links to back up their reporting. The bad ones don't and the batshit crazy ones provide little if any information to substantiate their claims.

Thanks always try and agree with you:

02-12-2025, 06:42 PM
I had to look up what an "undocumented immigrant" was:

An undocumented immigrant is a foreign-born person who is in the United States without legal status. This can be due to entering the country without inspection, staying longer than their visa permitted, or violating the terms of their admission.
Examples of undocumented immigrants
Entered without inspection
Someone who crossed the border without interacting with a U.S. border agent
Overstayed visa
Someone who stayed in the country after their visa expired or after their "duration of status" date
DACA recipients
People who have been granted temporary reprieve from deportation through the DACA program

02-12-2025, 06:56 PM
I hope this is not inappropriate but the subject of $73 million is just about the amount of money the athletic department of Rutgers, The State University declared as a shortfall for this year.
Maybe Musk could find a few hours to spare in New Brunswick and reduce that deficit! That is our NJ taxpayers' dollars being wasted! Sad state of affairs!

Broad Bill
02-12-2025, 08:52 PM
Actually not true:
Bill Clinton in 1998 had the federal budget balanced and a surplus of approx 70 billion.

57% of Americans agree with trump 1st 3 weeks but to your point it was 70% but 13% got deported so some buyers remorse there! Just kidding its 57% not bad

Think the democrats are certainly regretting some failed strategy but no one is losing their minds. Maybe they shouldn't have forced some senators to resign like AL Franken over a picture while republicans vote in an actual felon who screams law and order and then pardons insurrectionists that the founding fathers would have executed day 1.

Why bring up Wuhan rentals? makes no sense to his point?

Again why cant people be people and not labeled. I had some great years in business GWB, Obama (sweet years) Trump 1st term but my best was last year under Biden. As a business owner neither of them had anything to do with it mainly but the economy has been thriving since 2012, you just have to ignore politics and place your money where the economy dictates

You're correct about Clinton. The article I referenced was written in 1998 which didn't include Clinton's 1998 surplus budget. Doesn't change my point that the US Government has delivered a balanced budget only twice in the past 50 years based on an article written in 2023. Once in 1969 under Johnson and again in 2001 under Clinton. My point remains, government spending and fiscal responsibility is out of control by both parties. Link attached.


Read the attached article. Based on the CNN poll I referenced, Trump has a 53% approval rating but 70% of Americans believe Trump is following through on his campaign ratings which is what I posted. This is a CNN poll titled "CNN’s Harry Entin stunned by Trump’s high approval ratings: ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa!’" Link attached.


Not going to dignify your third point with a response. If that's your opinion lets just agree we have much different views in that respect.

Yeah it actually does. My response to Reason's post is it certainly sounds like he favors China's governance more than this current administration after three weeks in office which is certainly his prerogative. I completely disagree. If someone favors or approves of China's governance over this administration, they might consider a relocation. My reference to Wuhan is things aren't always what they appear and I think we all know what happened with COVID, where it originated and how millions of lives world wide were lost to a complete cover up by China and our own government. Fauci testified under oath during his congressional hearing there was no funding of the Wuhan gain of function research, changed it to I believe $600k only to find out taxpayer dollars were being funneled through the NIH and USAID to the tune of multiple millions of dollars funding that research. Link attached


And if you want to talk about pardons, Biden pardons Fauci, Hunter, his entire family and everyone involved with the Jan 6 committee. Do you actually pardon people who did nothing wrong? Don't think so, sort of makes one wonder don't you think?

Agree with your last point. There's only so much government can control or impact involving the economy. The world is too interconnected. But the president and Congress can control spending which has been out of control for most of our lives. At least the current administration is trying to correct that and for once do what's right for the American people as opposed to playing politics and doing what's right for their own net worth.

Broad Bill
02-12-2025, 08:57 PM
Gerry I agree with you on this one. Politics have no place on a fishing website. It detracts from the purpose of the site and most posts represent unsubstantiated opinion versus facts which serves no point. My vote would be to end it before it gets out of hand regardless of how many clicks it generates. I should have stayed on the sidelines on this one.

02-13-2025, 07:18 AM
here is one from a non partisan entity on Illegals tax payments to the general treasury fund no one wants to admit.


