View Full Version : Last Gambler 24--the best HURRAH

Pennsy Guy
11-26-2024, 01:35 AM
I'm whipped, but in a good way. Since we caught the week before at the Lindy, Bob headed us for that canyon. Arriving, we found 50+* water, Not good so we headed south ending up (or down) at the Wilmington with pink on the eastern sky. Wow, after 6 AM now. Dropped the anchor, had to fish the starboard side, then shortly switch back to the port side. Lines started trailing to the stern so I left "the door" went to the stern and stayed there for the duration.
It was decided the pool would be won by angler landing first tuna. Didn't like that last week- no difference this trip but contributed my share. First fish hit the deck around 8 o'clock, then two more yellows, all 30-35 lbs. nice little fellows. As the third fish hit the deck, my line takes off, after a 15 min give and take, another yellow is gaffed, only bigger-50lb.. Guess what--anglers with the first 3 tuna weren't in the pool...cha-ching, winner here. What are the odds of that? Hmmm, maybe first tuna on deck isn't so bad--yes it is, still don't like it, regardless.
OK, from then on, we had a couple of flurries of the little fellows and one by bigger- 50-55 lb. longfin. in between flurries, a slow steady pick of smaller y's with the occasional bigger one.
NOAA was pretty on, it was a beautiful day on the water, light breeze with some left-over longer period 5 footers. Hardly any current, my 1/2-ounce egg on 30 lb. test went straight down 60-70' before gradually going out. My first yellow was on 40 lb., second was on 30 lb. with 1/2 ounce, third was on true flat lining.
Everything caught, butters, sardines (my 3 were on these) and jig (green was the only color that caught).
Only a very few shearwaters for a brief visitation, one whale--saw it was tagged-stayed around for 30-45 minutes. No mahi, no sharks.
Some of the smaller tuna reminded me of Orcas playing with baby seals; not tossing the bait but mouthing it, then dropping it with no marks. I had that happen 3-4 times. Had to let them mouth it, come back for it and run a little, drop it again or just stop, then leave at a leisurely pace. Didn't realize they were hooked until half the line was retrieved (100' +/-).
At least 12 tuna were dropped, cut off--not good...
We were in 650'+ water, no one tiled.
A special shout out to our Capt. Bob for going those extra several miles to find the water with the tuna. Many, many kudos to the crew for all the work they do to make our fishing experience a pleasant success.
Totals:40+/- yellowfin. 7 longfin

11-26-2024, 09:20 AM
Not bad totals, thanx fore reporting !

11-26-2024, 10:07 AM
Great report Pal, I wish I coulda been there with you…


11-26-2024, 11:00 AM
Thanks for putting up the report, Chuck.

I gotta say that you are one of the toughest fishermen I know --You never leave the rail and always fish hard in any conditions. As an offshore skipper, I am blessed to have you on my decks.

Without a clear SST shot, I had to go with the best information I had --and some gut-instinct. As Chuck mentioned, when I reached last week's position at Lindy, the water had scooted. I bent the Gambler to the SSW, following the 100 fathom line. Past Spencer --low 50s. Past the East corner of the Wilmington --mid 50s. Disappointed when I finally reached the West corner of Wilm and found it to be barely above 60f. Not the 64-65 that I was looking for. The water was a cloudy green. But going any further South was no guarantee and as you mentioned, the sun was coming up. Time to fish and hope for the best. I was very relieved when the first tuna hit the deck. Nice pick with lulls and shots throughout the day. The finback whale was was a bonus, as she swam slow around the Gambler, curiously checking us out.

2024 was a great canyon season, despite a few ass-kickins. Part of me regrets not going right into December with the tuna trips --but yesterday was a great way to end the season for us, with good weather, good fishing and great anglers.

Pennsy Guy
11-26-2024, 08:54 PM
Captain, thank you for those kind words. Standing at the rail, I learn something almost every trip. The learning curve never flattens. Again, thank you.


11-27-2024, 10:21 AM
Ole Chucky,
Not only does he fish hard, he’s a great teacher too…