View Full Version : Send for Scott - Published by On The Water

01-22-2025, 11:08 AM
Hey guys, i made a post in the freshwater forum about this day, but I also wrote up a short story about it. Every year i fish in my dad's honor on his birthday to raise awareness for suicide prevention and men's mental health.

I am proud to share the On The Water magazine published my story as well, please give it a read. My hope if that by sharing my experiences, I can help even one person out there.


Tight lines all!

01-22-2025, 11:36 AM
good read, and important message
cherish the memories and stay strong man

Broad Bill
01-22-2025, 12:03 PM
Amazing story, even more amazing sharing your very personal story so others can find hope and peace in their lives.

01-22-2025, 12:15 PM
I get On the Water articles all the time on my feed and read yours Sunday am.
Thanks for sharing this important message and I am sure you are helping more people than you may ever know. You should be proud of yourself, keep up the memories and the catching for yourself and others! Great stuff

01-22-2025, 12:58 PM
Seems to me your lost ones are making sure you saw persevering and keeping your head up and keep plugging along creates success .
And that the work put in is worth it .

And your writing shows you def know it .

Keep them alive in your heart , and they will always be with you .