Really ?
It’s been a crime to hire undocumented immigrants since 1986 (actually do some research)
So you’re saying millions of employers are breaking that law and documenting it?

More than likely the real numbers come from immigrants who are legally working here .Yet another article to try and justify the bullshit caused by our open borders .

Just an FYI, the VIEW isn’t a news station . Lol


Broad Bill
02-13-2025, 09:01 AM
If I-9 forms are filled out accurately or temporary work Visas provided, undocumented immigrants will get full credit for withholdings and benefits. The problem starts when fraudulent social security numbers or documents are given employers and when the SSA identifies it and the employer is contacted, the undocumented employee gets out of dodge and their tax withholdings end up in limbo as they can't file a tax return. Seen it happen hundreds of times. The more manual labor a business uses, the more prevalent the problem. The process might not be perfect but it's not the process that's the problem. It's undocumented immigrants trying to circumvent the system without going through proper protocols. Is the government to blame for that and what would you suggest the federal and state governments do with the withholdings when the person involved was employed under false pretenses and can't be found or contacted. Should taxpayers funds again be used to track them down to return money obtained illegally?

bunker dunker
02-13-2025, 10:06 AM
with a 37 trillion dollar bill hanging over Americas head don't you think we should be looking to cut our spending??elon is not our commander and chief simply a man that knows were to cut the fat.as far as illegals go,both sets of my grandparents came to this county as immigrants.they came thru the front door
though and did what was asked of them.they received one thing from this great nation,a dream.if this President is so wrong then why did so many vote for him?.why are people wrong for wanting America to come first??.i hear no one
yelling and screaming about the veteran sleeping on a park bench but you do hear them wanting men to play in woman's sports.

Broad Bill
02-13-2025, 10:38 AM
Bunker well said! And the liberal media and Democrats maintain no one voted for Elon Musk. Trump created a much needed agency that will pay huge dividends yet the left challenges Elon Musk being hired to lead the charge.

Yet the same far left progressive party had no problem with a coup to remove Biden from the 2024 ticket, failed to acknowledge his failed cognitive function, replaced him without one American vote with Harris who wasn't included in the primary to represent the party all because Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, O'Bama, Soros and Clinton all thought it was constitutionally correct to force the presiding president off the ticket as the presidential nominee to represent their party. Maybe we should be more focused on that hypocrisy and the legalities of that coup and less time on Elon Musk who is actually doing his job and something constructive to change the absolute dysfunction that exists in Washington.

bunker dunker
02-13-2025, 11:02 AM
right on Bill,the left always has a problem with what the right is doing.how come no one is talking about obama and google,he did the same thing??what is really amazing is how no one on the left can just give this new President a chance.how as a country we can not enjoy a fair and legal election,how sad.

bunker dunker
02-13-2025, 11:36 AM
i think its been said 6 or seven times that both sides are guilty.you say the gop gets hurt and the gop says the dems will be hurt???how come we can not find common ground on these common sense issues?? the budget has to be a common sense issue as it effects everyone.

02-13-2025, 12:05 PM
Wow take a breath! Its just a discussion. I have always been in the middle / fiscally conservative and socially care for those that need a hand up.
Don't watch the View but apparently Dan does ;)

This complaint about each party is as bad on the right as it is on the left and being in the middle don't even care anymore. I do what's best for my family and my business as both sides are out of control including most of the posts here probably mine too:eek:
Same with right wing media and left wing media. read some books instead of the TV.

How can you say in one breath give this president who won a fair election a break and its sad when for the last president who won a fair election the country was tortured about a stolen election with zero evidence. How soon we forget Jan 6th insurrection!

Never cared about the USA debt either as for my whole life 66 years all we heard is that I was going to pay, my kids were going to pay. my grand children were going to pay LOL NO ONE is going to pay!

If anything I expect that Trump never paying his personal debts and just going bankrupt 13 times stiffing honest construction workers (who I know many of) at his properties will do the same with the national debt as he is good at that. Guess what as a small business owner I VOTED for HIM.

The fact as BB said is that businesses do their best to vet new employees based on the documents they provide and those documents can look real but to say it doesn't happen is ridiculous. Why not focus and what your government does with all that free tax revenue ???? Its NOT on business owners and NO I didnt hire any of them.

Anyone who thinks Elon isn't going to personally or business benefit from DOGE is drinking the newest Kool Aid out there.

