View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Tread lightly Captains.....

10-23-2024, 07:14 PM
Be very careful guys, the powers that be are on the moratorium hunt once again looking for any information to use against us.

I get it that everyone has to promote their business and make every day sound better than the last and better than the competitors but some of the headlines will only lead to our own demise. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing when used wisely. Just my own humble opinion.:mad:

10-24-2024, 01:06 PM
Things are hard enough without outright fabrication
You called it out for what could happen.

Capt John
10-24-2024, 01:24 PM
Well said Capt...well said.

Enough with the pics of anglers holding these fat females. The paradigm has to shift to word reports for now. Words such as "slaughter, massacre, blood bath" whether true or not doesn't help anyone.

I'm sure most Captain's have their client base set and over the top adjectives aren't doing anyone any good. A word to the wise. Thanks again Ron for the input. Just my 2 cents. (Hi Gerry)

Added 10/25/24

Capt. Ron...you talk of a moratorium, I wonder if someone will tell the guys in MA that commercially fish for Stripers.

Striped Bass: Fishery is hook and line only; netting, spearing, and snagging striped bass is prohibited. No high-grading or filleting striped bass.

The commercial striped bass fishery opens on the first open fishing day on or after or after June 16; for 2024 this is Tuesday, June 18. Open fishing days will be Tuesdays and Wednesdays to start the season and Thursdays may be added on August 1 should 30% or more of the quota remain available. With consecutive open fishing days, commercial fishers may fish overnight tides spanning two open fishing days provided they do not possess or sell more than one limit during any single calendar day.

If an open fishing day falls on the 3rd or 4th of July, the commercial striped bass fishery will be closed. For 2024, this results in Wednesday, July 3 being closed to commercial fishing.

For boat-based permit holders fishing from the vessel named on the permit, the daily limit is 15-fish; for all other activity it is 2-fish. If the annual quota is not taken by November 15, then the fishery closes on November 16.

Commercial fishers may only sell striped bass to primary buyers on open commercial fishing days. Both the primary buyer and the commercial fisher must be present at this transaction. Dropping fish off at an unattended dealer facility is unlawful. Additionally, primary buyers must tag the striped bass upon taking possession of striped bass at primary purchase. Striped bass tags will be distributed to primary buyers in late-May/early-June.

They are allowed to catch Stripers 35" and over up to 15 fish per day. Are you kidding me? Rules and reg's for one state should be followed for ALL states on the east coast. NO?

10-24-2024, 02:18 PM
And the biggest irony is that all these trophy bass are thrown back, to die of old age without a single drop of lost blood - food for the crabs.

10-24-2024, 04:53 PM
Agree with the titles being over the top. Thanks Ron.
Would love to hear more from Captains on the water everyday about mortality rates and their opinion on stock biomass! Personally I think and just my opinion that mortality rates are way overblown. Most anglers are using the right tackle, holding the fish properly for a very short time. quick picture and safe release.

10-24-2024, 06:05 PM
Just sayin'

10-24-2024, 06:40 PM
Take what you eat and eat what you take ..... Period it. When you have a beauty take a picture and send them back for the next generation to become fisherman............... Just look at the face of young kids when they hook up....

10-24-2024, 06:55 PM
Taking a picture of a YOUNG girl or boy is worth the price of admission when they have one on ..............................

10-24-2024, 06:59 PM
Give them your rod and ask them to help you out ............... LOOKS last FOREVER ...............

10-24-2024, 09:54 PM
The Groupon boat. Enough said...

10-24-2024, 10:44 PM
Be very careful guys, the powers that be are on the moratorium hunt once again looking for any information to use against us.

I get it that everyone has to promote their business and make every day sound better than the last and better than the competitors but some of the headlines will only lead to our own demise. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing when used wisely. Just my own humble opinion.:mad: just curious how many keepers don’t need my pictures with breeders why stress these fish out

10-25-2024, 07:07 AM
Enough with the pics of anglers holding these fat females. EXACTLY !!

You can thank Social Media for this one.

Broad Bill
10-25-2024, 09:01 AM
I make a post recommending icing chub mackerel a month or so ago and get tar and feathered and told it's none of my business and I need to lighten up. Same boat being discussed. As I responded, it's not my business but it is my opinion and if I can't post it tactfully here I'll gladly find a place where freedom of opinion is allowed and appreciated.

How is this entire thread and Rumster's comments, which I also agree with, on a different thread any different? I don't see anyone being berated, called out or told to mind their own business. I guess posting rules are dependent on who the poster is. I'll be sure to add that to the list of do's and don'ts of the site.

I agree a thousand % with Capt. Ron's OP and everyone else's post but you can't reason with arrogance. Same thread about the same boat has been posted the last three years. Party / Charter boats who know what they're doing don't need to revert to over the top advertising Their reputation, results and a simple report do all that's needed to market their businesses as does word of mouth. Guys who are tier two operations need bells and whistles to draw attention to a different audience. They're entitled to do so but that choice comes with associated risks for EVERYONE and we all know which boats fall into either category.

And when the NMFS, ASMFC, MAFMC and MRIP gestapo come calling reading those excessive posts, there's no one to blame but yourself because you put your own business, other's businesses and the recreational sector as a whole at risk. There's a few who break their balls trying to help the entire sector and far too many who only care about themselves. It'll never change. And we wonder why the recreational sector as a whole can't get out of it's own way and why nobody wants to get involved. If we can't help ourselves, why would anyone else? We're our own worst enemy and there's going to be a point in time not too far in the future when the chickens come home to roost. Then the state of the fishery itself will resolve the issue of off the charts posts because there won't be any.

If this thread or any post on it comes down or gets locked it's because again as a group we're not big enough to face reality and address the multitude of issues effecting our sport and the many small business owners dependent on it.