View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Easterly Flow.......Say goodbye to the last of the Fluke season!!!

09-16-2024, 09:33 AM
FISHERMEN/Easterly Flow.......Say goodbye to the last of the Fluke season!!!
Looks like we will be tied up the next several days....

East to NE wind, Nasty Ocean and a lack of a solid bite the past couple of days doesn't help.

If it doesn't straighten out by Sunday we will be Bottom Fishing starting Monday the 23rd. New sailing time of 7:00am-2:30pm.

We should get a couple good weeks of Bottom fishing before the fall striped bass season starts around the 3rd week of October.

Capt. Ron

Broad Bill
09-16-2024, 10:52 AM
I thought it wasn't over until Gerry said it's over:). BUT, I happen to agree with you. Fish have been schooling up and feeding, full moon tomorrow, a week of strong easterly winds........not looking good. Next stop many of the fish the recs released this summer will be white side up on the ocean floor or being served in restaurants or for sale at Whole Foods for 28.99 / lb. Have to love the fair and equitable allocation of this stock and the complete and utter mismanagement.

09-16-2024, 05:34 PM
I thought it wasn't over until Gerry said it's over:). BUT, I happen to agree with you. Fish have been schooling up and feeding, full moon tomorrow, a week of strong easterly winds........not looking good. Next stop many of the fish the recs released this summer will be white side up on the ocean floor or being served in restaurants or for sale at Whole Foods for 28.99 / lb. Have to love the fair and equitable allocation of this stock and the complete and utter mismanagement.

Never seem to get to the end of the (allowed) season out of it.! We NEVER get back the days we lost, nobody mentions the fact that the past couple years there is hardly any participation all week long and maybe half of what it used to be on the weekends but, be dammed we certainly over fished once again! So sick of this total Bullshit after 48 years. Here's what you do, fish catch, clean, go the hell home and enjoy your measly catch. I can't afford pay to play like the big guns and that's how this Country runs plain & simple, we all know it. Sad part is the crumbs are causing a slow starvation among some of the hardest working people I have ever known!!! Capt. Ron

09-16-2024, 05:49 PM
It ain't over 'til it's over. 24th and 25th might be OK. 6 LB 2oz fluke to beat for free (my favorite word) fishing for a year out of Brielle. All I want is one fish!

Broad Bill
09-16-2024, 05:56 PM
Never seem to get to the end of the (allowed) season out of it.! We NEVER get back the days we lost, nobody mentions the fact that the past couple years there is hardly any participation all week long and maybe half of what it used to be on the weekends but, be dammed we certainly over fished once again! So sick of this total Bullshit after 48 years. Here's what you do, fish catch, clean, go the hell home and enjoy your measly catch. I can't afford pay to play like the big guns and that's how this Country runs plain & simple, we all know it. Sad part is the crumbs are causing a slow starvation among some of the hardest working people I have ever known!!! Capt. Ron

Captain I couldn't agree with you more. I post what I do to bring attention to what I know is right based on endless research of the stock combined with science and mainly common sense. Some of the best years of my life involved fishing with my family on a party boat growing up. That lifestyle and important part of spending quality time with my family, time spent that can never be forgotten or replaced and gaining respect for nature and our oceans and shore's resources are being taken away from us and lost on today's political agendas and corporate greed. The frustration is I tried for almost seven years to change it and while I got a lot of people's attention, nothing changed. My work didn't result in the positive changes I'd hoped it would. I'm not a throw the towel in guy and never give up but as I said this fishery and others are in trouble and I'm not sure anymore of a practical approach to changing how they're being managed. I applaud your effort and others in your profession but in my opinion our federal government has given up on shore communities and the importance of a viable recreational fishery shared equally with commercial interests. I pray I'm wrong, I fear I'm right.

