View Full Version : iPhone Satellite Capability

Gerry Zagorski
09-10-2024, 09:14 AM
Some interesting stuff taking place on cell phones these days, like the ability to send text messages when out of cell range on your iPhone.

I have not used it yet but here are are some important things I read about this service. If there any other fellow nerds out there who have used it or have any additional info please feel free to pile on here..

- Your phone needs to be satellite capable to initiate a message when out of service so iPhone 14 and up and you need to make sure your IOS is up to date since this service was made available in a software update on some phones.

- You can initiate a text to anyone who has an iPhone via I message but SMS will be limited so that means the other person needs an iPhone but it does not have to be a 14 or better

- The person trying to reach you from land must be set up as an emergency contact on your phone to initiate a message to you, but you can initiate messages to them and exchange messages once you establish a conversation.

- The service is meant for emergencies but also works for non emergencies, it's free for now and into 2025 but that will likely change at some point so in the mean time, text away

- It's not clear to me if you can use this service when both parties are out of cell range. It does however stand to reason that both phones would need to be satellite capable so iPhone 14s and up.

Some other links

09-19-2024, 10:56 AM
[QUOTE=Gerry Zagorski;585192]- It's not clear to me if you can use this service when both parties are out of cell range. It does however stand to reason that both phones would need to be satellite capable so iPhone 14s and up

The good thing about this is that if you're out on the boat, all communications somehow down? Someone has the iPhone which can connect? That someone could relay position to USCG or other services, if needed. It's a life saver.

There were a few cases this year where hikers have gone lost out West and used the iPhone Satellite feature for rescue. Pretty cool.

09-19-2024, 02:09 PM
Or just get star link and you're good no matter where you are