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View Full Version : Targeting BIG fluke from the shore/surf

06-17-2024, 10:44 AM
If you have aby interest in targeting big fluke from the surf or shore, in general, you gotta check our this episode!..... hell, i didnt even have initial interest in it, but now I do haha.

If you typically gravitate to a boat for fluke fishing like me, i'd be curious to what you think about these shore fishing tactics cause im about to hit the surf to try this.

We had Roger Aye (Reasons here on NJF) on to talk about his tactics and success and he shared some awesome info.

Youtube episode link below:


Gerry Zagorski
06-17-2024, 10:56 AM
Lots of great info on this episode. Well done Roger, Chris and Joe!

06-17-2024, 12:57 PM
Big fan of Roger and big fan of shore based fluking. I've been using the single jig for 7 or 8 years now and often hit the limit-plus. My largest was 26" from the shore. Often times I'm the only person in sight!

Let's also not forget Roger's cooking skills and recipes. That's was my primary driver for subbing his YouTube channel. The fishing was secondary lol!

06-17-2024, 07:09 PM
Thanks guys! Chris/Joe - it was a pleasure!

06-24-2024, 05:13 PM
Any time buddy. Great talk!

06-24-2024, 06:46 PM
With all this cold water in the ocean I would think fishing from shore in the warmer surf water would be a good way to catch them! Tight Lines!

06-24-2024, 07:17 PM
Bites been hot in the surf during outgoing tide. Last hour of outgoing tide lights out drop and reel using the single jig and blade. They can’t resist it.

Tight lines!