Why the states and their respective representatives involved with ASMFC and MAFMC don't come together to address the inevitable as well as the smaller local non out of state commercial operators Dan mentioned who will soon have nothing to fish for don't unite forces against NMFS is perplexing. In the end, everyone stands to lose so short term consequences for speaking up and breaking rank now shouldn't be a concern.

From a long-term perspective, all the state representatives presiding on these committees and at the federal level with NMFS are failing miserably in their responsibilities of managing an absolutely vital stock to just about every state on the Eastern seaboard. They're ignoring and failing in their responsibilities to make sure these resources are here for future generations of recreational anglers, commercial interests and small businesses whose survival is dependent on these resources. Without substantial change somewhere in this process, the future of these stocks are completely uncertain.

Broad Bill
09-16-2024, 06:01 PM
It ain't over 'til it's over. 24th and 25th might be OK. 6 LB 2oz fluke to beat for free (my favorite word) fishing for a year out of Brielle. All I want is one fish!

Hopefully your not wrong but a 6.2 lb. fluke in September to win the monthly pool shows to some degree how and why this fishery has declined. I know one example doesn't make a trend but we've been seeing this now for years. Hope you have a chance to get your 6.3 on the 24th or 25th. With tomorrow's full moon, these big girls are going to be taking the express lanes back east and with a week of strong easterly winds the bottom will be all churned up. Even a blind squirrel unearths an acorn from time to time but I wouldn't bet on it with the current conditions forecast coupled with the state of the fishery.

bunker dunker
09-17-2024, 07:59 AM
Ron it S**ks plain and simple but at least we got ours.we enjoyed the best days
of the industry.we never thought in a million years that party boat row would be empty,the waiting list for a slip was 10 years or more.its sad as i have grand kids
that love the sport but they will never have what i had and i don't mean just the fishing.the government will make sure of that unless we make some big changes.

09-17-2024, 05:14 PM
Lets be real. Its been decades that we the recreational anglers have allowed the Feds to shove these regulations up you know where. Since I joined this site in 2008 we tried to rally the troops but the recreational cavalry NEVER came over the hill when we blew the horns. Capt Ron/ BB you were always on the right side of the fight since the day I met you at the SSFFF dinner and we did many fundraisers etc on your boat and I ran many fundraisers on boats from AH to AC but it was always the same small army that showed up!

So blame the Feds all you want ( I do on management of our stocks) but also look in the mirror as we all allowed it for years and multiple administrations!!!

YES I am saying it: Its OUR fault for not fighting harder in mass when we had the chance.

Broad Bill
09-17-2024, 10:55 PM
Here's the dilemma we're faced with. If a fishery has a commercial presence, decisions and regulations are made heavily biased in favor of the commercial sector with no emphasis on the fishery itself or the recreational sector. If a fishery doesn't have a commercial presence, the fishery is either ignored or management decisions and regulations are changed when the stock has declined to a point where it's almost too late. Without money and lawsuits filed, nothing will change. What's tragic is with the amount of spend by the recreational sector that flows through organizations who are supposed to be representing the recreational angler, they're not. God only knows where the funds end up but they are certainly not being used for the benefit of fisheries management and the recreational angling communities benefit. We have an incredibly corrupt system driven by commercial greed, corrupt politicians and incompetent agencies where the interests of the general public will always get the short end of the stick.

09-18-2024, 06:07 AM
Lets be real. Its been decades that we the recreational anglers have allowed the Feds to shove these regulations up you know where. Since I joined this site in 2008 we tried to rally the troops but the recreational cavalry NEVER came over the hill when we blew the horns. Capt Ron/ BB you were always on the right side of the fight since the day I met you at the SSFFF dinner and we did many fundraisers etc on your boat and I ran many fundraisers on boats from AH to AC but it was always the same small army that showed up!

So blame the Feds all you want ( I do on management of our stocks) but also look in the mirror as we all allowed it for years and multiple administrations!!!

