View Full Version : Best choice of Bait and Bucktails

08-17-2024, 06:02 PM
Looking to get some feedback on some go to baits and bucktails for fluke..

08-17-2024, 06:36 PM
Looking to get some feedback on some go to baits and bucktails for fluke..

Dano......You know the bait!!:)

Gerry Zagorski
08-17-2024, 07:14 PM
So were taking strictly bait here? If so, hard to beat fluke ribbons for the bucktail and teaser. Just be aware you can't "legally" bring them with you so need to catch a keeper, strip it and keep the rack in case you're boarded and checked. Sea Robin strips work well too as does Salmon Bellies, if you can find them at your local Asian Market. They are tough baits that hold up well and cheap too...

Having said all this, Gulp tipped with spearing or squid works well as does tipping with Salmon Bellies and this is a good strategy because you get some movement from the gulp tails and for whatever reason, the fish seems to want meat this year...

08-18-2024, 01:54 AM
Double tandem whole squid 🦑 rig is the best. That’s how I won the pool on NJ fluke party boats 🛥️ 26 times in one summer when the fare was $5 for a half day trip back in the good old days. No modern day fisherman will ever do half as well with the new fluking techniques. Also catching my 12.5 lb fluke with a platinum blonde fly on the Manasquan Inlet north jetty was amazing.

08-18-2024, 06:18 AM
I agree with the whole squid.. Problem is cost these days.. However, I don't think anything is better for really big fluke. I would put live or fresh dead peanut bunker close, but they get lots of small fish too. Honorable mention to very large live killies, but those real big ones are hard to find, unless you have secret spot to catch your own. If you like to spend really big money on your bait, big sand worms are also a terrific big Fluke bait, they hit them instantly.. However so do sea robins, Blues, Bergalls,eels, toads, and every other weird fish in the ocean.. To this day, for numbers of fluke, not size, I still like a plain old spearing , squid strip, or both on an English hook.

08-18-2024, 07:49 PM
Always looking for a secret weapon but if it was posted it wouldn't be a secret anymore .........................LOL

08-19-2024, 10:00 AM
Foolish discussion.

EVERYONE knows fluke can ONLY be caught on bucktails and Gulp.:rolleyes:

08-19-2024, 11:16 AM
If this is bait fishing only it varies based on if I’m in the ocean or the bay.

Ocean - large 5”-8” strip of tuna belly or any pelagic / oily fish that has been salted for at least 2-3 days to keep them extra durable. I fish these on the lightest bucket I can get away with, no stinger hook.

Bay - live snapper

08-19-2024, 11:48 AM
I caught a 7 lb. 4 0z fluke in the ocean on a live peanut bunker on a high/low rig friday. I like live bait first ( snapper blue Killies or peanut bunker first ) Fresh bait next including fluke ribbons, and frozen baits like squid or spearing/ sand eels last . Try to match the hatch, as fly fishermen say

Grateful Dad
08-20-2024, 12:53 PM
Foolish discussion.

EVERYONE knows fluke can ONLY be caught on bucktails and Gulp.:rolleyes:

Dan, you're not giving the whole story...
Only the newly released colors of Gulp! Work for fluke. Once a new color comes out, the others don't work anymore.

08-20-2024, 08:19 PM
Asian markets have some nice salmon bellies looking to try out.............

Look even cheaper then GULP.

08-21-2024, 08:48 AM
When I was a kid growing up on LBI, many years ago, the old guys all told me there was only one way to catch fluke " Gold Hooks, Gold Hooks, Gold Hooks " Things change, I guess.........