View Full Version : Gambler 36 Halloween tuna

Pennsy Guy
10-31-2024, 09:53 PM
Just back with this report. Bob pointed the Gambler's bow toward where they were on the last trip. From what we hopeful anglers were told, great things were hoped for--but you all know it's fishing, not catching. After a look around we were at the Elbow, south-east corner in 63* nice clear blue water in sight of squid boats. A little bumpy on the way out but the drift was quite doable. A slow pick of smaller Y's started around 3 pm and lasted 'til sunset with 3-4 small boat moves. Moved again and anchored for the night. With the tuna turn off, some jigged squid which cooperated in joining others in the live well.
Magic hour brought nothing but a brightening sky but at 8 AM it started with a couple of the smaller tuna and soon larger 50-65lb. (pool fish) were caught. Bob announced at 11 Am we were heading back to dock in about 45 min. No sooner did he say that I had a weird run off on my new roller guide spiral wrapped 8' rod built by my Bud. With 400' out and 1 ounce, I'm getting to see what it'll do and got a lot of line in before it realized it was hooked. Then it was back and forth across the stern, picking up lines, clearing them, finally circles and the gaff. A nice 55 lb. Y after a small Y earlier.
We had 4-5, at least, breaking water 30-40' off the port side. They moved off the stern 400-500' and a couple were hooked way back and brought to gaff.
We had a mixed bag of anglers aboard with varying degrees of tuna skills; most listened to the mates and with a swinging boat at anchor, that was a game saver. Mates worked their butts off with the conditions-KUDOS,KUDOS, KUDOS to them and to our leader for getting us to the tuna.
From time to time a free swimming mahi would cruise through and I think 3-4 were boated--all 10-12 lbs.
A couple limited out; 2-3 anglers did not catch.
Fish totals: 29 YFT's 3-4 mahi-mahi
No longfin on this trip, a disappointment for some of us.
Treat: catching tuna, safe return to PPB.
Trick: shearwaters today, coming in early due to increasing wind, seas.

11-01-2024, 09:06 AM
Thanks for putting up the report, Chuck.

I think we could have caught a lot more tuna in the morning if the conditions were better --but I'm still happy with our catch.

Going again Sunday night into Monday. So far, the sea conditions for that trip look good. Maybe I'm getting older --I appreciate the calmer seas much more :)

I am also looking forward to getting onto the striper grounds tomorrow. Gambler will be running every day except Mondays for striped bass.

Pennsy Guy
11-01-2024, 09:46 AM
Forgot, we had 3-4 blue shark visits, 3 were handled by Tim.
Of more importance, a giant Humbolt squid paid the Gambler a Halloween visit. Thank goodness, it was good natured and caused nothing more than smiles and laughter.

John D.
11-01-2024, 11:13 AM
Forgot, we had 3-4 blue shark visits, 3 were handled by Tim.
Of more importance, a giant Humbolt squid paid the Gambler a Halloween visit. Thank goodness, it was good natured and caused nothing more than smiles and laughter.

Humboldt squid are only in the eastern pacific. I wonder if it was a juvenile giant squid? Before that sounds too crazy, I was in the canyons about 10 years ago where our charter capt (former sponsor here who has spent 40 years in the canyons) saw something he had never seen before….a sperm whale. It was wild to see that, especially since they primarily only eat giant squid….

And yes, I am kidding re the costume, but not seeing the sperm whale.

Capt. Debbie
11-01-2024, 11:28 AM
Nice report! Thank you for sharing

Ol Pedro
11-01-2024, 11:50 AM
Chuck, glad to see that you got the trip in and that it was fruitful. Does that 2na custom have a long forgrip? Is it an all roller spiral? You doing any of the upcoming Sunday nite trips?

11-01-2024, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the post !

Pennsy Guy
11-01-2024, 04:46 PM
Hi Pete. Yes I'm doing the last 3 24's.
This rod does have a long forgrip. We both had a hand in the design--primarily with me picking under wraps and roller guides (this is 2'nd spiral with roller guides) and agreeing with his suggestions. These rods are really super great!! Leave it to the left coast to innovate!!!
Will I see you in November? Miss fishing with you.

11-01-2024, 05:02 PM
Head that squid comes from PA. It's a big one !

Ol Pedro
11-01-2024, 06:33 PM
Chuck, I'm on this Sundays trip. Hope to get at least one more in before December.