YES I am saying it: Its OUR fault for not fighting harder in mass when we had the chance.
I couldn't agree with you more Dale!! It was like pulling teeth trying to raise money for SSSFF. I said that would be the last time I ever begged for anything in my life. I was more shocked by the number of "Pros" in the Party & Charter Boat industry that just blew it off. Here I was in Atlantic city at a booth selling Hats & shirts like an *******, for what? I raised thousands of dollars from many of my customers who didn't bat an eye writing a check, yet, I had to hear excuses from the folks this would have benefited the most. The general public has NO skin in the game, write a letter, call a congressman? Nobody does it now and look at the shape of this country!! Broad Bill, you can post all you want, I appreciate the hard work you put into this, you have way more stamina than me as I seem to think we are at the point where it doesn't matter. We no longer have a voice or any Skin in the game either, we are actually in the way!! I'll do what I have to do to survive and when my time is up, so be it. I'll be just another Captain who made it to Mel's place.......

09-18-2024, 07:42 AM
I couldn't agree with you more Dale!! It was like pulling teeth trying to raise money for SSSFF. I said that would be the last time I ever begged for anything in my life. I was more shocked by the number of "Pros" in the Party & Charter Boat industry that just blew it off. Here I was in Atlantic city at a booth selling Hats & shirts like an *******, for what? I raised thousands of dollars from many of my customers who didn't bat an eye writing a check, yet, I had to hear excuses from the folks this would have benefited the most. The general public has NO skin in the game, write a letter, call a congressman? Nobody does it now and look at the shape of this country!! Broad Bill, you can post all you want, I appreciate the hard work you put into this, you have way more stamina than me as I seem to think we are at the point where it doesn't matter. We no longer have a voice or any Skin in the game either, we are actually in the way!! I'll do what I have to do to survive and when my time is up, so be it. I'll be just another Captain who made it to Mel's place.......

That’s why I saw quickly it was a loosing battle .
As you saw , hardly any people with skin in the game were at the marches in Washington .

Wasn’t like they needed to be running trips here in February.
When recs that actually took a day off work to see that , they were not donating again .

Then guys who donated under their own names , instead of their boat’s name were bashed for not helping Those guys also said FU.

ASA doesn’t do shit for all the money manufacturers money that they recieve to fight for fisherman’s rights .
Guys even cry like babies when the suggestion of a salt water license comes up .
Can’t help those that are too lazy to help themselves .


bunker dunker
09-18-2024, 08:02 AM
pointing fingers is just a waste of time.we never ever had big lobbing groups or big money behind us except for those of us who marched and protested the 200mile limit.while some say it was our own fault,i say bs!!!were was all the big mfgs????who had our back???this has been going on for decades and still no big backers?????we never had the funds to do real battle.but i will say that all the
big talkers are fishing with the best gear from those big companies that never
gave what was needed.this is just my 2 cents but i for one don't have to touch the stove more than once.

Broad Bill
09-18-2024, 10:10 AM
pointing fingers is just a waste of time. We never ever had big lobbing groups or big money behind us except for those of us who marched and protested the 200mile limit. While some say it was our own fault, I say bs!!! Where are all the big manufacturers???? Who had our back??? This has been going on for decades and still no big backers???We never had the funds to do real battle, but I will say that all the
big talkers are fishing with the best gear from those big companies that never gave what was needed. This is just my 2 cents but I for one don't have to touch the stove more than once.

The fishing industry is a multi billion dollar industry and it takes being organized, funded and litigious to get a seat at the table. All three things the recreational sector lacks. Quick read about the American Sportfishing Association "ASA".


They're huge, well funded by salt and fresh water licenses and excise taxes from recreational tackle purchases including marine gas purchases. They're also all too often missing in action.

We also have fishing organizations who don't unite or work together. They all have their own agendas. Lot of people with good intent but as far as execution is concerned collectively they get a C-. And then we have too may recreational anglers who don't want or think it's necessary or worth the effort getting involved.

