View Full Version : Outboard Bogs down at full throttle

11-17-2024, 07:39 PM
150 Evinrude.

Bogs down at wide open throttle. Does not stall, RPMs drop. I pull the throttle back, then give it gas again - no problems. When I push it to WOT - bogs down. Only at WOT does it do this. I can cruise up to 99% throttle and no problems.

I replaced the fuel water seperator and fuel filter. The gas that came out was OK.


11-18-2024, 04:52 AM
How old is your gas line .
Ethanol can separate the layers in the gas line .
At wide open it can pinch the inside layer and shut flow down .


Gerry Zagorski
11-18-2024, 09:53 AM
It usually means lack of fuel when it only happens at the higher RPMS.. Check your fuel lines as Dan mentioned and it's not always visually obvious if they are collapsed. You might also check to be sure the fuel tank vent is not clogged and the anti siphon valve. if you have one is clear. If you have a primer ball that could be it as well..

If you want to see if any of the above could be causing this what you might want to do is get a portable tank and run the engine off of it and see what happens. If it solves the issue you now know it's not the motor and the problem is somewhere between the onboard fuel tank and the motor.

One other thing to check.. Some engines have rev limiters so if the engine exceeds a certain RPM it will cause it to sputter and slow down. Look up your engine model and year and find out what the wide open throttle (WOT) is rated for, it's usually a range like 5800 to 6200... If you're tack is exceeding the higher number, this could be your issue...

Good luck!

11-18-2024, 10:12 AM
Thanks both. Its been doing this since August. I've since refueled several times. So, I think fuel is OK. The RPMs is good too. I never had an issue before running at 5500+/- RPM (WOT for me). I look into the portable tank.

Capt. Debbie
11-18-2024, 12:21 PM
Im not sure if it was mentioned was fuel filter,

WOT with Fuel Injectors gives it too much air but not commensurate fuel.

Hence the engine appears to be gasping trying to catch its breath.

11-19-2024, 04:31 PM
If all else is OK, I would put fresh premix into a 6 gallon tank and let er' rip..If there is no change, I would suspect a problem with the injection system or fuel delivery in the engine itself... You didn't say how old the engine was or if its injected or carbureted.. I have had the exact same symptoms you stated with carbed engines several times and it was typically the fuel pump diaphram that got weak over time, and is a very easy fix..

11-23-2024, 02:57 PM
2018 fuel injected

11-25-2024, 01:07 PM
did you ever get to try a remote tank, and see what happens?

12-12-2024, 05:10 PM
I did not hook up a portable tank yet. I ran out of time. I'll revisit in the sping.
