View Full Version : Bonito BLAST Monday 8/19

08-20-2024, 12:06 PM
With the weather forecast and the MI issue wasn't sure what to expect but we headed down Sunday night through the monsoons and flooded road debating what the hell are we doing? We knew it could be a river fluke trip but always better to fish than to not to!!

Anyway we were rewarded with a trip for the ages with our favorite Capt and Boat! Cap greets us in the AM with a smile and says good news we can get out:D He recommended we go for bonito as they were around and the fluking may be suspect after the blow.

Got to the area with Gin clear water and fish were waiting for us! All the Bonito, blues, seabss etc you wanted for hours. All on jigs with birdlife and old school mayhem with everyone hooked up at once all the time. What a blast! Pictures tell the story.

Added a few quality fluke on the way in waiting out the tide for a clean shot back in the inlet.

Eight of the usual suspects made the trip and those that bailed are sorry today thats for sure! Life is short get out there whenever you can. Listen to the captain not the weather forecast LOL.

Thanks Capt Jerry and Sean!!!!

Gerry Zagorski
08-20-2024, 12:30 PM
Wow from rags to riches. What a trip!

08-21-2024, 09:11 AM
Awesome job!

I gotta be honest, I've fished with all you guys before and I'm shocked y'all can reel fast enough to hook into those bones.......:p:D.

08-21-2024, 05:33 PM
Can I ask if you don’t mind what do you do with those fish especially all those fish. I can’t for the life of me understand who would want to have all those bonito to eat. I have not tried them as of yet, but I understand they are trash. That being said I like bluefish and I do eat them, but I only save so many as I can only eat so much. It looks like a good pile of fertilizer to me. Please inform me how you prepare these fish and how they freeze. Thanks very much.

08-21-2024, 05:52 PM

Broad Bill
08-21-2024, 05:53 PM
Can I ask if you don’t mind what do you do with those fish especially all those fish. I can’t for the life of me understand who would want to have all those bonito to eat. I have not tried them as of yet, but I understand they are trash. That being said I like bluefish and I do eat them, but I only save so many as I can only eat so much. It looks like a good pile of fertilizer to me. Please inform me how you prepare these fish and how they freeze. Thanks very much.

Really Togfather?? Do you know how those fish were cared for, what they are going to be used for? Is this really any of your business? You need to lighten up my friend!

Just a little humor my friend for anyone who keeps up with prior posts, hope the big guy doesn't boot me or put a hit out on me with his brother:) They're pretty big guys!

On a serious note, personally I kept a few and tried them years ago just to see how they tasted. Each side filleted, skinned and broiled with lemon, butter, onions and seasoning and I've also made it into a tuna salad. It's not sushi grade but it wasn't bad at all. Bit stronger taste but there's people who love that. Nice firm fillets. I'm sure there's many people who would find them tasty and for sure on that boat you know they were kept in primo condition.

My question is why are there ONLY five species of fish on deck, Captain is slipping! Unreal, he keeps it up he's going to have to start filling out a Vessel Trip Report after each trip and calling F&G before docking!

08-21-2024, 06:30 PM
Awesome job!

I gotta be honest, I've fished with all you guys before and I'm shocked y'all can reel fast enough to hook into those bones.......:p:D.

LOL it was easier without you tangling everyone up but hard one handed:p

08-21-2024, 06:32 PM
Bonito = yum (sushi, seared, it's quality tuna)
Albacore = trash.

08-21-2024, 06:38 PM
Can I ask if you don’t mind what do you do with those fish especially all those fish. I can’t for the life of me understand who would want to have all those bonito to eat. I have not tried them as of yet, but I understand they are trash. That being said I like bluefish and I do eat them, but I only save so many as I can only eat so much. It looks like a good pile of fertilizer to me. Please inform me how you prepare these fish and how they freeze. Thanks very much.

Bonito vs skipjack or false albies are better than bluefish and far from trash.
Light meat can be grilled, baked or sushi ( i personally dont eat raw fish but many do with these bonito) Nothing went to waste and will feed the many they were provided to outside the group. I freeze some fish but try to eat them within a month and if frozen correctly never mushy or more "fishy" than they are. Those with vacuum packers can make them last longer.

Our group and the Capt are very conservation oriented so we dont take what we dont use and believe me released way more than you see in the pictures.

08-21-2024, 06:47 PM
Really Togfather?? Do you know how those fish were cared for, what they are going to be used for? Is this really any of your business? You need to lighten up my friend!

Just a little humor my friend for anyone who keeps up with prior posts, hope the big guy doesn't boot me or put a hit out on me with his brother:) They're pretty big guys!

On a serious note, personally I kept a few and tried them years ago just to see how they tasted. Each side filleted, skinned and broiled with lemon, butter, onions and seasoning and I've also made it into a tuna salad. It's not sushi grade but it wasn't bad at all. Bit stronger taste but there's people who love that. Nice firm fillets. I'm sure there's many people who would find them tasty and for sure on that boat you know they were kept in primo condition.

My question is why are there ONLY five species of fish on deck, Captain is slipping! Unreal, he keeps it up he's going to have to start filling out a Vessel Trip Report after each trip and calling F&G before docking!

BB: Forgot to add the 30 plus chicken mahi!

Broad Bill
08-21-2024, 07:03 PM
BB: Forgot to add the 30 plus chicken mahi!

Just incredible. Looks like a great trip even with questionable weather. Bonita are a blast to catch as well. Good to see them around in numbers and size seems a little larger than normal this year.

08-21-2024, 10:10 PM
I was on a boat that looked exactly like that one the day after. Those fish were immediately bleed and put on ice. They are one of my favorite eating fish in our inshore waters (Spanish mackerel slightly above it). Stopped at a Sushi place and grabbed some rice. Skinned and trimmed the filets. Put in fridge to firm up. Sashimi'd it and put over a little ball of rice. Absolutely incredible. Like butter. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed.

Capt. Debbie
08-22-2024, 10:41 AM
The only response is: WOW!

\QUOTE=dales529;584737]With the weather forecast and the MI issue wasn't sure what to expect but we headed down Sunday night through the monsoons and flooded road debating what the hell are we doing? We knew it could be a river fluke trip but always better to fish than to not to!!

Anyway we were rewarded with a trip for the ages with our favorite Capt and Boat! Cap greets us in the AM with a smile and says good news we can get out:D He recommended we go for bonito as they were around and the fluking may be suspect after the blow.

Got to the area with Gin clear water and fish were waiting for us! All the Bonito, blues, seabss etc you wanted for hours. All on jigs with birdlife and old school mayhem with everyone hooked up at once all the time. What a blast! Pictures tell the story.

Added a few quality fluke on the way in waiting out the tide for a clean shot back in the inlet.

Eight of the usual suspects made the trip and those that bailed are sorry today thats for sure! Life is short get out there whenever you can. Listen to the captain not the weather forecast LOL.

Thanks Capt Jerry and Sean!!!![/QUOTE]

Broad Bill
08-22-2024, 11:28 AM
What the captain lacks in size he more than makes up for in drive, ambition and heart. He's simply the master of his trade and while many do it right he takes it to a different level every day. We're fortunate to have charters like him who goes out of his way for his customers every trip.