I reached out early on to SSFFF, RFA, JCAA and Salt Water Anglers of Bergen County and while everyone was amazed at the work I did, I got very little support and went up against NMFS, ASMFC and MAFMC myself. Dave you can attest to that, you're one of the very few who had my back. When it came down to addressing the issues or kissing the federal government's ass, everyone blinked and did the later. All I heard from very reputable people we all would recognize who I thought had our best interests in mind and that of the fisheries said "Whatever you do, don't go up against the commercial sector", "Don't ruffle NMFS, ASMFC or MAFMC feathers" and instead try getting a seat at the table. Seats are appointed and they don't want us in their sandbox. No one with any clout is willing to rock the boat.

I offered multiple solutions to stop commercial netting during the spawn and re-allocate their quota for those spawning months to the other ten months of the year and got push back from a major local fishing organization because they didn't want more commercial quota pushed to summer months when the recreational sector has access to the stock. Translated, continue destroying the spawn, provide no protection to tens of millions of spawning breeders creating unprecedented discard levels while destroying trillions of eggs because they didn't want commercials having more of their quota allocated to summer months they're already fishing. So let's kill the future life line of the stock to avoid commercial quotas in July and August being increased by an absolutely negligible amount. Great strategy and this was the position of their Cooperative Board who asks us to contribute every year to their organization and support their tournaments.

The recreational sector is broken at every level. There's a lot of well meaning people but collectively we can't get out of our own way. NMFS knows it, commercials know it and without a lawsuit of some sort finding a legal argument against these asinine regulations, nothing will change until the stocks are so depleted at that point it won't even matter.

09-18-2024, 11:19 AM
I often wonder why corporations such as Penn, Gulp, Yamaha etc don't take steps to challenge current legislation and better protect recreational fisherman. I realize commercial fishing is more profitable for them but there are a significant number of recreational fisherman that generate significant income for these companies. I know they hire attorneys to fight for commercial fisherman.Why not do the same on the recreational side? The cost of retaining a top notch attorney is far less than the potential loss of earnings they will face due to limitations that current regulations are imposing on the recreational fishing industry. Recreational fisherman have rights too! We should not be cast aside or we will eventually lose our drive to spend our hard earned money and valuable time on a no win situation. Just look at the dwindling number of party boats. The writing is on the wall!

09-18-2024, 01:45 PM
pointing fingers is just a waste of time.we never ever had big lobbing groups or big money behind us except for those of us who marched and protested the 200mile limit.while some say it was our own fault,i say bs!!!were was all the big mfgs????who had our back???this has been going on for decades and still no big backers?????we never had the funds to do real battle.but i will say that all the
big talkers are fishing with the best gear from those big companies that never
gave what was needed.this is just my 2 cents but i for one don't have to touch the stove more than once.

As BB posted EVERY manufacturer gives ALOT of money directly to one organization . The ASA .
It’s the ASA job to do all the legal work , which IMO they do a piss poor job of .

Don’t blame the manufacture as they def contribute more than their share .

Here is who is supposed to be fighting for our fishing rights as recreational anglers



Broad Bill
09-18-2024, 04:58 PM

Take 15 minutes and read the article in the ASA link I posted earlier if you haven't already. As of 2020, excise taxes (tackle sales and I assume marine gas sales) derived from sportfishing expenditures (coming from manufacturers like the ones you referenced in your post) amounted to $650 million combined with the $752 million generated through the sale of state fishing licenses and $283 million in private donations, recreational anglers generated a total of $1.7 billion annually to support and improve fisheries conservation.

Thanks to America’s anglers and the money they spend to pursue their passion, they account for the largest single block of support for fisheries conservation across the country. This support leads to cleaner water and better fishing opportunity, which in turn inspires more people to take to the water with rod and reel in hand.