I am out as I don't care and will keep making money for my family regardless as the economy has been strong for years sans inflation that anyone could see coming after Covid. Its just they way things work and either you address it for your own benefit like they do or you lose.

But dont cut the help for those that need it so society works for all as the government has plenty of money just mis guided on where it goes.

02-13-2025, 12:06 PM
I just want to get rid of pennies, Australia did it years ago. Then we can move toward the metric system like the rest of the world.

Broad Bill
02-13-2025, 12:17 PM
Both parties are at fault. What we now have is multiple highly successful businessmen along with some intelligent Cabinet Members bringing management to Government as opposed to political rhetoric. Run government like a well run company is all the American middle class are asking for. Without checks and balances you have chaos and what we have now is a system riddled with more corruption and wasteful spending than anyone could ever imagine. We all voted for change, well this is the face of change.

Does anyone think if Harris / Walz won the election in November any of these issues would be surfacing or being addressed. That's an emphatic no. This Country is at an inflection point, how we got here can be debated forever and the answer is as a whole the manner in which the government has and is being run. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, Progressives and Moderates alike, I blame them all. They all have culpability here. How we got here is less important than how we right the ship and move forward.

We have highly intelligent people in office voted there by 77 million Americans to change the way government is being run. Let them do their jobs because the alternative is remaining on a crash course with bankruptcy.

bunker dunker
02-13-2025, 12:40 PM
its funny how January 6th is brought up all the time but no one talks about
the summer of fire???about the billions of dollars of destruction.about over taking police depts??how one person is charged with a crime and the other just has to say he's sorry.its always one sided but i think the American public voted different this time.i think that America is looking for a change.to me it looks and sounds like a bunch of soar losers,elected officials acting like children.

02-13-2025, 02:12 PM
While we seem to be on government can anyone tell me what ever happened to the "Modern Fishing Act of 2018" and how much was spent on it and how it has helped the recreational fishing community?

02-13-2025, 02:37 PM
Let's keep the big picture in view -

The world's richest man, with billions in government subsidies/tax breaks/contracts spread out between his various companies, spends 250 million+ dollars to elect Donald Trump.

Now he's given free reign to wreak havoc in the federal government, including firing the very employees who were tasked to regulate his business with the government.

I suppose in some universe that's called Draining the swamp. Next time you see Elon in the oval it might be him behind the Resolute desk and Trump standing at attention.

02-13-2025, 02:44 PM
its funny how January 6th is brought up all the time but no one talks about
the summer of fire???about the billions of dollars of destruction.about over taking police depts??how one person is charged with a crime and the other just has to say he's sorry.its always one sided but i think the American public voted different this time.i think that America is looking for a change.to me it looks and sounds like a bunch of soar losers,elected officials acting like children.

You just summed up what is wrong in this 2 party system. Each justifies their wrong doing because the other did something wrong while never admitting what they did was wrong.

Simple answer both protest issues you brought up are WRONG.

Although I do think Black protesters in America have a better case on being persecuted forever ( the old how many times can you kick a person before he fights back) over the Jan 6th protesters that tried to overthrow a fair election with no evidence and the founding fathers would have major issues with their violence on the capitol as do I.

02-13-2025, 03:07 PM
Let's keep the big picture in view -

Trust me I am, had it gone the other way we would have to listen to Kamala with Oprah and Whoopi at her side, I'll take the lesser of two evils :D

bunker dunker
02-13-2025, 03:22 PM
there was no fires or destruction??? someone gets charged with a crime and some else does it and they don't,equal justice???the only thing that is wrong with this 2 party system is that one party wants all the power and has forgot all about the people they were suppose to be watching out for.the voting public has told everyone that.i guess to some all of what the new president is doing or has already done is wrong but i guess the voters that gave him the election did it for a reason.

Broad Bill
02-13-2025, 05:05 PM
Let's keep the big picture in view -

The world's richest man, with billions in government subsidies/tax breaks/contracts spread out between his various companies, spends 250 million+ dollars to elect Donald Trump.

Now he's given free reign to wreak havoc in the federal government, including firing the very employees who were tasked to regulate his business with the government.

I suppose in some universe that's called Draining the swamp. Next time you see Elon in the oval it might be him behind the Resolute desk and Trump standing at attention.

