View Full Version : Tony Maja bunker spoon episode

11-04-2024, 12:34 PM
Would you consider the Tony Maja bunker spoon to be at legendary satus? I feel like everyone knows what they are even if they dont use them.

We had Anthony on the NJ Multi Species Podcast this week if you want to check it out. Very entertaining to hear about the history and current status of the lures (which he was very clear, are indestructible, and he has a free one for you if you show him one broke while fishing!) Really cool guy to talk to. Check it out, link below:


Also available on spotify under our channel -
NJ Multi Species Podcast

Gerry Zagorski
11-04-2024, 01:08 PM
A great idea originated in Sheepshead bay and improved by many including Joe Julian who made Montauk spoons. Tony definitely took it a step further and is the gold standard.

11-04-2024, 01:12 PM
A great idea originated in Sheepshead bay and improved by many including Joe Julian who made Montauk spoons. Tony definitely took it a step further and is the gold standard.

I like his rods , but really didn’t care for his spoons .

Always did better with montauks and reliables .

11-08-2024, 03:04 PM
I like his rods , but really didn’t care for his spoons .

Always did better with montauks and reliables .

I dont fiah with a lot of guys who troll, except eels obviously haha but every time i see a bunker apoon is a tony maja one. I honestly mever even herad of the other ones til now