$1.7 billion annually, where are those funds going? Maybe five or six years ago, Dave (Dales), Dan (H4R) and I attended a roundtable with Michael Waine and other top officials with ASA and recreational representatives involved in the fishery to discuss the plight of the summer flounder stock and regulations. I remember Waine saying "We'll have to bring this to the Hill". There was zero follow up as far as I know from that meeting, all politics, lip service and show, no action. The money is there, there's in my opinion no accountability how it's being used no different than our tax dollars with government. We're staring down the barrel of a gun with the risk of losing one of the most important fisheries to both the Mid-Atlantic and New England coastal states and arguably the largest recreational group or political action committee does nothing to address the declines taking place not just with summer flounder but with just about every salt water fishery under management.

09-18-2024, 05:48 PM
To anyone who might have an answer: Is it probable that the ASA people have seen a version of the future where freshwater fishing will be the main generator of funds? Other than some of the Great Lakes there is little commercial freshwater fishing that I'm aware of now.
Does anyone have some breakdown of fresh v salt expenditures by anglers and of the money generated from marine fuel taxes and freshwater tackle excise taxes?

09-18-2024, 06:01 PM
To anyone who might have an answer: Is it probable that the ASA people have seen a version of the future where freshwater fishing will be the main generator of funds? Other than some of the Great Lakes there is little commercial freshwater fishing that I'm aware of now.
Does anyone have some breakdown of fresh v salt expenditures by anglers and of the money generated from marine fuel taxes and freshwater tackle excise taxes?

Ocean fishing is WAY more expensive to do .
Different degree of tackle prices .
Size of the boats used , as well as the amount of fuel is staggering .
I run two fresh water boats an entire season gas wise , for the same cost as one trip in the salt .


Broad Bill
09-18-2024, 06:09 PM
To anyone who might have an answer: Is it probable that the ASA people have seen a version of the future where freshwater fishing will be the main generator of funds? Other than some of the Great Lakes there is little commercial freshwater fishing that I'm aware of now.
Does anyone have some breakdown of fresh v salt expenditures by anglers and of the money generated from marine fuel taxes and freshwater tackle excise taxes?


If you read the ASA article, it has charts showing economic impacts by state and species broken out between freshwater and saltwater fisheries. Should give you a general sense of answers to your questions


bunker dunker
09-19-2024, 09:02 AM
ok if you are all on board that the amounts that are given are "good enough".than why are we were we are.money talks bs walks,that my friends is American business 101.

Broad Bill
09-19-2024, 09:31 AM
ok if you are all on board that the amounts that are given are "good enough". Than why are we where we are? Money talks bs walks, that my friends is American business 101.

Politics in general and political and corporate greed. Money isn't being spent for the intended purpose to preserve the resources and make sure the same resources are equitably allocated between commercial and recreational interests. That's politics 101. These agencies for a large part are being funded by recreational spending but decisions being made are not for the long term benefit of the fishery and both sectors equally.

NMFS doesn't give a shit about how many fish recs catch, they care about how many trips we make and money spent for those trips. It's called fishing effort. For commercials, they're concerned about catch value, maximize the value of commercial catch which means targeting larger more valuable fish without consideration of the damage being done to the overall stock. As long as that continues being their focus, the fishery will continue it's decline until it's been so impaired it'll take decades if ever to recover.

From 2002 to 2017, commercial ex vessel values have remained the same or higher while New Jersey's recreational regulations have gone from 8 fish @ 16 1/2 to 3 @ 18. Why? Size limits have been used to move a significant portion of the stock to the exclusive harvest of the commercial sector to sustain catch values by harvesting larger more valuable breeders while the rec's have funded their fortunes by taking it on the chin every year. We spend money, catch and release for most of the season only for those same fish to end up in the super market or restaurants later in the year while younger juveniles get slaughtered in the process. You want a definition of insanity, there it is.

bunker dunker
09-19-2024, 11:26 AM
so what are you saying,the gov loves comm more than rec???please save that bs for someone else.the gov is were the money is not were the people are.look
around its not just fishing.the gov needs a return plain and simple.

