View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Back on the Meat Friday

10-11-2024, 04:30 PM
FISHERMEN/Back on the Meat Friday
Found some bigger Sea Bass today with Dino landing a 3 pounder to take the pool.

Several fish that made NY size keepers along with a mess of nice Porgies. Shawn took my challange last night and brought his A game today landing a nice limit of Sea Bass. I should have talked some crap to him 2 months ago!

Not the best conditions with the current running up into the wind all day and swinging like a barn door but we made it work. Everyone went home with dinner and then some.

Bite won't last forever as we are seeing loads of little fish now, you have to wait for the Big bite or you just catch the tiny ones swinging on every little hit. Back at it in the AM.

Sailing Everyday 7:30-2:30pm. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $10.

See you in the AM,

Capt. Ron

10-11-2024, 04:43 PM
Nice !

10-11-2024, 06:36 PM
Nice !

1958 the start of it all......That's awesome!!!