Please define what "wreak havoc" means in your post and how USAID had any regulatory influences on Elon Musk's businesses or the Department of Education for that matter. And then post how much money Soros contributed to the Harris / Walz campaign as I'm sure he expected nothing in return for his contributions. Just asking from a big picture perspective.

Just remember including Super Pac money, the Harris Campaign raised $2.9 billion in this election versus $1.8 billion for Trump and lost. And you think Elon Musk is the threat? The Democrats pissed off a lot of donors and are now trying to save face by interfering with the candidate America trusted and voted into office. The Democratic Party has lost its way, they had three candidates at different times on the ticket who collectively couldn't complete a cohesive sentence.

The way the liberal media and Democratic Party tried to con the American public into believing that Biden was not cognitively impaired and unable and not qualified to hold the office of the Presidency of the United States and the way that Democratic Party went about removing him from the ticket might possibly be the greatest fraud in American history involving any Presidential Election. So if we want to compare notes and look at the entirety of the big picture let's not forget what's happened over the last 6 months or for that matter over the prior administration's four year term.

Broad Bill
02-13-2025, 05:50 PM
Dave a few questions.. When you have Democratic members of Congress who are publicly saying they're going to take the fight to the street inciting violence against the current administration, isn't that a form of insurrection? When you have blue state Governors, Mayors and DA's who refused to follow Federal deportation protocols, isn't that a form of insurrection? When Biden, Harris and Mayorkas blatantly lied to Congress saying that the southern border is secure, isn't that also a form of insurrection? When Biden sends the National Guard to Texas to prevent Governor Abbott from protecting his own citizens from an invasion of illegal immigrants, isn't that an insurrection? When our own Governor Murphy says he's housing and illegal and will not confirm with ICE regulations, is that not also a form of insurrection? Would our Founding Fathers tolerate any of the above, don't think they would.

It's beyond time to start putting America and Americans first which starts with revamping Washington and reminding politicians and agencies that they exist to service the citizens of this Country and not the other way around.

02-13-2025, 05:52 PM
This is exactly what annoys those in the middle. Based on everything posted on here HTF does anyone not see what's right in front of your face? They want you fighting so they can get paid for failing!

No one said there was was no fire or destruction in BLM but yet ignore the same on Jan 6th?. I can watch the videos of each again but guess what I will see is what I saw. Both destroying s-t and police abuse. But who cares because the other side did it to so all is OK

Voters give all presidents the election for a reason and guess what the founding fathers welcomed debate. Last I checked what party doesn't want all the power they can get?

My God the ignorance in this countries citizens is what's more out of control worse than the government! But lets cut education. health care, etc LOL. Hope some of you survive

When does seabass open?

02-13-2025, 07:56 PM
This is totally us !!

bunker dunker
02-14-2025, 07:31 AM
well as for me i like to look at it as it is and what i see is a hat trick for one side and a goose egg for the other.i pray everyday that this great nation can get back on its feet and i really like what i have been seeing lately.

02-15-2025, 04:27 PM
Thought experiment:

Kamala won and it was George Soros standing in the Oval Office lecturing America about unelected bureaucrats.

That would be ok, right?


NJ Dave
02-15-2025, 04:51 PM
So much for a discussion about sand

Broad Bill
02-15-2025, 07:09 PM
It was never a conversation about sand. It was from the get go a post about inefficiently spending $73 million of tax payer dollars for a temporary bandaid fix. Completely wasted money. It's no different than the fires in California, spend $250 - $275 billion rebuilding the carnage without addressing the root cause, what have you accomplished. Wasted tax payer dollars which attempt to legitimize federal agencies and liberal government decisions that do nothing but support their own existence without providing long-term solutions for real life problems at the tax payers expense.

NJ Dave
02-15-2025, 07:44 PM
It was never a conversation about sand. It was from the get go a post about inefficiently spending $73 million of tax payer dollars for a temporary bandaid fix. Completely wasted money. It's no different than the fires in California, spend $250 - $275 billion rebuilding the carnage without addressing the root cause, what have you accomplished. Wasted tax payer dollars which attempt to legitimize federal agencies and liberal government decisions that do nothing but support their own existence without providing long-term solutions for real life problems at the tax payers expense.

Uhh, it was a joke bud 😳

Broad Bill
02-16-2025, 08:00 AM
Uhh, OK Spicoli.