Broad Bill
09-19-2024, 11:40 AM
so what are you saying,the gov loves comm more than rec???please save that bs for someone else.the gov is were the money is not were the people are.look
around its not just fishing.the gov needs a return plain and simple.

What I'm saying is decisions made by agencies reporting directly up under the Secretary of Commerce as it relates to fisheries management will always favor commercial interests and the economic impacts of those decisions versus recreation interests and preservation of natural resources. If you believe that's BS, we're all entitled to our opinions.

09-19-2024, 04:41 PM
All great stuff here but again look who is responding to this thread:
Capt Ron, BB, BD, me and H4R Dan Same as before and not exactly an army but a fox hole happy to share with you all going forward.

Wont get the job done though

bunker dunker
09-20-2024, 07:55 AM
its all about results Dales.people give and give and give and still the same old stuff.some people give even though the could use their monies elsewhere.this is
just another case of our government{state&fed}doing whats best for them.you can use big words,long stories and facts but its still the same old stuff.its a simple case of mind over matter,they don't mind and you know the rest.

09-20-2024, 08:14 AM
its all about results Dales.people give and give and give and still the same old stuff.some people give even though the could use their monies elsewhere.this is
just another case of our government{state&fed}doing whats best for them.you can use big words,long stories and facts but its still the same old stuff.its a simple case of mind over matter,they don't mind and you know the rest.

While I agree with a. If portion of this
Saying people give and give is straight bullshit.

98% of the guys don’t do shit , including many actually
In the business.
They expect everyone else to do it for them .

Only way to change things is to sue them
That takes money,

We can’t even get guys on board to have a 2 dollar salt water license to get an actual accounting on the amount of people using the fishery.

Time arguing here is wasted time also

Take the same time and write the manufactures asking why all the money they send the ASA isn’t being used to protect the fishery.

Maybe then they would forcefully ask wth is actually being done with the huge amounts of money .

bunker dunker
09-20-2024, 08:52 AM
how do you know hammer???do you know everybody.look around things are going south in a lot of places.you tell me you know but still the same stuff.i will not and can not speak for everyone but i can see what is important to the man and what is not.when you can treat Veterans like a piece of S%^T what makes you think they care even a little about the recreational peeps.

bunker dunker
09-20-2024, 02:55 PM
the only shot we have is to vote and change this so called government.

09-20-2024, 05:07 PM
the only shot we have is to vote and change this so called government.

Ed, You know I respect your service and dedication to our fisheries. The last thing this fight needs is selecting one government over the last or next as that has failed miserably since 2008. Many Governments have had their shot and all came up empty. It needs to be a united front of fishermen regardless of who they support and we just cant get there which is depressing.

bunker dunker
09-23-2024, 08:46 AM
i could not agree more but where do we find the money????where do we draw the line????you and thousands of others have worked hard for decades and still
it goes the way of the almighty dollar.we have are own elected officials lie right to our faces???i am not being negative,i am simply stating fact.i do not want to hear about studies,research and quotas because that's all we have heard for years.fishing is a God given right but yet we still have to suffer???

Broad Bill
09-23-2024, 11:39 AM
The recreational sector has to do what the commercial sector has been doing for years which is sue the Secretary of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, ASMFC or MAFMC when they feel the circumstances warrant it. That brings up the issue of a unified voice and funding which the recreational sector should have through excise taxes and organizations like the ASA but were not being represented. Regulations and a prudent approach to managing the stock and a fair allocation of the resources won't happen in the absence of a lawsuit. The only other thing that will change regulations is a complete collapse of the fishery and at that point it's too late.

09-25-2024, 06:01 AM
The recreational sector has to do what the commercial sector has been doing for years which is sue the Secretary of Commerce, NOAA, NMFS, ASMFC or MAFMC when they feel the circumstances warrant it. That brings up the issue of a unified voice and funding which the recreational sector should have through excise taxes and organizations like the ASA but were not being represented. Regulations and a prudent approach to managing the stock and a fair allocation of the resources won't happen in the absence of a lawsuit. The only other thing that will change regulations is a complete collapse of the fishery and at that point it's too late.

