View Full Version : Mid Atlantic Fisheries Council Meeting 9/4

Gerry Zagorski
08-13-2024, 02:33 PM
Public Input requested at this meeting where they are discussing their 5 year plan https://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=1229622&f=575&s=1400&m=577125&t=c91e877ba7a03bf9135875e150925dfbebe185c5a4f4e55a 5668e0c7a3f95c98

Capt John
08-13-2024, 04:38 PM
Hi there Gerry,

Do you really think they care about public input? come on....let's be real here. From the "enough is enough" rally to now, it's been a steady decline for the recreational and for-hire businesses.

My thanks goes out to NOAA, NMFS and ASMFC for the situation we are in..what a disgrace. And my hats off to ALL the marine manufacturers (engines, boats) bait and tackle companies, etc who have been totally silent during these really hard times using your products.

Suggestion to the groups named above....if you want us off the water that bad BUY US OUT and be done with it.

08-13-2024, 06:43 PM
Hi there Gerry,

Do you really think they care about public input? come on....let's be real here. From the "enough is enough" rally to now, it's been a steady decline for the recreational and for-hire businesses.

My thanks goes out to NOAA, NMFS and ASMFC for the situation we are in..what a disgrace. And my hats off to ALL the marine manufacturers (engines, boats) bait and tackle companies, etc who have been totally silent during these really hard times using your products.

Suggestion to the groups named above....if you want us off the water that bad BUY US OUT and be done with it.

Guys need to complain directly to the ASA , lots of money goes directly to them from every fishing manufacturer .
It’s the ASA not using those monies correctly to our benefit .

You would be shocked how much money every tackle manufacturer pays into them yearly .
