View Full Version : GAMBLER --Fluke Fishing and Night Fishing Reports

08-02-2024, 04:30 PM
Last couple days, Gambler customers had a mix of short fluke, keeper fluke, ling and sea bass. We caught some keeper fluke up to about 5lbs most trips --but not great numbers of keepers last couple days. The sea bass and ling definitely help with the coolers. We miss the 17" - 18" fluke size that saved the day often last year.

Last night was a slow, steady pick of mixed sized ling with a few sea bass and squid for the guys that tried for them.

*All our trips are sailing at reduced capacity for your comfort

*Heated/AC cabin with hot-food galley

*Book on-line or show-up at the dock --if we are not fully booked, we will gladly get you on-board. Suggested to call first at 732-295-7569

*You do not need a fishing license to fish with us --you are covered under the Gambler's registry.