I couldn't get people to buy a Hat or Shirt, fund a lawsuit? Never going to happen that's why we are where we are now. The powers that be are allowing the killing of Whales by the dozens, do you think for a minute they give a crap about a Fishermen.

Broad Bill
09-25-2024, 08:41 AM
No I don't which is exactly why I said the recreational sector generates the money through excise taxes already funded to American Sportfishing Association ASA but the money is obviously not being directed where needed. We should go back to dragging bait for a year and let all the jigs and gulp we spend millions on every year sit on the shelf at Dick's until the large retailers and ASA get it.

Broad Bill
09-25-2024, 08:43 AM
As a side note, these pop ups are really becoming a royal pain in the ass. On my phone, the entire text box is blocked so you can't see what you're typing. I understand monetizing the site but there's two sides to that coin. Less hits, less ads, less revenue. The initial ads which stayed low on the screen were bearable, the ones in place now are a major annoyance if using your mobile device to access the site. iPads and desktops might have different display features but using my phone to access NJF is very frustrating.

09-25-2024, 11:05 AM
As a side note, these pop ups are really becoming a royal pain in the ass. On my phone, the entire text box is blocked so you can't see what you're typing. I understand monetizing the site but there's two sides to that coin. Less hits, less ads, less revenue. The initial ads which stayed low on the screen were bearable, the ones in place now are a major annoyance if using your mobile device to access the site. iPads and desktops might have different display features but using my phone to access NJF is very frustrating.

Me too.

Broad Bill
09-25-2024, 12:13 PM
Didn't see that previous post. And as big fishy noted, you can't close the dam things. I completely understand the business side of the site but they make checking in here a lot more frustrating.

09-25-2024, 12:20 PM
Didn't see that previous post. And as big fishy noted, you can't close the dam things. I completely understand the business side of the site but they make checking in here a lot more frustrating.

Just put add blocker on your device .
Eliminates 99% of adds everywhere , not just here

09-25-2024, 01:57 PM
All kidding aside…..and not that I want to see them…….but am I the only one not seeing those pop ups?

09-25-2024, 03:57 PM
All kidding aside…..and not that I want to see them…….but am I the only one not seeing those pop ups?

I used to get them here also, ad blocker stopped it, Thank God!!!!

I did change browsers also from Firefox to Microsoft edge.

09-25-2024, 05:08 PM
Didn't see that previous post. And as big fishy noted, you can't close the dam things. I completely understand the business side of the site but they make checking in here a lot more frustrating.

Yes they do and I use a 9" tablet. Advertisements that piss off the reader will make them look elsewhere. Don't want or need pop up blockers.

Gerry Zagorski
09-25-2024, 09:33 PM
Sorry people but these ads are part of the way I make a living here and you can x out of them... I could have been a lot more aggressive with them like most other forums and dispersed them in every post as well but I chose not to. I also restrict the ads on mobile devices to one per visit since they do take up a lot more room...

Thanks for bearing with me here.

Broad Bill
09-27-2024, 12:07 PM
Sorry people but these ads are part of the way I make a living here and you can x out of them... I could have been a lot more aggressive with them like most other forums and dispersed them in every post as well but I chose not to. I also restrict the ads on mobile devices to one per visit since they do take up a lot more room...

Thanks for bearing with me here.

Gerry you have every right to make money in a business venture. This post isn't a criticism, it's feedback to your recent reply. On my portable device, sometimes I can x out, many times I can't. And your comment of restricting one ad per visit to mobile devices doesn't appear to be the case on my phone as every thread I open per visit has a pop up ad which essentially blocks the entire screen so you can't see what you're typing.

Like I said, just feedback for you and nothing more. Doesn't matter to me one way or another as I'm going to take a hiatus from posting or visiting the site but wanted to share with you beforehand that what I'm seeing on my end differs from what you posted. And everyone hopefully understands and appreciates the time and investment you've put into building this site so you're certainly entitled to a fair return.

