View Full Version : 7/25/24: Surf report (kind of)

07-25-2024, 06:51 PM
Thought the Seaside Park beaches would be quite empty given the cloud cover and occasional sun shower, I was wrong. Hit a few of the local stores and picked up what I needed to try for Kingfish including the latest GMO baits !. No need to shop WalMart fortunately with all the tackle stores down here. Waded out at low tide with my plugging rod and 3oz. Unfortunately 3 wasn't holding but rolling down the beach, and I wasn't about to go any heavier with my plugging rod. Gave it the best try as I could, lots of sand bars in Seaside Park. I'm not used to fishing the beach during the daylight hours, I'm mostly on the beach at night AFTER Labor Day. It was all good, the gf got to play with her metal detector and stopped in at the local pawn shop and they had quite a few Loomis and St. Croix in the display mix. Maybe I will try this again, I have yet to explore the fishing beach at IBSP.

Ol Pedro
07-26-2024, 08:20 AM
You can't beat a day at the beach . How did GF do ? No tourist treasure ?

07-26-2024, 01:58 PM
A 3 oz round bank sinker was rolling down the beach in the current? That’s weird. Never had the that happen before.

07-26-2024, 02:25 PM
Get some coin sinkers... lot less roll!

07-26-2024, 03:22 PM
Yeah, I was def out of my comfort zone !!! I thought with my light rod I had with me and the small rig I could get by with just a few ounces. Been awhile since I chucked whole clams using up to 6 ounce triangle sinkers. I mostly just go plugging now soooooo I never said I was perfect and STILL learning LOL !!!
Went to the beach to this morning and it was high tide and a slight NE breeze, I'm sure I could hold in those conditions as waves were just breaking at my feet but didn't have the rods with me, yesterday was a South wind at low tide, all foam and choppy.
No, unfortunately the gf didn't find any tourist treasure.
How long do these Kingfish hang around ? Hoping for some exotics come September.

07-26-2024, 03:28 PM
Yeah, I was def out of my comfort zone !!! I thought with my light rod I had with me and the small rig I could get by with just a few ounces. Been awhile since I chucked whole clams using up to 6 ounce triangle sinkers. I mostly just go plugging now soooooo I never said I was perfect and STILL learning LOL !!!
Went to the beach to this morning and it was high tide and a slight NE breeze, I'm sure I could hold in those conditions as waves were just breaking at my feet but didn't have the rods with me, yesterday was a South wind at low tide, all foam and choppy.
No, unfortunately the gf didn't find any tourist treasure.
How long do these Kingfish hang around ? Hoping for some exotics come September.

And I’m guessing those giant heavy Penn spinners have something like 30lb Ande mono on em right?:p

07-26-2024, 04:39 PM
Actually the 6500ss isn't that heavy. Something to be said about a reel whos roots come from the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania !!! I can fill it full of sand, run over it with my car and keep fishing with it, much like the old Mitchell 300 reels. And btw, that's 17 lb Trilene XL on there.:)