07-24-2024, 04:23 PM
Left the dock with a nice group of customers today...
Weatherman hurt us once again with the turn out as we didn't have a Drop of rain all day. Nice drift with the breeze & current slugging away all day.
Had to switch up the guys who were buck-tailing to bait as once again that was the ticket for the bite. Lot's of action on the shorts with a bunch of keepers, some ling and Sea Bass in the mix. Pool fish went 4 pounds and Mustachio Richie was high hook with 3 nice fish.
Weather looks great from tomorrow right through the weekend, come on down!
Sailing Everyday 7:30am-2:30pm. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $10.
See you in the AM.
Capt. Ron
Left the dock with a nice group of customers today...
Weatherman hurt us once again with the turn out as we didn't have a Drop of rain all day. Nice drift with the breeze & current slugging away all day.
Had to switch up the guys who were buck-tailing to bait as once again that was the ticket for the bite. Lot's of action on the shorts with a bunch of keepers, some ling and Sea Bass in the mix. Pool fish went 4 pounds and Mustachio Richie was high hook with 3 nice fish.
Weather looks great from tomorrow right through the weekend, come on down!
Sailing Everyday 7:30am-2:30pm. Open Boat, No Reservations just come on down. Fare is $90, Rod Rentals $10.
See you in the AM.
Capt. Ron