View Full Version : Fuel leak

01-09-2025, 08:46 PM
I have a small fuel leak in my 2011 sea hunt. I inspected the hoses best I could and can’t see where it’s leaking. I’m assuming my next step would be a pressure test on the tank. Any idea where to take it would be appreciated. Thanks

Capt. Debbie
01-13-2025, 09:30 AM
JUst a tip.

If its a tank leak the fuel only leaks down to the level of the puncture. This gives you a leg up on finding the hole.

Assuming its the tank.

Gerry Zagorski
01-21-2025, 05:41 PM
One other thing to check out is your fuel fill and vent lines... When boats get older those lines could be compromised. One tell tale if this might be your issue is if you are only getting the gas smell when fueling.

Not sure what sort of access you have to your fuel tank but if you can get it out you can take it to most places that work on radiators and have them check it. This happened to me and I was able top get then tank out and have them coat the tank and got a lifetime warranty against leaks... This was before ethanol fuel so not sure they do those sorts of repairs any longer.

If however that tank is 15 years or older and you plan to keep the boat just replace it... A lot of boat manufactures, especially in production boats, use the standard sized tanks and a replacement tanks will be less expensive then having one custom fabricated...