View Full Version : This years weather!

08-06-2024, 02:11 PM
How has this years weather effected your fishing season so far?

08-07-2024, 08:57 AM
Yeah. Not good.

08-07-2024, 09:28 AM
Total trash

Broad Bill
08-07-2024, 09:39 AM
In shore forecast between now and Saturday looks terrible with the impacts of Debbie. Finally turning to the west Saturday and Sunday but will take a few days for the ocean to settle back down.

Last full moon of the season is the 19th, hopefully it brings a better body of fish with it from the east and changes things for the better. Fingers crossed.

08-07-2024, 10:03 AM
How has this years weather effected your fishing season so far?

It hasn’t.

08-07-2024, 08:12 PM
In shore forecast between now and Saturday looks terrible with the impacts of Debbie. Finally turning to the west Saturday and Sunday but will take a few days for the ocean to settle back down.

Last full moon of the season is the 19th, hopefully it brings a better body of fish with it from the east and changes things for the better. Fingers crossed.

Forget Saturday and Sunday look at Friday. Super south winds with the south swells will have it screwed up for more days.

Broad Bill
08-09-2024, 11:16 AM
Agreed through the weekend it's going to be a blow out. Full moon on the 19th as I said, last push of fish arrive from the east. Looks like at least for the short term, winds are shifting to the W and NW. Next two weeks will be telling. Depending on storms, low pressure systems and wind direction between now and the end of August into early September, whatever body of fish is in or migrates into our area will school up and feed heavy for a few weeks before heading back to the shelf. They have to. If we don't see a marked improvement over the next month, it will be very telling what shape this fishery is in.

08-09-2024, 01:32 PM
Hands down the worst ocean fluke year I can remember in 25 years. Yes temps and wind have been down, but still the fishing just has been god awful.

I was out on a number of party boats on fair weather weekends this summer and the crowds felt like it was a weekday, not packed as you normally see on summer weekends. Def feel for the guys who make a living in the industry.

Even if the next two weeks are great fishing, it will still go down as the worst year I can remember.

Pretty sad too when you hear about full day bottom trips having great long fishing of high hooks do 20 ling.. 20 ling would be considered a bad day 20 years ago.

08-10-2024, 01:01 AM
Caught, tagged and released 4 fluke to 20” on a plain hook Ava A-17 in Manasquan Inlet soon after the fluke season started, then stopped salt water fishing until after Labor Day because of the crowds of beach people, surfers, spear fishermen, fishermen, tourists, graffiti artists and boaters that make long cast fishing 🎣 in the inlet impossible. Went fresh fishing 🎣 every evening since early June. Fishing 🎣 in the rain 🌧️ 7 of the last 8 evenings really sucked. All of my spots are flooded and mosquitoes 🦟 are biting.

08-10-2024, 06:07 AM
This year has the worst year for fishing that I can remember. Fished maybe 2 trips this year vs. prior years where I tried to get out a least once a week. Feel the grief for charter and party boats trying to make a living.