View Full Version : Grady White Fisherman 216, anyone own one?

08-30-2024, 05:55 PM
Hi, I currently own an 18' center console boat that I keep docked in Raritan bay and am looking to size up to a GW center console (specifically the Fisherman 216). I have never been on one of these boats and the local GW dealers are not enthusiastic about accomodating me unless I put $down. If there is anyone who owns one of those boats and wouldn't mind giving me a quick (or not so quick) a ride I would greatly appreciate it and would cover your gas cost. I am and have been an avid fisherman/boater my entire life and am fully functional on the water. Just PM me if you can help me out on this. Thanks!

08-30-2024, 07:13 PM
Had a Hadro sport 21 ft center and it was a sweet machine... T top and a porto

08-31-2024, 09:19 AM
Thanks DClark. I have a done quite a bit of thinking/research on the GW Fisherman 216 and have come to the conclusion that it will meet my needs...but before I commit I need to see how it handles on the water. Have a great weekend!

Capt. Debbie
09-05-2024, 11:47 AM
I've had bigger Gradys so not much transportable experience, Solid boats. Great seakeeping design. Heavy so not real fast.

WITHOUT A DOUBT test drive with friends. Get weight up in passengers like you'd normally have.

They also game the system and put very little fuel in so the boat is abnormally lighter. Ask fuel amount and check quasi accurate gauge.

What OB you getting? Don't go cheap. You'll regret getting less.

Also have bill of sale separate motor price from boat. Since DMV charges registration based on boat $. Not motor.

Hope that helps?

09-07-2024, 04:40 PM
Thanks Capt. D, I appreciate your suggestions. Regarding the motor, the 216 comes with either the 200 or 250 yamaha. I guess that it's fuel economy vs. sufficient power? Some of my dockmates have suggested that I'd be better with the 23' GW rather than the 21' for those return trips rounding Sandy Hook.

Gerry Zagorski
09-07-2024, 05:27 PM
Thanks Capt. D, I appreciate your suggestions. Regarding the motor, the 216 comes with either the 200 or 250 yamaha. I guess that it's fuel economy vs. sufficient power? Some of my dockmates have suggested that I'd be better with the 23' GW rather than the 21' for those return trips rounding Sandy Hook.
Good advice there and as far a power the more the merrier. Marginal power will get you by most days but when you are running in sloppy conditions you’ll appreciate the extra power. It does a few things it helps you power over the back of waves without having to mess with the throttle as much and can also help you stay on plane at lower rpm’s and speed. You want at least 75% of the max rated horsepower for the hull and 100% would be better. And in many cases, especially in and underpowered boat, you’ll get better MPGs with a more powerful engine.

09-10-2024, 08:44 PM
Thanks Gerry! I really appreciate your insight/experience! I am more a fisherman than a boater so your post is a real help to me. Thanks much!