09-27-2024, 03:23 PM
Gerry you have every right to make money in a business venture. This post isn't a criticism, it's feedback to your recent reply. On my portable device, sometimes I can x out, many times I can't. And your comment of restricting one ad per visit to mobile devices doesn't appear to be the case on my phone as every thread I open per visit has a pop up ad which essentially blocks the entire screen so you can't see what you're typing.

Like I said, just feedback for you and nothing more. Doesn't matter to me one way or another as I'm going to take a hiatus from posting or visiting the site but wanted to share with you beforehand that what I'm seeing on my end differs from what you posted. And everyone hopefully understands and appreciates the time and investment you've put into building this site so you're certainly entitled to a fair return.

This is exactly what I am talking about.

09-27-2024, 03:39 PM
Gerry you have every right to make money in a business venture. This post isn't a criticism, it's feedback to your recent reply. On my portable device, sometimes I can x out, many times I can't. And your comment of restricting one ad per visit to mobile devices doesn't appear to be the case on my phone as every thread I open per visit has a pop up ad which essentially blocks the entire screen so you can't see what you're typing.

Like I said, just feedback for you and nothing more. Doesn't matter to me one way or another as I'm going to take a hiatus from posting or visiting the site but wanted to share with you beforehand that what I'm seeing on my end differs from what you posted. And everyone hopefully understands and appreciates the time and investment you've put into building this site so you're certainly entitled to a fair return.

Ok so when I post how good fluke fishing was this year (sarcastic) you aren't going to respond with graphs and data because of a few ads LOL

Broad Bill
09-27-2024, 06:43 PM
:DOk so when I post how good fluke fishing was this year (sarcastic) you aren't going to respond with graphs and data because of a few ads LOL

Dave the work I've put into trying to save this stock over the last 7 years has accomplished absolutely zero. No one cares, I should've listened to Ryan back in 2017. So no more research, no more links to articles, no more charts or data to educate the site and highlight what I believe are the reasons causing the decline in the stock and others like it. I will however come over to your office and let all the air out of your tires if you make a post that there's nothing wrong with this stock. So the hiatus is not because of pop-up ads, it's because they're really isn't an audience on the site.

You yourself more than anyone told me more than a dozen times not one person of all the agencies I communicated with ever said my thesis is wrong, not one. Most were actually intrigued with it. That includes, NMFS, ASMFC, MAFMC, NJDEP, ASA and every relevant recreational fishing club in New Jersey. The problem is there's too much money changing hands and lining pockets, no one wants to break ranks or rock the boat or commit career suicide killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Add to that the increasing commercial pressure on the stock and the fishery has no future.

Gerry Zagorski
09-28-2024, 05:52 PM

Dave the work I've put into trying to save this stock over the last 7 years has accomplished absolutely zero. No one cares, I should've listened to Ryan back in 2017. So no more research, no more links to articles, no more charts or data to educate the site and highlight what I believe are the reasons causing the decline in the stock and others like it. I will however come over to your office and let all the air out of your tires if you make a post that there's nothing wrong with this stock. So the hiatus is not because of pop-up ads, it's because they're really isn't an audience on the site.

You yourself more than anyone told me more than a dozen times not one person of all the agencies I communicated with ever said my thesis is wrong, not one. Most were actually intrigued with it. That includes, NMFS, ASMFC, MAFMC, NJDEP, ASA and every relevant recreational fishing club in New Jersey. The problem is there's too much money changing hands and lining pockets, no one wants to break ranks or rock the boat or commit career suicide killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Add to that the increasing commercial pressure on the stock and the fishery has no future.

Timing and specific people in positions of power have a lot do do with a fight of this magnitude. Your time will come and so will someone who is willing to listen and take action. The wheels turn slow but they do turn.. Hang in there but please don't give up!